Ref: LOBSTER/005 revA Date: 16/04/2002 Page: 1 of 9 MINUTES OF MEETING Subject: LOBSTER CLUSTER #5 Meeting Place: Brussels, 7th Concertation meeting Chairman: Nicolas BOURDEAU Date/Time: 10/04/2002 from 10am to 4pm MOM prepared by: Nicolas BOURDEAU List of meeting attendees Name Company Jean-Louis LAVROFF CEC DG INFSO - Project +32 2 296 9142 Ph/Fax E-Mail Jaakho LAHTEENMAKI VTT CELLO +358 9 456 6547 Cyrille MANANTE BOUYGUES Telecom EMILY +33 1 41 09 80 38 Nicolas BOURDEAU THALES Navigation EMILY +33 2 28 09 38 19 Nicolas OUDOT THALES Navigation EMILY +33 2 28 09 38 47 Fulvio SANSONE ERTICO SC EMILY +32 2 4000 740 Francesco TATA TELESPAZIO GAUSS +39.06.4079.3184 Antonella DI FAZIO TELESPAZIO GAUSS +39 06 4079 6329 Dieter MEINHARD Hitec Marketing GLORIA +43 1 718 25 30 12 Jörg PFISTER ZIV GLORIA +49-6151-27028-36 Dimitris XENAKIS INTRACOM LOVEUS +30 10 6677122 Rory DOYLE British Maritime PEPTRAN +44 (0)20 89435544 Technology Rachid OULAHAL France TELECOM SATURN +33 1 45 29 57 80 Isabelle BUCAILLE THALES Com. UCAN +33 1 46 13 30 89 Karel CHARVAT Lesprojekt sluzby WIRELESSINF O +42 0604617327 Zbynek KRIVANEK Lesprojekt sluzby WIRELESSINF O +42 0603219679 Pavel DVORAK Lesprojekt sluzby WIRELESSINF O +42 0604617327 Jean Michel CARDI TELECITIES - +33 6 09 08 04 58 Stelios THOMOPOULOS Institute of Informatics & Telecommunication - +301 6503153 Ref: EMILY/CLUSTER/002 Date: 17/05/2001 Page 2 of 9 MINUTES OF MEETING Subject: LOCATION BASED SERVICES CLUSTER #2 LOBSTER Participants list Name Company Project Ph/Fax E-Mail José FERNANDES CEC DG INFSO - +32 2 296 06 60 Jean-Louis LAVROFF CEC DG INFSO - +32 2 296 9142 Juhani JAASKELAINEN CEC DG INFSO - +32 2 296 54 59 Fabienne DRICOT CEC DG INFSO - Zvika WEBER NEXUS Telocation Systems ASAP +972-3-5723111 Laurent TAIEB CAT ASAP ? Jaakho LAHTEENMAKI VTT CELLO +358 9 456 6547 Heikki LAITINEN VTT CELLO +358 9 456 6547 Hervé MUYAL STERIA DRIVE/YOUNGST ER +33 1 47 78 67 67 Monique GIBEAUX BOUYGUES Telecom EMILY +33 1 39 26 86 98 Cyrille MANENTE BOUYGUES Telecom EMILY +33 1 41 09 80 38 Nicolas BOURDEAU THALES Navigation EMILY +33 2 28 09 38 19 Nicolas OUDOT THALES Navigation EMILY +33 2 28 09 38 47 Gildas Le MASSON THALES Navigation EMILY +33 2 28 09 39 23 Fulvio SANSONE ERTICO SC EMILY +32 2 4000 740 Markus BURRI MOGID SA EMILY +41 32 365 42 55 Sergio DI GIROLAMO Télit EMILY +39 06 8720 3422 Jaume RIBA UPC EMILY +34 93 401 70 52 Antonella DI FAZIO TELESPAZIO GAUSS +39 06 4079 6329 Francesco TATA TELESPAZIO GAUSS +39.06.4079.3184 Evgueni OUTKINE ERICSSON (It) GAUSS +39 02 26594 791 Martin MAURER MAN Technologie GLORIA +49 821-505-2818 Walter AIGNER Hitec Marketing GLORIA +43 1 718 25 30 Dieter MEINHARD Hitec Marketing GLORIA +43 1 718 25 30 12 Jörg PFISTER ZIV GLORIA +49-6151-27028-36 Nati FREIBERG Cell Guide LOCOMOTION +972-54-680969 Eric GELLEE FDC LOCUS +33 1 53 66 11 11 Frederic COLLOMB FDC LOCUS +33 1 53 66 11 11 Dimitris XENAKIS INTRACOM LOVEUS +30 10 6677122 Demiris ATHANASIOS INTRACOM LOVEUS ? Nicos LOANNIDIS INTRACOM LOVEUS +30-10-6860349 Karl LLOYD British Maritime Technologies PEPTRAN 44 (0)20 8614 4295 Rory DOYLE British Maritime PEPTRAN 44 (0)20 8943 5544 Ref: EMILY/CLUSTER/002 Date: 17/05/2001 Page 3 of 9 MINUTES OF MEETING Subject: LOCATION BASED SERVICES CLUSTER #2 Technologies Sylvie MAYRARGUE France TELECOM SATURN +33 1 45 29 54 19 Rachid OULAHAL France TELECOM SATURN +33 1 45 29 57 80 Monste NAJAR UPC SATURN +34 93 401 70 51 David BATEMAN MOTOROLA UCAN +33 1 69 35 48 04 Isabelle BUCAILLE THALES Communication UCAN +33 1 46 13 30 89 Gert KREISELMEIER GWT UCAN +49 371 5397 309 Gert.Kreiselmeier@Physik.TU-Chemnitz.DE Philippe ROUZET STMicroelectronics UCAN +41 22 929 58 66 WINEGLASS project (Stephan RECKER) IMST WINE GLASS +49 2842 981415 Karel CHARVAT Lesprojekt