Should extinct animals be cloned? A WebQuest for Career: Molecular Paleontologist Introduction Research in genetics is an exciting field of study that offers many possibilities for a better world. Some researchers are engaging in attempts to clone extinct species. A molecular paleontologist studies the history of life at the molecular level. Some molecular paleontologists are trying to clone a mammoth. Other molecular biologists are attempting to clone animals that are more recently extinct. There are many issues surrounding cloning extinct species. Task In this WebQuest, you will research biodiversity and issues surrounding extinction and the cloning of extinct species. Based on the information you gather, you will form an opinion about and write a persuasive essay for or against this scientific endeavor. Process Keep the following questions in mind as you begin your research. As your research develops, record your answers to each of the questions. Document the sites used to find the answers. 1. Why is biodiversity important? 2. What are the biggest causes of species becoming extinct today? What is the rate of extinction today, and how does that compare to background extinction rates? 3. What are arguments against attempting to reinstate extinct species by cloning? 4. What are arguments for attempting to reinstate extinct species by cloning? Persuasive Essay Write a persuasive essay that gives an argument for or against cloning extinct species. Include reasons for your position and reasons you don’t think the other position is valid. Your essay should have opening and closing paragraphs. Use correct grammar and punctuation. Resources Be sure to think critically about the Web sites you encounter as you search for information for this project. There are many sites that provide useful information about cloning and extinction. Verify that the information you find is accurate by checking other Web sites. Evaluation Criteria 0 5 Points 10 Process questions The process Process were questions questions answered were not were with only answered; answered Process minor details no research only partially; missing; was research was research was documented. incomplete. documented and reliable. Essay was very sloppy Essay was and used reasonably incorrect neat with few No essay grammar and grammar or Essay punctuation (construction) was written. punctuation. Opening or errors. All closing elements are paragraph present. was missing. Essay (content) Total Score No essay was written. Essay had missing or incorrect information. No good argument was made. Essay had much valid information, but argument was weak and unconvincing. 15 Process questions answered completely; research completely documented and reliable. Essay was neat with no grammar or punctuation errors. All elements are present and well-written. Essay contained plenty of valid information and a convincing argument.