The Federal Agency of Health Protection and Social Development The Stavropol State Medical Academy Biology with Ecology Department Mackarenko E.N., Boldyreva G.I., Parshintseva N.N. METHODS OF HUMAN HEREDITY STUDY Stavropol 2008 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНОЕ АГЕНСТВО ПО ЗДРАВООХРАНЕНИЮ И СОЦИАЛЬНОМУ РАЗВИТИЮ МИНЕСТЕРСТВА ЗДРАВООХРАНЕНИЯ РФ Ставропольская государственная медицинская академия Кафедра биологии с экологией The Federal Agency of Health Protection and Social Development The Stavropol State Medical Academy Biology with Ecology Department Э.Н. Макаренко, Г.И. Болдырева, Н.Н. Паршинцева Mackarenko E.N., Boldyreva G.I., Parshintseva N.N. МЕТОДЫ ИЗУЧЕНИЯ НАСЛЕДСТВЕННОСТИ ЧЕЛОВЕКА Учебное пособие для студентов англоязычного отделения METHODS OF HUMAN HEREDITY STUDY Methodological manual for the students of the English-speaking Medium Ставрополь 2008 Stavropol 2008 УДК 576.312.32/.38 (07.07) ББК 28.059 М 15 МЕТОДЫ ИЗУЧЕНИЯ НАСЛЕДСТВЕННОСТИ ЧЕЛОВЕКА. Учебное пособие для студентов англоязычного отделения (на английском языке). – Ставрополь: Изд-во СтГМА. – 2008. – 40 с. Авторы: Макаренко Элина Николаевна, кандидат медицинских наук, старший преподаватель кафедры биологии с экологией; Болдырева Галина Ивановна, старший преподаватель кафедры биологии с экологией; Паршинцева Наталья Николаевна, старший преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков с курсом латинского языка. Учебное пособие включает в себя основные темы курсов «Хромосомы человека» и «Медико-генетическое консультирование» для студентов англоязычного отделения. Оно состоит из следующих разделов: Структура хромосом, Классификация хромосом, Виды хроматина, Химическая природа хромосом, Уровни укладки ДНП, Этапы медико-генетического консультирования и Главные методы изучения наследственности человека. Рецензенты: Ходжаян Анна Борисовна, доктор медицинских наук, профессор, зав. кафедрой биологии с экологией СтГМА; Знаменская Стояна Васильевна, кандидат педагогических наук, доцент кафедры иностранных языков с курсом латинского языка СтГМА, декан англоязычного отделения деканата иностранных студентов. УДК 576.312.32/.38 (07.07) ББК 28.059 М 15 Рекомендовано к изданию Цикловой методической комиссией Ставропольской государственной медицинской академии по англоязычному обучению иностранных студентов. © Ставропольская государственная медицинская академия. 2008 УДК 576.312.32/.38 (07.07) ББК 28.059 М 15 METHODS OF HUMAN HEREDITY STUDY. Methodological manual for the students of the English-speaking Medium (on English). – Stavropol. – Publisher: Stavropol State Medical Academy. – 2008. – 40 p. Authors: Mackarenko E.N., Senior Lecturers Biology with Ecology of Department; Boldyreva G.I., Senior Lecturers Biology with Ecology of Department; Parshintseva N.N., Teacher of Latin and Foreign Languages Department of Stavropol State Medical Academy Presented methodological manual includes the basic themes of courses “Chromosomes of a man” and “Medico-genetical consultation” for the students of the English-speaking Medium. It consists of following chapters: Structure of chromosomes, Classification of chromosomes, Kinds of chromatin, Chemical nature of chromosomes, Levels of packaging of DNP, Stages of medico-genetical consultation and main methods of human heredity study. Reviewers: Hodzhayan Anna Boriusoivna, Professor, Doctor of Medicine, Head Biology with Ecology of Department of Stavropol State Medical Academy, Znamenskaya Stoyana Vasilievna, Dean of the English-speaking Medium. УДК 576.312.32/.38 (07.07) ББК 28.059 М 15 © Stavropol State Medical Academy. 2008 ВВЕДЕНИЕ Методическое пособие по биологии на английском языке предназначено для студентов первого курса англоязычного отделения. Оно включает основные темы из разделов «Хромосомы человека» и «Медикогенетическое консультирование». Целью методического пособия явилось в сжатой и доступной форме изложить сущность основных методов генетики человека, таких как цитогенетические, биохимические методы, амниоцентез, близнецовый метод, дерматоглифика, генеалогический метод и популяционностатистический метод. Известно, что хромосомы являются структурным компонентом ядра клетки, ответственным за хранение наследственного материала и его передачу последующим поколениям. Поэтому перед описанием цитогенетических методов в методическое пособие включена глава «Хромосомы человека». В ней рассказывается о структуре хромосом, химической природе и видах хроматина, уровнях укладки ДНП, приводится классификация анафазных хромосом. Даются понятия о кариотипе, кариограмме, идеограмме, половом хроматине. Наглядно демонстрируется отличие между женским и мужским кариотипом. Рассматривается Денверская классификация хромосом человека (1960) и Парижская номенклатура (1971). Представленные разделы биологии имеют тесную связь с практической медициной и являются теоретической базой для диагностики и профилактики наследственных заболеваний в человеческой популяции. INTRODUCTION Methodological manual in biology in English is for the first year students of English-speaking Medium. It includes the basic themes from chapters « Chromosomes of a man» and « Medico-genetical consultation ». The purpose of the methodical manual is to state the essence of the basic methods of genetics of a man, such as cytogenetical methods, biochemical methods, amniocentesis, twins method, dermatoglyphics, genealogic method and a population-statistical method in the compressed and accessible form. It is known, that chromosomes are a structural component of a nucleus of the cell, responsible for storage of a hereditary material and its transfer to the subsequent generations. Therefore, the chapter «Chromosomes of a man» is included before the description of cytogenetical methods in the methodical manual. It tells about structure of chromosomes, the chemical nature and kinds of chromatins, levels of packaging of DNP, classification of anaphase chromosomes. Concepts of karyotype, karyogram, ideogram, and sexual chromatin are given. Difference between female's and male's karyotype is evidently shown. Denver classification (1960) and the Paris nomenclature (1971) of man chromosomes are considered. The submitted sections of biology have close connection with practical medicine. They are theoretical base for diagnostics and preventive maintenance of hereditary diseases in a human population. CHROMOSOMES The chromosomes are the vehicles of heredity. They