
Ripon Cathedral
A Celebration of the ministry of John
Packer as Bishop of Ripon & Leeds
5 January at 3 pm
Eve of the Epiphany
A very warm welcome tp Ripon Cathedral on this special occasion when we
gather to say a huge thank you to John and Barbara and their ministry in this
diocese. Everything you need is in this booklet, and please take it with you as a
reminder of today and continue to pray for John and Barbara as they begin
their retirement.
We have gathered from across the diocese and region, and in this simple
celebration we will hear voices that are representative of the rich diversity of
John’s episcopal leadership – his passion and practical actio for social justice,
for ecumenism, for the full inclusion of women in the ordained ministry of the
church. Above all we give thanks for the way in which John’s character as a
servant leader has marked and formed the character of the church in this
¶ The Gathering
Welcome and Introduction
Please remain seated as Canon Keith Punshon, Sub-Dean.
The choir sings
Nowell, nowell.
Who is there that singeth so,
I am here, Sir Christèmas.
Welcome, my lord Sir Christèmas!
Welcome to all, both more and less!
Come near, come near, come near,
Nowell, nowell.
Dieu vous garde, beaux sieurs,
Tidings I you bring:
A maid hath borne a child full young,
Witch causeth you to sing:
Nowell, nowell.
Christ is now born of a pure maid,
Born of a pure maid;
In an ox-stall he is laid,
Wherefore sing we at a brayde:
Nowell, nowell.
Buvez bien, buvez bien
Par toute la compagnie.
Make good cheer and be tight merry,
And sing with us now joyfully
Nowell, nowell
Words: anonymous
Music: William Mathias (1934-1992)
Please stand.
xxxx says
Blessed are you, Sovereign God,
our light and our salvation,
to you be glory and praise for ever.
You gave your Christ as a light to the nations,
and through the anointing of the Spirit
you established us as a royal priesthood.
As you call us into your marvellous light,
may our lives bear witness to your truth
and our lips never cease to proclaim your praise.
Blessed be God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Blessed be God for ever.
Opening Hymn
Songs of thankfulness and praise,
Jesu, Lord, to thee we raise,
manifested by the star
to the sages from afar;
branch of royal David’s stem
in thy birth at Bethlehem;
anthems be to thee addrest,
God in Man made manifest.
Manifest at Jordan’s stream,
Prophet, Priest and King supreme;
and at Cana wedding-guest
in thy Godhead manifest;
manifest in power divine,
changing water in to wine;
anthems be to thee addrest,
God in Man made manifest.
Manifest in making whole
palsied limbs and fainting soul;
manifest in valiant fight,
quelling all the devil’s might;
manifest in gracious will,
ever bringing good from ill;
anthems be to thee addrest,
God in Man made manifest.
Sun and moon shall darkened be,
stars shall fall, the heavens shall flee;
Christ will then like lightning shine,
all will see his glorious sign;
all will then the trumpet hear,
all will see the Judge appear;
thou by all wilt be confest,
God in Man made manifest.
Grant us grace to see thee, Lord,
mirrored in thy holy word;
may we imitate thee now,
and be pure, as pure art thou;
that we like to thee may be
at thy great Epiphany,
and may praise thee, ever blest,
God in Man made manifest.
Words: Christopher Wordsworth (1807-1885)
Tune: St Edmund
The Greeting
The Bishop welcomes the congregation and introduces the liturgy.
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God,
and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all
and also with you.
The Collect
The president says Let us pray. The congregation, still standing, remains
for a short time in silent prayer, after which the president says the Collect.
Lord God,
whose compassion embraces all peoples,
whose law is wisdom, freedom, and joy for the poor,
fulfil in our midst your promise of favour,
that we may receive the gospel of salvation with faith
and, anointed by the Spirit, freely proclaim it.
Grant this through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
¶ The Liturgy of the Word
Please sit.
The First Reading
Isaiah 49.1-13
read by Tony Parry, Bishop in the New Testament Church of God
Listen to me, O coastlands, pay attention, you peoples from far away!
