Supplementary Legends - Word file

Supplementary Information Guide
Supplementary Figure S1. Real-Time PCR analysis of sqt transcripts (a) and ef1- (b)
at various stages of development. The histograms show % expression in comparison to
the peak of expression, from single mature activated oocyte to gastrulation stage
embryos. The X-axis shows the developmental stage, and the Y-axis indicates % sqt or
ef expression. Act oocyte indicates activated oocyte; obl, oblong; sph, sphere; shi,
shield; epi, epiboly.
Supplementary Figure S2. Colocalization of ß-catenin with ß-Gal human nodal 3’UTR.
a. Expression of ß-catenin in dorsal nuclei, b, Nuclear ß-Gal expression in dorsal
nuclei, and their colocalization (c, white arrowheads).
Supplementary Table T1: % embryos expressing localized sqt through cleavage,
blastula and early gastrula stages.
Supplementary Table T2: Marker gene expression in operated embryos.
Supplementary Table T3: Marker gene expression in morpholino injected oocytes or
fertilized embryos
Supplementary Video 1. Dynamic localization of fluorescent sqt RNA in zebrafish
embryos at early cleavage stages. Images captured at 1-minute intervals over a 65minute period, from the 1-cell to the 8-cell stage. Animal pole view showing movement
of RNA. (AVI; 6 MB)
Supplementary Video 2. Dynamic localization of fluorescent sqt RNA in zebrafish
embryos at early cleavage stages. Lateral view showing movement of sqt RNA from
the yolk to the blastoderm and its localization. (AVI; 3.5 MB)
Supplementary Video 3. Uniform distribution of fluorescent lacZ RNA with the ßglobin 3’ UTR. Images captured at 1-minute intervals over a 90-minute period, from
the 1-cell to the 8-cell stage. Lateral view showing movement of RNA from the yolk
into the blastomeres. (AVI; 3.6 MB)
Supplementary Video 4. Localization of fluorescent sqt RNA is inhibited by the
microtubule poison, nocodazole. The embryo was injected with sqt RNA at the 1-cell
stage, treated with nocodazole, and images were captured at 1-minute intervals over a
65-minute period. Lateral view showing accumulation of injected RNA in the yolk.
(AVI; 6.6 MB)
Supplementary Video 5. The 3’UTR of sqt RNA is required for localization. The
embryo was injected with sqt RNA lacking its 3’UTR. Images captured at 1-minute
intervals over a 70-minute period, from the 1-cell to the 4-cell stage; Lateral view
showing uniform distribution of injected RNA. (AVI; 3 MB)
Supplementary Video 6. Exogenous 3’UTRs do not localize sqt RNA. The embryo
was injected with labelled sqt coding region RNA fused with the ß-globin 3’UTR.
Animal pole view showing uniform distribution of injected RNA. (AVI; 3.6 MB)
Supplementary Video 7. Fluorescent lacZ RNA fused to sqt 3’UTR is localized by
early cleavage stages. Images captured at 1-minute intervals over a 85-minute period,
from the 1-cell to the 4 cell stage; Lateral view shown.
(AVI; 8 MB)
Supplementary Video 8. Fluorescent lacZ RNA fused to sqt 3’UTR is localized by
early cleavage stages. Images captured at 1-minute intervals over a 60-minute period,
from the 1-cell to the 4-cell stage; Animal pole view shown. (AVI; 5.7 MB)
Supplementary Video 9. Fluorescent sqt RNA with the first 50 nucleotides of its
3’UTR is localized by the 4-cell stage. Images captured at 1-minute intervals over a 65minute period. Animal pole view shown.
(AVI; 5.9 MB)
Supplementary Video 10. Fluorescent sqt RNA with the first 50 nucleotides of its
3’UTR is localized by the 4-cell stage. Images captured at 1-minute intervals over a 75minute period. Lateral view shown. (AVI; 7.2 MB)
Supplementary Video 11. Fluorescent lacZ RNA with the human nodal 3’UTR is
localized by the 4-cell stage. Animal pole view shown. (AVI; 6.1 MB)
Supplementary Video 12. Fluorescent lacZ RNA with the human nodal 3’UTR is
localized by the 4-cell stage. Lateral view shown. (AVI; 9.2 MB)