Rhode Island Coastal and Estuary Habitat Restoration Fund Pre-Proposal Form 2011/2012 I. PROJECT SUMMARY 1. Project Title : Lower Pawtuxet River Fisheries Restoration Phase 3: Pontiac and Natick Dams 2. Project Location (include map): Providence and Cranston, R.I. 3. Project type (Planning, Design, Construction or Other): Feasibility Study and Preliminary Design 4. If other, please specify: 5. Habitat type (River System, Salt Marsh, Seagrass Bed, Shellfish Bed or Other): River System 6. If other, please specify : 7. Total acreage of habitat to be restored : More than 60 acres of anadromous fish spawning habitat 8. □ This is an ongoing project that has previously received funds from the CRMC Coastal and Estuarine Habitat Restoration Fund. If yes, year(s) funding was awarded: Pawtuxet Falls Dam Removal was funded by CRMC over several years, most recently 2010-11. The dam removal was completed in 2011; this funding would significantly expand the geographic scope of that restoration. RICEHRT funding has not been previously requested or awarded toward the two dams that are the subject of this proposal. II. PROJECT MANAGER CONTACT INFORMATION 1. Name: Thomas Ardito 2. Organization: Narragansett Bay Estuary Program 3. Address: URI Bay Campus Box 27, South Ferry Road 4. City: Narragansett 7. Phone: 874-6492 5. State: RI 6. Zip: 02882 8. Email: tom@nbep.org 9. Property Owner(s): Pontiac Dam is privately owned; Natick Dam is owned by the Town of West Warwick. □ The applicant can document ownership of project site or permission to perform all proposed restoration, maintenance and monitoring activities (Proof of ownership or property owner permission will be required as part of the full project proposal.) To be provided with full proposal. 1 of 5 III. PRELIMINARY BUDGET Amount Requested from Trust Fund Matching Funds Partner Organization $75,000 Amount of Match Not yet identified Total Project Cost $75,000 IV. PROJECT DESCRIPTION (one page maximum) 1. Justification and Purpose The Pawtuxet River is the third largest tributary of Narragansett Bay, and once supported large annual runs of diadromous fish such as Atlantic salmon, American shad, and river herring. The Pawtuxet’s anadromous fish runs were extirpated beginning in the 1700’s by the construction of mill dams on the river’s mainstem and tributaries. In 2011 the Narragansett Bay Estuary Program, Pawtuxet River Authority and partners, with funding from this Trust Fund and other sources, completed removal of Pawtuxet Falls Dam in order to restore river herring and American shad to the lower seven miles of the mainstem Pawtuxet. This proposal, if funded, will lay the foundation for adding approximately 5.25 additional mainstem river miles of habitat for herring and shad to that restoration by restoring fish passage at Pontiac and Natick Dams. The project, if funded, will leverage nearly $1 million spent to remove Pawtuxet Falls Dam. The goal of the project is to restore anadromous fish spawning and biodiversity to the mainstem Pawtuxet River above Pontiac and Natick Dams. Long- and short-term outcomes include improving habitat, biodiversity and native fish populations in the lower Pawtuxet River and Narragansett Bay; enhancing Rhode Island’s fresh and salt water commercial and recreational fisheries; and promoting environmental stewardship through outreach, education and public engagement. 2. Project Activities, Schedule and Work Plan Describe the planned on-the-ground project activities, and when they are scheduled to occur. Planned project activities include: Development of Restoration Feasibility Study for mainstem Pawtuxet River upstream of Pontiac and Natick Dams Development of preliminary restoration designs for both structures; Expansion and application of HEC-RAS model used for Pawtuxet Falls dam removal; Development of cost estimates and identification of permitting requirements; Consultation with land owners and regulatory agencies (pre-application) Coordination with Pawtuxet River hydroelectric interests Identification of and coordination with potentially affected property interests such as Warwick Mall Public outreach and engagement While we have not yet identified match, we believe that Warwick Mall may be able to provide some support and will seek additional match funding for permitting and construction from NOAA/American Rivers 2 of 5 AUTHORIZED AGENT OF LEAD ORGANIZATION _____________________________________ Signature _18 November 2011__ Date Please include the following with your pre-proposal: □ Map indicating proposed project location □ Ground-level photograph(s) of existing site conditions Note: Letters of support will not be accepted for pre-proposals, but will be considered with full proposals. Return completed pre-proposal no later than November 18, 2011 to: Caitlin Chaffee RI Coastal Resources Management Council Stedman Government Center, Suite 3 4808 Tower Hill Road Wakefield, RI 02879 cchaffee@crmc.ri.gov Applicants are required to submit one (1) hard copy and one (1) electronic copy in Word or pdf format. Contact Caitlin Chaffee at 401-783-7350 with any questions. 3 of 5 Rhode Island Coastal and Estuary Habitat Restoration Fund Pre-Proposal Form 2011/2012 Project Title : Lower Pawtuxet River Fisheries Restoration Phase 3: Pontiac and Natick Dams Ground-level photos (Top) Pontiac Mill Dam (Bottom) Natick Dam 4 of 5 Rhode Island Coastal and Estuary Habitat Restoration Fund Pre-Proposal Form 2011/2012 Project Title : Lower Pawtuxet River Fisheries Restoration Phase 3: Pontiac and Natick Dams Project Map Proposed Project Area: Pontiac and Natick dams and ponds. Distance between Pontiac Dam and head of Natick Pond is approx. 5.25 miles. 5 of 5