The Lord called me before I was born, while I was in my mother’s
womb he named me. He made my mouth like a sharp sword, in the
shadow of his hand he hid me; he made me a polished arrow, in his
quiver he hid me away. And he said to me, ‘You are my servant, Israel,
in whom I will be glorified.’ But I said, ‘I have laboured in vain, I have
spent my strength for nothing and vanity; yet surely my cause is with
the Lord, and my reward with my God.’ And now the Lord says, who
formed me in the womb to be his servant, to bring Jacob back to him,
and that Israel might be gathered to him, for I am honoured in the
sight of the Lord, and my God has become my strength – he says, ‘It is
too light a thing that you should be my servant to raise up the tribes of
Jacob and to restore the survivors of Israel; I will give you as a light to
the nations, that my salvation may reach to the end of the earth.’ Thus
says the Lord, the Redeemer of Israel and his Holy One, to one deeply
despised, abhorred by the nations, the slave of rulers, ‘Kings shall see
and stand up, princes, and they shall prostrate themselves, because of
the Lord, who is faithful, the Holy One of Israel, who has chosen
you.’ Thus says the Lord: In a time of favour I have answered you, on a
day of salvation I have helped you; I have kept you and given you as a
covenant to the people, to establish the land, to apportion the
desolate heritages; saying to the prisoners, ‘Come out’, to those who
are in darkness, ‘Show yourselves.’ They shall feed along the ways, on
all the bare heights shall be their pasture; they shall not hunger or
thirst, neither scorching wind nor sun shall strike them down, for he
who has pity on them will lead them, and by springs of water will guide
them. And I will turn all my mountains into a road, and my highways
shall be raised up. Lo, these shall come from far away, and lo, these
from the north and from the west, and these from the land of Syene.
Sing for joy, O heavens, and exult, O earth; break forth, O mountains,
into singing! For the Lord has comforted his people, and will have
compassion on his suffering ones.
Your word is a lantern to my feet
All and a light upon our path.
Psalm 100
The choir sings
O be joyful in the Lord, all the earth; •
serve the Lord with gladness
and come before his presence with a song.
Know that the Lord is God; •
it is he that has made us and we are his;
we are his people and the sheep of his pasture.
Enter his gates with thanksgiving
and his courts with praise; •
give thanks to him and bless his name.
For the Lord is gracious; his steadfast love is everlasting, •
and his faithfulness endures from generation to generation.
The Second Reading
John 2.1--11
read by Catherine Pickford, Team Rector of Benwell, Newcastle.
On the third day there was a wedding in Cana of Galilee, and the
mother of Jesus was there. Jesus and his disciples had also been
invited to the wedding. When the wine gave out, the mother of Jesus
said to him, ‘They have no wine.’ And Jesus said to her, ‘Woman,
what concern is that to you and to me? My hour has not yet come.’
His mother said to the servants, ‘Do whatever he tells you.’ Now
standing there were six stone water-jars for the Jewish rites of
purification, each holding twenty or thirty gallons. Jesus said to them,
‘Fill the jars with water.’ And they filled them up to the brim. He said
to them, ‘Now draw some out, and take it to the chief steward.’ So
they took it. When the steward tasted the water that had become
wine, and did not know where it came from (though the servants
who had drawn the water knew), the steward called the bridegroom
and said to him, ‘Everyone serves the good wine first, and then the
inferior wine after the guests have become drunk. But you have kept
the good wine until now.’ Jesus did this, the first of his signs, in Cana
of Galilee, and revealed his glory; and his disciples believed in him.
Arise, shine out, for your light has come;
All the glory of the Lord is rising upon you.
John Packer, Bishop of Ripon & Leeds
After a time of silence for reflection, we stand to sing
Brother, sister, let me serve you,
let me be as Christ to you;
pray that I may have the grace to
let you be my servant too.
We are pilgrims on a journey
and companions on the road;
we are here to help each other
walk the mile and bear the load.
I will hold the Christ-light for you
in the night-time of your fear;
I will hold my hand out to you,
speak the peace you long to hear.
I will weep when you are weeping;
when you laugh I’ll laugh with you;
I will share your joy and sorrow
till we’ve seen this journey through.
When we sing to God in heaven
we shall find such harmony,
born of all we’ve known together
of Christ’s love and agony.
Brother, sister, let me serve you,
let me be as Christ to you;
pray that I may have the grace to
let you be my servant too.
Words: Richard Gillard (bn 1953)
Tune: Servant Song
The Prayers of Intercession
The Bishop says
In the power of the Spirit and in union with Christ,
let us pray to the Father.
The congregation kneels. The prayers are led by Eleanor Cockerham , a
sixth former from St Aidan’s Church of High School who worships at St.
John's Knaresborough; Sheina McMain, a newly ordained deacon; and
Elizabeth Clark, Methodist member of the Rural Task Group.
We thank you for all that you have shared with us:
for your wisdom in leadership;
for clarity in decision making,
with an ear always open to listen,
often to unexpected voices;
for being among us with authority to serve,
The Lord bless you and keep you.
We thank you for your public witness
to Christian faith and values
in city, diocese and region,
through times of anxiety and prosperity.
We thank you for your ministry
to the world of work in office, factory and field;
for your challenge to the complacent
and compassion for those in need.
The Lord bless you and keep you.
We thank you for your presence
in the public life of our nation:
in the counsels of the national church,
and in Parliament.
We thank you
for your presence alongside people of other traditions and faiths,
working in collaboration with others
to bring tolerance and understanding.
The Lord bless you and keep you.
We thank you for your work with people of all ages,
but especially the young, and in our schools;
for your leadership in mission,
your partnership with parishes,
and your journeys in Sri Lanka;
for your challenge to the churches
to re-think they way they work;
and for words of hope and enthusiasm
as together we seek to renew ministry in this diocese.