carry the genetic material DNA and are responsible for transmission of hereditary characters (traits) from one generation to the next generation. There are two states of chromosomes. Chromosomes are visible only during the cell division. When the nucleus enters into the kinetic state or state of division, the chromatin (interphase chromosome) undergoes characteristic condensation, producing chromosomes. These structures were called chromosomes (chroma = colour) due to their affinity for basic dyes. The latter take shape during the prophase of nuclear division. The chromosomes disperse again into chromatin filaments at the end of nuclear division (telophase). Chromatin appears as a highly dispersed macronuclear reticular network suspended in the nucleoplasm. Chromatin network appears only when the cell is in the energetic state. Brief History Chromosomes were discovered by Hofmeister in the cells of the plant Tradescantia in 1849. In 1875 E.Strasburger discovered thread-like structures, which appeared during cell division. However, the name chromosomes was proposed by Waldeyer in 1888. Beneden and Boveri made the important discovery that the number of chromosomes remained constant in the members of a species. Number of Chromosomes The chromosomes occur in full complement (diploid number) in the somatic cells. In germ cells (sperms and eggs) only half of that number or haploid number occurs. While "n" normally signifies the gametic or haploid chromosomes number, "2n" is the somatic or diploid chromosome number in an individual. A diploid nucleus has two chromosomes of each type. Two similar chromosomes are known as homologous chromosomes. The number of diploid chromosomes presented in some of the important animals is shown below. Name of the animal No. of diploid chromosomes . Plasmodium vivax (mosquito) 4 . Ascaris lumbricoides 24 . Musca domestica (house fly) 12 Name of the animal No. of diploid chromosomes . Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly) 8 . Apis mellifera (Honey bee) Male (males develop parthenogenetically) Female 16 32 . Culex pipiens (mosquito) 6 . Rana tigrina (frog) 26 . Canis familiaris (dog) 78 . Felis domestica (cat) 38 . Equus caballus (horse) 64 . Sus scrofa (pig) 40 . Homo sapiens (man) 46 Karyotype Karyotype is diploid chromosome number of cell, which includes chromosome number, size, shape of individual chromosomes and other attributes (for example, position of centromere). This term was coined by Russian scientist G.A. Levitzky in 1924. In all types of higher organisms (eukaryota), the well-organized nucleus contains definite number of chromosomes of definite size and shape. The term karyotype is given to the group of characteristics that identifies a particular chromosome set. A group of plants or animals comprising a species is characterised by a set of chromosomes, which have certain constant features. Hence, karyotype is a specific sign for any species. But the karyotypes of different groups are sometimes compared and similarities in karyotypes are presumed to represent evolutionary relationship. Karyotype is studied in mitotic metaphase, when chromosomes acquire a short, stout, rod-like shape due to condensation and spirally coiling of chromatin. Then the individual chromosome completes – karyogram or ideogram – is composed. Karyogram – chromosomes of diploid set of an organism (chromosomes of metaphase plates) are ordered in a series of decreasing size. Ideogram – haploid chromosome number (may be diploid chromosome number) of a man is arranged in certain order especially according groups, as it is in Denver classification (1960). Karyotype of a Man In a man 46 chromosomes (diploid) are present. Out of them, 22 pairs are autosomes and one pair – allosomes (sex chromosomes). Autosomes are the non-sex determining chromosomes and are concerned with somatic functions. Allosomes are also known as sex chromosomes and participate in sex determination. The sex chromosomes in a man are designated as X and Y. Two allosomes occur in a diploid cell, but only one is present in germ cells. Allosomes in a man and a woman are XY and XX respectively (Fig. 1). A Fig.1. A – metaphase plate; B – normal female karyotype; C – normal male karyotype. B C Shape and Classification of Chromosomes During the interphase chromosomes are very loosely coiled and dispersed into long filamentous structures, spreading through out the nucleus. These structures are called chromatin. Condensation of chromatin begins at the start of prophase. At leptotene stage of meiotic prophase, chromosomes appear as beaded structures, bead-like nodules being known as chromomeres. Size of chromomeres and interchromomeric regions are not constant, so that every leptotene has its own particular pattern. The DNA is though known to concentrate in the chromomeres, but is believed to be present in the interchromomeric regions also. Condensation and spiralisation are completed in the metaphase. Due to these processes, chromosomes acquire a short, stout, and rod-like shape. A close observation of the metaphase chromosomes reveals that they are made of two identical, spirally coiled filamentous structures known as chromatids. They are produced as a result of the replication of chromonema during the interphase. Hence, the chromatids are distinct structures and are held together at a point called centromere. The latter appears as a slightly constricted region and is known as the primary constriction. The chromosomal segments lying on either side of the centromere, are known as chromosomal arms (long arm and short arm). The centromere may occur anywhere on the chromosome, but its position is fixed in a given chromosome. On the basis of the location of the centromere, chromosomes are classified into the following types. Classification of Anaphase Chromosomes (Fig.2). 1. Metacentric chromosome: the centromere is located near the middle of a chromosome. Such chromosomes acquire V- shape during nuclear division. 2. Sub-metacentric: the centromere occupies not the mid point, but some distance away from it. As a result, unequal arms are produced and the chromosomes acquire “L” or “J”- shape during cell division. 