sluzby WIRELESSINFO +42 0604617327 Zbynek KRIVANEK Lesprojekt sluzby WIRELESSINFO +42 0603219679 Josef FRYML UHUL WIRELESSINFO +42 0602532201 Vinod KUMAR ALCATEL WSI +33 1 69 63 43 65 Ricardo PASCOTTO T-SYSTEM YOUNGSTER +49-30-3497 3524 Lars MEHRMANN SIEMENS YOUNGSTER ? ? Hervé MUYAL STERIA YOUNGSTER ? Brigit KRELLER SIEMENS YOUNGSTER +49 89 636 50564 Jean Michel CARDI SIGMA TELECITIES +33 4 93 65 39 31 Stelios THOMOPOULOS Institute of Informatics & Telecommunication - +301 6503153 Ref: EMILY/CLUSTER/002 Date: 17/05/2001 Page 4 of 9 MINUTES OF MEETING Subject: LOCATION BASED SERVICES CLUSTER #2 Discussion Topics This document and the attached materials belong to the participants and all the people who have declared their interests in the cluster topics. They can be used in the scope of their projects. 1. Effective Agenda : 1) Short presentation or updates of new projects/invitees in the cluster : UCAN, PEPTRAN and TELECITIES 2) Activity 1 : GLORIA presentation : software tool description User requirement database discussion 4) Activity 2 : Filtering and Business models work-plan presentations discussion 5) Discussion on LOBSTER future activities in link with 6th Frame program 6) Activity 3 : LIF Update 2. No remarks were made on the previous MoM so that these minutes are approved. 3. Projects represented during this cluster : CELLO, EMILY, GAUSS, GLORIA, LOVEUS, PEPTRAN, SATURN, TELECITIES, UCAN, WIRELESSINFO. 4. Project presentations Isabelle Bucailles from Thales communication gave a short update of UCAN project Jean Micher Cardi from SIGMA presented TELECITIES and related expectation of location services applied to city environment. Rory Doyle from BMT gave a short overview of PEPTRAN project scope Refer to related powerpoint files on LOBSTER web site 5. Activity #1 : Stimulating the Rapid Pan-European LCS deployment Dieter Meinhard from HiTech Marketing (GLORIA project) presented the progress on the gathering of user requirements information : this is a 2 steps process that - uses a software tools (“in vivo” software) for an automatic filtering of the information in each project deliverable and classification in the predefined document backbone. Note that it does not only contain strictly user requirements but also all information concerning the context of the study made to output them. - performs a manual “bottom-up” check to update classification with new identified categories and checks any mis-assignment The tool is ready to run with available documents : in addition to the ones already provided, GAUSS and WIRELESSINFO will provide to Dieter very quickly their existing documents. Once the first run is done, the LOBSTER team will review the document structure to make sure it is sufficiently generic to address all possible services. Maintenance of the tool is fairly simple (addition of new categories in the classification). Availability of new User requirement deliverables will enable incorporation of the related information in the database by a run of the too on the new document and integration of the Ref: EMILY/CLUSTER/002 Date: 17/05/2001 Page 5 of 9 MINUTES OF MEETING Subject: LOCATION BASED SERVICES CLUSTER #2 Discussion Topics output in the database. After this fist run and Structure check, the responsibility of the tool will be transferred to the leader of Activity #1 (TBC) ACTION Plan - GAUSS and WIRELESSINFO send their document by FW15 - HiTech team extracts the first database and communicates to LOBSTER team by FW17 Comments on the structure to Dieter Meinhard expected by FW19 - New database and transfer of ownership by FW20 6. Activity #2 : Innovative Location Techniques and Systems (ILTS) This LOBSTER was mostly dedicated to the review of the draft workplan proposals of the sub-groups of this activity (refer to related presentations on the LOBSTER web site) : 1- New technologies that could be implied in location techniques (Bluetooth, digital TV, …) Joseph Nir from Cell Guide (LOCOMOTION Project) was supposed to give a presentation but had unfortunately a last minute cancellation. Joseph Nir or Nati Freiberg will link with Dimitris Xenakis and myself to provide the related information that will be integrated in the letter of interest for the 6th FP (see point 8 of these minutes). 