1 Honeysuckle Management and Deer 2 3 Amur Honeysuckle (Lonicera maackii) Management Method Impacts Restoration of 4 Understory Plants in the Presence of White-Tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginiana) 5 6 Kendra Cipollini, Elizabeth Ames and Don Cipollini* 7 8 9 *First and second authors, Assistant Professor and Undergraduate Student, Wilmington College, Wilmington, OH 45177. Third author, Professor, Wright State 10 University, Department of Biological Sciences, Dayton, OH 45435. Current address of 11 second author, 1967 Beatty Rd, Wilmington, OH 45177. Corresponding author’s email: 12 KAL143@alumni.psu.edu. 13 14 Management methods for invasive species may vary in their restoration success in the 15 presence or absence of herbivores. We investigated the performance of understory plants 16 after management of the invasive shrub Amur honeysuckle using two herbicide-based 17 methods (cut/paint and basal application) in fenced and unfenced plots. The cut/paint 18 method resulted in the removal of above-ground stems, while the basal application resulted 19 in the dead stems remaining in place. Light level in the cut/paint treatment was higher than 20 in the basal application treatment, which was higher than in the control (no management) 21 treatment. Across fencing treatments, fruit production, height and subsequent recruitment 22 of transplanted jewelweed were greater in the cut/paint treatment. Across management 23 treatments, jewelweed plants were taller in the fenced treatment. Native species richness 1 24 was generally higher in the cut/paint and basal application treatments than in the control 25 treatment. There were more jewelweed recruits, more jewelweed fruits and greater species 26 richness in the cut/paint treatment than in the basal application treatment in fenced plots, 27 but these measures were similar in both management treatments in unfenced plots. Thus 28 standing dead stems of Amur honeysuckle offered some protection from damage in the 29 presence of herbivores, offsetting the overall advantage of the cut/paint method seen in the 30 fenced plots. There was a trend for more leaves of transplanted wild ginger in the basal 31 application treatment. There were more invasive garlic mustard and more Amur 32 honeysuckle seedlings in the cut/paint treatment than in the control treatment. Our results 33 illustrate the complexities involved in selecting appropriate restoration management 34 techniques given herbivore pressure, differential species response and presence of multiple 35 invasive species. 36 Nomenclature: triclopyr; garlic mustard, Alliaria petiolata (Bieb.) Cavara & Grande; 37 honeysuckle, Lonicera maackii (Rupr.) Maxim.; jewelweed, Impatiens capensis Meerb.; 38 white-tailed deer, Odocoileus virginiana Zimmermann; wild ginger, Asarum canadense L. 39 Key words: Forest restoration, herbivore, herbivory, touch-me-not 40 2 41 Invasive plants can have major impacts on native plant populations, communities, 42 and ecosystems around the world (Sakai et al. 2001; Pimentel et al. 2005). Once an 43 invasive plant has become established in an ecosystem, restoration practitioners frequently 44 seek to reduce populations of the invasive species through a variety of methods, from 45 mechanical to chemical (e.g., Carlson and Gorchov 2004; Hartman and McCarthy 2004; 46 Milligan et al. 2004, Krueger-Mangold et al. 2006). Another threat to native ecosystems 47 and their successful restoration is browsing or other forms of damage by herbivores. 48 Sweeney and Czapka (2004) suggest that protecting seedlings from herbivory should be 49 given higher priority than protection from competition during restoration. In Midwestern 50 and eastern forests in the United States, a primary herbivore threatening understory plants is 51 the white-tailed deer, Odocoileus virginiana Zimmermann, which is considered a keystone 52 herbivore due to its direct and indirect effects on both plants and animals (Rooney 2001; 53 Rooney and Waller 2003; Cote et al. 2004). Herbivores may not only have direct impacts 54 but may also have indirect impacts; for example, forest areas where deer had been excluded 55 had lower numbers of invasive species (Webster et al. 2005), thus implicating deer in the 56 spread of invasive plants. 