APPENDIX A: Data Appendix for “Is the Crisis Problem Growing More Severe?” Michael Bordo, Barry Eichengreen, Daniela Klingebiel and Maria Soledad Martinez-Peria in Economic Policy April 2001, volume 16, issue 32. Data Appendix for 21 Countries – Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK and USA. Real GDP: Argentina (GDP)– 1884-1913, Gerardo della Paollera: (1988), 1914-1988, International Historical Statistics: The Americas, 1750-1988, 1993 (B. R. Mitchell New York: Stockton Press), 1989-1997 International Financial Statistics (IFS) 1998; Australia (GDP)1880-1988 International Historical Statistics: Asia, 1750-1988, 1998 (B. R. Mitchell New York: Stockton Press), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Belgium (GNP) - 1913-1988, B. R. Mitchell (1992) International Historical Statistics: Europe, 1750-1988 (New York: Stockton Press), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Brazil (GDP) - 1880-1988, B. R. Mitchell (1993), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Canada (GNP) - 1880-1988, B. R. Mitchell (1993), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Chile (GDP) - 1880-1894, Agustin Llona Rodriguez (1991), 1909-1988, B. R. Mitchell (1993), Historical Statistics of Chile 2001 (Rolf Luders), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Denmark (GDP)– 1880-1950 GDP, Mitchell (1992), 1951-95 GDP, IFS, series 99B.P; Finland (GDP)– 1880-1980 GDP, Statistical Appendix in R. Hjerppe (1989), The Finnish Economy 1860-1985, Growth and Structural Change, Bank of Finland, Helsinki, Government Printing Centre, table 1. 1981-95: GDP, IFS, series 99B.P; France (GNP)- 1880-1988, B. R. Mitchell (1992), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Germany (GNP) -18801988, B. R. Mitchell (1992), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Greece (GDP)– 1913-1936 data supplied by Sophia Lazaretou (Bank of Greece), 1946 –1988 B. R. Mitchell (1992), 1989-1997 IFS 1998 ; 1 Italy (GNP)- 1880-1988, B. R. Mitchell (1992), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Japan (GNP) - 1880-1975, B. R. Mitchell, International Historical Statistics: Asia (New York: Stockton Press).; 1976-1990, IFS Yearbooks, 1987 and 1992, 1991-1997 IFS 1998; Netherlands (GNP)– 1900-1988, B. R. Mitchell (1992), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Norway (GDP) – 1880-1949 GDP, Mitchell (1992), except 1940-46, Data supplied by J. T. Klovland (Norwegian Business School, Bergen), 1950-95 GDP, IFS, series 99B.P; Portugal – 1880–1991 Economic History of Portugal, 1994, Eugenia Mata and Nuno Valerio (Presença, Lisbon); Spain - 1901-1953 Historical Statistics of Spain: Siglos XIX-XX, 1989 (Fundacion Banco Exterior), 1954-1988 - B. R. Mitchell (1992), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Sweden (GNP) - B. R. Mitchell (1992), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Switzerland (GNP) – 1880-1912 Historical Statistics of Switzerland 1996 (Chronos, Zürich), 1913-1988 B. R. Mitchell (1992), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; U.K. (GNP) – 1880-1988 - B. R. Mitchell (1992), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; U.S.A (GNP) - B. R. Mitchell (1993), 1989-1997 IFS 1998. GDP Deflator (1989 =100) - Argentina –1884-1913, Gerardo della Paollera (1988), 1914-1988, B. R. Mitchell (1993), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Australia -1880-1988 B.R. Mitchell (1998), 19891997 IFS 1998; Belgium - 1913-1988, B. R. Mitchell (1992), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Brazil 1880-1988, B. R. Mitchell (1993), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Canada - 1880-1988, B. R. Mitchell (1993), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Chile - B. R. Mitchell (1993), Historical Statistics of Chile 2001 (Rolf Luders); Denmark –1880-1950, B.R. Mitchell, 1951-97 IFS 1998; Finland – 1880-1988, B. R. Mitchell (1992), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; France - 1880-1988, B. R. Mitchell (1992), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Germany -1880-1988, B. R. Mitchell (1992), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Greece - 18801988, B. R. Mitchell (1992), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Italy - 1880-1988, B. R. Mitchell (1992), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Japan - 1880-1975, B. R. Mitchell; 1976-1997, IFS 1998; Netherlands – 2 1900-1988, B. R. Mitchell (1992), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Norway – 1880-1988, B. R. Mitchell (1992), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Portugal – 1880–1991 Economic History of Portugal, 1994, Eugenia Mata and Nuno Valerio (Presença, Lisbon), 1992-1997 IFS 1998; Spain 1901-1953 Historical Statistics of Spain, Siglos XIX-XX, 1989 (Fundacion Banco Exterior), 1954-1988 - B. R. Mitchell (1992), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Sweden – 1880-1988 B. R. Mitchell (1992), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Switzerland – 1880-1988 B. R. Mitchell (1992), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; U.K. – 18801988 B. R. Mitchell (1992), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; U.S. – 1880-1988 B. R. Mitchell (1993), 19891997 IFS 1998. CPI (1989 =100) - Argentina –1913-1984: Domingo F. Cavallo and Yair Mundlak.; 1985-1990, IFS Yearbook 1992, 1991-1997 IFS 1998; Australia – 1880-1988 B.R. Mitchell (1998), 19801997 IFS 1998; Belgium - 1880-1988, B. R. Mitchell (1992), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Brazil 1880-1988, B. R. Mitchell (1993), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Canada - 1880-1988, B. R. Mitchell (1993), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Chile - 1880-1988 B. R. Mitchell (1993), Historical Statistics of Chile 2001 (Rolf Luders), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Denmark –1880-1988, B. R. Mitchell (1992), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Finland –1880-1988, B. R. Mitchell (1992), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; France 1880-1988, B. R. Mitchell (1992), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Germany -1880-1988, B. R. Mitchell (1992), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Greece – data supplied by Sophia Lazaretou (1913-1936), 19461988 – B. R. Mitchell (1992), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Italy - 1880-1988, B. R. Mitchell (1992), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Japan - 1880-1975, B. R. Mitchell, 1976-1997, IFS Yearbooks; Netherlands – 1900-1988, B. R. Mitchell (1992), 1991-1997 IFS 1998; Norway –1880-1988, B. R. Mitchell (1992), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Portugal –1880–1991 Economic History of Portugal, 1994 (Presença, Lisbon), Eugenia Mata and Nuno Valerio,1992-1997 IFS 1998 ; Spain - 1880-1953 3 Historical Statistics of Spain, Siglos XIX-XX, 1989 (Fundacion Banco Exterior), 1959-1988 - B. R. Mitchell (1992), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Sweden – 1880-1988 B. R. Mitchell (1992), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Switzerland – 1880-1988 B. R. Mitchell (1992), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; U.K. – 18801988 B. R. Mitchell (1992), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; U.S.A – 1880-1988 B. R. Mitchell (1993), 1989-1997 IFS 1998. Exports, Imports and Trade Balance - Argentina – 1880-1988 B. R. Mitchell (1993), 19891997 IFS 1998; Australia – 1880-1988 B. R. Mitchell (1992), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Belgium – 1880-1988 B. R. Mitchell (1992), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Brazil - 1880-1988 B. R. Mitchell (1993), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Canada – 1880-1988 B. R. Mitchell (1993), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Chile – 1880-1988 B. R. Mitchell (1993), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Denmark – 1880-1988 B. R. Mitchell (1992), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Finland – 1880-1988 B. R. Mitchell (1992), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; France – 1880-1988 B. R. Mitchell (1992), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Germany – 18801988 B. R. Mitchell (1992), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Greece – 1880-1988 B. R. Mitchell (1992), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Italy – 1880-1988 B. R. Mitchell (1992), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Japan – 1880-1988 B. R. Mitchell(1992), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Netherlands – 1880-1988 B. R. Mitchell (1992), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Norway – 1880-1988 B. R. Mitchell (1992), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Portugal – 1880-1988 B. R. Mitchell (1992), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Spain - 1880-1988 B. R. Mitchell (1992), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Sweden – 1880-1988 B. R. Mitchell (1992), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Switzerland – 1880-1988 B. R. Mitchell (1992), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; U.K. – 18801988 B. R. Mitchell (1992), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; U.S.A – 1880-1988 B. R. Mitchell (1993), 1989-1997 IFS 1998. 4 Money Stock – Argentina (M1) – 1884-1913, Gerardo della Paollera (1988), How the Argentine Economy Performed During the International Gold Standard: A Reexamination, Doctoral dissertation submitted to the University of Chicago.; 1914-1984: Domingo F. Cavallo and Yair Mundlak, Estadisticas de la evolucion economica de Argentina 1913-1984.; 1985-1990, IFS Yearbooks; Australia (M1) – data supplied by David Pope (Australian National University), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Belgium (M1) -1880-1971: M1, Statistical Appendix in J. Delbeke (1988), Geld en Bankkrediet in Belgie, 1877-1983, Klasse der Letteren, Jaargang 50, Nr. 129, Brussel: Koninklijke Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van Belgie, table 1.2, column 7 and table 1.3, column 9, 1972-1997: Money, IFS 1998; Brazil (M1) -1880-1988, IBGE (1990), Estatisticas Historicas do Brasil: Series Economicas, Demograficas e Sociais de 1550 a 1988 (Rio de Janeiro: IBGE), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Canada (M2) - 1880-1988, B. R. Mitchell (1993), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Chile (M1) -1880-1894, Chile During the Gold Standard: A Successful Paper Money Experience 1991 (Agustin Llona Rodriguez in Aceña and Reis, eds. 2000 New York: St. Martin's Press); 1895-1988 B. R. Mitchell (1993), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Denmark (M2)– 1880-1988, B. R. Mitchell (1992), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Finland (M2)– 18801988, B. R. Mitchell (1992), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; France (M1)- 1880-1897: M1, Saint-Marc (1983), Histoire Monetaire de la France, 1800-1980, 1898-1977 (M2) J.-P. Patat and M. Lutfalla (1990) A Monetary History of France in the Twentieth Century, (M2): 1978-1997 IFS 1998; Germany (M2)-1880-1988, B. R. Mitchell (1992), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Greece (M1) – data supplied by Sophia Lazaretou (1913-1936), 1946 –1988 B.R.Mitchell (1992), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Italy (M3) - 1880-1988, B. R. Mitchell (1992), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Japan (M1) - 18801975, B. R. Mitchell(1992), 1976-1997, IFS Yearbooks, 1987, 1992 and 1998; Netherlands (M1) – 1900-1988, B. R. Mitchell (1992), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Norway (M2)– 1880-1988, B. R. 5 Mitchell (1992), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Portugal (M1) – 1880–1991 Economic History