Page |1 New Zealand Cat Fancy General Rules and Policies 2012 Amendment Summary: 11/12/11 Clause 6 Breed Standards Advisory Council (BSCA) Terms of Reference Role & Responsibilities- Clause 7 Breed Section Representatives (renumbered Clause 7 & 8 28/7/12) 12/02/12 Clause 2.6 Membership Fee (Effective from 2013) 29/4/12 Clause 8 Terms of Reference Judges Advisory Council (renumbered 28/7 Clause 9) 28/7/12 Added Clause 6.0 Appointed Positions and all subsequent clauses renumbered NZ Cat Fancy Inc – Policies and Rules pg. 1 Version 20107(1) Page |2 Contents 1 General Rules and Policies 3 2 Membership 3 3 Management 8 4 Executive Council Meetings 10 5 Submissions to the Executive Council 10 6 Appointed Positions 11 7 Breed Standards Advisory Council 12 8 Breed Section Representatives 13 9 Judges Advisory Council 13 10 Nomination for Officers and Officials 14 11 Election of Officials and Executive Council Members 15 12 NZCF Meetings 17 13 Annual General Meeting 18 14 Special General Meetings 18 15 Initiative and Referendum 20 16 Disputes and Discipline 21 17 Affiliated Clubs and Proxy Form 22-24 NZ Cat Fancy Inc – Policies and Rules pg. 2 Version 20107(1) Page |3 1.0 General Rules and Policies The General Rules and Policies cover all activities of the NZCF in conjunction with the constitution. These should be referred to for any query that you may have and also any process that you may need to complete (e.g.) obtaining a prefix. These documents will get updated from time to time please ensure that you are using the current version. This will always be available on the NZCF web site or a copy may be requested from the NZCF secretary. 2.0 Membership 2.01 2.02 2.03 Membership is open to any individual person or club as per the constitution clause 4 through to 4.7 by making a application, signing an agreement to abide by the constitution, rules and regulations and codes of ethics, and policies of the NZCF and paying the required membership fee. Types of NZCF Membership: (a) Ordinary (b) Affiliate (c) Associate (d) Life & Honorary Ordinary members: there are different classes of ordinary members: Full members pay the full membership fee every year as set by the executive council each year. Every full member has the right to vote at meetings of the NZCF, part of the membership fee is a subscription to the NZCF journal (Flash Cats).To be a full Member you must have your primary place of residence in New Zealand. Full members can belong to breed sections and take part in all activities of the NZCF Family members pay the family member membership fee every year as set by the Executive Council each year for the additional family members, every family membership application must Include one (1) full membership per household all family applicants must be related to the full member (“related” as would be defined in any court of law in NZ). Lodgers, friends, living at the same address are not to be included. All family members are allowed to vote at NZCF meetings. All family members must be over the age of 16. Only one NZ Cat Fancy Inc – Policies and Rules pg. 3 Version 20107(1) Page |4 copy of the NZCF journal (Flash Cats) will be sent to the full member in the family membership household. Junior Member pay the junior member membership fee every year as set by the executive council each year, junior members cannot vote or hold a prefix or hold office as an official within the NZCF. All junior members must be under 16 years of age for the whole financial year. 2.1 Affiliate members pay the affiliate membership fee every year as set by the executive council each year. To be an affiliate member the following conditions must be met: i) Affiliate Membership may be granted to any club that applies to the NZCF and who is incorporated under the Incorporated Societies Act 1908, and they must maintain their Incorporated Society status and have a constitution that is consistent with the NZCF constitution and its objectives and other rules. ii) An Affiliated Club shall be one of the following types of club: iii) iv) 2.11 2.2 a) All Breeds (long and short hair cat breeds as recognised by the NZCF) b) Specialist club that caters for either Long Hair Breeds or Short Hair Breeds or stated Breeds or stated colours of pedigree cats, or any other NZCF section of domesticated cats. All applications for Affiliate Membership shall state the geographic area in which the activities of the applicant club are proposed to take place Any affiliated club may hold a show or shows as covered by their constitution. Affiliate members have voting rights, one (1) vote per club Associate Members pay the associate member membership fee every year as set by the executive council each year also read 4.4 b) in the constitution. 2.21 A Life Member is a person who is acknowledged as a longstanding Member of the NZCF. A Life Member has all the rights and privileges of an Ordinary Member (including the right to vote), but does not have to pay membership fees. 2.22 Honorary Members. are described in the constitution clause 4.6 but are allowed to hold office as an official of the NZCF and do not pay membership fees, subscriptions, or levies. Honorary members are appointed at the discretion of the executive council. Honorary membership is reviewed on a yearly basis or can be granted for a fixed amount of time. 2.3 Admission of Members NZ Cat Fancy Inc – Policies and Rules pg. 4 Version 20107(1) Page |5 2.31 To become an Ordinary Member a person (“the Applicant”) must: a) Complete an application form, and send it with the applicable fee to the NZCF Secretary. b) Be a full or family or life member of a NZCF affiliated club c) Supply any other information the Executive Council requires in relationship to the application if requested. 2.32 The Executive Council may interview the Applicant when the membership coordinator asks the Executive Council to review a Membership application. All other membership applications shall be approved by the membership coordinator. 2.33 The Executive Council shall have complete discretion when it decides whether or not to let the Applicant become an Ordinary Member when it has been asked to review a membership application. The Executive Council shall advise the Applicant of its decision, and that decision shall be final. 