Agency Information Guide 2015-16

Agency Information Guide 2015-16
Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009
Our Information - Applications and Enquiries under the GIPA Act
Register of Government Contracts
About WaterNSW
What Guides Our Business
Our Executive
Our Board
Customer Service Charter
Customer Service Committees
Policy Documents
Information held by WaterNSW
The Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act) commenced on 1 July 2010 to
facilitate public access to government information. The GIPA Act creates new rights to information
that are designed to meet community expectations of more open and transparent government.
Under Section 20 of the GIPA Act WaterNSW must publish an agency information guide.
document is WaterNSW’s Agency Information Guide 2015-16.
Our Information - Applications and enquiries under the GIPA
WaterNSW is committed to openness and transparency and there are four main ways in which
WaterNSW’s information is made available under the GIPA Act.
Mandatory disclosure
Information including our policy documents, contracts register, disclosure log and this agency
information guide can be found at Accessing Our Information.
Proactive release
WaterNSW proactively releases information primarily through its website.
The main areas of
information currently available relates to:
Role of WaterNSW
Water Delivery
Dam Levels
NSW Metering Scheme
Environmental Management
Water Quality
Information on the website is available to download free of charge. Anyone unable to download
information should contact the Right to Information Officer.
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Informal release
Members of the public can request information on an informal basis relating to any WaterNSW
information. If the information requested is easily accessible and disclosure is clearly in the public
interest, the information will be provided free of charge. To make an informal request applicants
should contact the Right to Information Officer.
Formal release
Requests for detailed information need to be made using the formal access process, and an
application form should be lodged. Clicking on this link will download an application form - access
application form.
Formal applications and enquiries under the GIPA Act can be directed to:
Right to Information Officer
Level 4, 2-6 Station Street
PO Box 323
Phone: (02) 4724 2258
In order for an application to be valid it must:
be in writing, sent to or lodged at the address shown above
clearly indicate that it is an access application made under the GIPA Act
be accompanied by a fee of $30
state a postal address in Australia as the address for correspondence in connection with the
include such information as is reasonably necessary to enable the government information
applied for to be identified.
There may be further charges for processing an application, if this is the case the $30 application fee
paid will count towards these charges. WaterNSW will provide an estimate of any additional charges
that may be incurred in processing the application.
Further information explaining the public’s rights under the Government Information (Public Access)
Act is available by contacting the Right to Information Officer.
Additional information can be obtained from the Information and Privacy Commission New South
Wales. The Information and Privacy Commission New South Wales has a range of tools and
resources including frequently asked questions. Further information about the Information and Privacy
Commission New South Wales is available at
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Free call telephone: 1800 472 679
Postal address: GPO Box 7011 SYDNEY NSW 2001
Office Location: Level 11, 1 Castlereagh Street, Sydney.
Register of Government Contracts
The GIPA Act encourages the routine and proactive release of government information, including
information held by providers of goods and services by government agencies. WaterNSW’s register
of government contracts can be found on WaterNSW’s website.
WaterNSW tenders.
The link provides access to
If unable to access the eTendering website, applicants should contact the Right to Information Officer.
About WaterNSW
WaterNSW is Australia’s largest water supplier. We are a leader in developing infrastructure solutions
for water supply security and reliability.
Our expert staff manage 42 large dams across NSW. We deliver water from our dams, pipelines and
the State’s rivers for agriculture and drinking water supply customers.
Two thirds of water used in NSW is supplied by WaterNSW. We also protect the health of drinking
water catchments that supply among the highest quality water in the world.
What We Do
WaterNSW was established on 1 January under the Water NSW Act 2014.
We are Australia’s largest water supplier and NSW’s major supplier of raw water. We deliver water
from our 42 large dams, pipelines and the State’s rivers to regional towns, irrigators, Sydney Water
and other licensed authorities, retail suppliers and councils.
We develop infrastructure solutions for water supply security and reliability. We then plan, build,
operate and maintain that infrastructure.
WaterNSW also promotes improvements in achievable water quality standards and contributes to the
protection of public health and the environment through enhanced catchment protection practices in
declared catchments.
We undertake research relating to the declared catchment areas under our stewardship and we
perform an educative role within the community in relation to water quality and catchment health.
What Guides Our Business
WaterNSW’s activities are guided and regulated by:
Water NSW Act 2014
Water NSW Regulation 2013
Operating licences
Water sharing plans
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Memoranda of understanding
Water supply agreements
Catchment audits
Price determinations
Dam Safety Act 1978
Our Executive
Our Executive Team consists of the Chief Executive Officer, eight Executive Managers, our Chief
Financial Officer and General Counsel.
The Executive Team oversees policy implementation, day-to-day management of our business
including the delivery of high level services to our customers
Our Board
The WaterNSW Board includes directors with extensive experience in key areas such as public
health, water quality, asset management, water supply, planning, and catchment management and
Terry Charlton
Terry Charlton is the former Managing Director of Snowy Hydro Limited and former Commissioner
Snowy Mountains Hydro-electric Authority.
Previously, he served as the President, Edison Mission Energy, UK, Europe, Middle East and Africa
which followed a long standing career with Tubemakers of Australia.
Dr Nicholas Brunton
Dr Nicholas Brunton is Practice Leader for Environmental and Planning Law Group, Henry Davis York
Lawyers, Sydney. He is a Member of the Advisory Board for the Australian Centre for Climate Change
and Environmental Law at the University of Sydney and has expertise in environmental risk
management for large organisations and pollution management.
Rob Aldis
Rob is the former Managing Director of engineering services company, Evans Peck and has more
than 40 years’ experience in the Engineering and Construction Sector, particularly in relation to water
supply infrastructure. He is also currently Director of the Advisory Board for Infrastructure
Partnerships Australia.
