Policy and Procedures - Big Brothers Big Sisters

To create and support relationships that provide consistent, positive, one-to-one
interaction between a single-parent child and an adult volunteer who will be an advisor and
friend on the journey from childhood to adulthood.
The purpose of Big Brothers Big Sisters will be achieved by providing regular, personal
contact on a one-to-one basis between the child and a mature adult. The premise is that the
adult’s interest in and concern for the child builds a relationship based on trust that allows the
child to identify with the adult. This identification with a respected adult is an essential
ingredient in growing to healthy adulthood.
The one-to-one relationship is the key element in the Big Brothers Big Sisters program.
Careful screening of volunteers assist in ensuring an appropriate role model; the matching
process helps to assure compatibility; and the continued regular supervision by a professional
match support staff gives the relationship support and guidance.
The principle focus of the program is a preventative one. The primary goal of the
program is to help a child reach his or her maximum potential by focusing on the full needs of
children and youth in single parent families. Children, in order to reach their fullest potential as
adults, need the influence of mature, responsible and responsive adults during their formative
years. Where that influence is inadequate due to parental absence, the child may be deterred in
reaching his/her potential as a responsible adult. The Big Brothers Big Sisters service hopes to
provide some of the key factors which are necessary for normal development and which may be
missing in the lives of many children from single parent homes.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Bluegrass also seeks to provide services and/or referrals
for services to supplement the one-to-one relationship. In this way, the agency strives to assist
children from single parent homes in reaching their maximum potential.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Bluegrass. Inc.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Bluegrass will follow the Service Delivery
Model (SDM) procedures and essential elements located in Section 1 of this
Program Manual. In addition, the following local board-approved policies
and procedures will be adhered to by program staff.
Confidentiality Policy
Access to Confidential Records
In order for BB/BS of the Bluegrass to provide a responsible and professional service to clients,
it is necessary for volunteers, clients and parents or guardians of clients to be asked to divulge
extensive personal information about themselves and their families. The agency respects the
confidentiality of client and volunteer records and, with the exception of situations listed below,
shares information about clients and volunteers only among the agency professional staff. The
right to confidentiality applies not only to written records, but also to video, film, pictures or use
of client or volunteer’s name in agency publications.
All records are considered the property of the agency and not the agency workers or clients or
volunteers themselves. In order to provide a service, which is in the best interest of the children
served by the program, information from outside sources, including confidential references must
be assessed along with information gained from the clients or volunteers themselves. Records
are not available for review by the clients or volunteers. Clients and volunteers shall be
provided, at the time of application, a copy for review, of this statement on confidentiality along
with the exceptions, which define the limits of confidentiality. Clients and volunteers shall sign
a statement that he/she has read and understands the agency policy on confidentiality and agrees
to program participation under the guidelines it sets forth. Agency staff and students accepted
for placement will also be required to sign the agency confidentiality policy.
Active records are kept in each worker’s locked office. Each Program staff is responsible for
their assigned files taken out of the office. Closed files are stored in a locked room supervised
by the Office Manager. Client and matched volunteer records will be destroyed after the child
reaches his 20th birthday. Volunteers will be informed at closure that eligibility requirements
must be met again after a 6-month lapse in the program. A summary of identifying information
will be kept on closed volunteers for statistical purposes.
Limits of Confidentiality
1. Information will be released to other individuals or organizations only upon presentation
of an authorized “consent to release information” form appropriately signed by the client
or volunteer.
2. Identifying information regarding clients and volunteers may be used in agency
publications or promotional materials if the client or volunteer has given permission.
3. For purposes of program evaluation, audit, or accreditation, and with the prior approval
of the Board of Directors, certain outside bodies such as Big Brothers Big Sisters of
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Bluegrass. Inc.
America may have access to client and volunteer records. These outside organizations
shall be required to respect the agency policy on confidentiality. Outside parties shall be
required to use information only for the purpose(s) stated in the approval action of the
Board of Directors. Known violations of agency confidentiality policy will be reported to
the supervisor of the individual involved and appropriate disciplinary action shall be
4. Members of the Board of Directors have access to client files only upon authorization by
formal motion of the Board of Directors. The motion shall state who shall be authorized
to review records, the specific purpose for such review and the period of times during
which access shall be granted. Members shall be required to comply with the agency
policies on confidentiality and may use the information only for purposes stated by thee
approved action of the Board of Directors. Known violations shall be reported to the
Board President. A violation of the agency’s confidentiality policy by a Board Member
shall constitute adequate cause for removal from office.