2.34 An Ordinary Member may become a Life Member only if: 2.35 a) The details in support describe the years of service, quality of performance, significant events, and contributions to and their achievements within the NZCF and b) At a NZCF Executive Council Meeting a resolution is passed by a majority of the executive nominating that the recommended Ordinary Members name be placed on the ballot paper for consideration as a Life Member c) the process in 5.4 of the constitution has been followed and the majority (75%) or more of the members voting support the motion. To become an Affiliate Member a club must be an incorporated society and have a constitution that complies with 4.0 b) in the NZCF constitution. A club must supply a copy of their constitution with the application and supply a new copy to the NZCF when it registers a new or amended constitution to the Incorporated Societies office. The affiliated member must have no less than 5 of their current financial members that are also current financial members of the NZCF at all times and must also maintain the membership requirements of an incorporated society. The application must also include the geographical area that it is applying to host activities in. All breeds’ clubs will be restricted to NZ Cat Fancy Inc – Policies and Rules pg. 5 Version 20107(1) Page |6 50Km radius of their registered office. All other specialist clubs are able to hold events any where. All breeds’ clubs may apply for exemptions if they wish to hold a show in a new location that is outside their stated area. 2.4 2.5 Breed section membership: 2.4 A Breed Section shall be established by the Executive Council for each NZCF recognized breed. There shall be a breed representative for any breed section which has five (5) or more active breed members. An active member is one who has bred and registered with NZCF a minimum of two (2) litters in the past two (2) years. A breed section shall lose its individual breed representative if the above criteria are not met for three (3) successive years. A breed section which does not meet the criteria for an individual breed representative will be linked with another breed section or represented by the General breed representative as recommended by the Breed Standards Council to the Executive Council. 2.41 Each member shall automatically be eligible to apply to belong to one Breed Section as a part of his or her membership fee. Any member may belong to additional Breed Sections, to a maximum, of 6 sections in total for all classes of membership except affiliate. Affiliate members may belong to all Breed Sections provided that such Breed Sections are to be relevant to the Constitution of the particular affiliate member. Application can be made at the time of application for membership, or at any later date, by applying for membership and by paying the prescribed additional fee. 2.42 Members of each Breed Section shall sponsor the breed and be responsible for assisting in the development of a comprehensive standard for the breed, and proposing amendments and revisions of the standard for the breed. The Register of Members 2.5 A register of Members (“the Register”), which shall contain the names, the addresses and telephone numbers of all Members, and the dates at which they became Members shall be kept and maintained in a secure manner in accordance with the Privacy Act. 2.51 Members must advise the Secretary of changes to their contact details, address or telephone number as soon as reasonably possible. 2.52 All information held by the NZCF shall not be sold or given to a third party for any purpose. Members may request a copy of their details and this must be done in writing to the NZCF Privacy officer, NZ Cat Fancy Inc – Policies and Rules pg. 6 Version 20107(1) Page |7 members may also request that incorrect information is corrected in the same manner. 2.6 Membership Fee An application for membership must be completed yearly at the beginning of the NZCF financial year which is the 1st of January each year and paid on or before the 31st of January in the same year. On the 1st of February if no membership fee has been paid by the member all rights and privileges will be terminated. (Effective from 2013) 2.7 Overdue Membership A member whose membership fee is overdue as described in clause 2.6 and as a result their membership has been terminated is required to pay the current fee for the type of membership that they apply for and any late payment fees applicable at time to become a financial member again. 2.8 Cessation of Membership 2.8 Any Member may resign by giving written notice to the Secretary. 2.81 A Member may have their Membership terminated or suspended as an outcome of a dispute or discipline process or: 2.82 The Executive Council may by a unanimous vote terminate the membership of any member for breach of the provisions of the constitution or any other rules or bylaws including the codes of ethics, or non-payment of fees, or any other indebtedness to the NZCF. 2.83 Any Member who may be liable to be removed from membership under this clause shall be entitled to appear before the Executive Council to offer a verbal or written explanation in mitigation. At least fourteen days written notice of the Executive Council meeting shall be given to the member concerned. 2.84 The Executive Council may by ordinary resolution terminate the membership of any member whose membership fees are more than 1 month and 7 days overdue without written notice or the right to appear before the Executive Council. 2.85 Resignation and Removal from office of officers and officials any elected officers or appointed officials of the NZCF shall cease to hold office upon: NZ Cat Fancy Inc – Policies and Rules pg. 7 Version 20107(1) Page |8 (a) Death, or (b) a written resignation from the officer or official, or (c) they become incapable of holding office by reason of infirmity or otherwise, or (d) being lawfully removed from their office, or (e) being declared bankrupt, or (f) conviction of any criminal offence with subsequent imprisonment exceeding three (3) years or (g) being absent, as a member of the Executive Council from more than two (2) consecutive meetings of the Executive Council, without the prior leave of the Executive Council, or (h) conviction of an offence involving the neglect of or cruelty to animals. 2.9 2.86 All property and documents obtained or produced during their term remain the property of the NZCF and must be returned to the NZCF when they cease to be an official or officer of the NZCF. 2.87 Resignation of an officer or officials will take effect at a date that is either mutually agreed on or at the date that the letter of resignation is received or dated or a date in the future that is stated in the letter of resignation. 