of Portugal, 1994, Eugenia Mata and Nuno Valerio (Presença, Lisbon) , 1992-1997 IFS 1998; Spain (M1) - 1901-1953 Historical Statistics of Spain, Siglos XIX-XX, 1989 (Fundacion Banco Exterior) 1954-1988 - B. R. Mitchell (1992), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Sweden (M2)- 1880-1971, Studies in the Monetary History of Sweden 1975, (L. Jonung Ph.D. thesis, Los Angeles: UCLA, Appendix A, table A-1, column (5)), 1972-95, M3: 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Switzerland (M1) – 1880-1988 B. R. Mitchell (1992), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; U.K. (M2) – 1880-1988 B. R. Mitchell (1992), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; U.S.A (M2) –1880-1971 Balke and Gordon (1986), pp.784-786. Money plus quasi-money, 1989-1997 IFS 1998. Population - Argentina – 1880-1988 B. R. Mitchell (1993), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Australia – 1880-1988 B. R. Mitchell (1992) 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Belgium – 1880-1988 B. R. Mitchell (1992), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Brazil – 1880-1988 B. R. Mitchell (1993), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Canada – 1880-1988 B. R. Mitchell (1993), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Chile – 1880-1988 B. R. Mitchell (1993), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Denmark – 1880-1988 B. R. Mitchell (1992), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Finland – 1880-1988 B. R. Mitchell (1992), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; France – 1880-1988 B. R. Mitchell (1992), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Germany – 1880-1988 B. R. Mitchell (1992), 19891997 IFS 1998; Greece – 1880-1988 B. R. Mitchell (1992), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Italy – 18801988 B. R. Mitchell (1992), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Japan – 1880-1988 B. R. Mitchell(1992), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Netherlands – 1880-1988 B. R. Mitchell (1992), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Norway – 1880-1988 B. R. Mitchell (1992), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Portugal – 1880-1988 B. R. Mitchell (1992), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Spain - 1880-1988 B. R. Mitchell (1992), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Sweden – 1880-1988 B. R. Mitchell (1992), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Switzerland – 1880- 6 1988 B. R. Mitchell (1992), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; U.K. – 1880-1988 B. R. Mitchell (1992), 19891997 IFS 1998; U.S.A – 1880-1988 B. R. Mitchell (1993), 1989-1997 IFS 1998. Government Expenditures and Revenues – Argentina – 1880 –1988 B. R. Mitchell (1993), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Australia – 1880 –1900 data supplied by David Pope (Australian National University), 1901-1988 B.R. Mitchell (1998), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Belgium - 1880 –1988 B. R. Mitchell (1992), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Brazil - 1880 –1988 B. R. Mitchell (1993), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Canada -1880-1947 Mitchell (1993), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Chile - 1880 –1988 B. R. Mitchell (1993), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Denmark – 1880 –1988 B. R. Mitchell (1992), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Finland – 1880 –1988 B. R. Mitchell (1992), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; France - 1880-1949 Mitchell (1992), 1950-1997 IFS 1998; Germany - 1880-1951 Mitchell (1978), except 1922-23 and 1935-49 Not available. 