57 Amur honeysuckle (Lonicera maackii (Rupr.) Maxim.) is an Asian shrub that is 58 invasive in Midwestern and northeastern U. S. forests (Luken and Thieret 1995; 59 USDA/NRCS 2007). Amur honeysuckle has extended leaf phenology (Trisel 1997) and 60 bird- and mammal-dispersed fruit (Vellend 2002; Bartuszevige and Gorchov 2006), both of 61 which contribute to its invasive success. Amur honeysuckle reduces native plant species 62 richness (Collier et al. 2002), and the performance of a wide range of both understory and 63 overstory plants (Gould and Gorchov 2000; Gorchov and Trisel 2003; Miller and Gorchov 3 64 2004; Hartman and McCarthy 2007). Effects of Amur honeysuckle on other plants can be 65 mediated directly through such factors as shading and allelopathy (e.g., Gorchov and Trisel 66 2003; Cipollini et al. 2008a) but it may also have indirect effects (Meiners 2007). The 67 impact of Amur honeysuckle is not limited to plant communities; its presence also affects 68 birds and herptiles (Schmidt and Whelan 1999; McEvoy and Durtsche 2004). 69 Control of Amur honeysuckle is a major focus of natural resource agencies and 70 conservation organizations within its invaded range. Due to these efforts, much 71 information has been gained on how to effectively kill Amur honeysuckle in natural 72 environments (Nyboer 1992; Conover and Geiger 1993; Hartman and McCarthy 2004). 73 Management techniques include the cut-and-paint, or cut/paint, method, where Amur 74 honeysuckle is cut at the base and removed; herbicide is subsequently applied to the cut 75 stump (McDonnell et al. 2005). Two other herbicide-based methods, the foliar spray 76 method and the injection method (Conover and Geiger 1993, Hartman and McCarthy 2004, 77 respectively), result in the killing of Amur honeysuckle with the dead stems left standing in 78 place. 79 Standing dead stems of Amur honeysuckle could affect restoration success in a 80 number of ways. Standing stems may continue to shade the understory, which may delay 81 the development of plant communities for as long as stems remain standing. Amur 82 honeysuckle produces allelopathic compounds in its tissues (Trisel 1997; Dorning and 83 Cipollini 2006; Cipollini et al. 2008a, 2008c) and thus standing dead stems could continue 84 to contribute allelochemicals to the understory until they decompose completely. In 85 contrast, the presence of standing dead stems may have some positive effects, analogous to 86 the protection from herbivory offered by so-called “nurse plants” (Garcia and Obeso 2003; 4 87 Bakker et al. 2004). There is some evidence that standing dead stems of Amur honeysuckle 88 may provide protection of transplanted plants from herbivore browsing (Gorchov and Trisel 89 2003), but this effect has not been quantified adequately. Hartman and McCarthy (2004) 90 followed survival of transplanted tree seedlings after different methods of Amur 91 honeysuckle management, but deer impact was insufficient to examine for protective 92 effects. The response of the native herb community to the presence of standing dead stems 93 has not been examined. 94 Another challenge to forest restoration is the response of invasive plants to 95 restoration efforts (Loh and Daehler 2007). Although poorly replicated, McConnell et al. 96 (2005) found an increase in species richness after management of Amur honeysuckle using 97 the cut/paint method, but Amur honeysuckle seedlings and other invasive species also 98 increased in abundance in the cut/paint treatment. Runkle et al. (2007) also found an 99 increase in species richness eight years after removal of Amur honeysuckle; however, this 100 increase was primarily the result in the increase of species with high dispersal ability, such 101 as vines and other weedy species. Luken et al. (1997) found the vine Vitus vulpina 102 responded positively to Amur honeysuckle management. No comparisons of the effects of 103 honeysuckle management method on invasive plant responses have been published, but the 104 presence of standing dead stems may slow the response of invasive plants. 105 The objectives of this study were to determine the effect of the presence or absence 106 of standing dead Amur honeysuckle, the presence or absence of deer, and their interaction 107 on understory plants. We followed the success of transplanted jewelweed (Impatiens 108 capensis Meerb.), and transplanted wild ginger (Asarum canadense L.) in basal application 109 and cut/paint management treatments. We also followed the natural recruitment of species 5 110 in basal application, cut/paint and control treatments. We predicted that in the absence of 111 deer, the cut/paint management method would best benefit plant performance, due to the 112 increase in light and the removal of potentially allelopathic stem and leaf material. We 113 predicted that in the presence of deer, the basal application method, which leaves the dead 114 stems standing, would best benefit plant performance due to the protection conferred by the 115 stems against deer damage. 