Abádi-Nagy Zoltán

Contemporary Literatures in English (NMB_AN112K2)
End-of-the-semester examination topics, fall semester 2009/2010
Abádi-Nagy Zoltán
1. Nonconformism 1: American fiction, the 1950s
2. Nonconformism 2: American fiction – counterculture, New Lost Generation,
Generation X
3. Nonconformism 3: Angry Young Men
4. Nonconformism 4: the Beat Generation
5. Trauma literature 1: the war novel, the holocaust novel
6. Trauma literature 2: street theatre, confessionalism, post-9/11 literature
7. The moral concern 1: British fiction
8. The moral concern 2: American drama
9. The moral concern 3: literatures in English other than British or American;
the moral fiction debate
10. Existentialism 1: general; the philosophers; some main philosophical ideas
11. Existentialism 2: in English and American literature
12. Absurdism
13. The intellectual novel, the thesis novel
14. Irony, ironic parables
15. Black humor fiction
16. Regionalism
17. Postmodernism 1: modernism, late modernism, postmodernism (general, theory)
18. Postmodernism 2: American literature
19. Postmodernism 3: literatures in English outside America
20. Postmodernism 4: historiographic metafiction (general and British)
21. Postmodernism 5: historiographic metafiction – pseudohistories, false documents,
22. Postmodernism 6: post-histories and ironic histories
23. Postmodernism 7: entropic fiction, innovative fiction, surfiction
24. Postmodernism 8: performance theatre, spontaneous writing
25 Postmodernism 9: in poetry – Beat, projective verse, the New York School
26. Feminism 1: forerunners, schools and theories
27. Feminism 2: feminist fiction and women’s experience fiction (America)
28. Feminism 3: feminist fiction and women’s experience fiction (Britain, Canada,
New Zealand)
29. The novel of manners
30. The novel of sensibility, the subjectivity narrative, countercanonical literature
31. Ethnic literatures 1: Jewish American fiction, multiculturalism
32. Ethnic literatures 2: African American fiction, drama, and poetry
33. Ethnic literatures 3: Native American, Chicano/a, and Asian American fiction
34. Postcolonial literature
35. Magical realism
36. Gothic revival, nonfiction, New Journalism
37. Science fiction, fantasy, dystopia, antiutopia, cyberpunk
38. The dialogue novel, the novel sequence, excessive fiction
39. Minimalist fiction, blank fiction
40. Off (off) Broadway, happening, gay theatre, theatre of cruelty, poor theatre,
theatre of images
41. The contemporary scene 1: the US
42. The contemporary scene 2: England, Ireland, and Scotland
43. The contemporary scene 3: Africa, Australia, Canada, India, New Zealand,
the West Indies