3. Acrocentric: the centromere is located near one end of a chromosome and the chromosomes acquire rod-shaped ones. 4. Telocentric: the centromere is located at the end of a chromosome and such chromosomes are rare. They are absent in normal karyotype of a man. С Fig. 2. A – telocentric chromosome; B – acrocentric chromosome; C – sub-metacentric chromosome; D – metacentric chromosome Besides centromere, which produces a primary constriction in chromosomes, secondary constrictions can also be observed in some chromosomes. Such a secondary constriction if presents in the distal region of an arm would pinch off a small fragment called trabant or satellite (Fig.3). The satellite remains attached to rest of the body by a thread of chromatin. Secondary constrictions may be found in other regions also and are constant in their position, so that these constrictions can be used as useful markers. Secondary constrictions can be distinguished from primary constriction or centromere, because chromosome bends or shows angular deviation only at the position of centromere. Fig. 3. secondary constriction satellite primary constriction 5. Chromosomes having a satellite are marker chromosomes and are called SAT-chromosomes. The chromosome extremities or terminal regions on either side are called telomeres. If a chromosome breaks, the broken ends can fuse due to lack of telomeres. The chromosome, however, can not fuse at the telomeric ends, suggesting that a telomere has a polarity which prevents other segments from joining with it. Structure of Chromosomes Detailed study of chromosome morphology reveals a coiled filament throughout the length of a chromosome. This filament is called chromonema (Vejdovsky, 1912). The chromonemata form the gene-bearing portions of the chromosomes. The chromonemata are embedded in the achromatic substance known as matrix. Matrix is enclosed in a sheath or pellicle (Fig.4). Both matrix and sheath are non-genetic materials and appear only at metaphase when the nucleolus disappears. It is believed that nucleolar material and matrix are interchangeable i.e., when matrix disappears, nucleolus appears and vice versa. A B Fig. 4. A – structure of a chromosome; B – a mitotic metaphase chromosome It would be necessary here to make a distinction between chromonema and chromatid. While a chromatid is a half of chromosome, two chromatids being connected at the centromere, the chromonemata is a structure, which is of a sub-chromatid nature, and there can be more than one chromonema in a chromatid. Euchromatin and Heterochromatin Chromonema exhibits two types of coiling – paranemic and plectonemic coiling (Fig.5). The chromonema are coiled together in such a way that they can easily by separated in the paranemic coiling. In the plectonemic coiling their separation is very difficult. Fig. 5. A – paranemic chromonema coiling; B - plectonemic chromonema coiling When chromosomes are stained with stains like acetocarmine or feulgen (basic fuchsin) at prophase, a linear differentiation into regions having dark stain and those having light stain becomes conspicuous. In 1930’s and 1940’s, Emil Heitz and other cytologists studied this aspect and darkly stained regions were called heterochromatic and light regions were called euchromatic. Heterochromatic regions are constituted into three structures namely chromomeres, chromocentres and knobs. Chromomeres are regular features of all prophase chromosomes, larger enough to reveal them, but their number, size; distribution and arrangement are specific for a particular species at a particular stage of development. Chromocentres are heterochromatic regions of varying size, which occur near the centromere in proximal regions of chromosome arms. At mid-prophase, many chromocentres can be resolved into strings of chromomeres, which are larger than chromomeres found in distal regions. In some dipterans salivary glands, the chromocentres of different chromosomes fuse to form large chromocentres. The relative distribution of chromocentres is sometimes considered to be of considerable evolutionary value. Knobs are spherical heterochromatin bodies, which may have a diameter equal to the chromosome width but may reach a size having a diameter, which is several times the width of the chromosome. Very distinct chromosome knobs can be observed in maize at pachytene stage. Knobs are valuable chromosome markers for distinguishing chromosomes of related species and races. Constitutive and Facultative Heterochromatin Certain regions of chromosomes, particularly those proximal to centromeres are constant, and are called constitutive heterochromatic regions serving as chromosome markers. There are other heterochromatic regions, called facultative heterochromatin and represented by whole sex chromosomes, which become heterochromatic only at certain stages. For instance, in female humans one X-chromosome is inactivated or becomes heterochromatic only facultatively. It is also established that DNA in heterochromatic regions replicates at a time different than the DNA in euchromatic regions, and that genes in heterochromatic region are inactive. But the earlier belief that no genes are found in heterochromatic regions is not correct because genes could be located in heterochromatic regions. The genes in heterochromatic region perhaps become active for a short period. Y-chromosome is another example of heterochromatic chromosomes having inactive genes in several dioecious plants and animals. Hence, depending on its stainable property, chromatin is classified into euchromatin and heterochromatin. Euchromatin takes up little stain and appears pale in colour. But the heterochromatin is deeply stainable and appears dark in colour. During the interphase of the cell cycle, dispersed chromatin produces euchromatin and condensed or undispersed chromatin produces heterochromatin. The centromere and secondary constriction are examples for heterochromatin. Chemical Composition The major chemical components of chromosomes are DNA, RNA, histone proteins and non-histone proteins. Calcium is also present in addition to these constituents. DNA. DNA is the most important of chemical components of chromatin, since it plays the central role of controlling heredity. Quantitative measurements of DNA have been made in a large number of cases, which are reviewed by H.Rees and R.N.Jones in 1972. The most convenient measurement of DNA is picogram (10 12 gm), which is equivalent to 31 cm of double helical DNA. It is interesting to note that a human diploid cell has 174 cm (5- 6 picograms) of DNA, so that all cells in a human being may have DNA equal to 2 5 1010 