116 117 118 119 Materials and Methods 120 121 Experimental Design. We established experimental plots during the first week of April in 122 2005 in Hamilton County Park District’s Sharon Woods, located in Sharonville, Ohio, USA 123 (39°16'40” N, 84°23'56”W). We chose two sites impacted by Amur honeysuckle 124 approximately 0.75 km apart from each other. Each site is located in mixed oak-maple-ash 125 forest community with a relatively large amount of Amur honeysuckle, yet still contained 126 some degree of native understory vegetation. Deer density at Sharon Woods was 127 approximately eight deer/km2, which is the management goal at this site (J. Klein, personal 128 communication). Within each site, we selected three subsites, with paired 8 by 6 m 129 experimental plots at each subsite, for a total of 12 paired plots. Within each subsite, we 130 used a split-split plot experimental design, with the split plot factor of deer exclusion and 131 the split-split plot factor of Amur honeysuckle management method (see Figure 1). We 132 fenced one plot of each pair at each subsite, placing metal fence posts into the ground and 6 133 attaching plastic deer fencing (1.8m-tall with five-cm mesh) to the posts. Within each 134 paired plot (fenced and unfenced), we created eight 2 by 3 m subplots. For three of the 135 adjacent subplots, we removed Amur honeysuckle using the cut/paint method, i.e. cutting 136 off the Amur honeysuckle with a handsaw approximately 10 cm from the soil surface, 137 removing the Amur honeysuckle, and painting the stump with the herbicide triclopyr1 to 138 prevent resprouting. For three of the adjacent subplots, we removed Amur honeysuckle 139 using the basal application method, i.e. applying triclopyr in a band around the entire 140 circumference of the base of each stem. On subsequent visits, we controlled the minimal 141 amount of living or sprouting Amur honeysuckle with the same method as the rest of the 142 subplot. We did not remove any Amur honeysuckle in the remaining two adjacent subplots 143 and these served as our controls. For two of the three management method subplots (i.e., 144 basal application and cut/paint), one subplot was designated as the “transplant subplot” and 145 one was designated as the “natural recruitment subplot” for further treatment and 146 measurements. No further measurements were made on the third management method 147 subplot. 148 149 Study Species and Measurements. On May 5, 2005, we transplanted four two-leaved 150 rhizomes of the perennial wild ginger and six seedlings of the annual jewelweed into our 151 “transplant subplots.” Transplants were collected locally. Wild ginger is a shade-tolerant 152 rhizomatous perennial that typically expands into a large clump through asexual 153 reproduction. Wild ginger has been shown to be impacted by Amur honeysuckle (Dorning 154 2004), and appears to be largely resistant to deer browsing (D. Cipollini, personal 155 observation). Plants were collected by first excavating rhizomes, which were often several 7 156 internodes in length with a pair of leaves at each node. Single transplants, each containing 157 one leaf pair, were then created by clipping the rhizome several cm on each side of a node. 158 Jewelweed is an annual herb that is found in a range of light conditions, from forest 159 clearings to closed woodlands (von Wettberg and Schmidt 2005) and reproduces 160 exclusively by seed. Jewelweed is sensitive to deer browsing (Williams et al. 2000; Asnani 161 et al. 2006). Seedlings were transplanted from local populations when they were 162 approximately 5-10 cm tall. Transplants were not placed in the control treatment, since we 163 expected survival to be low (see Cipollini et al. 2008b). In 2005, we measured survival and 164 fruit number of transplanted jewelweed on 2 June and 30 June, and both height and fruit 165 number on 21 July. We measured survival and leaf number of each clump of wild ginger 166 on 25 April 2006 and 4 May 2007. On 4 May 2007, we measured the width of the largest 167 leaf in each clump of wild ginger. 