Mathematical concepts in the Neurosciences (NBB 470 / BIO 470) MWF, 10:40a–11:30a; Old Dental School, R100A Andrei Olifer aolifer@, 404-727-3981, Rollins Research Center, R2172 Content: This course is intended for NBB (Neuroscience and Behavioral Biology) and Biology majors interested in quantitative reasoning and mathematical modeling. Several mathematical concepts fundamentally important in multiple areas of biology will be considered. The concepts will include differential and difference equations, information measures, stochastic processes, and others. The concepts will be introduced in the context of specific problems in the neurosciences to demonstrate why and how these concepts really work. The exemplary problems will be from neuronal coding, neuronal network dynamics, and learning in neuronal networks. Mathematical concepts will be introduced from “scratch”, on the basis of the high school mathematics. The course will give a foundation for quantitative reasoning and mathematical modeling in the neurosciences and biology in general. The development of the course was funded by a Howard Hughes Medical Institute Fellowship. Prerequisite: NBB 301/ Bio 360 will be a useful background; knowledge of calculus is not required but is a plus. Textbooks: 1) F.R. Adler. Modeling the Dynamics of Life. Brooks/Cole, 2005. 2) P.Dayan and L.F.Abbott. Theoretical Neuroscience: Computational and Mathematical Modeling of Neural Systems. MIT Press, 2001. Particulars: Grades will be based on the three tests (15% each), the final exam (25%), and the homework grade (30%). There will be a discussion section every week to ensure understanding of the course material. This course will fulfill elective credit for NBB and Biology majors. Homework: Homework will be assigned daily and is to be turned in at the beginning of class on the specified day. The homework will be given a score of 0-10 and returned promptly. 1 Neuroscience Topics and Mathematical Concepts Neuronal Coding - Spike codes Mathematical concepts Functions, graphs of functions, elementary statistics. - Entropy and information in spikes Mathematical concepts Probability distributions, entropy, mutual information, stochastic processes, Poisson process. - Population coding Mathematical concepts Linear algebra (operations with vectors). Neuronal and Network Dynamics - Neuronal models Mathematical concepts ODEs and their solutions. Phase space. - Steady state neuronal dynamics Mathematical concepts Stable and unstable steady states of dynamical systems. Bifurcations. - Periodic neuronal dynamics Mathematical concepts Stable and unstable periodic regimes of dynamical systems. Bifurcations. - Neuronal network dynamics Mathematical concepts Lyapunov function. Learning in Neuronal Networks - Synaptic plasticity Mathematical concepts Time averaging. Linear algebra. 2