CONSTITUTION of the CHRISTIAN SCIENCE ORGANIZATION AT THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY ARTICLE I NAME The organization shall be named “Christian Science Organization at The Ohio State University”. This organization may be referred to as “Ohio State CSO” ARTICLE II STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Section 1. Guiding Principles The purpose of the Christian Science Organization at The Ohio State University shall be to promote a spiritual perspective to life and campus issues; and provide an opportunity for students, faculty, staff and alumni to interact, discuss, and grow personally in a spiritual environment at The Ohio State University. Section 2. Objectives The objectives of the Ohio State CSO shall be as follows: i. To hold weekly meetings in which students may gather to discuss spiritual ideas, insights and experiences regarding life, campus and general issues at The Ohio State University; ii. To bring “Speakers with a Spiritual Perspective” to The Ohio State University campus to discuss issues important to Ohio State students; iii. To provide insight into the teachings of Christian Science, making the book, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy, and its ideas available and accessible to all Ohio State students. ARTICLE III MEMBERSHIP Section 1. General Membership The general memberships of the Ohio State CSO shall be open to Ohio State Undergraduate students in good academic standing who have paid their Student Activity Fee. i. Active membership in the Ohio State CSO is defined as those who are currently undergraduate students and are recorded in the organization's membership list. If determined by the Executive Committee, an application for membership may be required, however the Executive Committee may not impose other requirements for membership; ii. Benefits of membership: all active members have the right to vote. Section 2. Non-Voting Membership The purpose of the CSO being to create a spiritual environment for faculty, staff and all students at The Ohio State University. Graduate and Professional students along with faculty, staff and alumni will be given status of non-voting membership. These members are always invited to attend meetings, Ohio State CSO sponsored events and lectures. These members however may not attend the election portion of the Annual Meeting. Section 3. Dues The collection of dues shall be at the discretion of the Executive Committee. The dues payment shall not exceed the amount of thirty-dollars. Section 4. Membership Composition In accordance with the guidelines for student organizations at The Ohio State University; at all times ninety-percent of the membership must be composed of students. Section 5. Communication Communication to members may generally be made through e-mail. Impeachment notices, Notices of Dissolution and any other extreme notices must be made via the United State Postal Service. ARTICLE IV EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Section 1. Elected Positions The Ohio State CSO shall have elected positions consisting of President, Treasurer and Clerk. Section 2. President The duties of the President shall consist of the following: i. Conduct all meetings; ii. Responsible for all public communications about Ohio State CSO events; iii. Complete Student Organization President Training. Section 3. Treasurer The duties of the Treasurer shall consist of the following: i. Manage and report on Ohio State CSO finances; ii. Assist the President; iii. Complete Student Organization Treasurer Training. Section 4. Clerk The duties of the Clerk shall be: i. To keep minutes at Ohio State CSO business meetings; ii. Assist the President in communication with the membership as directed by the President iii. Compile and maintain the procedures of all committees in a document to be entitled “The Operating Guidelines for the Ohio State CSO”. This document will presented to all elected officials upon their election and will be available to all members upon request in a digital format. Section 5. Eligibility Members seeking election must meet the following requirements: i. Be enrolled as a full time undergraduate student; ii. Meet a minimum GPA of 2.0; iii. Not be a registered officer in more than 3 Ohio State Student Organizations; iv. Member of the Ohio State CSO; v. Members seeking election to the Office of the President must be "in good standing with The Mother Church" in accordance with Article XXIII, Section 8 of the Manual of The Mother Church. Section 6. Expansion The Executive Committee may expand by adding to its membership the Chairman of a standing committee. The procedures to expand are as follows: i. A committee by majority vote may petition the clerk for membership on the Executive Committee; ii. The Clerk will submit the petition to the Executive Committee, which upon a two-thirds vote will submit the petition to the general membership; iii. The Clerk will provide adequate notice, no less than two-weeks, of the meeting at which