Quality Checklist Population Statistics COD 1. Dataset relationships o Each Population Statistics dataset refers to one administrative boundary dataset (or to a populated places dataset). a. Each Population Statistics dataset must refer to one and only one administrative boundary dataset (or populated places dataset). If the population data refers to census units (different from any of the administrative boundaries), these census units should be posted as an Administrative Boundary COD. 2. Data characteristics and attributes o The Population Statistics b. The Population Statistics must be presented in a simple table, where each dataset is presented as column contains population characteristics and each row represents an simple table (Columns are administrative unit or populated place (identified by name and / or p-code). population characteristics Merged cells must not be included in order to allow joining the table to GIS and rows are datasets. administrative units or populated places). o Administrative unit or populated places names are in proper case and do not contain special characters. The p-code of the administrative unit is unique. c. o The admin unit names and / or p-codes of the Population Statistics dataset matches exactly the names and / or pcodes in the dataset to which it will be joined. d. The administrative unit names and / or p-codes in the Population Statistics dataset must match exactly the names and / or p-codes in the dataset (administrative boundaries or populated places) to which it will be joined. Pcode fields in the Population Statistics dataset need to be of the same type (numeric or string) as in the administrative boundary units / populated places, otherwise the join via the p-code field will fail. o The field names are clear. e. Field names should be as clear as possible. For example ‘DISTRCT’ is preferable to ‘D_NAME’. If they are not clear, they must be documented in the metadata. o The Population Statistics dataset can be easily understood. f. 3. Data format o The Population Statistics dataset is posted as a CSV file, preferably as Excel file. The names of administrative units / populated places should be in proper case, not all caps, and should not include special characters. A reference name field should be created in cases where names contain apostrophes and special characters. The p-code of administrative units or populated places must be unique. It is possible to construct a Population Statistics dataset such that metadata is not required for a user to understand it. If not, then some level of metadata is required. g. Population statistics should be posted at least as CSV files. An Excel version of the tabular data formatted for easy use by report officers and others is highly recommended. 4. Comments h. Any other issue you have noticed (age of dataset etc.). Quality Checklist – Population Statistics COD