1952-1997 IFS 1998; Greece - 1880-1936 data supplied by Sophia Lazaretou, 1937-39, 1956-86 B. R. Mitchell (1992), 1989-1997 IFS 1998; Italy 1880-1949 Mitchell (1992), 1950-1997 IFS 1998; Japan - 1880-1954 Mitchell (1991), 1955-1997 IFS 1998; Netherlands – 1880-1899 Not available, 1900-1948 Mitchell (1992), 1949-1997 IFS 1998; Norway – 1880-1988 B. R. Mitchell (1992), 1989- 1997 IFS 1998; Portugal – B. R. Mitchell (1992), 1989- 1997 IFS 1998; Spain - B. R. Mitchell (1992), 1989- 1997 IFS 1998; Sweden - B. R. Mitchell (1992), 1989- 1997 IFS 1998; Switzerland - B. R. Mitchell (1992), 19891997 IFS 1998; U.K. - 1880-1947 Mitchell (1992), 1948-1997 IFS 1998; U.S.A - 1880-1958 Mitchell (1993), 1959-1997 IFS 1998. Exchange Rates – Argentina – 1884-1912, Gerardo della Paollera (1988).; 1913-1984, Domingo F. Cavallo and Yair Mundlak.; 1985-1990: World Currency Yearbook.; Australia - data supplied 7 by David Pope (Australian National University); Belgium -1880-1914, data supplied by Marc Flandreau, Sciences-Po, Paris; 1915-1940, International Monetary Fund.; 1948-1997, IFS 1973, 1987 and 1998; Brazil - 1889-1989, Marcelo de Paiva Abreu, ed. (1990), A Ordem do Progresso: Cem Anos de Politica Economica Republicana, 1889-1989 (Rio de Janeiro: Editora Campus), 1990-1997 IFS 1998; Canada- 1880-1914, Gold Standard, rate $1cdn =$1 us, 1919-1960 Federal Reserve Board (1943 and 1976), Banking and Monetary Statistics 1 and 2, 1961-1989 Economic Report of the President 1991, 1989- 1997 IFS 1998. Chile -1880-1988, Sinopsis Geografico: Estadisticas de la Republica de Chile (annual series); Denmark; Finland; France; Germany; Greece; Italy; Japan; Netherlands - 1880-1914: data supplied by Marc Flandreau, Sciences-Po, Paris; 1915-1940: International Monetary Fund; 1948-1990: IFS 1973, 1987 and 1992; Norway ; Portugal - 1880–1991 Economic History of Portugal, 1994, Eugenia Mata and Nuno Valerio (Presença, Lisbon); Spain; Sweden - 1880-1914: data supplied by Marc Flandreau, Sciences-Po, Paris; 1915-1947: International Monetary Fund; 1948-1997: IFS, 1973, 1987 and 1998; Switzerland 1880-1914, Marc Flandreau; 1915-1947: International Monetary Fund; 1948-1997 IFS 1973, 1987 and 1998; U.K.; Interest Rates – Long Term Interest Rates (LTIR) Argentina – 1994-1997 IFS 1998; Australia – 1948-1997 IFS 1998; Belgium -1880-1969 A History of Interest Rates 1991 (Homer and Sylla, Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick), 1970-1997 IFS 1998; Brazil; Canada –1880 – 1913, E. P Nuefeld (1972), The Financial System of Canada, Table 15.2, Macmillan, Toronto, 1919-1970, ibid., Table 15.3, 1971-1976, Bank of Canada Review; Chile- No Data Available; Denmark – 1880-1947 Danish Historical Statistics, 1948-1997 IFS 1998; Finland –1977-1997 IFS 1998; France – 1880-1969, Homer and Sylla (1991), 1970- 8 1997, Long term government bond yield, IFS 1998 ; Germany – 1880-1975, High grade bond yield Homer and Sylla (1991), 1976-1997, IFS 1998; Netherlands – 1880-1969 Homer and Sylla (1991), 1970 -1997 IFS 1998; Norway – 1880 –1975, J.T. Klovland (1976); Portugal – No data available; Spain -; Sweden – 1880-1973, SAF:s berakningar, 1974-5, Riksgaldskontorets arsbok, 1974-1997 IFS 1998; Switzerland – 1880-1947 Historical Statistics of Switzerland 1996, (Chronos, Zürich), 1948-1997 IFS 1998; U.K. – 1880 –1966, Sheppard (1971), 1967-1975, Central Statistical Office, Annual Abstract of Statistics, Various issues, 1976-1997 IFS 1998; U.S.A - 1880-1986 Bordo and Jonung (1987), 1987-1997 IFS 1998. Short term Interest Rates (STIR) Argentina – Global Financial Database; Australia – Global Financial Database; Belgium- Global Financial Database; Brazil - Global Financial Database; Canada – 1934 – 1975 Bank of Canada (1977) Selected Canadian and International Interest Rates, mimeo; Chile-; Denmark – Global Financial Database; Finland – Global Financial Database; France -1880-1914, Open market rate, 1925-75, Day to Day money rate, S. Homer (1977), 1976-89 Call money rate IFS 1990; Germany – 1880-1939,Open market discount rate, Homer (1977), 1950-89 Call money rate Homer (1977) and IFS 1990; Greece - Global Financial Database; Italy – 1880-1980, Fratianni