168 In a 1-m2 area of each of the transplant subplots (where jewelweed and wild ginger 169 had been transplanted in 2005), we counted the number of seedlings of jewelweed on 26 170 April 2006 and on 24 April 2007. We were confident that most, if not all, of the seedlings 171 of jewelweed were from fruits of plants that we had transplanted the previous year as there 172 were almost no jewelweed in the plots except for the ones we transplanted. On 26 April 173 2006 and 24 April 2007, in one haphazardly-chosen control subplot and in both natural 174 recruitment subplots, we counted the number of plants of each species in a 1-m2 area of the 175 subplot and species richness was determined. In all the subplots, we measured light levels2 176 at 1 m height on July 6 2006, which was a bright and mostly cloudless day. All light 177 measurements were made within 65 min of each other. 178 8 179 Statistical Analyses. For all analyses, we used a nested split-split plot Analysis of 180 Variance (ANOVA) or Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) with site as a fixed 181 factor, subsite as the main plot factor (nested within site), fencing as the split plot factor and 182 management method as the split-split plot factor (SAS 1999). For MANOVAs, when 183 significance was found using Wilk’s λ, separate univariate analyses of variance were 184 performed on each separate date, followed by Tukey’s test to determine significance 185 between treatment levels. We analyzed jewelweed fruit production in 2005 and number of 186 seedlings in 2006-7, and number of wild ginger leaves using separate MANOVAs, with 187 each date as a separate variable in the model (von Ende 1993). We analyzed jewelweed 188 height, jewelweed survival, wild ginger leaf width and wild ginger survival separately using 189 ANOVA. We analyzed native species richness and number of invasive garlic mustard 190 (Alliaria petiolata (Bieb.) Cavara & Grande) plants using separate MANOVAs, using each 191 date as a separate variable in the model. We analyzed number of Amur honeysuckle 192 seedlings in spring 2007 using ANOVA. Data were transformed as necessary to meet 193 model assumptions. For light levels, data could not be transformed to meet model 194 assumptions of normality, and a Kruskal-Wallis Rank Sum test was then used. The α-level 195 used for all tests was 0.05. 196 197 198 199 Results and Discussion 200 9 201 Management of Amur honeysuckle increases the light reaching the forest floor. 202 Light levels were significantly affected by management treatment (F 2, 76 = 47.10, p < 203 0.001); light levels in the cut/paint treatment was significantly higher than the light levels in 204 the basal application treatment which were in turn significantly higher than the light levels 205 in the control treatment (Figure 2). Controlling Amur honeysuckle and leaving the dead 206 stems in place increased light levels over eight times of light levels in the control. In 207 comparison, the cut/paint treatment increased light levels over 24 times of the light levels in 208 the control. A smaller (~10 times) increase in light after Amur honeysuckle removal was 209 reported in previous work (Luken et al. 1997). 210 Plants were taller in the cut/paint treatment than in the basal application treatment 211 on July 21 (F1,55 = 21.53, p < 0.0001; Figure 3). In the field, height and reproduction were 212 related in previous work (Cipollini et al. 2008b). In the MANOVA for transplanted 213 jewelweed fruit production across three dates, there was a significant effect of management 214 treatment (F3,42 = 4.19, p = 0.0111). On 30 June, there were significantly more fruits on 215 plants in the cut/paint treatment than on plants in the basal application treatment (F1,44 = 216 11.77, p = 0.0013; Figure 4). In the MANOVA for the number of jewelweed seedlings 217 across two years, there was a significant effect of management method (F2,9 = 4.86, p = 218 0.0370; Figure 5). In both years, there were more jewelweed seedlings in the cut/paint 219 treatment than in the basal application treatment across fencing treatments (F1,10 = 4.97, p = 220 0.0499 and F1,10 = 10.58, p = 0.0087, respectively). In the MANOVA across two years, 221 species richness was significantly affected by management method (F4,38 = 3.70, p = 222 0.0122; Figure 6). The effect of management method on species richness approached 223 significance in 2006 (F2,20 = 3.11, p = 0.0667) and was significant in 2007 (F2,20 = 7.62, p = 10 224 0.0035), with greater richness in the cut/paint and basal application treatment compared to 225 the control treatment. There were no significant treatment effects on survival of jewelweed 226 in the ANOVA. 227 Previous studies have found that Amur honeysuckle exerts strong aboveground 228 effects on native species (Gorchov and Trisel 2003; Miller and Gorchov 2004; Cipollini et 229 al. 2008b). The positive effects of the cut/paint method on species richness, jewelweed 230 fruit production, jewelweed height and jewelweed recruitment is likely due to the increased 231 light intensity. However, alleviation of allelopathy by removal of Amur honeysuckle stems 232 may have contributed to the beneficial effects of this treatment (Trisel 1997; Dorning and 233 Cipollini 2006; Cipollini et al. 2008c). Regardless of mechanism, native plants benefited 234 from control of Amur honeysuckle, with a trend for greater success using the cut/paint 235 method. 236 Light conditions and allelopathy are not the only consideration during restoration, 237 as deer can greatly impact restoration success (e.g., Ruhren and Handel 2003; Sweeney and 238 Czapka 2004). Deer damage observed in this study included not only herbivory, but also 239 physical damage by trampling. Although our fences excluded other herbivores aside from 240 deer, we observed that deer were responsible for the majority of damage observed in 241 unfenced plots. The density of deer at this site was high enough to have statistically 242 significant main effects on jewelweed height only. On 21 July 2007 transplanted 243 jewelweed were significantly taller when they were fenced (F1,3 = 10.25, p = 0.0493; Figure 244 3). Due to the nature of our statistical split-split plot design, small differences in the split- 245 plot factor of fencing can not be easily detected (Neter et al. 1996). The experimental 246 design does allow better detection of differences between the split-split plot factor of 11 247 management method and its interaction with fencing, which was of primary interest in this 248 study. 249 In the MANOVA for transplanted jewelweed fruit production across three dates, the 250 interaction of fencing and management treatment was significant (F3, 42 = 3.34, p = 0.0280). 251 On 30 June, there was a significant interaction between management method and fencing 252 (F1,44 = 9.58, p = 0.0034; Figure 4). In the MANOVA for the number of jewelweed 253 seedlings across two years, the interaction of fencing and management method was 254 significant (F2,9 = 9.09, p = 0.0069). In 2007, there was a significant interaction between 255 fencing and management (F1,10 = 7.91, p = 0.0184; Figure 5). The interaction between 256 fencing and management method on species richness was significant in the MANOVA 257 (F4,38 = 2.87, p = 0.0358). The interaction of fencing and management was significant in 258 2007 (F2,20 = 5.61, p = 0.0116; Figure 6). For jewelweed fruit production, jewelweed 259 recruitment and species richness, there was a more strongly positive effect of fencing in the 260 cut/paint treatment than in the basal application treatment. In basal application plots, 261 measurements were similar whether they were fenced or not. 262 We therefore found that leaving the dead stems standing provided some protection 263 from deer damage. This is inferred from the less positive effect of fencing on jewelweed 264 fruit production and recruitment and native species richness in the basal application 265 treatment than in the cut/paint treatment. For example, in plots protected from herbivores, 266 jewelweed recruitment in 2007 was twice as high in cut/paint treatments compared to basal 267 the basal application treatment. In plots exposed to herbivores, jewelweed recruitment was 268 nearly identical in the two management treatments (Figure 5). Thus, the general advantage 269 of using the cut/paint treatment was not seen in the presence of deer. Interestingly, we 12 270 found that species richness was higher in our unmanaged control plots when they were not 271 fenced. However, the overall interaction of fencing and management method on species 272 richness was significant even if the control treatment was removed from the statistical 273 analysis. It is important to note that although differences in species richness were 274 statistically significant, differences were small. 