Notes for Phonetic Transliteration A main objective here is to write as phonetic as possible, so that any one who speaks a little bit of the Bhaarateey languages but does not know a script, would SING ALONG and or write pretty close, Sankrit / Hindee / Gujaraatee words as they sound. For such a group of people, consistency is of paramount importance. Spelling and grammar in poetry is not same as in prose in any language.. So in this transliteration, one would find the same word written differently at different occurrences, for example one would find Siy (isy), short sound (2 Maatra), Seey (s&y), when poetry required 3 Maatra and Seeya (s&y·) when we require 4 Maatra. Short and long (or LAGHU and GURU) pronunciations of A, Aa, I, Ee, U, Oo, E, Ai, O and Au are must for rhythmic singing or reading / reciting our prayers and Maanas Paath. The conventions: A, (a) Aa, (a·) I, ( I ) Ee, ( ÛR ) U ( uuü ), Oo ( uuË), E (or Ae) ( E ), Ai ( Ee ), O (ao ) Au (aø ), Am (aö ), Ah (¶). Some distinct features in this transliteration convention. Transliteration of our scriptures using international convention (that uses accents, underlines and overhead lines) is not well received by our children t out side of India. Therefore, instead some non phonetic letters are written with underlines, such as: t for , th ¬·. Here my intension is simply to indicate that underlined letter’s sound is NOT phonetic. Four words; Keka-i (kekÛ ) Kaika-i (kwkÛ) Kaike-i (k]wkeÛ) and Kaike-ee (k]wkeÛR) and four words; Raj (rj), Raja (rj·), Raaja (r·j·) and Raaj (r·j), clarify some intricacies one would come across in reading my transliteration of Tulasee for q, d for d, dh for ß, and n for Maanas. . Additional Examples to illustrate this convention: A (Janak), Aa (Jaanaki) , I (Savita), Ee (Geeta) , U (Guru), Oo (Moorti), E (Devaki) or Ae (Aekanaath), Ai (Kailaash), O (Gopi), Au (Alaukik) , Am (Govindm). Ah (Namah Shivaay) Raam (but Ram is now very well known), Laxaman (not Laxamana) Seeta (not Sita), Hanumaan (not Hanuman or Hanumana), Paarvati (not Parvati), Ganesh (not Ganesha), Swaamee and SwaamiNaaraayan Aaratee (not Arati or Aarti), Aekaadashee, Eeshwar (not Ishwar or Ishwara), Bharat Bhaa-ee and Bhaarat Desh, Pawan Putr Hanumaan and Patit Paawan Raam All seven Kaand of Raam-Charit-Maanas by Tulaseedaaas are on this web site. My wish is that one day my grandchildren, and others, will find this useful. There is also a Mathematical objective in this endeavor. For past few years my research has been in the history of mathematics. It is now well known that our Rishi employed very subtle and obscure (to common people) ways of hiding mathematical and scientific concepts in our prayers and rituals. I have found several examples in Raamaayan and many more are yet to be discovered. You may read some of my work on this web site. Prof. Hans Raj Joshi Department of Mathematics York University , Toronto, Canada. e-mail: