SMA 5505 Project Final Report Parallel SMO for Training Support Vector Machines May 2003 Deng Kun Lee Yih Asankha Perera Table of Contents 1 INTRODUCTION 3 2 SUPPORT VECTOR MACHINES (SVM) 4 2.1 Introduction to SVM 4 2.2 General Problem Formulation 5 2.3 The Karush-Kahn-Tucker (KKT) Condition 6 2.4 A Brief Survey of SVM Algorithms 7 3 SEQUENTIAL MINIMAL OPTIMIZATION (SMO) 8 3.1 The SMO Algorithm 8 3.2 Keerthi's Improvement to SMO 9 3.3 Parallel SMO 3.3.1 Partitioning 3.3.2 Combination and Retraining 10 10 11 4 AN IMPLEMENTATION OF PARALLEL SMO USING CILK 12 5 AN IMPLEMENTATION OF PARALLEL SMO USING JAVA THREADS 14 5.1 Java Implementation details 14 5.2 Kernel Cache 15 5.3 Java Results 5.3.1 Results on Sunfire 6 CONCLUSION 16 17 19 Abstract Support Vector Machine (SVM) is an algorithmic technique for pattern classification that has grown in popularity in recent times, and has been used in many fields including bioinformatics. Several recent results provide improvements in various SVM algorithms. The Sequential Minimal Optimization (SMO) is one of the fastest and popular algorithms. This report describes parallelization of the SMO. The main idea is to partition the training data into more than one part, train these parts in parallel, and perform a combination and a retrain of the combined result. We have implemented this idea both in Cilk[13] as well as using Java threads. We also consider new techniques such as Keerthi's improvement [8] to the SMO. 1 Introduction Support Vector Machine (SVM) is an algorithm that was developed for pattern classification but has recently been adapted for other uses, such as finding regression and distribution estimation. It has been used in many fields such as bioinformatics, and is currently a very active research area in many universities and research institutes which include the National University of Singapore (NUS) and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Since its introduction in 1970 by Vapnik [12], various improvements and new algorithms have been developed. Currently, the most popular algorithm is based on [10]. One example is the Sequential Minimal Optimization (SMO) algorithm [11]. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. The next section will introduce the Support Vector Machine (SVM). Section 3 will discuss the SMO algorithm. Section 4 will describe how we parallelize the basic SMO algorithm. Section 5 will describe the Cilk implementation, and Section 6 will describe an implementation in Java threads. The last section will conclude. 2 Support Vector Machines (SVM) 2.1 Introduction to SVM Although the SVM can be applied to various optimization problems such as regression, the classic problem is that of data classification. The basic idea is shown in figure 1. The data points are identified as being positive or negative, and the problem is to find a hyperplane that separates the data points by a maximal margin. Figure 1: Data Classification The above figure only shows the 2-dimensional case where the data points are linearly separable. The mathematics of the problem to be solved is the following: 1 w, min w ,b 2 s.t yi 1 w xi b 1 yi 1 w xi b 1 s.t yi (w xi b) 1, i (1) The identification of the each data point xi is yi, which can take a value of +1 or -1 (representing positive or negative respectively). The solution hyper-plane is the following: u w x b The scalar b is also termed the bias. (2) A standard method to solve this problem is to apply the theory of Lagrange to convert it to a dual Lagrangian problem. The dual problem is the following: N min ( ) min yi y j ( xi x j ) i j i N 1 2 N i 1 j 1 i 1 N y i 1 i i (3) 0 i 0, i The variables αi are the Lagrangian multipliers for corresponding data point xi. 2.2 General Problem Formulation In general, we want non-linear separators. A solution is to map the data points into higher dimension (depending on the non-linearity characteristics required) so that the problem is linear in this high dimension. For certain classes of mapping, the dot-product in equation (3) can be easily computed with its corresponding "kernel function". This means that instead of directly mapping a pair data points (xi, xj) into higher dimensions before performing the dot-product, we can simply evaluate the kernel K(xi, xj). Some of the common kernel functions are: In real world, data points may not be separable at all, and what is generally done is to introduce a slack variable to the objective function and to introduce a new parameter C. This parameter C allows the user to assign a level of penalty to erroneous classifications. A large value of C will give a high penalty to erroneous classifications of data points, while a small value will give a smaller penalty. The general optimization