275 Despite a protective effect from deer, the benefit of using the basal application 276 method in the presence of deer was not great enough to fully recommend its use over the 277 cut/paint method in terms of benefits to native plant performance; in our study, even in 278 unfenced plots, native plants generally performed better or the same with the cut/paint 279 method. Due to deer management efforts, the deer density at our study site is only slightly 280 above the carrying capacity of 4-6 deer/km2 recommended from studies in Wisconsin and 281 Illinois (Alverson et al. 1988; Anderson 1994; Balgooyen and Waller 1995). In areas 282 where deer density is high, a method that leaves the dead stems standing may be more 283 beneficial than the cut/paint method. Since dead stems start to fall after approximately 2-3 284 years (K. Cipollini, personal observation), it is unclear how long the protective effect will 285 persist. At the very least, the short-term protection from deer damage allows time for a 286 deer management program to be implemented before deer can impact restoration efforts 287 after Amur honeysuckle control. Additionally, the costs of each management method in 288 terms of labor and materials must be weighed during consideration of restoration strategy. 289 Clearly, relying on dead stems for protection from herbivores is more cost effective than 290 the installation of deer fencing, though admittedly the restoration benefits may be not as 291 great. The injection method, which leaves the dead stems in place, is faster and therefore 13 292 cheaper than the cut/paint method for larger stems (Hartman and McCarthy 2004). 293 Similarly, the foliar spray method is cost effective (T. Borgman, personal communication). 294 We found few treatment effects on wild ginger, which would be expected based on 295 its relative resistance to deer damage and its shade tolerance. On the other hand, the study 296 may have been too short to detect responses in this perennial species. In the MANOVA for 297 wild ginger leaf number, there were no significant treatment effects, yet the effect of 298 management method approached significance (F2,44 = 2.83, p = 0.070). We performed 299 ANOVAs for each separate date to determine the nature of this non-significant trend. On 300 25 April 2006, there were leaves on plants in the basal application treatment (3.28 ± 0.27, 301 mean ± SE) than in the cut/paint treatment (2.53 ± 0.15, mean ± SE; F1,45 = 5.68, p = 302 0.0214). In the ANOVAs for wild ginger leaf width and survival, there were no significant 303 effects. The trend for greater leaf number in the basal application treatment could be due to 304 the propensity of this species to perform better in later successional habitats that have lower 305 light levels (Damman and Cain 1998). We found that wild ginger is a good candidate for 306 restoration, as rhizome fragments are easy to collect and transplant and they survived (75% 307 survival on average) and grew well (5 leaves on average after two years) during our study, 308 consistent with the transplant success found by Mottl et al. (2006). Ruhren and Handel 309 (2003) found that wild ginger had poor transplant success; since their transplants were 310 grown from seed, they may have been much smaller than the rhizome fragments that we 311 transplanted. 312 Amur honeysuckle management also affected invasive species. There was a 313 significant effect of management method on number of garlic mustard in the MANOVA 314 (F4,38 = 3.34, p = 0.0194). In both years, there were significantly more garlic mustard in 14 315 cut/paint treatment than in control treatment, with the number of garlic mustard in basal 316 application treatment intermediate between the two (F2, 20 = 4.29, p = 0.0282; F2, 20 = 4.99= 317 0.0174 respectively; Figure 7). The effects of management method on Amur honeysuckle 318 seedlings in 2007 were significant (F2, 20 = 4.11, p = 0.0319) and similar to the effects seen 319 for garlic mustard (Figure 8). Luken et al. (1997) found that garlic mustard was one of the 320 most important species in Amur honeysuckle thickets, yet it did not respond positively to 321 gap formation. Runkle et al. (2007) found a slight but significant increase in garlic mustard 322 on one sampling date after Amur honeysuckle management. In comparison, we found 323 strong responses of garlic mustard to Amur honeysuckle management, as there were seven 324 times more garlic mustard plants in cut/paint treatments than in control treatments in the 325 second year after Amur honeysuckle management. We also found increases in Amur 326 honeysuckle seedlings with control of Amur honeysuckle, similar to the results of 327 McConnell et al. (2005). Therefore, the benefits of using the cut/paint method are 328 diminished when other invasive species are present. 