Cornmarket Surgery Cornmarket Surgery Newry Co.Down, BT35 6BW Appointments: 3026 1221 3025 7439 Fax: Website When the surgery is closed call Welcome to Cornmarket Surgery Website We use our new surgery website to present all our patients with up to date news and information about our practice. We will keep it current with any developments or other details that we feel are relevant to you. As well as a source of information about our practice, the staff and the services we provide, we hope you will use this website as a useful resource for other healthrelated information. Please have a look around the website and do send us some feedback - thank you for your time! Opening Hours: We are open from 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday. We are closed at the weekend and on certain bank holidays. Outside normal working hours: If you have a serious medical emergency dial 999 If you need medical advice or if your problem cannot wait until the surgery opens, you can contact the emergency doctor in the Out of Hours Centre by phoning: 028 38 39 92 01 Please ring before attending as this is not a 'drop in' centre. If the doctor feels that a visit is not necessary, he or she may offer you telephone advice or arrange to see you at the Out of Hours centre. Access Access for disabled patients is available at the front of the building and specially designed toilet facilities are also available. All consulting rooms are on the ground floor. A & E – Think Before You Go If you or your child suddenly becomes unwell, in most circumstances, you should phone the surgery for advice before going to A&E. A GP is available to deal with your queries most of the time and will return your call as quickly as possible. Please give as much information to the receptionist as possible. Most queries will be dealt with much faster by your GP than at Accident and Emergency Departments where the priority is dealing with serious accidents or illnesses. You should remember that for some conditions, e.g. in children with a rash that does not disappear under the glass, where meningitis is suspected, head injuries, serious accidental injuries or accidental overdoses, Accident and Emergency is the best choice. LEAVE ACCIDENT AND EMERGENCY DEPARTMENTS FOR GENUINE ACCIDENTS AND EMERGENCIES Cancelling your Appointment Please phone the surgery if you wish to cancel your appointment. Appointments are often in short supply so please ring and let us know if you cannot attend. It means that the appointment can then be given to somebody else. Opening Times We are open 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday. We are closed at the weekends and on certain bank holidays. In an Emergency If you have a serious medical emergency, please dial 999! During normal working hours: Phone the surgery on 028 30261221 During lunchtime an answer machine will give you the phone number to ring. Outside normal working hours: If you have a serious medical emergency dial 999 If you need medical advice or if your problem cannot wait until the surgery you can contact the emergency doctor in the Out of Hours Centre by phoning: 028 38 39 92 01 Please ring before attending as this is not a 'drop in' centre. If the doctor feels that a visit is not necessary, he or she may offer you telephone advice or arrange to see you at the Out of Hours centre. NHS Direct In the case of urgent need when the practice is closed you can call NHS Direct ( (0845 4647) to speak to a triage nurse. Your needs will be assessed and advice offered or arrangements made for you to see a doctor. Please do not ask to see a doctor out of hours unless you genuinely cannot wait until the surgery re-opens. Call 999 in an emergency. Chest pains and / or shortness of breath constitute an emergency. Closing Dates & Holidays This table contains a list of dates (for 2014) when the surgery will be closed for holidays :1st January 17th March 21st April 22nd April 5th May 26th May 14th July 25th August 25th December 26th December New Years Day St Patrick's Day Easter Holiday Easter Holiday Bank Holiday Spring Bank Holiday July Holiday Bank Holiday Christmas Day Boxing Day If you require a doctor urgently on any of these days, please call the Out Of Hours:- 028 38 39 92 01 Appointments Waiting Time We run an appointment system in this practice. You will be given a time at which the doctor or nurse hopes to be able to see you. You should wait no more than 30 minutes in the waiting room without receiving an explanation for the delay. Repeat Prescriptions All repeat prescriptions are computerised and you will be given a request slip listing medications you can order without seeing a doctor. Requests can be made by ticking the items that you require and handing the slip into the prescription desk, or sending it in by post with a stamped addressed envelope. We do not take repeat prescription requests by telephone! This is to relieve the pressure on the telephone lines, so that patients who may need to contact us in an emergency will be able to do so. Please allow 24 hours notice for all repeat prescriptions! If you have sight problems and would like an A4 size list of your repeat prescriptions, please ask the receptionist. You may also request your repeat medication by following the link on this page to the online form. Prescriptions Charges and Exemptions Extensive exemption and remission arrangements protect those likely to have difficulty in paying charges (NHS prescription and dental charges, optical and hospital travel costs). The NHS prescription charge is a flat-rate amount which successive Governments have thought it reasonable to charge for those who can afford to pay for