2- Assess technological opportunities in the business world (drive operator point of view, build business models, …) Dimitris Xenakis from INTRACOM (LOVEUS project) presented his proposal for this activity. The discussion was somewhat disturbed by the parallel discussion on subject 8 below but the next step identified was the collection of business models from the projects that already performed this step. 3- Towards standardisation : Nicolas Oudot from Thales Navigation (EMILY project) prepared a proposal for this activity based on a standardisation of features (instead of interfaces) but unfortunately did not have the time to share in with the team. Please refer to the related file on LOBSTER web site and send him your comments. 4- Filters considerations : conduct broad analysis of filtering advantages and capabilities to better serve location techniques Jorg Pfister from ZIV (GLORIA project) presented an overview of the problematic of the filtering activity listing the various points that should be addressed when performing an hybridisation. See dedicate presentation on LOBSTER web site Several proposals for next steps : - there has been a lot of theoretical studies on the subject that should be listed in order to - the new technologies identified in the first group should be specified in order to check the potential for filtering with additional sensors - NATO developed a universal test bed that could be reused. Stelios will provide Jorg with the related information. ACTION Plan Ref: EMILY/CLUSTER/002 Date: 17/05/2001 Page 6 of 9 MINUTES OF MEETING Subject: LOCATION BASED SERVICES CLUSTER #2 Discussion Topics - Nati Freiberg send ILTS-new technologies proposal to LOBSTER members FW16 EMILY, GLORIA (ESA projects) and CELLO (extract from existing document) send their business models to Dimitris FW16 All LOBSTER member review ILTS-standardisation proposal for feedback FW18 Stelios Thomopoulos links with Jorg Pfister by FW18 to exchange information about filtering studies and NATO’s universal test bed 7. Activity # 3 : Towards location & context based services beyond 3G LIF update Cyrille Manente from Bouygues Telecom (EMILY project) presented the latest updates about the LIF activity. See dedicated presentation on the LOBSTER web site that should be posted very soon. 8. Letter of interest for the 6th Frame Program The team agreed that the LBS subject was interesting and large enough to support a full proposal for the 6th Frame Program, instead of being part of some other wide-band cluster like Reconfigurability or beyond 3G. We decided that we will issue a letter of intention for the June 7th deadline (FW23) and propose ideas of an Integrated Project (IP). Based on the work performed so far in ILTS activity and extrapolating it to some other innovating context-based services (like “odour-based services” with smell sensors for example, if can be), Dimitris Xenakis from Intracom (LOVEUS project) will initiate a proposal to circulate in the team for review. It was noted that the proposal should be renamed “innovative services” instead of LBS in order to add to it more innovation than the LBS alone for which several projects were already well launched in the 5th FP. ACTION Plan - Dimitris to send initial proposal FW17 - LOBSTER members to react and send him feedback FW18 - Dimitris to send to the team revised proposal FW20 integrating the comments 9. Location workshop This was not discussed due to lack of time but there is still a wish to organise a workshop around Location Based Services and the Activity of LOBSTER in Q4, 2002. Reminder : there is already a Location workshop organised in Athens on May 30th and 31st by the CELLO project and 2 other IST projects (CAUTION and MONASIDRE) from the Radio Network Management group. They will have sessions on topics like Technology, Services, Operator implication, Standardisation, regulation & legal issues, Future systems, … and LOBSTER activity will be presented. All information can be found on their web site at or contacting Ref: EMILY/CLUSTER/002 Date: 17/05/2001 Page 7 of 9 MINUTES OF MEETING Subject: LOCATION BASED SERVICES CLUSTER #2 Discussion Topics Sofoklis KYRIAZAKOS from National Technical University of Athens Tel = +30 1 772 2558 E-mail = 10. Miscellaneous OPIUM is a new project that should join the LOBSTER very soon. 11. Next LOBSTER meeting Our next meeting will most probably be at the IST summit in Tessaloniki. The summit being from the 17th to the 19th of June, the LOBSTER6 will most probably be held on Thursday, June 20th (to be confirmed later) You should also note the dates of the 8th and 9th concertation meetings in Brussels that will probably host the following LOBSTER meetings : 10-11 Sept 2002 and 10-11 December 2002 respectively. Ref: EMILY/CLUSTER/002 Date: 17/05/2001 Page 8 of 9 MINUTES OF MEETING Subject: LOCATION BASED SERVICES CLUSTER #2 ACTIONS 12. The minutes of this fourth LOBSTER meet the LOBSTER web site. All participants are invited to make comme 13. Send Nicolas Bourdeau the files of your pr I am missing the ones of Vinod Kumar, Na Lahteenmaki, Dimitris Xenakis, Zvika Web I also did not capture the file of the Gloria p a big file, could you please put it on a web directly to Jean Louis Lavroff (the web site They will be posted on the LOBSTER web 14. Activity # 1 - send to Walter Aigner (GLORIA) thei Requirements as a simple list. Even not finalised their official marketing a contribute with a list of what they per their specific environment - concatenate and send to the LOBST whole list - propose an architecture of the datab the concatenated list into this archite Send it to LOBSTER members for re - Review and send comments to Nadia - Preparation of updated database for during next LOBSTER meeting 15. Activity # 2 - LOVEUS project shall confirm their agre operator present in their consortium take reflexion axis - every designed reflexion axis leader sha interested in contributing to their activity a LOBSTER meeting a proposal for the fut activity. 16. Ref: EMILY/CLUSTER/002 Date: 17/05/2001 Page 9 of 9 MINUTES OF MEETING Subject: LOCATION BASED SERVICES CLUSTER #2 ACTIONS Activity #3 - review “book of vision” rev1 (p 29 to individual contributions : new aspect added in the document - ideas should be prepared to conside LOBSTER contribution to the WWRF - Propose LIF interaction opportunities - propose deliverables for this activity 17. Workshop Send ideas for dates and content for a LO some other time than the CELLO worksh 18. LOBSTER work plan will be updated with methodology decisions as described abo Work plan and schedules events 19. Next meeting : The next meeting is foreseen 12-13 March 2002 during the 7th concertation meeting in Brussels. Date and agenda will be confirmed. The purpose of this meeting will be : - Presentation of new projects ? - Review of User requirements database + Organization of other axis in Activity 1 - Discussion on proposals on the 4 axis of activity 2 - Goal and Organisation of activity 3 - LOBSTER workshop review