can also be solved by means of the dual Lagrangian. The optimization problem to be solved is as follows: N min ( ) min yi y j K ( xi x j ) i j i N 1 2 N i 1 j 1 i 1 N y i 1 i i (4) 0 C i 0, i The solution is given by the formula: N u ( x) i yi K ( xi , x) b (5) i 1 2.3 The Karush-Kahn-Tucker (KKT) Condition The theory of quadratic programming shows that the KKT condition is a necessary as well as sufficient condition for the problem described by equation (4). The KKT condition for equation (4) is the following set of equations: i 0 yi ui 1, 0 i C yi ui 1, i C yi ui 1, (6) Where ui = u(xi). As a note, the dual Lagrangian problem solves for the Lagrangian multipliers αi's and does not provide direct derivation of the bias b that is used in the function u (equation 5). The bias can be computed from the KKT conditions because when 0 < αi < C (the second statement in equation (6)) ui = 1/yi. For each such αi, we can compute a bi, and we can set b as the average of such bi,s. In Keerthi's improvement to the SMO algorithm is described in Chapter 3 where a lower-bound and uppper-bound of b is computed instead of calculating b. 2.4 A Brief Survey of SVM Algorithms For small problems, traditional algorithms from optimization theory exist. Examples include conjugate gradient decent, and interior points methods. For larger problems, these algorithms do not work well because of the large space requirements to store the kernel matrix. Often they are slow because they do not make use of the characteristics of real-world SVM problems, for example that the number of support vectors are usually sparse. Existing algorithms can be classified into three classes: 1. Algorithms where the kernel components are evaluated and discarded during learning These methods reportedly slow and require multiple scans of the dataset. 2. Decomposition and chunking methods The main idea of these algorithms is that a small dataset is selected heuristically for local training. If the result of the local training does not give a global optimum, the dataset is reselected or modified and is trained again. The process iterates until a global optimum is achieved. The SMO belongs to this class. 3. Other methods There are currently many new methods under research and development. Some of the SVM algorithms can be parallelized, but very few parallel SVM algorithms exist. In [5], a possible parallelization of a conjugate method using Matlab*P is described. 3 Sequential Minimal Optimization (SMO) 3.1 The SMO Algorithm The SMO algorithm was developed by Platt [11] and refined by Keerthi [8], and based on Osuna’s idea [10]. A more detailed description of the SVM can be found in [4], while [2] provides an introduction. The SMO is introduced in [11]. Osuna’s decomposition algorithm works by choosing a small subset, called the working set, from the data set, and solving the related sub problem defined by the variables in the working set. At each iteration, there is a strategy to replace some of the variables in the working set with other variables not in the working set. Osuna’s results show that the algorithm will converge to the global optimal solution. Platt took the decomposition to the extreme by selecting a set of 2 as the working set. This allows the sub problems to have analytical solution in close form. In the general case when the working set is large, there may not exist any analytical solutions, and thus numerical solutions must be computed. Platt’s idea provides much improvement in efficiency, and the SMO is now one of the fastest SVM algorithms available. A very simplified pseudo code of the SMO algorithm is as follows: 1. Loop until no improvements are possible 2. Use heuristics to select two multipliers a1, and a2 3. Optimize by assuming all other multipliers are constant 4. End Loop In implementation, we use the exact algorithm used by Platt. Two different heuristics are actually used to choose a1 and a2. In step 3, the analytic solution is applied to determine the optimal values of a1 and a2. Step 3 is called "take step" because it is like taking a small step towards an optimal solution. Therefore, the SMO algorithm is a sequential process where a small step is taken at each time towards the optimization target. 