TEXAS LIBRARY ASSOCIATION [Unit Name] Operating Procedures – (OVERVIEW) These templates for Unit Operating Procedures should serve as guides for members in the process of establishing a new unit and converting the bylaws of an existing unit to Operating Procedures. These provide the basic information necessary for the operation of a unit. Note: Any information found in blue is advisory or explanatory in nature. This is the “short version” of unit operating procedures. (For more details, please see the following pages.) SECTION I – NAME [Provide the name of the unit.] SECTION II – OBJECTIVES [Provide a short statement on the objectives of the unit.] SECTION III – MEMBERSHIP [Open to any TLA member; except units based on geography (districts).] SECTION IV – ADMINISTRATION [Provide a listing of officers, standing committees (if any), the unit’s election process, and anything else related to the administrative operation of the unit.] SECTION V – MEETINGS [Provide information on your unit’s meetings – annual; in person or virtual; at conference and/or assembly; etc. Units should hold an official meeting (in person or virtually) at least once a year.] SECTION VI – COMMITTEES [Explain how committees are created and members appointed (by chair or executive committee).] SECTION VII – PARLIAMENTARY AUTHORITY [The official parliamentary authority for TLA is the current edition Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised. This should be stated in this section.] SECTION VIII – AMENDMENTS TO THE OPERATING PROCEDURES [Explain how the unit’s Operating Procedures may be amended – vote at a meeting, mail ballot, electronic ballot; majority vote(?); amount of notice to be given for amendments (30 days?).] TEXAS LIBRARY ASSOCIATION [Unit Name] Operating Procedures – (DETAILED VERSION) This template is the “long version,” with more details. Note: Any information found in blue is advisory or explanatory in nature. This is adapted from the current “Model Unit Bylaws.” Much of the additional explanatory information is taken from the proposed amendment to Section XI of the TLA Bylaws which provides the guidance for the governance of TLA Units. SECTION I – NAME The name of this organization shall be the [unit name] of the Texas Library Association (TLA). If a unit acronym is used, the acronym must be included in Section I following the complete name of the unit. Example: Unit Name, Acronym. The acronym then may be used throughout the remainder of the document. SECTION II – OBJECTIVES The objective of the [unit name] shall be... Examples are: ...to contribute to library service and librarianship through... ...to represent Texas librarians in the field of... SECTION III – Membership Any member of the Texas Library Association may select membership in the [unit name]. Officers must be current members of TLA. The above statement applies to units other than Districts. District membership is based on the member’s residence or work location. SECTION IV – ADMINISTRATION A. Officers 1. The officers of the [unit name] shall be…. All Units shall have at least the following officers: A presiding officer, chair, or facilitator A person designated to succeed the current presiding officer A person elected or appointed to handle unit funds, if the unit has or expects to have funds A person elected or appointed to take minutes at official meetings and provide a copy of those minutes to the TLA Office. A councilor and councilor-alternate (if the unit wishes to be represented on TLA Council) Other officers and committees may be elected or appointed as deemed necessary by the unit and provided for in the Operating Procedures 2. Officers shall assume office immediately following the TLA Annual Conference and shall serve a term of one year or until a successor is elected. The Councilor and Alternate Councilor serve for three years or until a successor is elected. 3. The officers of the [unit name] shall perform those duties usually attached to their offices and all duties as prescribed in the TLA Bylaws and Standing Rules. If desired, specific duties of officers may be included, and include presiding at meetings, appointing committee members, planning programs, etc. B. Elections 1. A Nominating Committee shall present a slate of candidates for all offices. There shall be at least two candidates for the office of Councilor. Nominations may be made from the floor [unless balloting is electronic]. [The Nominating Committee may either be elected by the membership or elected by the Executive Board of the unit. According to Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised, the Chair of the unit may not be involved in the appointment of the Nominating Committee and may not serve on the committee as ex officio or otherwise] 2. Officers shall be elected at a regular business meeting during Annual Conference [or, for Districts, at the Annual Meeting of the district] by a plurality of the members present. OR Officers shall be elected by electronic means prior to TLA Annual Conference by a plurality of members voting. [Note: Electronic balloting must take place at the time of TLA electronic balloting.] The Councilor candidate with the highest number of votes shall be elected Councilor. The candidate with the second highest number of votes shall become the Alternate Councilor. 