the vote on expansion will take place; iv. Two-thirds vote of the present membership at the meeting will approve expansion v. The election of the Chairman shall no longer be under the procedures set forth by the respective committee, but in accordance with Article V of this Constitution. ARTICLE V ELECTIONS Section 1. Annual Meeting An annual meeting shall be held in May. The Executive Committee will determine the date, time and place of this meeting so as to maximize attendance. The sitting Clerk will communicate the date, time and place of the meeting to the members. Section 2. Procedures i. The President shall conduct the election; ii. All members who meet the eligibility requirements for a given office are eligible for nomination and election; iii. Nominations may be made by any member of the Ohio State CSO; iv. All members present may vote. The nominee receiving the simple majority of votes cast is elected to that office. If no nominee receives a majority vote on the first ballot, then a second ballot will be taken between the two nominees with the greatest number of votes. The nominee with the greatest number of votes in this ballot is then elected to office. When there are three or more nominees a simple majority will be one-hundred-percent divided by the number of nominees plus two-percent. Section 3. Term The length of the term of office for all Executive Committee members shall extend to the next annual meeting. Section 4. Instillation Instillation of the new Executive Committee will occur immediately following the conclusion of annual meeting. Section 5. Vacancies/Succession If a vacancy occurs in the position of Treasurer or Clerk, that positions shall be filled by an appointment of the President. If a vacancy occurs in the office of the President, the Clerk shall uphold the duties of the President until the Quarterly Business meeting in which a special election will occur in accordance with Section 2, ii-iv. The Clerk shall conduct the election. ARTICLE VI MEETINGS Section 1. Weekly It shall be the obligation of the Ohio State CSO to hold weekly meetings, in which spirituality, testimonies, demonstrations, and Christian Science in general may be discussed. In accordance with Article X of The Manual of The Mother Church, no members of the Ohio State CSO shall conduct debate on Christian Science during the weekly meetings. The format of these meeting shall be decided by the Executive Committee. Section 2. Business Meetings Quarterly, the President will conduct a Business Meeting for the Membership. The date and time of the meeting will be chosen by the President and will be communicated to the Membership in a timely fashion. The agenda will be as follows: i. Greetings and Welcome ii. Selected Readings from the Bible (King James Version) iii. Selected Readings from Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy iv. (Optional) Selected Readings from Prose Works or The Manual of the Mother Church v. Silent Prayer vi. The Daily Prayer (found in The Manual of the Mother Church) vii. Reading of Minutes from the previous Quarterly Business Meeting viii. Treasurer’s Report ix. Committee Reports x. Old Business xi. New Business xii. Open Forum xiii. Closing Readings; may selected from the Bible, and the writings of Mary Bake Eddy Section 3. Special Meetings At the discretion of the Executive Committee, special meetings may be held. The Business and purpose of the meeting shall be communicated to all members. Section 4. Guidelines for Meetings Given the nature of the Ohio State CSO to present a spiritual and welcoming environment to all Ohio State students; the President, Treasurer, or Clerk will prepare readings from the King James Version of The Bible and from Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. At the Executive Committee’s discretion, readings may be chosen from the other writings of Mary Baker Eddy. ARTICLE VII COMMITTEES Section 1. Standing Committees Standing Committees may be established as needed by the President. The committee shall be presented to the general membership for approval at the subsequent Quarterly Business Meeting. A majority vote of present members shall be sufficient to approve the committee. Section 2. Special/Temporary Committees Special and Temporary Committees may be established by the President, as necessary. The existence of these committees shall be no longer than one year from the date of establishment. A record of special/temporary committees will be held by the Clerk and open to the General Membership. Section 3. Governance All Committees shall be under the governance of a Chairman. The chairman’s duties are to conduct committee meetings as needed and to place with the President reports of the committee’s activities. The membership of each committee shall be voluntary and they shall elect the Chairman on an annual basis from their membership. The election must occur with fifteen (15) days, following the Annual Meeting. Instillation shall be determined by the committee. A code of regulations