2.88 Any member that has their membership terminated for any reason other than as stated in 2.84 has the right to appeal within 14 days of the termination by submitting in writing to the NZCF secretary their appeal Obligations of Members: All Members shall promote the purposes of the NZCF and shall do nothing to bring the NZCF into disrepute. 3.0 MANAGEMENT OF THE NZCF Executive Council 3.1 Eligibility To be a NZCF Executive council member you must be a financial full or family member or life member of the NZCF, You cannot hold a position of office in a similar registry, Your place of permanent residence must be New Zealand. 3.2 Term of office The NZCF shall have an Executive Council, made up from a minimum of six (6) elected persons as determined by a voting process described in the constitution clause 10.0 and 12.0 once elected to the Executive council their NZ Cat Fancy Inc – Policies and Rules pg. 8 Version 20107(1) Page |9 term of office shall be three (3) years or as defined by clause 10.2 of the constitution 3.3 POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL The Executive Council shall manage and conduct the business and affairs of the NZCF. All members of the Executive Council shall have responsibility allocated to them for the management of one or more operational areas of the NZCF. The Executive Council Chairman at the first meeting of the Executive Council following the AGM shall make the allocation of such responsibilities in conjunction with the other members of the Executive Council. They shall be required to provide a written report on their area(s) of responsibility to each meeting of the Executive Council and to the AGM. They shall exercise all such powers of the NZCF as are not required by the Incorporated Societies Act 1908 and its amendments or by its Constitution to be exercised by the NZCF in General Meeting. 3.4 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) In addition, the Executive Council shall have the following powers and duties as set out in 13.0 of the constitution and: deal with, manage and control the property and finances of the NZCF in a manner designed to ensure the continued financial viability of the NZCF, and to grant authority to at least two persons, as it thinks fit to operate the bank accounts of the NZCF. purchase, take on lease or in exchange or hire or otherwise, acquire any real or personal property and any rights or privileges which the Executive Council shall think necessary or expedient for the purpose of attaining the objects of the NZCF or its members, and to sell, exchange, let, bail or lease with or without option, or purchase or in any manner dispose of such property or privileges as aforesaid. grant permission for Cat Shows to be held under the auspices of the NZCF and to decide the dates on which they may be held. regulate Cat Shows held by Clubs under the auspices of the NZCF, as the Executive Council considers necessary or desirable. cause Cat Shows to be held by the NZCF on such dates and at such locations as the Executive Council may determine. make and allocate such awards at such Shows as it shall think fit. make amendments to the NZCF Registration Rules and/or Show Bylaws or any other such regulatory or official publication that the Executive Council shall authorise, and the amendments shall be effective from the expiry of seven (7) days after they have been published in an official publication, including the website, of the NZCF. The Executive Council Secretary shall send notice of all amendments to all affiliate members and to all registered judges as soon as practicable after approval by the Executive Council. keep and make amendments to, a Register or Registers of pedigree or domestic (non pedigree) cats and kittens, which Registers shall be in such form as the Executive Council shall from time to time determine. correct typographical errors, consequential numbering, issue pedigree certificates for cats and kittens in accordance with details appearing in an NZCF Register. NZ Cat Fancy Inc – Policies and Rules pg. 9 Version 20107(1) P a g e | 10 (k) issue or decline to issue prefixes to breeders for cats and kittens under such terms and conditions as it may from time to time determine. (l) compile and issue a book of Standing Rules governing its business, which may be amended from time to time. (m) make Rules and Bylaws for the qualification and examination and admission to office of judges and/or probationary judges, relevant disciplinary procedures, and the issue or withdrawal of licenses to such judges or probationary judges. (n) make such rules and other regulatory documents including codes of ethics as it may deem necessary and desirable from time to time to carry out the objects of the NZCF with power to repeal or amend such rules or regulatory documents or make further rules or regulatory documents in substitution therefore. (o) appoint from time to time such person or persons who are not members of the Executive Council upon such terms and conditions as it may think fit, to act as Officials of the NZCF or to perform or carry out any act or function on behalf of the Executive Council. (p) appoint such sub-committees as it may think fit, consisting of either members of the Executive Council or any other persons, for such purposes as it may think fit, with power to act or report back to the Executive Council and with or without power to co-opt further members thereto. The Executive Council may at any time revoke such appointments (q) provide and administer a discipline and dispute process for all members through an independent non member appointed to the position of disputes coordinator. (r) To take such steps or actions as the Executive Council decides for the good order and proper management of the NZCF 3.5 4.0 Executive Council may delegate its powers to portfolio managers. Any delegations made must be in writing and must be notified in the minutes of Executive Council meetings. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MEETINGS These are to be held at times and places decided by the Executive Council within the boundaries set by the constitution clause 23.0 and the following shall apply: The dates, time, and places of all meetings in person of the Executive Council shall be notified to all members by the Executive Council Secretary, by means of a notice in the official journal of the Fancy, as soon as practicable after they have been fixed. The quorum for meetings of the Executive Council shall be five members. With the exception of the Chairperson’s casting vote, each person present is entitled to cast a maximum of one (1) vote. All Executive Council face to face meetings are open for any financial member to attend and the Chairman may or may not allow members to speak from the floor at these meeting 4.1 The Executive Council Chairman or anyone acting instead of the Executive Council Chairman shall have both a deliberative vote, and a casting vote. NZ Cat Fancy Inc – Policies and Rules pg. 10 Version 20107(1) P a g e | 11 The casting vote shall be used in the case of equality of votes as the Executive Council Chairman or anyone acting in their place shall decide the matter by using the casting vote. A copy of the minutes of all meetings of the Executive Council shall be sent by the Executive Council Secretary to each Executive Council member, each Officer and Official, and each Affiliate, as soon as practicable (normally within 10 days) after each meeting of the Executive Council. The Executive Council Secretary shall have a report on the proceedings of the Executive Council published in the journal of the NZCF in the next ensuing issue thereof or, if that is not practicable, in the next following issue, and the report shall also be published on the NZCF website as soon as practicable. 4.2 4.3 The Executive Council may receive any submissions, in writing or otherwise, or may make such enquiries, as it may think fit, in relation to any matter before it. 4.4 The Executive Council shall ensure that:A record is kept of all proceedings of the NZCF and the Executive Council; a record is kept of all Members, their addresses, and class of membership, and the date on which they became members of the NZCF; all correspondence, records and reports connected with the NZCF are kept for a reasonable period; and a record of monies due to the NZCF, or payments made by the NZCF is kept in a correct record of such receipts and payments; (a) (b) (c) (d) 5.0 SUBMISSIONS TO THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL All matters which members may wish to submit to the Executive Council shall first be submitted in writing to the Executive Council Secretary who shall refer it to the responsible member of the Executive Council (Portfolio Manager). The Portfolio Manager may submit the matter to the Executive Council or may deal with it or may decline to submit it to the Executive Council. In the event that the Portfolio Manager declines to submit the matter to the Executive Council, he must inform the member within 30 days of receipt of the matter so that the member submitting the matter may ask the Executive Council Chairman to rule on the appropriateness of such a decision. In the event that the Executive Council Chairman is also the Portfolio Manager responsible for the operational area that the matter addresses, then the Executive Council Vice Chairman may be asked to make such a ruling. 5.1 Such submissions shall be made at least 42 clear days before the next meeting of the Executive Council. The Executive Council may in its discretion deal, in accordance with its standing orders, with any matter of which notice is not given within the prescribed time. As soon as practicable after the closing date for the receipt of notice of such matters, the Executive Council Secretary shall send to each member of the Executive Council, Officials, and to each affiliate member an agenda for the Executive Council meeting, at least 28 days before the date fixed for the meeting. NZ Cat Fancy Inc – Policies and Rules pg. 11 Version 20107(1) P a g e | 12 5.2 5.3 6.0 The Executive Council Secretary shall also cause the agenda to be published on the website of the NZCF, and if practicable, in the journal of the Fancy. Notice of any matters of which 42 days’ notice has not been given shall be given in similar manner by the Executive Council Secretary as soon as practicable. APPOINTED POSITIONS: (1) The Executive Council has the power to terminate any appointed position prior to the term of appointment being completed if it is determined to be in the best interests of the NZCF to do so. (2) All appointed positions may be subject to performance review. Where performance does not meet the requirements of the position the appointee will be asked to remedy this. If the appointee is unable or unwilling to remedy their performance, the appointment may be terminated by the Executive Council. 7.0 BREED STANDARDS ADVISORY COUNCIL Terms of Reference Role & Responsibilities 1. To provide advice and recommendations to the Executive Council regarding proposed changes, updates, and corrections to the Standards of Points for pedigree cats breeds accepted by the NZCF. These changes, updates or corrections may be initially requested by individual NZCF members, breed representatives, judges, or the EC itself. 2. To ensure that the appropriate breed sections are consulted about proposed standards changes or (if appropriate) other changes affecting a breed (such as requirements for health testing) and the results of those consultations taken into account when making recommendations to the EC. 3. To provide advice and recommendations to the Executive Council regarding the acceptance of new breeds, either breeds established overseas but new to New Zealand, or entirely new breeds developed in New Zealand 4. To provide advice and recommendations to the Executive Council about genetic and health issues affecting particular breeds, and approaches to minimise the harmful effects of these. 5. To provide advice and recommendations to the Executive Council about rules for intermateability within breed groups and outcrossing to other breeds, having regard to ensuring genetic viability and health of breeds, and maintaining type and characteristics of breeds. NZ Cat Fancy Inc – Policies and Rules pg. 12 Version 20107(1) P a g e | 13 6. To consider applications for experimental breeding programmes, approve these (or not), monitor as appropriate and provide support, advice, or linking with a mentor as deemed appropriate. 7. To decide if specific health or genetic testing should be required either of foundation cats in an experimental programme, or of progeny and ensure applicants understand any such conditions attached to the approval. 8. To approve (or not) the transfer for breeding of experimental programme cats (gen 1-3) to breeders not involved in the original experimental breeding programme. 