km (100gm), a length of which is equal to 100 times the distance from earth to sun. In comparison of these enormous lengths, DNA of bacteria measures only 1.1 mm – 1.4 mm. Besides nucleic acids (DNA and RNA), there are proteins, both histone and non-histone types, associated with chromosomes. Both kinds of chromosomal proteins are important for regulation of gene activity in eukaryotes. Histones. There are five fractions of histones, which have been differently designated according to the method of isolation. However, in 1975, histone nomenclature has been standardised and new designations have been proposed. These designations of different types of histones are the next: H 1 , H 2 B, H2A, H3, H4 . H 1 - histone is most easily removed and so is least tightly bound. This may thus be concerned with holding together a chromosome fibre. H 3 and H 4 are extremely conserved; having the same structures in different species and should thus have a common structural role. Histones, isolated from diverse materials showed considerable similarity. It is also assumed that general similarities in histones have been conserved during evolution. This feature alone suggested that these proteins should play a structural role rather than regulatory role. However, some important chromatin reconstitution experiments conducted in the recent years have established that histones do play a regulatory role. This regulatory role of histones is more of a general nature rather than specific and is exercised by repressing the activity of genes. Non-histones. They display more but still limited diversity. In variety of organisms, number of non-histones can vary from 12 to little more than 20 (in a human being may have approximately 100). Heterogeneity of these proteins suggested that these proteins are not as conserved in evolution as histones. These non-histone proteins differ even between different tissues of the same organism suggesting that they regulate the activity of specific genes. Chromatin reconstitution experiments described in 1973 by R.S.Gilmour and J.Paul, established that specific non-histone proteins switch on specific genes. These experiments have since been confirmed in a number of cases (Barrett et al., 1974; Groner et l., 1975). Nucleosome – Subunit of Chromatin and Solenoid Model In 1974, R.D. Kornberg and J.O. Thomas proposed an attractive model for basic chromatin structure involving DNA and histones. They suggested that DNA interacts with a tetramer (H32 – H42) and an oligomer (H2A – H2B)2 , so that a tetramer involving two molecules each of the histones H3 and H4, is associated with two molecules each of the histones H2A and H2B and with 200 base pairs of DNA. This makes a repeating unit (Fig.6). One molecule of H1 is also associated with each repeating unit. They also proposed that the tetramer makes the core of the unit and oligomers determine the spacing thus giving a flexible structure. This model is supported from biochemical and electron microscopy results. P. Outdet et al (1975) proposed the term nucleosome for repeating units, which were observed as beads on strings under electron microscope. Fig. 6. Original proposal for nucleosome repeating units, with DNA wound on a series of beads. In order to accommodate the nucleosome model for DNA, F.H.C. Crick and A. Klug (1975) proposed a kinky helix for DNA. In 1982, Prof. A.Klug was awarded Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his work on the development of crystallographic microscopy and his discoveries on the structure of nucleic acid protein complexes. Prof. F.N.C. Crick was awarded Nobel Prize in medicine much earlier along with, J.D. Watson and M.N.F. Wilkins, for their discovery of double helical structure of DNA. More details of nucleosome structure are now available, which are described in a recent article published in Scientific American (Vol. 244, 2. 1981). It has been shown that a nucleosome core consists of a chain of DNA having 146 base pairs (rather than 200 base pairs) making 1 3/4 turns and coiled around an octamer consisting of two molecules each of H2A, H2B, H3 and H4. Nucleosome = 200 base pairs + 2 molecules each of H2A, H2B, H3, H4 11 nm in diameter 146 base pairs of DNA of nucleosome core 60 base pairs of linker–DNA H2 B Linker DNA ( 60 base pair) H2A core H4 Core forms octamer Linker H 4 DNA + 146 base H3 pairs of DNA H2 B H3 H2 A Thus it makes a string (DNA chain) on beads rather than beads on string. One molecule of H1 holds the two ends of DNA in a nucleosome and is thus not an integral part of a nucleosome. The nucleosome core having 140 base pairs (instead of 200) is an enzymatically reduced form of the nucleosome (Fig.7). Fig.7. Model of full nucleosome (not the core particle) showing role of H1 histone, which is attached at the entry and exit of two turns of 166 base pairs long DNA. core The nucleosomes are once again coiled into what is called a solenoid, so that a solenoid model proposed. Packaging of Hereditary Material There are three levels of DNP packaging. Fig.8. Solenoid model, with a helix having about six nucleosomes per turn, where H1 molecules on adjacent nucleosomes are in contact Second level - condensation First level - compactization First level – compactization nucleosome fibre second level – condensation solenoid fibre thin, long and “beadson- -a-string” chromatin is condensed fibre third level – spiralization supersolenoid fibre coiling super coiling L = 7 time L = 40 time L = 104 time d = 11 nm d = 30 – 40 nm d = 1400 nm 300 – 400 A 140.000 Ao o o 110 A Is characteristic for : ☻heterochromatin of ☻euchromatin of interphase chromocome interphase chromocome; ☻prophase chromocome ☻metaphase chromocome Third level of hereditary material packaging The hypothetical scheme of highest levels of DNP packing (chromatin) (Fig. of M. Molitvin). 