Residential Policies - Rainbow Haven Transitional Housing

Residential Policies
This pamphlet is being provided for you in order to preview the policies that you will be promising to abide by if
you were to be accepted into the Rainbow Haven program. A complete explanation of each policy will be made
available to you if you are accepted into Rainbow Haven’s Residential Program.
Becoming a Rainbow Haven Resident
Intake Policy
Applicants will be evaluated for appropriateness in an intake process with three progressively more involved steps –
phone / face-to-face referral, application, interview.
Resident Criteria Policy
Rainbow Haven residents are carefully screened and chosen to participate in the residential Housing program based on
their qualifications for potential success. Not every applicant is guaranteed a spot in residency.
Victims of Domestic Violence Policy
Victims of recent domestic violence will not be eligible for housing at Rainbow Haven due to security factors. Under
certain circumstances and with appropriate investigation, women who have exhibited an extended separation from a
former abuser may be allowed to live at Rainbow Haven provided all contact is cut off from that abuser in the future.
Rainbow Haven Program Policies
Budget Accountability Policy
All residents living at Rainbow Haven are required to faithfully live on a budget that they have helped to construct during
the entire time she lives at Rainbow Haven. Residents will have to turn in proof of their income and expenses and fill out
accurate weekly income / expense sheets as well as to live on a budget during the entire time they are in our program.
Case Management Policy
The Case Manager and resident will work together on an individualized plan of care to assess and meet resident needs and
empower residents to set and accomplish personal short and long term goals. Focus of care plan is to begin with the end
in mind. “What needs to happen so that you are prepared to leave Rainbow Haven by your exit date? By when does it
need to happen?, etc.
Church Attendance Policy
All Rainbow Haven residents are required to visit at least three different churches during their first month at Rainbow
Haven. Residents must choose a home church which they will attend weekly during their entire stay at Rainbow Haven
by the end of their first month. Residents will then be assigned a mentor from within the church they choose to attend,
and they must maintain weekly contact with that mentor throughout their stay at Rainbow Haven.
Evaluation Policy and Procedure
All residents living at Rainbow Haven will be evaluated periodically throughout their stay to ensure program compliance.
Residents scoring at least a 90% on their Evaluation Tool can be considered successful graduates and can be eligible for a
housing extension if needed.
Group Class Policy
Attendance at Biblically based Group Classes will be required for all residents throughout their stay at Rainbow Haven.
Classes meet on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 7 – 8:30 pm. Childcare is provided for all residential children.
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Residential Policies
House Guidelines Policy
Every resident is expected to comply with Rainbow Haven’s House Guidelines policies and procedures in order to remain
eligible to continue in the program. If a resident chooses to refuse to comply with the written policies they will receive up
to three increasingly severe consequences until the time that they are asked to leave the program. Some behaviors (theft,
dishonesty, abuse, etc) will warrant an automatic excusal from the program.
Qualifying Time Policy
Each resident must complete at least 40 hours of qualifying time each week in order to be eligible to remain at Rainbow
Rent and Savings Policy
All residents regardless of income are required to pay $10 per week in Rent. Residents are required to pay twenty percent
of their income into their move – out Savings account with every single paycheck obtained while they are at Rainbow
Living at Rainbow Haven Policies
Attitude Policy
Rainbow Haven residents are expected to comply with the staff expectations that they will deal with disputes and
disagreements with staff and other residents in an adult and responsible way, that all situations will be dealt with in
complete honesty, that residents will respect and observe the boundaries of other residents and staff, and that residents
will never participate in stealing or thefts.
Childcare Policy
Rainbow Haven expects all residents to adequately care for and supervise their children at all times while they live at
Rainbow Haven.
Chores Policy
Rainbow Haven residents are expected to participate in daily and weekly chores with a good attitude.
Complaint Policy
Every client, both internal and external, of Rainbow Haven’s services has a right to have their complaints heard and
investigated. Any client with a complaint against staff, management, or the program is welcome to make that complaint
known in order for the complaint to be thoroughly investigated and resolved.
Drug Free Policy
Rainbow Haven has a zero tolerance policy for drug and alcohol use while residents are in the residential housing
program. Residents are prohibited from using any illegal drugs or alcohol or misusing prescription drugs either on or off
the Rainbow Haven property while they are in the residential housing program.
Emergency Evacuation Policy
All residents will follow the Emergency Evacuation Policy to ensure safety during the event of an inclement weather
situation or structural fire.
Emergency Reporting Policy
All medical emergencies or situations requiring the assistance of police or emergency personnel must be reported to on
call staff immediately.
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Residential Policies
Schedule Policy
It is expected that all Rainbow Haven residents will follow strict schedule requirements while they reside at Rainbow
Haven including being up, dressed, and ready for the day by 6:55 AM, observing strict daytime schedules, and observing
night time curfews in order to not be late.
Smoking Policy
Rainbow Haven is a smoke free / tobacco free facility. Smoking may only take place in the authorized smoking areas on
the back patio.
Room Checks Policy
Room checks will be performed on a weekly basis to ensure that residents are complying with Chores expectations, to
ensure that no illegal contraband is making its way into the house, or to handle problems arisen due to suspicions of illegal
or inappropriate activity.
Transportation Policy
Rainbow Haven expects all residents to use their resources to get and use transportation to meet their family’s needs in a
safe and legal manner. Staff does not provide transportation for residents except in the case of emergency.
Transportation Waiver and Request Policy
Rarely, after all other sources of transportation have been sought without success the staff, volunteers, and possibly other
residents may be able to provide transportation in the event of a true emergency. In that event, all residents must sign a
Transportation Waiver prior to being transported by Rainbow Haven residents, staff, or volunteers. For staff or
volunteer provided transportation, all residents must also fill out a Transportation Request at least one week prior to
their appointment for which transportation is needed.
Visitor Policy
Visitors are welcome at Rainbow Haven between the hours of 10am and 8 pm as long as the resident accompanies them.
Visitors who have been abusive to any resident in the past are not welcome to visit on the Rainbow Haven property.
Visitor Sign In Policy
Residents must make sure that every person who comes to visit is signed in and out on the appropriate paperwork.
Weekend Pass Policy and Procedure
Residents may be provided with a weekend pass in order to be gone overnight on the weekends if they have successfully
complied program requirements during the week.
Wheels to Work Policy and Procedure
Residents may be involved with the Wheels to Work transportation program
Wheels to Work - Bicycle Policy and Procedure
While a Resident is waiting for paperwork or requirements to be completed or processed for the Wheels to Work program
she may use the Rainbow Haven bikes and baby carriers available as long as she complies with safety and storage
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Residential Policies
Leaving Rainbow Haven Policies
Leaving Rainbow Haven Policy
In order to leave Rainbow Haven and be classified as a successful graduate a resident must have completed all of the
program requirements in her specified time frame. If a resident refuses to comply with program guidelines she may be
asked to leave the program early. Success at graduation and the possibility of receiving an extension will be determined
through the use of an objective Evaluation Tool.
Extension Requests Policy and Procedure
The standard RHTH housing period is six months. All residents who have successfully completed their initial six month
program could be eligible to receive a housing extension up to a cumulative total of 18 months of residency if they meet
the criteria necessary for an extension.
Extension Requirements Policy and Procedure
Extensions that have been approved by the Board of Directors will follow a standard set of program requirements in order
that the resident be independent and self-sufficient when they leave.
AfterCare Policy
Every Rainbow Haven resident who successfully graduates from the program will be given the opportunity to participate
in the AfterCare program.
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Residential Policies