3.2 Keerthi's Improvement to SMO Algorithmic improvement according to Keerthi’s method. One of the major problems of doing average for the bias b is the lack of theoretical basis. The other problem is that when doing retraining on the averaged bias, the convergence speed is not guaranteed. Sometime it’s faster and sometimes it’s slower. According to Professor Keerthi’s paper, a better way to estimate the value of bias is suggested while the method is also suitable for our parallelized algorithm. N Suppose our objective classifier is u ( x) i yi K ( xi , x) b . We define i 1 N Fi j y j K ( x j , xi ) yi j 1 The KKT condition can be rewritten as Case1 i 0 Case2 0 i C Case3 i C ( Fi b) yi 0 ( Fi b) yi 0 ( Fi b) yi 0 And by further classification according to the possible combination of alpha and yi . We can have: b Fi for i I 0 I1 I 2 b Fi for i I 0 I 3 I 4 Where I0 I1 I2 I3 I4 are defined as follows, I 0 {i : 0 i C} I1 {i : yi 1, i 0} I 2 {i : yi 1, i C} I 3 {i : yi 1, i C} I 4 {i : yi 1, i 0} So if we define blow max{ Fi : i I 0 I 3 I 4 } bup min{ Fi : i I 0 I1 I 2 } The optimality condition is equivalent to blow bup . Our way of using this fact is that first our basic smo solver is rewritten to us blow bup as stopping criteria. Then when doing retraining, instead of averaging b value, we will simply recalculate b_low and b_up for the new problem, as they are only determined by alphas and labels of samples. In this case, the algorithm is guaranteed to converge. Experiments show improved algorithms run about 2 or 3 times faster then the original one while we didn’t meet with any cases of non-convergence by this method. 3.3 Parallel SMO At each step-taking (step 3 in the pseudo code), the algorithm solves the optimization problem by just considering two multipliers. We look at parallelization by partitioning the training set into smaller parts, optimize the two parts in parallel, and perform a combination of the result. 3.3.1 Partitioning If we randomly partition the data, the solution of the different parts should be close to each other. Probabilistically, it is unlikely to partition the data set so bad that the solutions are very different. A bad partition can be shown in figure 2 below. Figure 2: Bad Partitioning The two closed curve defines 2 partitions of the data set. The partitions are labeled "Dataset1" and "Dataset2". The linear separator for Dataset1 is a line going from bottom left to top right; the linear separator for Dataset2 is a line going from top left to bottom right. Therefore, the solutions of the 2 partitions are completely different and incompatible. Although we are aware of such a problem, it is unlikely that this situation will occur if the partitioning is random, and each partition is large enough. If random partitioning is done, then if the results show that the different partitions give very different results, it probably means that each partition is too small. This can be because the dataset is too small, or there dataset has been partitioned into too many parts. 3.3.2 Combination and Retraining The combination is quite easy. The list of multipliers can simply be joined together. The main problem is how to combine the different biases from the different partitions. We performed a weighted average of all the biases, where the weight is the proportion of non-bounded multipliers. Experimentally, this is slightly better than simple averages. Experimentally, the combined result is a quite accurate estimate of an optimal solution for the test datasets that we use. We show the results in Section 5. We also tried the idea of training either the entire data set or parts of the data set again after combination. In other words, we use the results from the parallel computation as starting values for the final optimization. Our results show that this does allow faster optimization, and we show it in Section 4 and 5. 4 An Implementation of Parallel SMO using Cilk The parallel SMO has been implemented using Cilk [13]. We use the NUS sunfire machine both for development as well as testing. This implementation does not include Keerthi's improvement. Due to time constraint, this implementation does not include many of the caching techniques that we use in our Java implementation. We tested the program on a test data, using 2 cases: without any retraining and with retraining of all data after combination. The test data consisted of 2000 points, each with 9947 dimensions. The following chart (Figure 3) shows the result when we partition the data into 2 parts. The sequential program is the exact Cilk program with the Cilk keywords. The same optimization (-O3) flag is used for compiling the codes. 800 700 2 Proc, Retrain Time (sec) 600 Sequential 500 1 Proc, no Retrain 400 300 2 Proc, no Retrain 200 100 0 100 200 600 800 1000 1200 Number of Data Points Figure 3: Cilk Result (2 Partitions) The result shows that retraining the combined result shows quite poor performance – there is in fact about a slowdown by factor 1. The difference between the line showing parallel computation using 2 processors without retraining and the line showing the same with retraining indicate that the final retraining process takes a lot of time. In fact, the retraining of the entire data is faster than retraining using the combined result. The next graph however shows a different result. For this graph, we ran the program again, and this time we partition the data into 4 parts. The result shows good improvements in the timings. The overall training time actually reduces. Due to time constraint, we did not test the program on various data sets. Thus, the result is not very conclusive. 