Faculty Development Opportunities The Title III grant designates annual funding for faculty development. In the Title III grant proposal, faculty development was identified as a key method for enhancing academic programs and transforming instruction at Methodist. As a result, approximately $30,000 will be awarded annually during the five-year grant period to faculty who submit qualifying professional development proposals. Qualifying Criteria Qualifying faculty development opportunities constitute any experiences that meet the criteria below. These opportunities may vary in form, including but not limited to conferences, workshops, classes, and short-term in-field work experiences. The qualifying criteria for Title III grant funding are: The professional development opportunity must be designed to increase at least one of the following: in-field content knowledge, pedagogical abilities, academic assessment techniques, and strategies for using technology in the teaching-learning environment must be part of the sessions at the conference that you attend. The professional development opportunity will occur no earlier than October 31 2012 and no later than September 30th 2013 Following the faculty development experiences, grant recipients must be willing to share what they have learned with other faculty. Ideas for these presentations can range from workshops to formal presentations. The University cannot replace its funding for the conference, with Title III money i.e. if prior to the Title III the University paid for you to attend this conference that Title III is ineligible for funding. The conference cannot be in a foreign country. The experiences addressed in this application for Title III faculty development funds are directly relevant to the MU Strategic Plan. o Goal #1: Culture of Excellence o Methodist University will create a culture of excellence among the faculty, staff, and students. Methodist University will provide faculty and staff the training and support needed to excel. NOTE: The University will require all academic and non-academic units to document in their Annual Reports the training and professional development faculty and staff have completed and indicate the effectiveness of that training/development. Faculty who receive development funds for external conferences/workshops will conduct on-campus sessions for the purpose of sharing information from conferences, etc., when appropriate. Methodist University will support faculty development for technology, disciplinary research, and pedagogical study. Last updated October 8, 2012 by Dr. Bruce Morgan, Director of Instructional Technology Funding Process The Faculty Development Opportunity Award has been established to annually award a minimum of 15 faculty members for qualifying professional development opportunities. Most awards will be a maximum of $2,000. To apply for a Faculty Development Opportunity Award, faculty members should complete a Faculty Development Proposal Form (see the reverse side of this sheet) and submit it to Dr. Lassiter or Dr. Morgan in the Title III Office. It will then be reviewed by the Faculty Development Awards Committee which is charged with selecting proposals for funding, the Academic Dean to assure the conference meets the goals of the strategic plan and the President for final approval upon the recommendation of the Academic Dean. Mini-grant proposals submitted by October 30 will receive first consideration. Funds will be awarded on a rolling basis, and proposals will be accepted as long as funds are available. Funding Proposals If selected for a faculty development award, the budget parameters listed in your proposal will likely be the amounts included in the award. Please keep this in mind as you complete the Faculty Development Opportunity Award proposal. Actual expenses cannot exceed the budget parameters listed in the award. Contact For more information or to request an electronic version of the Faculty Development Proposal Form, please contact Dr Bruce Morgan, Title III Director of Instructional Technology at x-7465 or at bmorgan@methodist.edu.or Beth Butler at x-7422 or at bbutler@methodist.edu Last updated October 8, 2012 by Dr. Bruce Morgan, Director of Instructional Technology Faculty Development Opportunity Award Proposal Form Today’s date: Name: Academic department: By checking this box, I certify that if I am selected for a Faculty Development Opportunity Award, I am willing to share what I have learned with other faculty. (This is a requirement.) By checking this box, I certify that the Methodist University has not sent me to this conference prior to the Title III Grant. (This is a requirement.) Faculty Development Information Date(s) of professional development experience: to Event/experience title: Location of the professional development experience: This faculty development opportunity is a: Conference Workshop Class In-field work experience Other (explain): Please provide documentation of the sessions you will attend that are directed towards the integration of technology into teaching and learning describing how this professional development experience would support growth of Technology in Instruction and Active Learning in Methodist University’s academic programs: This professional development experience aims to increase (check all that apply): In-field content knowledge Pedagogical abilities Academic assessment techniques Strategies for using technology in the teaching-learning environment Requested Funding (If selected, this will be the budget for the mini-grant award. Actual expenses must not exceed the award.) Cost of professional development experience $ $35/day for Meals $ Hotel (if applicable) $ Airline ticket (if applicable) $ Car rental (if applicable) $ Other expenses (please list): TOTAL ● $ ● $ $ Last updated October 8, 2012 by Dr. Bruce Morgan, Director of Instructional Technology * Faculty development proposals will be accepted on a rolling basis, as long as funds are available. To be completed by the Technology Integration Committee: Date of proposal review: explain: Approved: Deferred: Denied: If denied or deferred, Signatures for approval: Approved by Faculty Development Awards Committee Chair Faculty Development Awards Committee: __________________________________ Bruce A Morgan, Ph.D I agree that the experiences addressed in this application for Title III Faculty Development funds are directly relevant to the MU Strategic Plan. Academic Dean: ______________________________________________________________ Delmas S. Crisp, Jr., Ph.D Final approval based on availability of funds to be determined by Title III Director. President: ___________________________________________________________________ Ben E. Hancock, Jr., Ph.D Last updated October 8, 2012 by Dr. Bruce Morgan, Director of Instructional Technology