3. In case of a tie vote … [It is important for units to address how tie votes will be resolved. Another election must be held in the same manner as was used in the original vote if the unit operating procedures do not specify an alternative means to break the tie. Some alternatives include, but are not limited to, re-balloting membership at Annual Conference, drawing names, or a requirement for an Executive Board decision.] C. Executive Committee 1. The elected officers shall constitute the Executive Committee and shall administer the business of the unit when it is not in session. If the immediate past chair is to sit on the Executive Committee, be sure to include that information since this is technically not an elected officer. If the unit has a large number of elected officers, specify which officers actually make up the Committee. Also, any officers who are to serve as non-voting members of the Executive Committee should be so specified. 2. The Executive Committee shall meet… If appropriate, specify meeting times, such as TLA Annual Conference and/or TLA Annual Assembly. You also may wish to add, “Other meetings may be held as deemed necessary by the Chair or a majority of the Executive Committee. “ D. Vacancies Units shall specify a method for filling vacancies in elected offices. (A vacancy in the office of presiding officer shall be filled by the person already selected to succeed the presiding officer. A vacancy in the office of Councilor shall be filled by the Counciloralternate. Other vacancies shall be filled through appointment by the presiding officer with the approval of the unit’s elected leadership [executive committee or elected officers]. A vacancy in both the presiding officer and the elected successor positions shall be filled through appointment by the President of the Texas Library Association.) Following is wording for a possible way to address the filling of vacancies. These procedures may be modified to meet the needs of each unit. 1. If a vacancy occurs in the office of the Chair, the Vice Chair/Chair-elect shall become Chair for the remainder of that term and also serve the term to which the Chair-elect had been elected. 2. If a vacancy occurs in the office of Councilor, the Alternate Councilor shall become Councilor for the remainder of the term. 3. If a vacancy occurs in any of the other elected offices, the Chair, with the approval of the Executive Committee, shall fill the vacancy by appointment until the next general election. 4. If a vacancy occurs in both the Chair and Vice Chair/Chair-elect positions, the President of the Texas Library Association shall appoint a new Chair, who shall proceed as outlined above. SECTION V – MEETINGS Regular meetings shall be held annually… [Normally, in conjunction with the TLA Annual Conference]. Members present shall constitute a quorum. "A quorum is the number of voting members who must be present in order that business can be legally transacted." (Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised) At their discretion, a larger unit may choose a number that can reasonably be expected to attend rather than stating those members present. SECTION VI – COMMITTEES Other committees may be created as needed by the Executive Committee or the Chair. The Chair shall appoint the members and designate the chair of each committee. The committees shall serve until their charges have been completed and reports have been accepted or until such time as the Executive Committee designates. Any Standing Committees should be detailed in this Section. SECTION VII – PARLIAMENTARY AUTHORITY The rules of procedure as stated in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised shall govern this unit in all cases in which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the Bylaws and Standing Rules of TLA. Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised is the approved parliamentary authority for TLA and, as such, should be used by all TLA units. SECTION VIII – AMENDMENTS TO THE OPERATING PROCEDURES Units must specify a method for amending, updating, and revising its Operating Procedures. Following is one way to address this: Operating Procedures may be adopted or amended at any general membership meeting of the unit by a majority vote of the members present and voting, provided notice has been previously given [recommend that notice of at least 30 days be given] and such changes are consistent with the Bylaws and Standing Rules of TLA. Operating Procedures should include dates of adoption, amendments, and/or revisions. Adopted indicates the first time the Operating Procedures were written; amended indicates very minor changes; and revised indicates extensive changes scattered throughout the operating procedures. A copy of each Unit’s Operating Procedures and all updates to those Procedures shall be filed with the TLA Bylaws Committee. If the Unit maintains a web page, Operating Procedures should be posted there and kept up to date. Please keep in mind that Operating Procedures should provide Units more flexibility than Bylaws. These should allow units to respond more rapidly to member needs. Also, the above template may be adapted to best meet the needs of your unit. If you believe that a particular section is not needed by your unit, please confer with the chair of the TLA Bylaws and Resolutions Committee. And, keep it as simple as possible!