329 Our results indicated that in determining the best method for restoration success, 330 restoration practitioners need to take into account deer populations and the presence of 331 other invasive species. The cut/paint method increases light and facilitates greater plant 332 performance but it can contribute to the reinvasion of other invasive species. The cut/paint 333 method is not as successful when deer are present. Methods that leave the dead stems 334 standing may provide temporary protection from browsing and may delay the expansion of 335 invasive species, allowing native species to have higher growth, survival and reproduction. 336 Our results indicate that there are differences between restoration management methods in 337 successful understory restoration and that the management method, the effect of deer, the 15 338 species of interest and the presence of invasive species must be weighed together in 339 devising restoration strategies. The restoration species of interest must also be considered, 340 as jewelweed and wild ginger responded differently to management methods. 341 342 343 344 Sources of Materials 345 346 1 Pathfinder II®, 13.6% triclopyr, Dow Agrosciences, Indianapolis, IN. 347 2 Li-Cor Quantum Sensor, Lincoln, NB. 348 349 350 351 Acknowledgments 352 353 We thank the Hamilton County Park District for providing funding for this project 354 and permission to perform the research at Sharon Woods. We thank Tom Borgman of the 355 Hamilton County Park District in particular for all his assistance. We thank Jim 356 Rosenberger for statistical advice. We thank Elizabeth Cipollini, Emmett Cipollini, Caitlin 357 Combs, Georgette McClain, Rob Murphy, Jana Reser, Adam Roe and Yvonne 358 Vadeboncoeur for assisting with field research. Doug Burks, Don Troike, Doug 359 Woodmansee, and the WC students of BIO 440/441 provided valuable comments 360 throughout this experiment. 16 361 17 362 Literature Cited 363 364 365 366 367 Alverson, W.S., D. M. Waller, and S. L. Solheim. 1988. Forests too deer: edge effects in northern Wisconsin. Conserv. Biol. 2:348-358. Anderson, R.C. 1994. Height of white-flowered trillium (Trillium grandiflorum) as an index of deer browsing intensity. Ecol. Appl. 4:104-109. 368 Asnani, K.M., R. A. Klips, and P. S. Curtis. 2006. Regeneration of woodland vegetation 369 after deer browsing in Sharon Woods Metro Park, Franklin County, Ohio. Ohio J. 370 Sci. 106:86-92. 371 Bakker, E. S., H. Oliff, C. Vandenberghe, K. de Maeyer, R. Smit, J. M. Gleichman, and F. 372 W. M. Vera. 2004. Ecological anachronisms in the recruitment of temperate light 373 demanding tree species in wooded pastures. J. Appl. Ecol. 41:571-582. 374 375 376 Bartuszevige, A.M. and D. L. Gorchov. 2006. 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Fenced plots were fenced 498 along the entire 8 by 6 m perimeter of the plot. 499 500 Figure 2. Mean (± SE) light levels in treatments where Amur honeysuckle was not 501 removed (control) and where Amur honeysuckle was removed using either the cut/paint 502 method or the basal application method. Management treatments with different letters are 503 significantly different from each other based on Tukey’s test at p < 0.05. 504 505 Figure 3. Mean (± SE) height of transplanted jewelweed on 21 July 2005 in treatments 506 with Amur honeysuckle removed using either the cut/paint method or the basal application 507 method (top) and in fenced and unfenced treatments (bottom). Letters indicate significant 508 differences between treatments using Tukey’s test at p < 0.05. 509 510 Figure 4. Mean (± SE) number of fruits on transplanted jewelweed fruits on 30 June 2005 511 in fenced and unfenced treatments, with Amur honeysuckle removed using either the 512 cut/paint method or the basal application method. Letters indicate significant differences 513 between management treatments using Tukey’s test at p < 0.05. The effect of the 514 interaction between fencing and management treatments on fruit number was significant (p 515 = 0.0034). 516 517 25 518 Figure 5. Mean (± SE) number of seedlings of jewelweed in 2006 and 2007 in fenced and 519 unfenced treatments, with Amur honeysuckle removed using either the cut/paint method or 520 the basal application method. Letters indicate significant differences between management 521 treatments using Tukey’s test at p < 0.05. The effect of the interaction between fencing 522 and management treatments on fruit number was significant in 2007 (p = 0.0184). 