COLDPLAY DISABLED TICKETS I wish to apply for the following

I wish to apply for the following pair of tickets – tick as appropriate:
Wheelchair users [
visually impaired [
] Ambulant Disabled i.e. walking difficulties/blind &
] highlight preference
Dates – highlight order of preference:
Day 1: Friday 1 June 2012
Day 3: Monday 4 June 2012
(Day 2: Saturday 2nd June 2012 is sold out).
Seating available - highlight order of preference:
Wheelchair - Upper Tier
] Wheelchair User – Lower Tier [
Ambulant - Upper Tier [
] Lower Tier * [
* There are a very limited number of adjacent carer/companion seats on lower tier wheelchair
platforms which will ONLY be sold once all the (ambulant) Upper Tier places have sold out.
Please delete the Lower Tier option if you DO NOT want to be considered for these seats.
Credit/debit number:
Issue no (if applicable):
Expiry date:
CV2 number (last 3 numbers on back):
Telephone no:
Email address:
Proof of disability attached [
] copy of 2011 DLA/Doctors letter.
Arsenal disabled supporters quote Gold/Purple membership numbers:
Return completed forms by post or fax only as in order to comply with banking and
data protection legislation all emails and attachments containing credit or debit card
numbers are automatically rejected by Arsenal IT system:
Post: Disability Liaison Team, Arsenal FC, Highbury House 75 Drayton Park,
London N5 IBU Fax: 020 7704 4161