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Carmel Krogh
Carmel Krogh is the Director of Shoalhaven Water and has over 30 years’ experience as a
professional in the water industry. She was previously Group General Manager Water and Waste at
Eurobodalla Shire Council and an Infrastructure Advisor for AusAID.
Professor Andrew Wilson
Professor Wilson is Director of the University of Sydney node of the Menzies Centre for Health Policy
and Professor of Public Health in the School of Public Health. He has also served as Chief Health
Officer for NSW. He has specialist qualifications in clinical medicine and public health, and a PhD in
Chris Westworth
Chris Westworth currently works as a consultant on a variety of financial reporting, financial
structuring, auditing and compliance matters for Westworth Kemp Consultants.
Prior to his current employment, he enjoyed a successful tenure with Ernst & Young over a period of
25 years, working in a number of different positions, including Audit Partner and Oceania Professional
Practice Director.
David Harris - Chief Executive Officer
For 11 years David Harris was a key member of the Executive leadership team at Snowy Hydro
Limited. During his time at Snowy Hydro he was intimately involved in the strategic direction and
strong financial and operational performance of the company. Since 2006 he was responsible for the
water resources and water operations of the Snowy Scheme. In 2010 he took on responsibility for
Snowy Hydro’s environmental management and acclaimed cloud seeding project. Most recently, he
headed up the largest operational business unit within Snowy Hydro - Production and was
responsible for the performance and maintenance of the company’s 4,400MW hydro and gas
generating assets.
Prior to joining Snowy Hydro, Mr Harris was part of the team that established DGJ Projects Pty
Limited. In the first few years of his career, he spent time working on secondment to The Cabinet
Office, the NSW Premiers’ Department and the then Department of Land and Water Conservation,
principally in connection with the privatisation of the State’s irrigation areas and districts.
Customer Service Charter
To ensure we deliver the level of service customers expect, WaterNSW has a Customer Service
The charter outlines service standards and what we need from customers to provide these services.
The charter is reviewed in consultation with all of the Customer Service Committees.
The charter focuses on three key areas of water ordering and delivery:
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Customer Service Committees
WaterNSW has established nine valley-based Customer Service Committees (CSC) to provide a
forum for customer consultation on:
water delivery strategies
asset management priorities
pricing strategies
determining levels of service for water users within individual valleys
When developing projects, policies and priorities for WaterNSW, committee representatives ensure
the interests of all water users are considered. CSC members and WaterNSW exchange information
so that a positive, constructive and efficient service is maintained.
To find out about your local representatives on the CSC select from below:
Border Rivers
Macquarie Cudgegong
Murray and Lower Darling
Namoi Peel
To contact your local committee
You can send an email to your local CSC by selecting from the list below:
Border Rivers
Fish River Customer Council
Macquarie Cudgegong
Murray and Lower Darling
Namoi Peel
Policy Documents
WaterNSW is committed to the principles of responsible, accountable, fair and effective Government.
The GIPA Act requires WaterNSW to make available to the public policies “that affect or are likely to
affect rights, privileges or other benefits, or obligations, penalties or other detriments, to which
members of the public may become entitled, eligible, liable or subject.”
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The following policies fall into this category.
Former State Water Corporation policies
Code of Conduct
Complaints Handling Policy
Contractor Access Policy
Privacy Policy
Purchasing Policy
Sponsorship Policy
Sundry Debtor Management Policy
Water Debtor Management Policy
Fraud and Corruption Prevention Policy
Work Health and Safety Policy
Former Sydney Catchment Authority policies
Access to special areas, controlled areas and water storages
Catchment protection and improvement grant guide and application form
Code of conduct
Current Recommended Practices
Dealing with offences under the Sydney Water Catchment Management Regulation 2013
Environmental impact assessment policy
Environmental policy
Equity and diversity management plan
Fire management for water quality and quantity policy
Government Information (Public Access) Act procedures
Grants and sponsorships policy
Guidelines for consent to enter Special or Controlled Areas
Healthy Catchments Strategy
Heritage policy
How to apply for access to Special and Controlled Areas
How to make a complaint or offer a compliment
Leases, licences and easements policy and procedure
Local government reference panel - charter and procedures
Mining Principles
Neutral or Beneficial Effect on Water Quality Assessment Guidelines
Priority Pollutants Program Funding for Sewerage and Stormwater Infrastructure Grants
Privacy Laws, the SCA and You
Prosecution and compliance guidelines
Raw Drinking Water Quality Management Framework
Recreational facilities at Sydney Catchment Authority dams
Recreational facility policy
SCA Support to conduct scientific research application form
Special areas strategic plan of management and charter of public disclosure
Special areas brochure - what you can and can't do
Standard conditions for grants and sponsorships
Visitor do's and don'ts
Wingecarribee Swamp and special area plan of management
Work Health and Safety Policy
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WaterNSW policies are being reviewed and revised properly to respond to the needs of WaterNSW.
If you require a copy of any of the above policies please contact the Right to Information Officer.
Information held by WaterNSW
WaterNSW produces a number of publications each year.
General Publications include:
Maps and diagrams
Newsletters and brochures
Strategies plans and policies
Visitor information
General Reports include:
Annual reports
Catchment audits
Catchment reports
General water reports
Water quality monitoring
Scientific Publications include:
Climate variability
Mining and groundwater
Pathogens/Cryptosporidium and Giardia
Pollutant sources
You can access these reports by visiting our Publications and Resources.
How to access published information
Information on the website is available for download free of charge or you can contact the Right to
Information Officer.
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