structure of recommendation, procedure and criteria for promotion to

Teaching Fellow (Level 6)
Structure of Promotion Case
Promotion cases normally come from the Head of Department, but may exceptionally be
self-proposed (see section 4 of the general information document).
The promotion case itself should contain the following documents:
A formal recommendation of the case for promotion, in terms of the promotion
criteria set out below, written by the Head of Department (or in the case of a selfproposal, by the candidate).
An up-to-date Curriculum Vitae in the approved style as set out in Section A of
the attached supporting documents.
A teaching profile demonstrating either continuing proficiency and updating or
teaching excellence as set out in Sections B and C of the attached supporting
documents. If claiming teaching excellence the paperwork should include a
personal statement from the candidate and a full portfolio of evidence. Guidance
on evidence is attached at the back of this document.
Criteria for promotion to Teaching Fellow
Candidates should demonstrate a broad understanding of effective approaches to
teaching and learning support as key contributions to high quality student learning.
Individuals should be able to provide evidence of:
Successful engagement across all six Areas of Activity (A1-A6), Teaching
performance is demonstrably high quality and has led to effective student learning,
Appropriate subject knowledge and understanding
Successful engagement in continuing professional development in relation to
teaching, learning, assessment and, where appropriate, related professional
Successful incorporation of subject and pedagogic research and/or scholarship
within the above activities, as part of an integrated approach to academic practice
Teaching-related administration is competently handled.
Competence in these criteria should have been demonstrated over a sustained period
since appointment at Warwick or previous promotion.
The criteria for promotion to this role are reflected in the wider role profile which
provides further description of the accountabilities, knowledge and skills required
to successfully fulfil the role. Candidates should take account of the Teaching Fellow
role profile when compiling their case for promotion against the criteria stated above.
The Head of Department should also take account of the Teaching Fellow role
profile when compiling their formal recommendation against the above criteria.
Senior Teaching Fellow (Level 7)
Structure of Promotion Case
Promotion cases normally come from the Head of Department, but may exceptionally be
self-proposed (see section 4 of the general information document).
The promotion case itself should contain the following documents:
A formal recommendation of the case for promotion, in terms of the promotion
criteria set out below, written by the Head of Department (or in the case of a selfproposal, by the candidate).
An up-to-date Curriculum Vitae in the approved style as set out in Section A of
the attached supporting documents.
A teaching profile demonstrating either continuing proficiency and updating or
teaching excellence as set out in Sections B and C of the attached supporting
documents, which includes a personal statement from the candidate. If claiming
teaching excellence the paperwork should also include a full portfolio of
evidence. Guidance on evidence is attached at the back of this document.
The names and addresses of two referees nominated by the candidate.
Referees will be sent the candidate’s personal statement (from within the
teaching profile) and CV, but not the recommendation from the Head of
Department. In no case should the Head of Department or candidate approach
any of those named as referees prior to the promotion case being made.
Criteria for promotion to Senior Teaching Fellow
Candidates should demonstrate a thorough understanding of effective approaches to
teaching and learning support as a key contribution to high quality student learning,
demonstrable competence in teaching-related administration and management.
(Promotion to Senior Teaching fellow encompasses evidence at level 6 for direct
teaching responsibilities)
Individuals should be able to provide evidence of:
Successful engagement across all six Areas of Activity (A1-A6), that
demonstrates impact beyond own teaching practice and demonstrates leadership
in learning and teaching at a departmental level which contributes to improving
the quality of teaching within the department. Value of the teaching may be
recognised beyond the University.
Successful incorporation of subject and pedagogic research and/or scholarship
that not only improves own professional practice but contributes to teaching and
learning practices within the department.
Successful engagement in both colleagues and own continuing professional
development in relation to teaching, learning, assessment, scholarship and, as
appropriate, related academic or professional practices.
Successful co-ordination, support, supervision, management and/or mentoring of
others (whether individuals and/or teams) in relation to teaching and learning
Excellence should have been demonstrated over a sustained period (normally at least
three years) since appointment at Warwick or previous promotion.
The criteria for promotion to this role are reflected in the wider role profile which provides
further description of the accountabilities, knowledge and skills required to successfully
fulfil the role. Candidates should take account of the Senior Teaching Fellow role profile
when compiling their case for promotion against the criteria stated above.
Heads of Department should also take account of the Senior Teaching Fellow role profile
when compiling their formal recommendation against the above criteria.
Principal Teaching Fellow (Level 8)
Structure of Promotion Case
Promotion cases normally come from the Head of Department, but may exceptionally be
self-proposed (see section 4 of the general information document).
The promotion case itself should contain the following documents:
A formal recommendation of the case for promotion, in terms of the promotion
criteria set out below, written by the Head of Department (or in the case of a selfproposal, by the candidate).
An up-to-date Curriculum Vitae in the approved style as set out in Section A of
the attached supporting documents.
A teaching profile demonstrating either continuing proficiency and updating or
teaching excellence as set out in Sections B and C of the attached supporting
documents, which includes a personal statement. If claiming teaching excellence
the paperwork should also include a full portfolio of evidence. Guidance on
evidence is provided at the back of this document.
The names and addresses of four referees (of which at least one must be
external to Warwick) nominated by the candidate. Referees will be sent the
candidate’s personal statement (from within the teaching profile) and CV, but not
the recommendation from the Head of Department. In no case should the Head
of Department or candidate approach any of those named as referees prior to the
promotion case being made.