1-4 — nucleomere loops of packing different density; 5 — a site of nucleomere loops, having nucleosome character of the organization; 6— nucleomer fragment in inter-chromomeric sites of DNP; 7, 8 — proteins of structural matrix ( 7 — in chromomere region, 8 — in inter-chromomeric region of DNP). Special Types of Chromosomes The preceding section in this chapter dealing with chromosomes in eukaryotes was devoted to structure and function of chromosomes as observed in mitotic or meiotic cells in plants and animals. In certain organisms there are special tissues where these chromosomes take up a special structure. Lampbrush chromosomes of the vertebrate oocyte and giant chromosomes of salivary gland cells of dipterans are such special types of chromosomes. Due to special significance of these chromosomes, a relatively detailed account of these two types of chromosomes will be presented. Lampbrush Chromosomes As indicated earlier, chromosome structure at the same stage of cell division remains constant in the different kinds of cells in the same organism. Chromosomes of a special kind are, however, found in a variety of primary oocyte nuclei both in vertebrates and in invertebrates. Special kind of chromosomes known as lampbrush chromosomes are found during the prolonged diplotene stage of first meiotic division and in spermatocyte nuclei of Drosophila. Structure of Lampbrush chromosomes: 1 – DNP fibrils; 2 – chromomeres (coiled fragments of DNP in prophase of cell division); 3 – single chromomere with loop of DNP (loop is uncoil region of transcribed DNP); 4 – inter-chromomeric fragment of DNP These lampbrush chromosomes are characterized by a remarkable change in structure. The change in structure includes an enormous increase in length. These chromosomes may sometimes become even larger than polytene giant salivary gland chromosomes. The largest chromosome having a length up to l mm has been observed in urodele amphibian. The chromosomes seem to have a chromomeric pattern with loops projecting in pairs from majority of chromosomes. One to nine loops may arise from a single chromomere. The size of loops varies from an average of 9.5 μ in frog to up to 200μ in newt. The chromomeres are connected by inter-chromomeric fibres. These pairs of loops in these chromosomes give them the characteristic lampbrush appearance. Frequently these loops exhibit a thin axis (which probably consists of one DNA double helix), from which fibres project which are covered with a loop matrix consisting of RNA and protein. Total view of Lampbrush chromosomes (B) a single loop (observed structure) (C) a single loop (observed structure) The number of pairs of loops gradually increases in meiosis till it reaches maximum in diplotene. As meiosis proceeds further, number of loops gradually decreases and the loops ultimately disappear due to disintegration rather than reabsorption back into the chromomere. H. Ris, however, had thought that the loops were integral parts of chromonemata, which are extended in the form of major coils. It is also believed that the loops represent the modified chromosome structures at the loci of active genes. It has been observed that, if the activity of these genes is checked by actinomycin D, the loops will collapse. Numerous small nucleoli are commonly formed from the lampbrush chromosomes due to the rings detached from the loops at specific loci. The significance of the formation of numerous nucleoli is not known. Polytene Chromosomes In salivary gland cells of dipteran species, giant chromosomes were observed by E.G. Balbiani for the first time in 1881. The availability of these chromosomes greatly helped the study of cytogenetics in fruit fly. These chromosomes may reach a size up to 200 times (or more) the size of corresponding chromosomes of meiosis or in nuclei of ordinary mitotic cells. Another characteristic of these giant chromosomes is that they are somatically paired. Consequently the number of these giant chromosomes in the salivary gland cells always appears to be half of the normal somatic cells. The giant chromosomes have a distinct pattern of transverse banding, which consists of alternate chromatic and achromatic regions. These bands have greatly helped in the mapping of the chromosomes in cytogenetic studies. The bands occasionally form reversible “puffs”, known as “chromosome puffs” or “Balbiani rings”, which are associated with differential gene activation. Structure of polytene chromosome: 1 – DNP fibrils; 2 – dark band (chromatic regions); 3 – chromosome puffs (regions with high gene activity; 4 – light band (achromatic regions). The giant chromosomes represent a bundle of fibrils, which arise by repeated cycles of endo-reduplication of single chromatids. Endo-reduplication means that the chromatin replicates without cell division, as a result of which the number of chromonemata keeps on increasing. This is why these chromosomes are also popularly known as polytene chromosomes and the condition is described as polyteny. The number of chromonemata (fibrils) per chromosome may reach up to 2000 in extreme cases. In dipterans, the preparation of a slide of these chromosomes is rather easy. The larvae are taken at the third instar stage and the salivary glands are dissected out and squashed in aceto-carmine. In such preparations, these chromosomes in aggregate reach a length of as mush as 2000 μ in Drosophila melanogaster. In D. melanogaster, the giant chromosomes are found in the form of five long and one short strands radiating from a single more or less amorphous mass known as chromocentre. One long strand corresponds to the X-chromosome and the remaining four long strands are the arms of II and III chromosomes. The short strand is the small dot-like IV chromosome. The centromeres of all these chromosomes fuse to form the chromocentre. In the male flies the Ychromosome is also found fused within the chromocentre and is therefore not seen as a separate strand. Chromosomes of Drosophila melanogaster: A,B – Salivary gland chromosomes; C – Mitotic chromosomes (A) (B) How this enormous increase in size of these chromosomes is brought about in salivary glands is not known and various hypotheses are available to explain this issue. It should however, be emphasized that these giant chromosomes though, commonly found in salivary glands, have also been found in malpighian tubules, fat bodies, ovarian nurse cells, gut epithelia and some other tissues. GENETICS OF MAN The genetics of a man (anthropogenetics) is an independent section of genetics, which studies features of a heredity and variability of a man. A man is specific object of anthropogenetical studying, as: 1) it is impossible to apply the basic method of genetics – hybridologic method; 2) 3) 4) 5) difficult karyotype – 46 chromosomes; the big number of groups of linkage genes – 23 groups of linkage; has a small number of offsprings in each generation; there is a slow alternation of generations. Medico – Genetical Consultation