and Spinelli (1991), statistical appendix pp.82-84, 1981-1989, IFS 1990; Japan – 1880-1938 and 1953-89, Discount rate at Tokyo banks, data supplied by Robert Rasche; Netherlands –; Norway – 1880 – 1975, J.T. Klovland (1976); Portugal – Global Financial Database; Spain - Global Financial Database; Sweden – 1880-1973, SAF:s berakningar, 1974-5, Riksgaldskontorets arsbok.; Switzerland - Global Financial Database; U.K. – 1880 –1966, Sheppard (1971), 1967-1975, 9 Central Statistical Office, Annual Abstract of Statistics, Various issues; U.S.A - 1880-1975, NBER. Lender of Last Resort (Dummy Variable) See Appendix B - Argentina – Gerardo della Paollera and Allan Taylor (2000); Australia - Capie, Goodhart, Fischer, & Schnadt (1995); Belgium - Delanghe (1999); Brazil – supplied by Triner (1999); Canada - Capie, Goodhart, Fischer, & Schnadt (1995); Chile - Llona (2000); Denmark - Nordvik 1995; Finland - Capie, Goodhart, Fischer, & Schnadt (1995); France - Kindleberger 1996; Germany - Capie, Goodhart, Fischer, & Schnadt (1995); Greece - Derlitis and Costis 1998; Italy - Capie, Goodhart, Fischer, & Schnadt (1995); Japan - Capie, Goodhart, Fischer, & Schnadt (1995); Netherlands - Hart, Joost Jonker and Jan Luten van Zanden (1997); Norway - Capie, Goodhart, Fischer, & Schnadt (1995); Portugal - Bordo and Eichengreen 1999; Spain - Acena 1995; Sweden - Jonung 1986; Switzerland Capie, Goodhart, Fischer, & Schnadt (1995); U.K. - Capie, Goodhart, Fischer, & Schnadt (1995); U.S.A - Capie, Goodhart, Fischer, & Schnadt (1995). Exchange Rate Regimes (for all 21 countries) - 1880-1945, Bordo and Schwartz (1996); 19461959, Bordo (1993, table 1.2) for G7; 1961-1989, Ghosh, Gulde, Ostry and Wolf (IMF,1995); 1990-1996, IFS yearbook exchange rate arrangements p18, (1990-1996). Dummy Variables for Bank Structure, Fiscal Resolution, Central Bank Existence and Central Bank Independence see attached Appendix B: Banking Crises and Banking Crisis Management in Historical Perspective. 10 Data Appendix for 35 Countries 1973-1997 – Bangladesh, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cote D'ivoire, Ecuador, Egypt, Ghana, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Israel, Jamaica, Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Senegal, Singapore, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Uruguay, Venezuela, Zimbabwe. Data for all 35 countries from 1973-1997 and for all variables comes from IFS Yearbook 1998. 11 References Acena, Pablo M (1995), “ Spanish Banking in the Inter – War Period”, in Charles Feinstein (eds.) Banking Currency and Finance in Europe betweeen the Wars, Oxford University Press, Oxford. Bordo, Michael. D and Barry Eichengreen (1999) “ Is Our Current International Economic Environment Unusually Crisis Prone” in Gruen, David and Luke Gower (eds.), Capital Flows and the International Financial Systems, Reserve Bank of Australia, Sydney. Capie, Forrest, Charles Goodhart, Stanley Fischer & Nobert Schnadt (1994), The Future of Central Banking, Cambridge University Press, New York pp.123-231 Carreras, A. (1989), Historical Statistics of Spain, Siglos XIX-XX, Fundacion Banco Exterior Delanghe, Henri (1999), “Notes on Banking Crisis in Belgium”. Derlitis, George and Constantine Costis (1995), “Banking, Public Finance and the Economy :Greece, 1919 –1933”, in Charles Feinstein (eds.) 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Paolera, Della, Gerry and Allan Taylor (2000), “Internal versus External Convertibility and Developing Country Financial Crisis: Lessons from the Argentine Bank Bailout of the 1930’s.” NBER working paper No. 7386. Rodriquez, Augustine Llona, (2000), “Chile during the Gold Standard: A Successful Paper Money Experience”, in Pablo Acena and Jaime Reis (eds.) Monetary Standards in the Periphery: Paper, Silver and Gold, 1854 –1933, MacMillan, London. Triner, Gail (1999), “Notes on Banking Crisis in Brazil”. Rutgers University. 13