Criteria for promotion to Principal Teaching Fellow
Candidates should demonstrate active commitment to and championing of all
dimensions of teaching and learning, through work with students and or staff, and in
institutional developments. (Promotion to Principal Teaching Fellow encompasses
evidence at level 7 for direct teaching responsibilities)
Individuals should be able to provide evidence of:
Successful, strategic leadership to enhance student learning, with a particular,
but not necessarily exclusive, focus on enhancing teaching quality in institutional,
and/or (inter)national settings
Significant contributions to the establishment of effective organisational policies
and/or strategies for supporting and promoting others (e.g. through mentoring,
coaching) in delivering high quality teaching and support for learning
Championing, within institutional and/or wider settings, an integrated approach to
academic practice (incorporating, for example, teaching, learning, research,
scholarship, administration etc.)
A sustained and successful commitment to, and engagement in, continuing
professional development related to academic, institutional and/or other
professional practices
Excellence should have been demonstrated over a sustained period (normally at least
three years at Senior Teaching Fellow or equivalent).
The criteria for promotion to this role are reflected in the wider role profile which provides
further description of the accountabilities, knowledge and skills required to successfully
fulfil the role. Candidates should take account of the Principal Teaching Fellow role
profile when compiling their case for promotion against the criteria stated above.
Heads of Department should also take account of the Principal Teaching Fellow role
profile when compiling their formal recommendation against the above criteria.
Note. All the Teaching Level Role Profiles can be found on the University Website at the following link:
Procedures/Criteria/Role Profile
Teaching Promotions
July 2013
Guidance on evidence for promotion based on teaching
Teaching Fellow (level 6)
The evidence presented will usually include, but is not
limited to the following areas.
Successful engagement in appropriate teaching practices
related to the Areas of Activity that demonstrates excellence
 stimulating students’ curiosity and interest in ways
which inspire a commitment to learning
 organising and presenting high quality resources in
accessible, coherent and imaginative ways which in
turn clearly enhance students’ learning,
 recognising and actively supporting the full diversity
of student learning needs,
 drawing upon the results of relevant research,
scholarship and professional practice in ways which
add value to teaching and students’ learning,
 engaging with own evidence base for teaching and
 specific contributions to improvements in the
student learning experience.
In some instances the demonstration of excellence in
the areas of activity may be manifested beyond the
institution through activities such as WP and Outreach,
or may be achieved in non-traditional teaching roles
such as Dean of Students
How this is evidenced may include;
 Fellowship of the HEA
 Direct observation of practice from within
department and from LDC
(NB, observation is not limited to classroom activity,
where appropriate can be for any area of activity)
 Feedback (Student, Peer, Partner institutions, WP,
outreach partners)
 Innovations in assessment methods
 Innovations in technology enhanced learning
 WATE/WATE PGR, Departmental teaching awards
 Annual Review
Senior Teaching Fellow (level 7)
The evidence presented will usually encompass evidence
of excellence at level 6 and will usually also include but is
not limited to;
 Impact and value of teaching that is recognised at
departmental level and may be recognised
 The development of own and others teaching
practice that is creative and adaptable to
changing circumstances and technologies, and
may be innovative.
 Significant discipline-based and pedagogic
research / scholarship that has impact at
departmental level and may have impact more
 A proven ability in departmental and/or University
academic management and administration, which
would normally include module/course leadership.
The evidence may also include
Senior Fellowship of the HEA
Leadership in learning and teaching at a
departmental level.
A contribution to the development and
maintenance of teaching quality within and
beyond the University.
Major contributions to widening participation
activities, which could include outreach and
inreach activities, identifying potential applicants
from diverse backgrounds and building local
Major contributions to student experience
activities, which could include implementing
feedback mechanisms, innovations in assessment
methods, innovations in technology enhanced
learning, developing employability skills, including
links with providers and placements, alumni
relations work and increasing welfare support.
Engagement with/delivery on the University’s
Continuing Professional Development Framework
for Teaching
Principal Teaching Fellow (Level 8)
The evidence presented will usually encompass
evidence of excellence at level 7 and will usually
also include but is not limited to;
 Senior or Principal Fellowship of the HEA
 Development or substantial contribution to
the development of a learning and
teaching strategy underpinned by
professional values;
 Development and implementation of
innovative teaching and learning
approaches within the institution in
response to the specific needs of the
 Leading institution-wide work on quality
enhancement initiatives;
 Providing mentoring and/or coaching;
 Conducting and/or disseminating national
or international pedagogic innovation
 Impact and value of teaching that is
recognised beyond the University.
 Leadership in learning and teaching
institutionally or nationally.
 Strategic support for innovation in
teaching approaches and methods, ,
innovations in assessment methods,
innovations in technology enhanced
learning, indicating a capacity for
creativity and adaptability to changing
circumstances and technologies.
 Major contributions to other kinds of
University and related activities, in
particular to the creation and maintenance
of the intellectual, cultural and social
environment of the University and its
standing and contribution to the life of the
local, national and international
On-going professional development and scholarship.
It is recognised that there is a diverse approach to
professional development across the institution. The
evidence presented should demonstrate how engaging in
professional development activities have enhanced
expertise and professional practice in teaching and learning
How this is evidenced may include, but is not limited to;
Engagement with the University’s Continuing
Professional Development Framework for Teaching
Attendance at external conferences (Discipline and
or pedagogic)
Attendance at the University’s teaching and learning
showcases (in some instances this may be as a
Attendance at Faculty/departmental/group Teaching
and learning events (for example Faculty T&L fora)
Involvement in teaching observations
Formal courses such as PCAPP, PGA TEL,
Annual Review
Widening participation / outreach activities
Attendance/presenting at external conferences
(Discipline and or pedagogic)
Attendance at the University’s teaching and
learning showcases (in some instances this may
be as a presenter)
Attendance at or a leadership role in
Faculty/departmental/group Teaching and
learning events (for example Faculty T&L fora)
Involvement in teaching observations
Formal courses such as PCAPP, PGA TEL,
Annual Review