Medico-genetical consultation (MGC) is a kind of medical aid rendered to the population with the purpose of preventive maintenance of hereditary diseases. The purpose: ● to lower frequency of a hereditary pathology in human populations; ● to reduce expression of clinical symptoms of hereditary diseases. Medico-genetical consultation is carried out in some stages, which are submitted in the table Stages MGC I. Specification diagnosis of The actions which are carried out at a stage 1. Studying of phenotypes; 2. Drawing up and research of family trees (genealogic method) 3. Cytogenetics method the 4. Biochemical methods 5. Amniocentesis 6. Electrographic methods (cardiographia, encephalographia, myographia, etc.) II. Calculation of risk degree of a hereditary pathology III. Delivery of the conclusion and recommendations 1. On the basis of genealogic method 2. On the basis of twins method 3. Use of population-statistical method at monogenic autosome – recessive diseases 4. Use of tables of empirical risk at polygenic-inherited diseases The note: up to 10 % - a low degree of risk of a hereditary pathology; 10 % - 20 % - an average degree of risk; over 20 % - a high degree of risk Methods of Human Heredity Study I. Cytogenetics Methods include: 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. Karyotyping without differential dyeing; Karyotyping with differential dyeing; Research Barr bodies. 1.1. Karyotyping without Differential Dyeing: it is carried out under the following circuit: 1. Placing lymphocytes (kind of leukocytes) in a medium containing phitohemagglutinin. 2. Cultivation of the cells (mitotic division of the cells). 3. Stopping mitosis at metaphase by introducing colchicines into the medium. Marking micropreparation, obtaining microphotos of metaphase plates (karyotype). 4. Composition the individual chromosome complete (karyogram). Fig. 1 Fig. 1. Karyogram of normal female organism Hence, last step of karyotyping is drawing up karyogram or ideogram according to Denver classifications. Karyogram – is the ordered arrangement of chromosomes of a metaphase plate (a graphic representation of karyotype). Ideogram – is distribution of chromosomes on groups in view of specific attributes, for example as in Denver classifications. DENVER NOMENCLATURE OF CHROMOSOME The size, the form of chromosomes and centromere index are put in basis of Denver classification (1960). Centromere index = length of chromosome short arm length of the whole chromosome DENVER CLASSIFICATION, 1960 Group Number of chromosomes Morphology of chromosomes Size, μm Types of chromosomes A 1-3 Large 11-8,3 Metacentric chromosomes B 4,5 Large 7,7 Submetacentric chromosomes 6-12; Middle 7,2-5,7 Submetacentric chromosomes Middle 4,2 Acrocentric chromosomes Small 3,6-3,2 Small 2,3-2,8 Submetacentric Chromosomes Metacentric Chromosomes C Xchromosome D E F G X -chromosome 13-15 16-18 19-20 21,22 Y -chromosome Ychromoso me Small 2,3 Acrocentric chromosomes All chromosomes are distributed on groups. In Denver classifications are allocated seven groups – A, B, C, D, E, F, G. Lack of Denver classifications: it is difficult to determine a serial number of a chromosome inside group according to Denver classifications. 1.2. Karyotyping with Differential Dyeing: it is carried out with the purpose of identification of each chromosome. To identify any chromosome became possible due to the Paris nomenclature, 1971. Chromosomal and interchromosomal sites are painted differently at processing of chromosome by special dyes. The chromosome gets characteristic « striped kind ». Alternation of light and dark disks is strictly specific to each chromosome, due to what it is possible to define its serial number. PARIS NOMENCLATURE, 1971 1.3. Research Barr Bodies In man the presence of a Y-chromosome in a fertilized egg causes it to develop into a male and it is the absence of the Y-chromosome that causes it to develop into a female. In man there are 23 pairs of chromosomes of which 22 pairs are known as autosomes and one pair sex chromosomes. In a male the complement is 22 pairs of autosomes and the sex chromosomes are X and Y, while in female the complement is 22 pairs of autosomes and one pair of X chromosomes. Autosomes do not have any role in sex determination. A smear of the epithelial tissue from the cavity of man can be examined to know the sex chromosome complement. The cells of a female bear a special structure known as Barr body or (Murray body). Normal male buccal smear cells do not have a Barr body. The female is termed as sex-chromatin positive and male – sexchromatin negative. One of the X chromosomes in the female is inactive and is presumed to form the Barr body. A variant of the sex chromatin occurs in the neutrophil white blood cells. Here a ‘drumstick’ consisting of a fine stainable thread and a round stainable head, protrudes from a nuclear lobe in a small percentage of female cells but is nearly absent in nearly all male cells. II. Biochemical Methods take place at diagnostics of molecular diseases. With their help it is possible to determine the quantitative contents of enzymes, initial and intermediate products of a metabolism. As a rule, on the first stage the screening - test (qualitative reaction to presence of metabolism products) precedes to biochemical research. Various mediums of an organism (blood, urine, cerebral fluid, amniotic fluid, etc.) are exposed to biochemical research. III. Amniocentesis is a research of amniotic fluid, what is spent at term of 16-18 weeks pregnancy for exception of molecular and chromosomal diseases at a embryon. 1st stage is an obtaining amniotic fluid with embryonic cells 2nd stage is a carrying out cytological or biochemical researches. AMNIOCENTESIS amniotic fluid sampled Mother’s body wall Wall of uterus Placenta Fetus (16 weeks) centrifuged fluid fetal cells Chromosomes examined Chemistry of fluid and cells analyzed Cell cultured IY. Twins Method During evolution, selection has strongly favored the birth of only one human baby at a time. The energy available from the mother, for nourishing the unborn child and for milk production and care after the child is born, is limited. Babies borne singly tend to be larger, and healthier, with a better chance of survival, than those with wombmates. However, multiple births result from a small percentage of pregnancies (1%). Nonidentical twins (2/3) also called fraternal twins or dizygotic (“twozygote”) twins, result when two eggs are ovulated at the same time and both are fertilized and implant in the uterine wall. Because the resulting embryos come from different eggs and different sperm, they are no more alike than any other children of the same parents, except that they are the same age. Dizygotic twins are genetically non identical and may be as well of the same sex as of the Fig. 2 A Fig. 2. A – identical twins; 1- general placenta; 2- own amnion 3- general smooth chorion 4- general decidua capsularis 5-decidua parietalis B B – nonidentical twins. 