400 Sequential 350 4 Proc, Retrain Time (sec) 300 250 1 Proc, no Retrain 200 150 4 Proc, no Retrain 100 50 0 100 200 600 800 1000 1200 Number of Data Points Figure 4: Cilk Result (4 Partitions) The parallelism as reported by the Cilk program shows the following result: 2 SubProblems 4 SubProblems No-Retrain Retrain 1.8 1.1 2.5 1.1 The result is not un-expected. It shows that the final retraining takes up the bulk of the time. With retrain, the parallelism is close to 1. 5 An Implementation of Parallel SMO using Java Threads We make use of the Colt Distribution, which is a high performance Java package that provides functions which are similar to Cilk's "spawn" and "sync" commands. Furthermore, we implemented the Keerthi's improvement. We also use a caching technique to further improve the efficiency. 5.1 Java Implementation details When we discussed the detailed implementation of our plan, we thought of Java. The reason why we choose Java as one of the implementation languages is its more and more popularity even in scientific computing area. As its platform independence and elegance in the language itself (for example dynamic arrays and garbage collection etc), scientific people can code their algorithms without considering too much about unrelated issues as memory allocation and repeating designing standard data structures like list or hash table etc, and the spirit of “write-once-run-anywhere” seems very appealing for scientific research as well, because thus people can exchange their research results more quickly. One example that can be drawn for our courses is that from the release of Matlab6, JIT compiling technology for java has also been used in Matlab environment to boost performance. a. However a big problem with Java is still speed. There are a lot of efforts to improve it, which can be summarized as basically follows, i. Concurrent java package, java with thread library. ii. High performance Java Virtual Machine with JIT and “hot-spot”. iii. Native and Optimizing Java Compiler. iv. Parallel Java Virtual Machine and distributed grid computing v. Java with parallel computation library. vi. Java dialects with special support for parallel and scientific computing. b. In this project, we have chosen the simplest one, namely concurrent java package. Part of our goal is to achieve more experiences in the following aspects: i. How slow or fast can java be? Can we improve it by using the above methods? ii. What is the bottleneck of a Java program? How to improve it? c. From experiments, we have gained some experiences (or lessons) which might be useful for people wanting to develop mathematical problems in Java language. i. For sequential version of SMO algorithm, we have also tried both IBM’s fast JVM and a native compiler for Java called Jet™. We tested our smo program against corresponding C++ O3 optimization program, and found that Java can achieve at most 70% of performance of equivalent C++ programs by using the above techniques. So one experience is if speed is really more important than other matters and the solution is not parallelized either, don’t use Java! ii. The main bottleneck is dynamic object creation, according to our statistics. In order to write faster java code, we have to try to avoid unnecessary temporary variables as much as possible. Also sometimes we have to avoid using OOP programming style but stick to C’s simple function-partitioning style. But the dilemma here is programs written in this way tend to be more difficult to understand and debug. iii. However, for our parallel version of SMO algorithm, we have found java is very good for fast-prototyping. The time spent in coding can be as little as ¼ of coding the same C++ programs. Because SMO is mainly a mathematical problem, the main time of coding is spent in understanding the algorithm and the theory behind it. However once we understood the algorithm, it’s extremely fast to code in Java. Also the speed-up ratio gained in Java (sequential java vs parallel java) is about the same as we coded the whole program in Cilk (sequential c vs Cilk). iv. More speed-ups can be achieved by improving the algorithm but not using faster language implementations. This is an extremely important lesson that we have been taught in this project. I will talk about this in the next section. 