and/or rules for each committee shall be filed with the clerk. Section 4. Dissolution Any Officer, or the Chairman of the committee to be dissolved must present the motion at the Quarterly Business meeting. Three-fourths (3/4) of the present active membership will dissolve the committee. If the committee's Chairman had been a member of the Executive Committee, that Executive position shall be removed as well. ARTICLE VIII RESPONSIBILITY Section 1. The First Church of Christ, Scientist The Ohio State CSO shall be set-up and operated in accordance with The Manual of the Mother Church. Section 2. The Ohio State University The Ohio State CSO comply with all policies and procedures set forth in “Responsibilities for Student Organizations” as designated by The Ohio State University. Section 3. Cooperation with Government The Ohio State CSO shall comply with all laws set forth by the local governments, the State of Ohio, and the United States of America. Section 4. Non-Discrimination The Ohio State CSO and its member are prohibited from discrimination on the basis of age, color, disability, gender identity or expression, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation or veteran status. ARTICLE IX ADVISOR The advisor of the Ohio State CSO shall be a faculty member or staff member at The Ohio State University. The advisor must comply with all requirements set forth in the "Guidelines for Student Organizations" ARTICLE X IMPEACHMENT Section 1. Petition Two-thirds of the Executive Committee or two-thirds of the active membership must sign a petition to ask for impeachment. Section 2. Process Active members, Executive Committee members or advisors being impeached must be notified two weeks in advance of the impeachment hearing. The impeachment hearing must be held while classes are in session but not within ten days of the beginning of final exams. Section 3. Hearings The impeachment hearing will be moderated by the President. In cases where the President is being impeached, the Clerk shall serve as moderator. Seventy-percent of the active membership must be present in order for the impeachment hearing to begin. Each side will be given equal opportunity to present their case. The active members will be given time to ask questions. A twothirds vote of active members present is needed for impeachment. Section 4. Removal After the impeachment of the officer, advisor, or active member has taken place, they shall immediately be removed from office. Upon the removal of office, a special election for the removed officer will take place immediately. In extreme case of the removal on an advisor, adequate time will be given for a new advisor to be selected. However an advisor must be selected within onehundred days. ARTICLE XI AMENDMENTS Section 1. Submission Amendments may be submitted in writing to the President. The Executive Committee by two-thirds vote may approve the amendment for submission to the general membership for a vote. Section 2. Vote A two-thirds vote of the active members is needed for adoption. Absentee voting shall be submitted to the clerk. Absentee ballots shall not be accepted thirty-days after the initial vote was taken at the quarterly or special meeting. Section 3. Exceptions i. In accordance with The Manual of the Mother Church, the document which allows for this organization to exist; Article II, Section 5 shall not be amended. ii. Article VII shall not be amended iii. Article XI, Section 3 shall not be amended. Section 4. Approval Amendments must be presented to the Center for Student Leadership and Service for approval prior to adoption. ARTICLE XII DISSOLUTION Section 1. Process The Ohio State CSO may be dissolved after dissolution is approved by a unanimous vote of the Executive Committee and by a vote of a majority of active members, provided that a vote on dissolution is furnished to the active members at least sixty days prior to the vote. Section 2. Obligations Upon dissolution, the Executive Committee will utilize assets of the organization to pay all obligations and expenses of the organization. Remaining funds will be split evenly among these four institutions: The First Church of Christ, Scientist; First Church of Christ, Scientist, Columbus; Second Church of Christ, Scientist, Columbus; Third Church of Christ, Scientist, Columbus. Section 3. Approval Notice of dissolution must be presented in writing to the Center for Student Leadership and Service. ARTICLE XIII ESTABLISHMENT Section 1. Approval This Constitution shall be established upon the authorization of The Ohio State University. Section 2. Operation prior to Approval Prior to the Approval of The Ohio State University, the Ohio State CSO may operate under this Constitution with David Theodore Frayne Hoy serving as the President. The Executive committee will be filled by appointment until the first Annual Meeting under the authorization of The Ohio State University. Hoy, David Theodore/ChristianceScience OhioStateStudentOrganization/Constitution 8/16/2010/7/dth