1- own placenta; 2- own amnion; 3- own smooth chorion 4- own decidua capsularis different sex. Hence, likeness of traits may be explained by influence of external environment at the dizygotic twins. Identical twins (1/3) are produced when the mass of cells formed by cell division of the zygote separates into two groups in the fits week after fertilization. Each group of cells develops into a separate embryo. Because these cells contain identical genes, the resulting embryos are genetically identical and so must be of the same sex. Identical twins are also called monozygotic twins because they originate from a single zygote. Thus, likeness of traits may be explained by equal genotypes at the monozygotic twins. Concordance is likeness of traits at both twins, marking in percent (%). If the sign absent at one from them it is called discordance (%). Twin method helps to study the influence of environmental factors and heredity on the development of traits. V. Genealogical Method includes some stages: 1st stage – gathering of data on members of family of several generations; 2nd stage – drawing up of a family tree; proband – the person for whom the family tree is under construction; sibs – brothers and sisters of proband; rd 3 stage – the analysis of a family tree and an establishment such as inheritance; 4th stage – definition of proband’s genotypes and close relatives; 5th stage – grows degrees of risk on a family tree. Designations at drawing up of a family tree Designations Symbol male organism female organism proband carrier of trait ● carrier of a gene marriage allied marriage sibs infantile death I II repeated marriage The analysis of a family tree occurs under the following circuit: 1) the parity of sexes is determined; 2) number of trait carriers in pedigree (analysis on horizontal); 3) quantity of individuals with signs on a vertical; 4) specific features of pedigree. Autosomal - Dominant Type of Inheritance Аа аа аа аа аа аа Аа Аа 1) 2) 3) 4) аа Аа аа Аа аа Аа Аа Аа аа аа аа аа аа Аа Аа Аа аа Аа Аа аа Аа аа the trait equally frequently meets both in men, and in women; there are many sick organisms in horizontal; patients are in each generation; one of parents of the sick child is necessarily sick. Autosomal - Recessive Type of Inheritance АА ● ▪ Аа . . 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) ● аа ● ● Аа Аа аа Аа ● ● Аа ● Аа Аа ● Аа аа the trait equally frequently meets both in men, and in women ; the pathological heredity takes place on a horizontal ; the pathological heredity is traced on a vertical through 1-2 generations; the indication in a family tree on allied marriage; phenotypically healthy parents are carriers of a pathological gene. The Х-linked, Dominate Type of Inheritance ХАХа ХаХа ХАХа ХаУ ХАХа ХАУ ХАХа ХАУ ХаУ ХаУ ХАУ ХаУ ХаУ ХаХа ХАХа ХаУ ХАХа ХаХа ХаХа ХаХа ХаУ 1) the trait equally frequently meets both in men, and in women; 2) the pathological heredity is traced at the big number of individuals on a horizontal; 3) ill organisms are in each generation; 4) one of parents of the ill child is sick necessarily; 5) only sick girls and health boys are born from the sick father. Х-linked, Recessive Type of Inheritance ХАХа ХАУ ● ХАХа ХАУ ● ХаУ ХАХа ● ● ХАХа 1) 2) 3) 4) ХАУ ХАХА ХАУ ХаУ ● ХаУ ХаУ ХаХа ХАХа ХАУ ХАУ ХАУ ХАХА ХаУ ХАХА ХАХА male organisms is ill more than female organisms; on a horizontal half of boys are ill, half of girls are carriers in family; the trait is traced through 1-2 generations on a vertical; sick individuals are relatives of a male on the part of proband’s mother. The У-linked Type of Inheritance X УА XX XX X УА X УА X УА X УА XX XX XX XX XY XY 1) only boys are ill; 2) proband brothers are sick too; 3) the sick boy is born from the sick father, that is inherited the abnormal trait from generation to generation on a man's line. VI. Dermatoglyphics. Thumbprints found on contracts over two thousand years ago show that the Chinese have long used fingerprints for signature and identification. But for the Western World, fingerprints were ‘discovered’ by Sir Francis Galton, a cousin of Charles Darwin, in 1893. Since then, massive research has proven that there is a direct correlation between fingerprints and a person’s medical and behavioral profile. Dermatoglyphics is the scientific term for the study of fingerprints and related line and hand shape designations. The word “dermatoglyphics” comes from two Greek words (derma = skin and glyphic = carve) and refers to the friction ridge formations, which appear on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. Characteristically, hair does not grow from this area. The ridging formations serve well to enhance contact, an area of multiple nerve endings (dermal Papillae) and aids in the prevention of slippage. People of African ancestry display reduced skin pigmentation in the designated locations. All studies of the dermal ridge arrangements including genetics, anthropology are classified under the term dermatoglyphics. The ridge formations of the skin of an individual begin to appear during the third and fourth month of fetal development. After death, decomposition of the skin is last to occur in the area of the dermatoglyphic configurations. There have been many instances in which the only identifiable part of a deceased person was the friction ridge formations. Dermal palmer and plantar ridges are highly useful in biological studies. Their notably variable characteristics are not duplicated in other people, even in monozygotic twins or even in the same person, from location to location. Because dermal ridges are found on a number of animals, it will be interesting to observe whether dermal patterns are replicated in cloning and if they vary, how they vary. The details of these ridges are permanent. Yet while the individual characteristics are