Apr 5 2013 - Sailability Sunshine Coast Queensland

Sailability Sunshine Coast
Minutes of the meeting held at the Mooloolaba Yacht Club at 11.10am on 5 April 2013.
Present - Rowan Stanley, Digby Jessop, Michael Neville, Mary Paton,
Florence Meyer-Gleaves, Shane McLean.
Apologies - None.
Confirmation of Minutes - The minutes for the meeting of 1 Mar 2103 were accepted.
Matters Arising
1. Re-registration of all keys – Shane and Florence signed for OOD keys. Tim
Rowe is still to sign the new key register.
2. Change of signatories on SSC bank accounts – This has been completed.
3. Annual report to the Commission of Fair Trade – Completed and posted.
Agreed: Michael to send a soft copy to Rowan who will pass it to Sailability
Queensland for their information.
4. SSC Volunteers Regatta – No update for this meeting.
Agreed: Given the travel commitments of some members, the committee
recommends that the regatta be timed for July 2013 or later.
5. Purchase of new outboard motor – A 9.9HP Tohatsu was purchased and fitted to
Sailability II (the aluminium dinghy) at a cost of $1650.00. Competitors to the
Tohatsu brand were priced out at $1750.00 and $2200.00 respectively.
6. Sailability Queensland meeting – This was attended by Rowan Stanley and Tim
7. Renegotiation of the lease for SSCQ premises – Rowan described clauses in the
proposed lease that were in need of refinement. Some of the standard clauses
simply did not apply to SSCQ, for example, those relating to non-existent air
conditioning and non-existent, reserved parking spaces. The following clauses
required renegotiation:
a. Clause 14 as it pertains to bathroom and laundry facilities. These are
available to all marina visitors and so should not be an exclusive
responsibility of SSCQ.
b. Clause 29 as it pertains to construction and maintenance of a disabled
toilet. This facility will be available to all marina visitors and so SSCQ is
not the appropriate body to pursue funding, construction and maintenance.
Agreed: Rowan Stanley will continue to represent SSCQ in this matter with
support from Digby and Michael.
Matters For Consideration;
8. SSCQ to apply for a FAHCSIA Volunteer’s grant? – The Federal Department of
Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs is accepting
applications for Volunteer Grants until 24 April 2013.
Agreed: Michael to support Tim and Patricia Rowe in applying for a volunteer
grant that will fund acquisition of a small office suite. This would include a
laptop, all-in-one printer, laminator, Internet access and office supplies.
9. Update of supporter’s signage – NTR.
10. SSC mobile – A sign that says “please answer the mobile after 0930” was tabled.
General Business
11. Treasurer’s Report
a. Credit balance - $4428.61 as of 28/3/13.
b. Outstanding invoices
i. Payable to Craig Saint for boat maintenance and repairs: $2730.02
c. Notable deposits
i. A $500.00 donation was received from the MG Car Club.
d. Other
i. Some membership dues are still outstanding.
ii. Six thousand dollars was paid into two short-term deposits during
March 2013.
Agreed: Outstanding invoice to be paid. Michael will write a letter of
appreciation to the MG car club that includes an invitation to morning
tea during a Friday session.
12. New member proposals
a. The committee was pleased to accept the membership application of Mr.
Richard Thomas subject to completion of his application for a blue card.
Proposed Rowan Stanley, seconded Michael Neville and carried
Agreed: Rowan to clarify details of Richard’s blue card application while Bridie
is away.
13. VHF licenses – The requirement for volunteers to hold a marine VHF radio
licence was discussed.
Agreed: Any and-held marine radio that is fixed to VHF channel 77 by SSCQ
may be operated by an unlicensed volunteer.
14. Overlap of volunteers’ work area and social areas used by clients and volunteers A tendency of clients and carers to occupy a space required for SSCQ operation,
that being the shaded, concreted area in front of the shed, was discussed.
Agreed: Rowan to investigate acquisition of additional shade equipment in order
to expand the space available to carers and clients.
15. A discussion of ways to improve communication between pontoon operators and
carers took place. A reduction in waiting times and smoother transfers of clients
to and from boats was the ultimate objective of this discussion. Options for use of
a megaphone, public address system or wireless paging were considered without a
conclusion being reached.
Agreed: Digby will undertake further investigation of technology that may be of
use in this context.
16. Correspondence received.
a. Support to Sailability Biloela and Mackay – Tim Rowe’s report on the
activity of Sailability in the Bush CQ at Lake Callide near Biloela was
accepted with thanks.
b. OOD Roster for 2/4/13 to 28/6/13 – Tim Rowe’s submission of an OOD
roster was accepted with thanks.
c. Sunshine FM’s Community Service Announcements – Rowan will follow
up on correspondence with Wendy Mead, Coordinator of Community
Announcements at Sunshine FM.
d. Department of National Parks, Recreation, Sport and Racing- Building
Active Community Workshops. Michael will distribute this letter to all
members in case any should like to attend a workshop.
e. Commission for Children and Young People and Child Guardian:
Three letters addressed to Bridie Evett. Passed to Rowan Stanley in
Bridie’s absence.
Next Meeting
17. Friday 3rd May 2103 – Venue TBA
18. Meeting close.