their medicines. Prescription prepayment certificates (PPCs) offer real savings for people who need extensive medication. NHS charges From 1 April 2009, the charges are: Prescription (per item): £7.20 12-month prepayment certificate (PPC): £104.00 3-month PPC: £28.25 If you will have to pay for four or more prescription items in three months, or more than 14 items in 12 months, you may find it cheaper to buy a PPC. The charge for a single prescription item is £7.20, whereas a three month PPC will cost you £28.25 and a 12 month PPC £104.00. Telephone advice and order line 0845 850 0030 General Public - Buy or Renew a PPC On-line There is further information about prescription exemptions and fees on the NHS website ( Please allow 24 hours, excluding weekends and Bank Holidays, for your request to be processed. PLEASE NOTE: If your prescription is NOT due, it will NOT be processed, and you will need to request it again when it is due. Clinics & Services Below is our wide range of special clinics and services: Antenatal & pre-pregnancy clinics Family planning: Our nurses can see women for routine Pill checks and hormone replacement checks. Well woman and smears Travel immunisation and advice Asthma clinic Diabetes clinic Ischaemic heart disease clinic Blood pressure clinic COPD clinic Minor surgery Child development and immunisation clinic We also hold contracts with the SHSSB for the following “enhanced services”: Near Patient testing Regular monitoring by blood and urine tests, for patients on a range of drugs for arthritis and bowel problems Minor Operations IUCD (Coil) fitting Other Services Other Services Maternity services These are provided by the GPs who offer shared care with the local maternity services in Daisy Hill Hospital. A patient information leaflet providing more information is available at reception. Child health The practice provides a full immunisation service and runs a child developmental clinic along with the Health Visitor. This clinic takes place every Friday morning between 9.00 a.m. and 10.30 a.m. There is no appointment system and is run on a “first come – first served” basis. Please Note: This clinic is for child development and immunisations only. If the baby needs to see a doctor, please book an appointment as normal via reception. Family Planning The doctors and nurses provide advice on family planning, including oral contraception, depot (injectable) contraceptive preparations and the fitting and checking of coils. A practice leaflet is available on the fitting of coils. Minor Surgery Conditions such as skin cysts, moles, ingrowing toenails, etc can be removed under local anaesthesia. Some problems can be helped by specific joint injections. Cervical smears These are carried out by our specially trained practice nurses. We operate a call and recall system and all our female patients between the age of 20 and 64 will be sent regular follow-up appointments to attend for this investigation. You will receive written notification of your smear result, usually within 4 weeks of the test. If you have not had a smear within the last 3 years please ask for an appointment. Non NHS Examinations Non NHS Examinations Medical Examinations for special purposes i.e. elderly drivers, pre-employment, fitness for certain sports, HGV, taxi medicals, etc., are done outside consulting hours. These medical examinations can be arranged through the Reception Staff and a fee will be charged at the recommended B.M.A. rate. Patient Registration How to Register Please bring your NHS medical card and those of any other persons registering with you. If you do not have a medical card, you will be asked to complete a registration form for each person registering with the practice. In addition, all patients will be asked to complete a new patient questionnaire, allowing us to provide medical care in the interim period, while your medical records are transferred from your old practice to this one. If you move out of the practice area, you will need to register with a new practice as soon as you move. Preference of GP From the very outset, patients are registered with the practice, not an individual GP. For administrative reasons your medical card will be issued in the name of one of the doctors; however, you can at any time express a preference for a particular doctor, for either all of your medical needs or on a case-by-case basis. In this way, not all the doctors in the practice provide all the services offered and specific doctors may not be immediately available at certain time periods, due to demand. Confidentiality Confidentiality The practice complies with 'Data and Access to Medical Records' legislation. Identifiable information about you will be shared with others in the following circumstances: To provide further medical treatment for you e.g. from District nurses and hospital services. To help you get other services e.g. from the Social Services. This requires your consent. When we have a duty to others e.g. in child protection cases. Anonymised patient information will also be used at local and national level to help the Health Board and Government plan services e.g. for diabetic care. If you do not wish anonymous information about you to be used in such a way, please let us know Medical Records Patients can normally see their own computer record in the consulting room as the doctor or nurse use it. Patients can request access to their own written and computer records on request although these records may not be removed from the practice premises. Assistance is given by the practice manager if access is required to the computer record and in this circumstance a member of staff