variable, that diversity falls within pattern limits that permit systematic classification. Dermatoglyphics is subdivided on a) Dactyloscopy b) Palmeroscopy c) Plantaroscopy Dermatoglyphics studies a skin relief and skin pattern on fingers (dactyloscopy), on palms (palmeroscopy) and soles (plantaroscopy). The dactyloscopy gives special attention on papillary patterns of fingers. They have specific features at each person. In criminalistics they are used for identification of the person. Papillary patterns on fingers distinguish as L A W loops – L (LU – the loop opens aside ulna; LR – the loop opens aside radius) arches – A curls – W L> W> A 60 % of 34 % of 6 % - on hands A> W> L – on soles Palmeroscopy studies dermal palmer relief. It includes palmer lines and heights. Central palmer dimple settles down on a palm. It is surrounded with six heights. The largest is thenar (at basis of I finger). On the contrary lays hypothenar (at the basis of V finger). Four heights are between fingers. Manual triradii are formed at the basis of II, III, IY, V fingers – a, b, c, d accordingly. Triradius – a point where three of different direction papillary lines are converged. Triradius Main triradius t (the line on border of a brush and a forearm at the basis of IV tarsus bones) settles down on staple folding. Palmer angle atd is 48о – 57о in norm. At a hereditary pathology it can increase or decrease accordingly. a, b ,c, d, t and td triradii atd angle locations Some of the main lines allocate on palms of the healthy person. At hereditary syndromes they can merge, forming transversal palmary folding. Vll. Population - Statistical Method The totality of alleles of all genes in a population is the gene pool of that population. The total gene pool continues as a constant representation of a population. Modest alteration of the allelic frequency does not bring, marked changes immediately, but over period of time such changes produce marked alterations in the characteristics of a population. Hardy and Weinberg (1908) proposed that the frequencies of alleles and even the ratios of genotypes tend to remain constant from one generation to the next in sexually reproducing populations under certain conditions. These conditions include: 1. A very large population; 2. No change in mutation rates; 3. Complete randomness in mating so that success is the same for all allelic combinations; 4. No large – scale migrations into or out of the mating pool. In such populations gene frequencies follow simple laws of probability. If the allele A has a frequency of “p” in a population and allele ‘a’ has a frequency of “q” and there are no other alleles for this gene, p + q = 1. The probability that allele A occurs is also its frequency p. The probability that ‘a’ will occur is q. Thus the probability of the occurrence of homozygous dominants AA or its frequency in a population is p x p = p2. The frequency of ‘aa’ homozygotes is q2. Since there are two ways of forming heterozygotes Aa (i.e. A allele from mother and ‘a’ from father or vice versa) the frequency of Aa in the population is 2 pq. The sum of all these frequencies is P2 + 2pq + q2 = 1 or 2 (p+q) = 1 This is a binomial expression. Example: in a population in Hardy – Weinberg equilibrium, for a gene with only two alleles, if the gene frequency of allele A is 0.4, then we can calculate frequency of a = 1 – p = 1 – 0.4 = 0.6 .. The frequency of various genotypes is AA = p2 = (0.4) (0.4) = 0.16 Aa = 2pq = 2 (0.6) (0.4) = 0.48 2 Aa = q = (0.6) (0.6) = 0.36 2 2 P = 2pq = q = 0.16 = 0.48 = 0.36 = 1 The selection pressures on the population are expressed by the deviations from the Hardy – Weinberg gene genotype frequencies. B I B L I O G R A P H Y: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A textbooik of cytology, genetics and evolution, ISBN 81-7133161-0, P.K. Gupta ( a textbook for university students0, published by Rakesh Kumar Rastogi for Rastogi publications, Shivaji Rood, Meerut- 250002. Biology, fourth edition, Karen Arms, Pamela S.Camp, 1995, Saunders college Publishing. Intermediate First Year, Zoology : Authors (English Telugu Versions): Smt. K.Srilatha Devi, Dr. L. Krishna Reddy, Revised Edition: 2000. Review Committee, Dr. K. Malla Reddy, Sri Y. Krishnanandam, Sri B.V.Gopalacharyulu, Sri G.Rama Joga Rao, Teludu Akademi. Биология/ А.А. Слюсарев, С.В.Жукова. – К.: Вища шк. Головное изд-во, 1987. – 415 с. C O N T E N T S: CHAPTER I: CHROMOSOMES Introduction………………………………………………………….4 Brief history………………………………………………………….5 Number of chromosomes…………………………………………….5 Notion about karyotype………………………………………………6 Karyotype of a man…………………………………………………..7 Classification of anaphase chromosomes…………………………….8 Structure of chromosome……………………………………………..9 Kinds of chromatin…………………………………………………..10 Chemical composition of chromosomes……………………………..11 Solenoid model………………………………………………………12 Packaging of hereditary material…………………………………….15 lampbrush chromosomes………………………………………….....17 polytene chromosomes……………………………………………....19 CHAPTER II: GENETICS OF MAN Medico-genetical consultation………………………………………...21 Cytogenetics methods………………………………………………....22 karyotyping without differential dyeing……………..……22 karyotyping with differential dyeing……….………….….24 research Barr bodies……………………………….……...26 Biochemical methods……………………………………….………...26 Amniocentesis…………………………………………….…………..27 Twins method………………………………………….……………...27 Genealogical method……………………………………………..…...29 Dermatoglyphics……………………………………………………...32 Population-statistical method…………………………………………35 * DENVER CLASSIFICATION, 1960……………………...…...23 * PARIS NOMENCLATURE, 1971……………...…………..….25 METHODS OF HUMAN HEREDITY STUDY Methodological manual for the students of the English-speaking Medium (On English). МЕТОДЫ ИЗУЧЕНИЯ НАСЛЕДСТВЕННОСТИ ЧЕЛОВЕКА Учебное пособие для студентов англоязычного отделения (на английском языке). Авторы: Макаренко Элина Николаевна, кандидат медицинских наук, старший преподаватель кафедры биологии с экологией; Болдырева Галина Ивановна, старший преподаватель кафедры биологии с экологией; Паршинцева Наталья Николаевна, старший преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков с курсом латинского языка. Authors: Mackarenko E.N., Senior Lecturers Biology with Ecology of Department; Boldyreva G.I., Senior Lecturers Biology with Ecology of Department; Parshintseva N.N., Teacher of Latin and Foreign Languages Department of Stavropol State Medical Academy