9. To develop or improve systems and processes for all the above functions. BSAC Composition The BSAC is a committee of appointed members. The Longhair, Shorthair, and Provisional Registrars shall automatically be appointed and the Provisional Registrar shall have the role of Secretary. The Breed Standards Portfolio Manager shall be chair of the BSAC. (Rule 7) Further members shall be appointed to provide balance and expertise. Members: 1. Shall be a financial member of the NZCF 1. Shall have ready access to a computer and email (as most BSAC business will be conducted by electronic means ) 2. Shall meet one or more of the following: Have been breeding for a minimum of two years (but longer experience is welcome) have an interest in and knowledge of genetics as it applies to cat breeding be a longhair, shorthair, or all breeds judge have experience of a variety of breeds or have an interest and willingness to learn about other breeds have experience of carrying out an experimental breeding programme 7.1 The members shall elect by postal ballot up to a maximum of 3 (three) Breed Standards Advisory Council members to serve a term of 3 (three) years or on the acceptance of a resignation and a successor is duly appointed for the remainder of the term. 8.0 Breed Section Representatives The Breed Representatives are elected at the same time as other NZCF elections. Only members of the relevant Breed Section may nominate and vote to elect by postal ballot a Breed Representative to serve a term of 2 (two) years or until a successor is duly elected. Requirements for election as a breed representative are as follows: NZ Cat Fancy Inc – Policies and Rules pg. 13 Version 20107(1) P a g e | 14 • Have a NZCF registered prefix, • Breed Section membership 8.1 The candidate receiving the largest number of votes shall become the Breed Representative. In the event of a Breed Section Representative position becoming vacant, the Executive Council shall have the power to appoint a suitable person to serve until the next election. Intermediate or Junior Judges. One (1) Judge from each level of seniority shall be drawn from each of the Longhair and Shorthair panels. Judges qualified as All Breeds Judges shall be qualified to represent either the Longhair or Shorthair Panel. 9.0 Judges Advisory Council Terms of Reference Eligibility: Each appointee to the Judges Advisory Council, shall be an NZCF Judge, either currently active, or on approved leave, and be on the Intermediate or Senior panels. Their primary place of residence is within New Zealand and they are a current member of the NZCF. All Judges serving on the Judges Advisory Council will be current members of the NZCF. 9.1 The Judges Advisory Council shall be made up of seven (7) Judges appointed by the EC. The EC shall appoint 4 judges in 2012 for a term of 2 years (2012-agm2014) and 3 judges for a term of 12 months (agm2012-agm 2013). 2 months prior to the terms finishing, the JPM will call for expressions of interest from those eligible to be appointed for a 2 year term. 9.2 Judges Advisory Council members to serve a term of two (2) years (with the exception of those 3 Judges appointed in 2012 for a period of 12 months) 9.3 The Judges Advisory Council shall consist of two (2) Senior Judges holding Tutor status, two (2) Senior Judges not holding Tutor status and (3) three additional Judges. 9.4 The Executive Council member with Judges Portfolio responsibility shall chair the Judges Advisory Council. 9.5 The role of the Judges Advisory Council will include: (a) Providing ongoing support for all NZCF Judges throughout NZ (b) Developing, maintaining, reviewing and publishing the training curriculum and details of Judges training programmes (c) Researching and making recommendations to the Executive Council regarding the Judges Manual and the Judges Code of Ethics. NZ Cat Fancy Inc – Policies and Rules pg. 14 Version 20107(1) P a g e | 15 (d) Approving or rejecting the admission of applicants to the Judges training programme or judging panels. Applicants who have not been accepted for training have the right of appeal to the EC. An appeal must be lodged with the EC secretary within 14 days of receiving the notice of non acceptance. (e) Ensuring that the judging system is moderated at all panels and develop the process for this to occur. (f) Organising seminars, publishing dates of seminars by the end of February for the year and ensuring that refresher training and judges’ seminars meet the needs of the judges, exhibitors, the public and the NZCF. (g) Ensuring that appropriate training is provided for prospective handlers and stewards and publish the dates of training courses at least 2 months prior to course. (h) Ensuring that Judges are kept informed on all matters affecting judging. (i) Making recommendations, if required, to the Executive Council on all matters affecting judges and judging. (j) Ensuring that positive lines of communication are established and maintained between EC, Judges Advisory Council, Judges and students. 9.6 All members of the Judges Advisory Council, excluding the Chair, shall have voting rights. 9.7 All judges and students are able to request that items be placed on the agenda for a JAC meeting. These are to be sent to the Judges Registrar 14 days before the scheduled meeting. The agenda for each JAC meeting will be sent to all judges and students at least 5 days before the meeting. Minutes will be taken at all JAC meetings and distributed to all judges and students within 10 days of the meeting. 9.8.1 The Judges’ Registrar shall be the secretary for the JAC and shall be part of JAC meetings in that capacity. 10.0 Nomination for officers and officials 10.1 Nominations for the Breed Standards Advisory Council and the Judges A Council: a) Nominations for the Breed Standards Advisory council shall require the nomination to be signed by two (2) breeders who are current full or family members of the NZCF that are not connected to nominated persons prefix/s and . b) a short biographical note about the candidate must accompany each nomination; and NZ Cat Fancy Inc – Policies and Rules pg. 15 Version 20107(1) P a g e | 16 c) all nominations shall be sent to the NZCF Secretary no later than three (3) months before the Annual General Meeting advertised date. d) 11 all nominations shall be restricted to nominees: i) Whose primary place of residence is within New Zealand; and ii) who is either an Ordinary or a Life Member of the NZCF who has voting rights. e) Upon the closing of nominations, the Executive Council Secretary shall mail a voting paper to each member for Executive Council and Breed Council elections only. f) nominations for the Judges Advisory Council require that you must be NZCF Judges currently active, or on approved leave, from the Junior, Intermediate and Senior panels and have an NZCF registered prefix. g) Judges Advisory Council elections voting papers are only sent to active judges. h) the election voting papers for both advisory councils shall contain a list of candidates and be accompanied