will stay with you at all times to ensure confidentiality of other patients’ records. If copies or a computer printout are required, a charge is made for this to cover costs incurred. Access to medical records for people outside the health care team (or who are involved in the patient's clinical care) is only given with the patient's express written permission. District nurses and health visitors have limited access to the medical records of the patients in their care. Complaints Suggestions & Complaints We aim to provide a high quality service and are very interested in hearing how our systems could be improved. However, we’re aware that things can go wrong resulting in a patient feeling that they have a genuine cause for complaint. If this is so, we would wish for the matter to be settled as quickly, and as amicably, as possible. Simply contact the Practice Manager and she will set all the necessary wheels in motion. Further written information is available on the complaints procedure from the reception. Furthermore, if you are unhappy with any aspect of our service please contact the Practice Manager who will be happy to listen to your suggestions or criticisms and initiate any appropriate action. Rights & Responsibilies Our responsibilities to youNames: People involved in your care will give you their names and ensure that you know how to contact them. The doctors’ or nurses’ names are indicated on their surgery rooms. Waiting time: We run an appointment system in this practice. You will be given a time at which the doctor or nurse hopes to be able to see you. You should wait no more than 30 minutes in the waiting room without receiving an explanation for the delay. Access: You will have access to a doctor rapidly in the case of emergency and within half a working day in cases of urgency; and otherwise within 48 hours where clinically indicated. Please note that “urgent” does not mean “forms” that have to be signed etc. We will arrange a home visit as appropriate for those who are too seriously ill or infirm to be brought to the surgery. Patients should realise that home visits are made at the Doctor’s discretion. Telephone: We will try to answer the phone promptly and to ensure that there is sufficient staff available to do this. Obtaining test results: If you have undergone tests or x-rays ordered by the practice, we will inform you of the results at your next appointment. If no appointment needs to be arranged, we will advise you when and how to obtain the results. The practice has a strict policy regarding confidentiality. We will only release test results to the person to whom they relate until that person has given prior permission for the release of the results or they are not capable of understanding the results. Respect: Patients will be treated as individuals and partners in their healthcare, irrespective of their ethnic origin or religious and cultural beliefs. Information: We will give you full information about the services that we offer. Every effort will be made to ensure that you receive the information which directly affects your health and the care being offered. Health promotion: The practice will offer patients advice and information on steps they can take to promote good health and self help for minor ailments when there is no need to see the doctor. Your responsibilities to usPlease let us know if you change your name, address or telephone number ( even if it is exdirectory). Please do everything you can to keep appointments. Every month appointments with GPs are wasted because patients simply fail to turn up! Tell us as soon as possible if you cannot. Otherwise, other patients may have to wait longer. Home Visits: Please ask for these by the doctor only when the person is too ill to attend the surgery. You may be contacted by phone by the doctor for this request. If you need telephone advice please give your number to the receptionist and your doctor will ring you when he is free. Drs will usually call back after 11 a.m. Messages will not be left on patients' answer machines in order to maintain confidentiality. Test results: Test results take time to reach us, so please do not ring before you have been asked to do so. Enquiries about tests ordered at the hospital should be directed to the hospital, not the practice. We ask that you treat the doctors and practice staff with courtesy and respect. Bear in mind that reception staff have a difficult job to do and without detailed medical knowledge. They are trying to do their best for you. Please read our practice booklet. This will help you to get the best from the services that we offer. It is important that you understand the information given to you. Please ask us questions if you are unsure of anything. Remember, you are responsible for your health and the health of your children. We will give you our professional help and advice. Please act upon it. Leaflets: Leaflets about various illnesses are available from the practice nurses. We have information produced by the practice on “the Coil”, Pre-conception advice, Antenatal, Postnatal care and the “Baby clinic”. Violence Violence We operate a “Zero Tolerance” policy. This practice considers aggressive behaviour to be any personal, abusive and/or aggressive comments, cursing and/or swearing, physical contact and/or aggressive gestures. The practice will request the removal from the practice list, of any patient who is aggressive or abusive towards a doctor, member of staff, other patient, or who damages property. All instances of actual physical abuse on any doctor or member of staff, by a patient or their relatives will be reported to the police as an assault. Mission