5.2 Kernel Cache Profiling the Java code using JProbe [14], we found that the evaluation of kernel values takes close to 90% of the total execution time. Hence efficiently caching the results of evaluated values for pairs of points, could improve the overall performance of the system by saving time during error cache updates and “take step” process (refer section 3.1). However the straight forward implementation of a cache using a Java Hash table, for data points with thousands of dimensions, is expensive both in time (computation for look up and checking for equivalence) and space (number of objects created and garbage collection overhead). Hence we assigned a unique prime number for each of the points (as an ID) initially, as they were being loaded into the system. Subsequently, as new kernel values are evaluated for pairs of points, we store the result in a Hash table using the multiplication of the unique (prime) IDs of each of the points as the key. This has shown to improve the performance of the cache drastically, when the code was profiled subsequently. We also maintained the cache as a Least Recently Used (LRU) cache, to limit the amount of space used by the cache, while guaranteeing adequate performance. 5.3 Java Results The Java program was evaluated according to the following three methods. Method 0: Sequential algorithm Method 1: Combine and retrain support vectors Method 2: Combine and retrain all error points Method 3: Combine without retraining Method 0 Validation Accuracy (points) 1971 98.6 Duration (s) 270.914 Method 1 1975 98.8 253.757 Method 2 1975 98.8 329.265 Method 3 1980 99 199.422 The above table shows the results for a data set of 2000 points, each with 9947 dimensions. This shows that the accuracy of each method is comparative, and that our implementation achieves the same level of accuracy as the sequential algorithm, but in less time. The duration stated above includes the time to load the data as well. 5.3.1 Results on Sunfire 5 2 x 10 1.8 Method 1 Combine + Retrain support vectors 1.6 time (ms) 1.4 Method 0 Sequential 1.2 1 Method 2 Combine + Retrain error points 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 200 Method 3 Combine – no retraining 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 number of points The above graph shows the result obtained on the “sunfire” machine of the School of Computing (NUS). We used Java “bound threads” on Solaris, which effectively made each user level thread defined in Java, map directly to a kernel level thread on Solaris instead of a Solaris Light Weight Process (LWP). In the experiment, we select 200 random points, build a classifier, and repeat this process each time increasing the number of points by 40, until all 2000 data points are considered. Since “sunfire” has a limitation on the duration of jobs (30 minutes), some of the tests failed to complete for the whole data set. 2000 When a large number of points are considered, all methods show performance better than the sequential version. Combining and retraining error points seems to add too much overhead for smaller number of points. Combining without retraining (method 3) gives best performance, many times faster than the sequential version. Method 0 and Method 2 cannot complete the test case, since they exceed the maximum time durations allocated for jobs on “sunfire”. Hence we have repeated the same test case on a dual CPU (Intel 2.4GHz x 2) PC and the following graph shows the complete test results. 4 3 x 10 data0 data1 data2 data3 2.5 time (ms) 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 number of Points The method 3 (no retraining) performs best in this test case too, and is about two times faster than the sequential version for the 2000 data points. Method 2 (combine + retrain error points) performs as close to the sequential version, due to increased overhead. 2000 6 Conclusion The results show that the method we devised is able to build a classifier comparatively accurate as the classifier obtained with the sequential algorithm, but in much shorter time. The kernel caching and Keerthi’s improvement implemented in the Java version of the parallel algorithm shows that significant performance gains could be achieved using these optimizations. The performance increase over the sequential algorithm for the Cilk implementation is better than the Java implementation, but due to the optimizations implemented in the Java version, and due to the various configurable parameters of the Java runtime environment, larger datasets could be handled with the Java implementation, where the Cilk implementation fails. References [1] Bennett K, Campbell C. “Support Vector Machines: Hype or Hallelujah?”, SIGKDD Explorations 2(2), p1-13, 2000. 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