with each of the candidates biographical notes. i) each member shall be responsible to ensure that their voting paper is properly completed and signed and placed in the mail with the proper postage affixed or otherwise forwarded by a commercial delivery service to arrive no later than 15 working days before the AGM. j) no member shall attempt to invalidate or otherwise tamper with the NZCF election process in any manner whatsoever. Election of officials and Executive Council Members One month before the Annual General Meeting (‘AGM’) the Members will decide by a postal ballot: a) 11.1 Who will be the new Executive Council Members b) the Breed Standards Advisory Council elected members and c) Breed Section Representatives. d) The judges will decide who will be on the Judges Advisory Council Postal Voting NZ Cat Fancy Inc – Policies and Rules pg. 16 Version 20107(1) P a g e | 17 Voting papers will be sent to all eligible voting members along with a copy of all the candidates’ biographies. This will be sent 42 days prior to the date set for the AGM. 11.2 The voting papers must be returned no later than 15 working days prior to the date of the AGM any that are received after this date shall not be counted Note that any post marked envelopes that are marked prior to the cut off date but received after the cut off date will also be disregarded. All voting papers must be received no later than 15 working days prior to the AGM. It is the members responsibility to ensure that their votes are counted. 11.3 The votes shall be counted after the voting papers have all been received. The candidate receiving the highest number of votes shall be elected. Where multiple vacancies exist, then the candidates receiving the highest number of votes shall be elected. In the case of a tie, the result shall be decided by lot. Scrutineering (if any) of the voting paper count shall be by whatever method is determined as appropriate by the Executive Council. 11.4 Where there is a three (3) year term and a unexpired term vacancy to be filled the candidate with the most votes shall get the 3 year term and the next highest polling candidate shall get the next three (3) year term and the next highest shall get the unexpired term left by the vacated position 11.5 Elected officers shall take office at the conclusion of the AGM at which they were elected. All retiring officers and officials shall be eligible for re-election but must also complete the nomination process outlined at 3.2. 11.6 11.7 The NZCF Executive council shall: Have a minimum of six (6) Council Members at all times and: i) Have a Chairperson that is elected at the first Council meeting following the Annual General Meeting; the elected Council members will as the first order of business make a determination as to who will be their Chairperson and ViceChairperson from the elected council members. ii) Shall appoint Council members to be the portfolio managers each looking after a separate portfolio, and appoint a buddy to assist and support each portfolio manager. iii) Should either or both the Chairperson or Vice Chairperson for any reason have vacated or be obliged to vacate their position then the Council will elect from their members a replacement or replacements for part of unexpired term of the vacant Council positions until the next AGM. NZ Cat Fancy Inc – Policies and Rules pg. 17 Version 20107(1) P a g e | 18 12 vi) shall have the power to co-opt from the membership or the next highest polling candidate in the last election a person to fill any vacancy on the executive council that may exist until the next AGM v) The Chairperson shall be the sole and official spokesperson for the NZCF. NZCF Meetings 12.1 At all general meetings of the NZCF the provisions in section 21 of the constitution and the following shall apply: 12.2 The Executive Council Chairman shall preside at all meetings of the NZCF, or if absent, the Executive Council Vice Chairman, or in the absence of them both, the members present may elect another member of the Executive Council to preside at the meeting. The validity of the appointment of such person to act as Chairman or the validity of any business transacted at such meeting shall not be questioned in any Court of Law and all decisions taken at such meetings shall be binding on the NZCF, the Executive Council, and all members of the NZCF 12.3 All individual members and affiliate members of the NZCF shall be entitled to attend and every full member, affiliate member, family and life member shall have the right to exercise one vote. 12.4 A proxy shall be with the Executive Council Secretary least seven (7) days prior to the meeting to which the proxy relates. The form of proxy shall be in the form attached as part of Schedule two (2), of this document 12.5 For changes to the constitution clause 27.0 of the constitution shall be followed. 12.6 A voting card will be issued to each member, upon which the Individual’s membership number shall appear, or the membership number of the member for whom that person has been appointed a proxy. 12.7 Voting at all General Meetings shall be by a show of hands holding voting cards (unless a poll is demanded by at least 10% of the members present at the meeting who are entitled to vote).Members may cast their votes in person or appoint a proxy for changes to the constitution. Members may cast their vote by postal ballot, in person or appoint a proxy. 12 8 Any eligible member not in attendance, and who has not nominated a proxy, must have returned their ballot with a postmark showing a date on or before the due date for ballots to be returned as shown on the ballot paper(s) for their vote by ballot to count. 12.9 Any member having already cast their vote by ballot may not be issued with a voting card on the day of the meeting. They may attend, may be called upon to speak and make motion or second a motion, but may not vote. 12.10 Votes by ballot shall be recorded prior to the meeting. The results of allot counts cast on an item on the agenda shall not be made known until after a vote from the floor has been taken. Scrutineering (if any) of the ballot paper count shall be by whatever method is determined as appropriate by the Executive Council. NZ Cat Fancy Inc – Policies and Rules pg. 18 Version 20107(1) P a g e | 19 12.11 Ballots for General Meetings shall give the option of: 12.12 YES, - with or without amendments that do not substantially alter the general intent or objective of the remit. NO 12.13 Motions to amend remits may be accepted from the floor. The Chairperson may be asked to rule on whether the amendments have substantially altered the general intent or main objective or tenor of the remit. 