Statement Mission Statement This practice aims to provide the highest quality health care available under the NHS to all its patients with a well trained and motivated primary health care team. The practice recognises the special expertise of many of its members and uses these skills for the benefit of the patients. The practice is committed to passing on its special expertise in respect of training and education of other doctors and staff, both locally and within a wider sphere of influence. Practice Charter Standards These are local standards set within the practice for the benefit of our patients. It is our job to give you treatment and advice. Following discussions with you, you will receive the most appropriate care, given by suitably qualified people. No care or treatment will be given without your informed consent. In the interest of your health it is important for you to understand all the information given to you. Please ask us questions if you are unsure of anything. NEWS! February 2012 Dr Donna Pilkington has now joined the practice as our new GP Registrar. A ppointments are now available to book with her. August 2011 Dr Kathryn Parker has now joined the practice as our new GP Registrar. A ppointments are now available to book with her. August 2010 Dr Tim Lewis has now joined the practice as our new GP Registrar. A ppointments are now available to book with him. July 2009 SWINE FLU ALERT! Do NOT come into the surgery if you have flu symptoms, or have had symptoms in the last 48 hours. Please contact us by telephone instead, on: (028)30261221 Protect yourself - Get a thermometer - Keep paracetamol at home Click here for further advice August 2008 Dr Joanna McGuigan has now joined the practice as our new GP registrar. Appointments are now available with her. Travel Information Travel advice and vaccine service is not an NHS service. It is a private service attracting a fee. If you require this service download or collect a Travel Health Questionnaire from reception. The information on the completed form will be used to determine what vacinations are required. ( america.aspx) ( america.aspx) ( ( ( ( ( ( -pacific.aspx) The appropriate prescription will be generated. You must collect this from reception and have it dispensed at a chemist of your choice and arrange an appointment with the practice nurse to have any vacines administered. It is very important to make this appointment as early as possible - at least 6 weeks before you travel These vaccines may have to be ordered by your pharmacy. Some travel vaccines are ordered on a private prescription and these incur a charge. This is because not all travel vaccinations are included in the services provided by the NHS. For these vaccines an administration fee is chargeable. Travel Health Questionnaire Please complete the online form and leave at reception. Travel Questionnaire Meningitis What are the signs and symptoms? Meningitis and septicaemia are not always easy to recognise at first. In the early stages, signs and symptoms can be similar to many other more common illnesses, for example flu. Early symptoms can include fever, headache, nausea (feeling sick), vomiting and general tiredness. Trust your instincts, if you suspect meningitis or septicaemia, get medical help immediately. The common signs and symptoms of meningitis and septicaemia are shown in the pictures below. Others can include rapid breathing, diarrhoea, stomach cramps and a rash that does not fade under pressure. In babies, check if the soft spot (fontanelle) on the top of the head is tense or bulging. High temp, fever, possibly with cold hands and feet Vomiting, or refusing feeds High pitched moaning, whimpering cry Blank, staring expression Pale, blotchy complexion Baby may be floppy, dislike being handled, be fretful Difficult to wake or lethargic The soft spot on babies heads may be tense or bulging High temp, fever, possibly with cold hands and feet Vomiting, sometimes diarrhoea Severe headache Neck stiffness (unable to touch the chin to the chest) Joint or muscle pains, stomach cramps with septicaemia Dislike of bright lights Drowsiness Fits The person may be confused or disoriented. Both adults and children may have a rash. You should know how to recognise the signs and symptoms of meningitis and septicaemia. In some cases, acting quickly to get medical help can mean the difference between life and death. Remember: Symptoms may sometimes develop slowly, but the person can become ill very quickly. Symptoms do not appear in any order and some may not appear at all. What about the rash? One sign of meningococcal septicaemia is a rash that does not fade under pressure (see ’Glass Test’). This rash is caused by blood leaking into the tissues under the skin. It starts as tiny pinpricks anywhere on the body. It can spread quickly to look like fresh bruises. This rash is more difficult to see on darker skin. Look on the paler areas of the skin and under the eyelids. Glass Test A rash that does not fade under pressure will still be visible when the side of a clear glass is pressed firmly against the skin. If someone is ill or obviously getting worse, do not wait for a rash. It may be late to appear or not at all. A fever with a rash that does not fade under pressure is a medical emergency. Swine Flu ( General Advice: Patients suffering from the current mild type of flu normally have a rapid recovery. If you have symptoms of flu, stay at home and telephone your GP. Some of the symptoms are the sudden onset of fever, cough or shortness of breath. Other symptoms can include: headache, sore throat, tiredness, aching muscles, chills, sneezing, runny nose or loss