Category: Winner or Honorable Mention: Title of the Project: City: Population: Name: Title: Phone: 15,000 – 39,999 Population Dust Control Plan City of Pasco 26,000 Tim Arntzen Management Assistant (509) 545-3405 CTIY OF PASCO Dust Control Plan The City of Pasco, in the absence of a regional clean air authority, needed to develop a mechanism to control dust to reduce air quality problems which interfere with the enjoyment of life and which devalue property. City staff was directed to develop a simple dust control plan that would be easy to comply with and simple to enforce. Borrowing language found in other regional dust control and abatement programs, staff drafted an ordinance (Pasco Municipal Code, Chapter 9.56) which states; "The purpose of this chapter is to provide a regulatory format that promotes the health, safety, comfort, and general welfare of residents of the City by requiring property owners of undeveloped land, construction activities, urban development and similar activities within the City of Pasco to control and prevent the creation of fugitive dust." Once the Ordinance was drafted, an operational procedure was drafted to insure enforceability of the ordinance. The Pasco dust control procedure operates under the premise that voluntary compliance is better gained through education beforehand than enforcement after a violation exists. In order to facilitate compliance at the earliest possible stage of land development, staff drafted a one page dust control certification (attached) which requires all building permit applicants to certify that they are familiar with Pasco dust control requirements. It also requires the applicant to identify the method he or she will utilize for on-site dust control. The certification is supported with a hand-out which details acceptable methods for various construction and development scenarios, allowing the permit applicant to select the "best available control method". In the event enforcement becomes necessary after a project is underway, a simple verbal reminder to the permit holder usually suffices. If this warning does not lead to immediate compliance, a notice of civil violation will be issued and the project may be shut down until compliance is achieved. In cases where dust persists, the City may hire a private contractor to control the dust, billing the permit holder or property owners for the costs. There is no fiscal impact to the city created by the adoption or enforcement of the dust control ordinance. Existing code enforcement officers check on dust control as they make their ordinary inspections. With the adoption of the city's dust control ordinance, residents benefit by having a local jurisdiction available for immediate and effective response to their air quality concerns. Until the Pasco dust control ordinance was implemented, dust complaints were typically made to the Department of Ecology's Eastern Regional Office in Spokane, then referred to the Pasco code enforcement office before any action could be taken. This was especially problematic for our citizens with asthma and other respiratory ailments who required immediate response.