The Lord bless you and keep you.
We thank you for your humour and forbearance
in the exercise of your ministry;
for letting variety flourish
within common bonds of faith and discipline;
for your presence among us
as a leader in worship
and a person of prayer.
The Lord bless you and keep you.
Bishop James says
We praise and thank you, God of the journey,
for John and Barbara as they leave us.
We entrust them to your loving care,
knowing that you are always the faithful traveller
and companion on the Way.
Shelter and protect them from all harm and anxiety.
Grant them the courage to meet the future,
and grace to let go into new life;
through Jesus Christ our Saviour.
The Lord’s Prayer
Seeking the salvation of the world,
as our Saviour has taught us, so we pray:
Our Father,
who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name;
thy kingdom come; thy will be done;
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation;
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
the power and the glory,
for ever and ever.
¶ Thanksgiving
Please stand.
The Peace
The Bishop says
Our Saviour Christ is the Prince of Peace.
Of the increase of his government and of peace
there shall be no end.
The peace of the Lord be always with you
and also with you.
xxxxx says
Let us offer one another a sign of peace.
Brightest and best of the sons of the morning,
dawn on our darkness and lend us thine aid;
star of the East, the horizon adorning,
guide where our infant redeemer is laid.
Cold on his cradle the dew-drops are shining,
low lies his head with the beasts of the stall:
angels adore him in slumber reclining,
maker and monarch and saviour of all.
Say, shall we yield him, in costly devotion,
odours of Edom and offerings divine?
Gems of the mountain and pearls of the ocean,
myrrh from the forest or gold from the mine?
Vainly we offer each ample oblation,
vainly with gifts would his favour secure;
richer by far is the heart’s adoration,
dearer to God are the prayers of the poor.
Brightest and best of the sons of the morning,
dawn on our darkness and lend us thine aid;
star of the East, the horizon adorning,
guide where our infant redeemer is laid.
Words: Reginald Heber (1783-1826)
Tune: Epiphany
Please remain standing.
Thanksgiving Prayer
The Lord be with you
and also with you.
Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
It is right to give thanks and praise.
All honour and praise be yours always and everywhere,
mighty creator, ever-living God,
through Jesus Christ your only Son our Lord:
for at this time we celebrate your glory
made present in our midst.
In the coming of the Magi
the King of all the world was revealed to the nations.
In the waters of baptism
Jesus was revealed as the Christ,
the Saviour sent to redeem us.
In the water made wine
the new creation was revealed at the wedding feast.
Poverty was turned to riches, sorrow into joy.
Therefore with all the angels of heaven
we lift our voices to proclaim the glory of your name
and sing our joyful hymn of praise:
Thanksgiving for John’s Ministry
Please be seated. Bishop James leads a time of thanksgiving for the ministry
of John and Barbara, with contributions from Liz Smith, Rachel Loftus, Ros
Dobbin, David Paton Williams & Ann Nichol.
Bishop James says
Let us ask God to bless John and Barbara,
and to renew within them the gifts of the Spirit.
The whole congregation prays in silence. Bishop James anoints John and
Barbara with the Oil of Chrism, and says
Heavenly Father, giver of all good things,
may your blessing rest upon John and Barbara.
Where there is much change, transition and variety,
may your peace be known;
in Christian service may your joy be found;
and at all times may your love bring unity and strength;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
The Lord bless you and watch over you;
the Lord make his face shine upon you
and be gracious to you;
the Lord look kindly on you
and give you peace.
Please stand to sing
As with gladness men of old
did the guiding star behold,
as with joy they hailed its light,
leading onward, beaming bright,
so, most gracious God, may we
evermore be led to thee.
As with joyful steps they sped,
to that lowly manger-bed,
there to bend the knee before
him whom heaven and earth adore,
so may we with willing feet
ever seek thy mercy-seat.
As they offered gifts most rare
at that manger rude and bare,
so may we with holy joy,
pure, and free from sin’s alloy,
all our costliest treasures bring,
Christ, to thee our heavenly King,
Holy Jesu, every day
keep us in the narrow way;
and, when earthly things are past,
bring our ransomed souls at last,
where they need no star to guide,
where no clouds thy glory hide.
In the heavenly country bright
need they no created light;
thou its Light, its Joy, its Crown,
thou its Sun which goes not down:
there for ever may we sing
alleluias to our King.
Words: W Chatterton Dix (1837-1898)
Tune: Dix
The Blessing
Bishop John blesses the congregation
May the God who shakes heaven and earth,
whom death could not contain
who lives to disturb and heal us,
fill you with power to go forth
and proclaim the Gospel;
and the blessing of God Almighty,
the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit,
be upon you and remain with you always.
The Dismissal
xxxxx says
Go in the peace of Christ.
Thanks be to God.