12.14 The Executive Council Chairman, whilst presiding over a General Meeting, or anyone acting instead, shall not have a substantive vote but shall only have a casting vote, which shall be used to preserve the status quo, in the event of equality of votes. 12.15 Members of the Executive Council shall be entitled to be present at all General Meetings of the NZCF, and may take part in any discussion or debate. They shall also be entitled to vote. 12.16 The quorum for any General Meeting of the NZCF shall be at least 40 members (in person or by proxy) who are eligible to vote whichever is the lower, also read 21.7 of the constitution 12.17 If during the meeting, the voting strength of those present falls below the number required for a quorum, the meeting shall be adjourned until the Executive Council calls a Special General Meeting to finish the business of the General Meeting and all business transacted prior to the adjournment shall be deemed to have been lawfully and legally transacted. 12.18 If a quorum for the meeting is not present 90 minutes after the time fixed for the commencement of the meeting, a meeting of those members present shall be held that will consider all matters that would have been considered at the General Meeting. Under the provisions of Clause 11, with the exception that there shall be no filing fee nor will there be a requirement for 100 members to sign an authorisation to hold a postal vote, the previous members of the Executive Council shall then put the decisions of the meeting held in lieu of the Annual General Meeting, to the membership of NZCF. 13.0 Annual General Meeting At Annual General Meetings of the NZCF the provisions in section 21 of the constitution and the following shall apply: 13.1 to consider and adopt, if thought fit, a plan for the coming one to five years. 13.2 to consider and adopt a budget for the coming year that reflects the appropriate parts of any plan adopted under Clause 21.10(c) of the constitution. 13.3 to consider any remits submitted by the Executive Council, or from full, affiliate or life members. 13.4 to fix the location for the National Show, two years ahead. 13.5 to fix the location for the AGM, two years ahead. 13.6 to consider any other business which may be lawfully brought forward. 13.7 Newly elected candidates to the Executive Council, the Breed Standards Council or as Breed Section Representatives shall take office from the completion of the Annual General Meeting following their election, and shall hold office for the relevant period laid down by the constitution. 13.8 The meeting may deal with the business in such order as it decides. NZ Cat Fancy Inc – Policies and Rules pg. 19 Version 20107(1) P a g e | 20 13.9 A copy of the minutes of each Annual General Meeting, and of any Special General Meeting shall be sent by the Executive Council Secretary, or Assistant, to each Executive Council Member, all officers and officials, and to each affiliate member as soon as practicable after the meeting. The Executive Council Secretary shall cause a report on the proceedings to be published on the NZCF website and in the official journal of NZCF in the next issue thereof. 13.10 Remits may be made to the Annual General Meeting by the Executive Council, by Full or Life members or any Club, and all remits shall be in writing and be received by the Executive Council Secretary at least 60 days before the date set for the Annual General Meeting. All such remits, received in time, shall be placed on the Agenda for the meeting. Remits submitted by Full or Life members shall bear the signatures of at least 9 (nine) other full or life members in order to be accepted. Remits should either propose changes to this constitution, or should seek to set or change the policies of NZCF. 13.11 At least 42 days before the Annual General Meeting, the Executive Council Secretary shall forward the Agenda for the Annual General Meeting to the Secretary of each Club and to all members of the Executive Council. In addition, and with the assistance of the Treasurer, the Executive Council Secretary shall also cause an agenda, any remits, and an alphabetical list, by type of office, of all eligible candidates for elected positions and any nominations for life membership, together with a ballot paper, to be sent to all eligible voting members of NZCF. The postal ballot paper shall be in such form as the Executive Council shall approve 14.0 Special General Meetings For all Special General Meetings of the NZCF the provisions in section 21 of the constitution and the following shall apply: 14.1 A Special General Meeting of the NZCF shall be called by the Executive Council Secretary within 21 days of the receipt of such requisition by the Executive Council Secretary. The requisition to call a Special General Meeting shall be in writing and a copy of the requisition shall also be sent to the Executive Council Chairman. 14.2 Such requisition shall be by resolution of the Executive Council, or by the Presidents of not less than one third of the affiliated members pursuant to a resolution of each Club passed in General Meeting, or by a requisition signed by not fewer than one quarter of the members of the NZCF holding voting rights. 14.3 The requisition shall clearly state the reason for calling the Special General Meeting and the business which is to be considered at the meeting. 14.4 The Special General Meeting will be held at such time and place as the Executive Council Secretary in consultation with the Executive Council Chairman shall determine. The Executive Council Secretary shall hold the meeting not earlier than 14 clear days after the posting of the notice from the Executive Council Secretary calling the meeting, and within 42 days of the receipt of the requisition. 14.5 Should the Executive Council Secretary fail to comply with clause 13.4 above, the Executive Council Chairman shall call such meeting, or, if the Executive NZ Cat Fancy Inc – Policies and Rules pg. 20 Version 20107(1) P a g e | 21 Council Chairman fails to do so, the Executive Council Vice Chairman, or the Presidents of the requisitioning Clubs may call the meeting, in accordance with clause 13.4 above, as if the meeting had been called by the Executive Council Secretary. At the meeting, if the Executive Council Chairman is not present, or declines to preside, then the meeting may elect another member of the Executive Council to preside over the meeting. 