of appetite. Do NOT go directly to the GP surgery or A&E department without telephoning first. This could actually spread the illness to other people. Everyone should help to protect themselves and others at this time. As the situation changes, you should keep an eye out for announcements in the press - watch the news and listen to the radio to make yourself more aware of what is going on. General infection control practices and good respiratory hand hygiene can reduce transmission of all viruses. Key messages are: Cover your nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing, using a tissue when possible. Bin the tissues after one use. Dispose of dirty tisses promptly and carefully. Maintain good basic hygiene, washing hands frequently with soap and hot water to reduce the spread of the virus from your hands to face or to other people. Use sanitiser gel often. Clean hard surfaces (e.e. door handles) frequently using a normal cleaning product. Make sure your children also follow this advice. It is important for us to make sure that you have up-to-date advice. The Swine Flu Information Line on 08000 514 142 will be updated regularly. Remember: Catch it! Bin it! Kill it! Vomiting in children and adults Below is a link to NHS Direct which outlines how to deal with vomiting and other sicknesses in babies aged 0-12 months and gives a detailed questionaire giving you steps to follow in case of an emergency: ( The below link is for children aged 1 - 4 years: ( The below link is for children aged 5 - 17 years: ( For information on those who are vomiting at ages 18 and over please see the following link for adults: ( Temperature in Children - Fact Sheet Teething does NOT cause temperature in children – their cheeks may appear flushed and warm but their temperature is normal. A temperature can be a sign of a serious illness and it is important to regularly check your child for signs of a rash – this does mean removing clothing to be effective. A forehead thermometer is NOT a reliable way to measure temperature – they are very inaccurate and tend to read high causing paternal concern. The height of the temp is not useful for deciding how ill your child is. Viral and urinary tract infections can be associated with spiking high temperatures while a constant temperature may be a more serious sign. A temperature persisting for more than five days requires further investigation. A temperature in babies under 6 months can be a sign of a serious infection. This can be the only outward sign of a more serious illness and after 24 hrs you should speak to a healthcare professional. An infant under 3 months of age with a high temp should be admitted to hospital. This is true and should be standard procedure unless in exceptional circumstances – e.g. post immunisation. If your child is breathing at a much faster rate this can indicate a severe illness in a young child. Other signs to look out for are pallor –“paleness” and lethargy. It is very helpful if you can bring along a urine sample as this is also useful in determing the severity of an illness. Paracetamol /(Calpol) and Ibuprofen /(Nurofen) are better given in alternate doses if needed. Try to avoid giving them both at the same time. It is very important to check on your child during the night and if they still have a temperature to check for the presence of a rash. It is important to undress your child fully to check for a possible rash as some rashes may develop on the abdomen and groin and may be missed if face, arms and legs only are inspected. A child with a temperature should be kept away from nursery or school. A temperature is always associated with an infection and usually means that your child is infectious. Most infections are spread by the airborne route and are spread by coughing and sneezing etc. Any concerns should always be discussed with the Doctor. Change of Address Please let us know as soon as possible if your address changes. You may use the online form below to notify us of your change of details. The form will open in a new window. Fill out the details and press the Send button. Change of Address Form If you don't wish to use the online form then drop into the practice and pick up a paper form. Staff Details Doctors Dr Ian C Henry Full time MB,BCh,BAO Dr J McAreavy Full time MB,BCh,BAO,DRCOG,DCH,MRCGP Dr Pauline Mulligan Part time GP MB,BCh,DRCOG,MRCGP,DCH,Dip Pall Med Nurses Nurses Joanne Campbell Pauline O'Neill The Nurses attached to the practice are involved in many special clinics such as COPD, heart disease, asthma, diabetes, etc. The nurses have a separate consultation room. With regard to travel health please note that not all travel vaccines are available on the NHS. Practice Management Ms Violet Mrs Violet Brady is responsible for the smooth running and organisation Brady of the practice. She will be happy to hear your comments - both good and bad. Reception Our fully trained receptionists are here to help you. They will often need to ask you further details when you telephone. This is to ensure that we assist you as effectively as possible. Our receptionists are Martelle, Gillian, Karen, Megan and Donna. They are bound by the same rules of confidentiality as the doctors and nurses. Health Visitors The Health visitors can give advice on health care, particularly for expectant mothers, small children, the elderly and the handicapped. This can include help with parenting and behaviour management and also support to women with Postnatal Depression.They can be contacted on weekdays at the following numbers:- Bernie McKeown (Newry) at 30834209 Bridie Daly (Warrenpoint) at 41773388 Kathleen Clarke (Mayobridge) 40630666