3.19E General Section Policies

Policy Name: Licensed Personnel General
Section Policies
Policy Code: 3.19E
Date Adopted: R/A 4/16/12
The Board of Education is required by law to establish personnel policies within the school district.
Said policies shall be filed, along with an affidavit signed by the President of the Board attesting
compliance with State law requiring personnel policies, with the Chairman of the State Board of Education.
All personnel policies adopted by the board shall be given to each teacher or administrator
employed for the first time by the school district. Any amendments to the personnel policies shall also be
given to all personnel within thirty (30) days of approval by the board.
The personnel policies of the school district shall be considered to be incorporated as terms of the
licensed personnel contracts and shall be binding upon the licensed personnel and the district.
Any changes or additions to the personnel policies shall not be considered a part of the licensed
personnel contracts until the next fiscal year.
Any changes or additions to the personnel policies may take effect before the next fiscal year only if
the changes or additions are approved by a majority of the licensed personnel employed by the
district voting by secret ballot. The voting and counting shall be conducted by the personnel policy
All changes or additions to the personnel policies or new personnel policies shall be made in
accordance with &6-17-201 et seq., as may be amended.
The district may adopt a uniform policy, in accordance with &6-17-201 et seq. limiting the number
of past years’ experience for which all newly employed licensed personnel will receive credit on the
salary schedule.
The policy shall be written so that a prospective licensed employee can determine his or her
placement on the salary schedule.
The school district shall adopt, in accordance with &6-17-201 et seq., a supplement to the salary
schedule for those licensed staff employed longer than the period covered by the salary schedule
and for duties in addition to licensed employees’ regular teaching assignments.
Compensation policies approved by the personnel policy committee shall not apply to the chief
administrator who is charged with administration of salary policy for all employees.
No licensed person may waive payment according to the salary schedule.
The board shall provide for a committee on Personnel Policies, as composed by law, to annually
review the personnel policies of the board to determine if additional policies or amendments to existing
policies are needed. The committee may propose new policies or amendments to existing policies.
The board shall consider and adopt, reject, amend, or refer back to the committee for further study
and revisions of any proposed policies or amendments that are submitted to the board for consideration.
The district shall have a personnel policies committee consisting of no fewer than five (5) classroom
teachers and no more than three (3) administrators, provided that the classroom teacher members shall be
elected by a majority of the classroom teachers employed in the district by secret ballot in an election
conducted by the teachers.
Continuation Sheet No. 2
Policy Code: 3.19E
The school district’s committee on personnel policies shall organize itself in the first quarter of each
school year, elect a chairman and secretary, and develop a calendar of meetings throughout the year to
review the district’s personnel policies to determine if additional policies or amendments to existing
policies are needed, and to review any proposed distribution of a salary underpayment from previous
Minutes of the committee meetings shall be promptly reported and distributed to members of the
board and posted in the buildings of the district including administrative offices.
Either the committee or the Board of Directors may propose new personnel policies or amendments
to existing policies, if the proposals by the board have been presented to the committee at a regular or
special meeting of the committee at least ten (10) working days prior to presentation to the board. The
committee will hold a meeting within ten (10) working days of the school board request to present a
school board proposal to the committee.
The committee will present its proposed policies or amendments to existing policies to the Board of
The chair of the committee or a member of the committee designated by the chair will have the
opportunity to orally present the committee’s proposed policies or amendments to existing policies to the
Board of Directors.
After presentation to the board, action shall be taken no later than the next regular board meeting.
The Board of Directors shall have the authority to adopt, reject or refer back to the committee on
personnel policies for further study and revision of any proposed policies or amendments to existing
policies that are submitted to the board for consideration.
The superintendent may recommend any changes in personnel policies to the Board of Directors or
to the personnel policies committee. Such recommendations shall become proposals if adopted by either
the board or the committee.
The school district shall file personnel policies and salary schedules with the State Board of
Education by September 15 of each year as required by Act 170 of 1991 and Act 391 of 1999.
Legal References:
Ark. Code 6-17-201 through 6-17-206; Ark. Act 840 of 1979; Act 224 of 1983; Act 687 of 1987; Act 170 of
1991; Act 902 of 1992; Act 1108 of 1993; Act 1187 of 1993; Act 931 of 1997; Act 103 of 1997; Act 391 of