523 524 Figure 6. Mean (± SE) native species richness in 2006 and 2007 in fenced and unfenced 525 treatments, with Amur honeysuckle not removed (control) and with Amur honeysuckle 526 removed using either the cut/paint method or the basal application method. The effect of 527 management treatment on species richness was approaching significance in 2006 (p = 528 0.0667). Letters indicate significant differences between management treatments using 529 Tukey’s test at p < 0.05. The effect of the interaction between fencing and management 530 treatments on richness was significant in 2007 (p = 0.0116). 531 532 Figure 7. Mean (± SE) number of invasive garlic mustard in treatments where Amur 533 honeysuckle was not removed and where Amur honeysuckle was removed using either the 534 cut/paint method or the basal application method. Management treatments with different 535 letters are significantly different from each other based on Tukey’s test at p < 0.05. 536 26 537 Figure 8. Mean (± SE) number of Amur honeysuckle seedlings in treatments where Amur 538 honeysuckle was not removed and where Amur honeysuckle was removed using either the 539 cut/paint method or the basal application method. Management treatments with different 540 letters are significantly different from each other based on Tukey’s test at p < 0.05. 27 2m 3m Control (No management) Treatment Control (No management) Treatment Basal Application Management Treatment Cut/Paint Management Treatment Transplant Seedling subplot subplot Seedling subplot Transplant subplot Basal Basal Application Application Management Management Treatment Treatment Cut/Paint Cut/Paint Management Management Treatment Treatment Basal Application Management Treatment Cut/Paint Management Treatment Natural recruitment subplot Natural recruitment subplot 2 Light level in mol/m /s PAR 350 300 a 250 200 150 b 100 50 c 0 Cut/Paint Basal Application Control Management Treatment Jewelweed height in cm on 21 July 2005 25 a b 20 15 10 5 0 Cut/Paint Basal Application Jewelweed height in cm on 21 July 2005 Management Treatment 25 a b 20 15 10 5 0 Fenced Unfenced Fencing Treatment 10 Number of jewelweed fruits on 30 June 2005 a 8 Fenced Unfenced 6 b 4 2 0 Cut/Paint Basal Application Management Treatment Number of jewelweed seedlings on 24 April 2007 Number of jewelweed seedlings on 26 April 2006 25 a 20 15 30 25 Cut/Paint Fenced Unfenced b 10 5 0 35 a b 20 15 10 5 0 Basal Application Management Treatment Species richness on 26 April 2006 10 Species richness on 24 April 2007 10 Fenced Unfenced 8 6 4 2 0 8 a a 6 b 4 2 0 Cut/Paint Basal Application Control Management Treatment Number of garlic mustard on 26 April 2006 50 40 30 20 a ab 10 b 0 Number of garlic mustard on 24 April 2007 50 a 40 ab 30 20 b 10 0 Cut/Paint Basal Application Control Management Treatment Number of Amur honeysuckle seedlings on 24 April 2007 4 a ab 3 2 b 1 0 Cut/Paint Basal Application Control Management Treatment Interpretive Summary Management methods for invasive species may vary in their restoration success in the presence or absence of herbivores. We managed Amur honeysuckle using the cut/paint method, which involves cutting and removing the stems, then painting the stump with herbicide. We compared the cut/paint management method to the basal application method, where we applied herbicide to the stems, which remained standing after death. We compared the success of these two methods in the presence of deer by using fencing to exclude deer from half of the plots of each management method. Light level in the cut/paint method was eight times higher than in the basal application treatment and 24 times higher than in the control (no management). We transplanted two native species, jewelweed and wild ginger into each plot and also followed natural recruitment of native species. Fruit production, height and subsequent recruitment of jewelweed were greatest using the cut/paint method. Jewelweed plants were taller when fenced. Native species richness was generally higher in when Amur honeysuckle was managed. There were more jewelweed recruits, more jewelweed fruits and greater species richness in the cut/paint treatment than in the basal application treatment in fenced plots, but measures were similar for both management methods in unfenced plots. Thus standing dead stems of Amur honeysuckle offered some protection from damage in the presence of herbivores, offsetting the overall advantage of the cut/paint method seen in the fenced plots. The positive effect of removing above-ground biomass trades off with the increased deer impact, increased recruitment of Amur honeysuckle and increased success of garlic mustard. The presence of deer and other invasive species should be weighed when selecting the most appropriate management method for Amur honeysuckle.