14.6 At least 14 days before the Special General Meeting, the Executive Council Secretary shall forward the Agenda for the Special General Meeting to each Club and to all members of the Executive Council. In addition, and with the assistance of the Treasurer, the Executive Council Secretary shall also cause a ballot and a form for giving proxy, along with an Agenda, to be sent to all eligible voting members of the NZCF. 14.7 Ballots must be returned for processing, postmarked no later than 14 days prior to the date set for the Special General Meeting. Ballot papers not received by or on the due date shall be deemed to be Out Of Order and shall not be counted. 14.8 The Agenda shall state clearly on whose requisition the meeting is called and the business to be considered at the meeting. Only the business detailed in the Agenda shall be considered at the meeting. 14.9 If the Executive Council Secretary receives any further requisitions for a Special General Meeting at least 21 days prior to the date appointed for the original meeting, the Executive Council Secretary shall give similar notice of meeting as per clause 13.4 14.10 Where the Executive Council Secretary receives further requisitions as referred to in clause 13.9 above; the Special General Meeting shall have power to consider any business or matter contained in the same. 14.11 The Executive Council or the NZCF in General Meeting may also order a Special General Meeting to be held on a nominated date. 15 INITIATIVE AND REFERENDUM 15.1 15.2 Notwithstanding anything else in this constitution, upon a petition signed by at least 10% members eligible to vote, at the time of filing the notice, accompanied by a filing fee of $250, any amendments of the Show By-Laws, Registration Rules, Disputes and Discipline Process, Standing Rules or any other regulatory document of the NZCF, and any matters concerning the business affairs, government and policy of the Fancy, shall be submitted to the membership for a postal ballot. Notice of intent to present a petition to have a ballot published for initiative or referendum shall be filed with the Executive Council Secretary. Within 30 days of the filing of the notice, the petition shall be filed with the Executive Council Secretary. Factual written evidence must be presented in support of the proposed petition Notice that the petition has been filed and reason given therein shall be published in the next available journal of the NZCF. Any rebuttal submitted together with a restatement of the reasons for shall be printed in the following journal. The ballot shall be mailed to each member eligible to vote on the matter. Ballots must be returned for processing, postmarked no later NZ Cat Fancy Inc – Policies and Rules pg. 21 Version 20107(1) P a g e | 22 15.3 15.4 15.5 15.6 16.0 than 7 days prior to the date set for their return. Ballots not postmarked by the due date shall be deemed to be Out Of Order and shall not be counted. Unless otherwise specified in the Constitution, Show Bylaws or Registration Rules of the NZCF or in the proposal itself, all action taken by the membership by initiative or referendum shall become effective immediately upon certification that the proposal has been adopted by a majority vote. Every petition must include the following: An attribution declaring who created the petition must be printed in boldface type (at least 12 point) at or near the top of each page. If circulated to obtain signatures at a show a disclaimer must be printed in boldface type (at least 12 point) at or near the top of each page with the following statement: "This petition is distributed in accordance with the NZCF Rules and Policies, Clause 11 - Initiative and Referendum and does not constitute an endorsement by the show committee of the opinions/statements made herein." DISPUTES AND DISCIPLINE 16.1 The Complaints Coordinator shall not be a member of the NZCF, or any NZCF affiliated club, nor shall they be a member, officer or official of another similar organisation. The role of the National Complaints Coordinator shall be to receive any complaint or dispute, in writing, and to ensure that it is dealt with as effectively as possible within the process and guidelines laid down in the Disputes and Discipline Procedure. Objections or protests arising under the NZCF Inc Show Bylaws shall be dealt with by the Show Committee and/or the National Complaints Coordinator, as provided by those Bylaws. Affiliated clubs The affiliated clubs shown in schedule A, B, C are the current 2012 list of affiliated clubs: SCHEDULE A (a) Northern Region Abyssinian & Somali Cat Club of N.Z. Incorporated Auckland Cat Club Incorporated Birman Cat Club of N.Z. Incorporated Burmese & Shorthair Cat Club Incorporated Geyserland Cat Club Incorporated Hamilton Cat Club Incorporated Metropolitan Shorthair Cat Club Incorporated Mid Island Shorthair Cat Club Incorporated NZ Maine Coon Cat Club Incorporated The Oriental Shorthair Cat Association of N.Z. Incorporated (b) Central Region Central Districts Cat Fanciers Association Incorporated NZ Cat Fancy Inc – Policies and Rules pg. 22 Version 20107(1) P a g e | 23 Dominion Shorthair Cat Club Incorporated Feline Society (Hutt) Incorporated Kapiti-Horowhenua Cat Club Incorporated Napier Cat Club Incorporated Palmerston North Cat Club Incorporated Patches & Pointed Incorporated Pedigree Persian Cat Fanciers (N.Z.) Incorporated Sacred Temple Cat Club (N.Z.) Incorporated Taranaki Cat Club Incorporated Wellington Cat Club Incorporated (c) Southern Region Alpine Shorthair Cat Club Incorporated Burmese Cat Club of NZ Incorporated Canterbury All Breeds Cat Club Incorporated Longhair Cat Breeders Association (S.I.) Incorporated Nelson Cat Club Incorporated New Zealand Siamese Cat Association Incorporated Otago Siamese & Shorthair Pedigree Cat Club Incorporated Shorthair Cat Breeders Association Incorporated Southern Cross Longhair Cat Club Incorporated Southland Cat Fanciers Club Incorporated NZ Cat Fancy Inc – Policies and Rules pg. 23 Version 20107(1) P a g e | 24 Form of Proxy New Zealand Cat Fancy Incorporated A Proxy may be any member of the NZCF except the Chairman. I ………………………………………………………………………….membership no: ……………… Of…………………………………………………………………………will not be attending the NZCF Annual General Meeting to be held ……………………………………………………… I appoint …………………………………………………………………membership no: ………………. Of…………………………………………………………………to vote on my behalf, And have instructed them to vote according to my wishes. Signed …………………………………………. Date: ……../……/…. (Member) I agree to be proxy for …………………………………………………………… Signed ………………………………………… Date: ……../…../….. (Proxy) NZ Cat Fancy Inc – Policies and Rules pg. 24 Version 20107(1)