5. Agency staff members are required to follow the agency confidentiality policy. A know
violation would result in disciplinary action as follows: The first violation would result
in a verbal reprimand; a second incident would receive a written warning and; a
subsequent violation would result in termination of employment.
6. Information shall only be provided to law enforcement officials of the courts pursuant to
a valid and enforceable subpoena or by order of a court of appropriate jurisdiction.
7. Information shall be provided to an agency’s legal counsel in the even of litigation or
potential litigation involving the agency. Such information is considered confidential.
8. Information about the potential volunteer to be shared with the client and parent will
include the volunteers’ age, sex, race, religion, interests and hobbies, marriage and family
status, living situation, reasons for involvement and a summary of why the volunteer was
chosen for the client. This information will be shared, when possible, in person,
otherwise, it will be communicated by telephone.
9. Information about the potential LB or LS to be shared with the volunteer will include the
child’s age, race, sex, religion, interests and hobbies, family and living situation,
summary of needs, expectations for match participation and anticipated problems the
volunteer may encounter.
10. State law mandates that suspected child abuse are reported to the appropriate authorities
(Cabinet for Human Resources). All workers are responsible for staying abreast of such
reporting requirements of their respective jurisdiction and shall always comply with
mandated procedures.
11. If an agency worker receives information indicating that a client or volunteer may be
dangerous to himself or herself or to others, necessary steps may be taken to protect the
appropriate party. This may include a medical referral or a report to the local law
enforcement authorities.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Bluegrass. Inc.
(Approved 11/21/88)
Policy and Procedures: Children/Youth
Child/Youth Outreach
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Bluegrass strives to serve all eligible children who desire a
positive relationship with an adult mentor. The agency will work with schools, community
centers, service organizations, and communities to provide outreach services to children. The
agency will continually review its programming and efforts to determine if the process and
program is effective. In attempting to serve many children, the agency will not compromise the
quality of programming. Staff will seek to identify children in need and want of agency services,
assess the children for appropriateness, and then match the children with a capable and caring
adult who successfully has completed the agency screening process.
Child/Youth Inquiries and Referrals
An inquiry in the case of a parent/guardian, is someone who contacts the agency expressing an
interest in getting a Big for their child; meets minimum agency established eligibility criteria on
age and geographic criteria; and provides basic contact information: address, phone number, or
email address. All web-based inquires or inquires left as voicemail messages are responded to
within one workday by contacting the individual back by phone, or email if this is the only
contact given.
1. An interested parent/guardian can inquiry in person, via a phone call, or via the web at
www.bbbs.org or www.bbbs-bluegrass.org . Whether this first contact is for information
purposes only or an interested participant ready to begin the process, this inquiry is keyed
directly into AIM.
2. When a parent/ guardian requests BBBS service, all required demographic information is
gathered and the interview is scheduled within 14 days from the inquiry.
3. All BBBS staff are responsible for entering inquiries into AIM if the enrollment staff person
is not available. These inquiries are automatically assigned to the unassigned que.
Enrollment staff are responsible for checking the unassigned que daily and responding to
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Bluegrass. Inc.
their inquiries within one workday of receipt to gather any required information that was not
received during the initially inquiry and to schedule the interview.
4. For the school/site programs, an inquiry may be received from a parent/guardian, teacher, or
school staff person. The inquiry information will be entered into AIM as soon as it is
received and the staff will follow-up with the parent-guardian within one workday. A
follow-up phone call should be made to the parent if the inquiry was received from some
other source; however, follow-up may involve sending the waived school enrollment packet
to the parent/guardian if no phone number is available.
5. Enrollment staff are responsible for informing the parent/guardian of program requirements
including eligibility, program orientation, and child safety training emphasizing that child
safety in our #1 priority. The application, permission slip, and confidentiality form will be
sent at this time. Only those children who meet preliminary eligibility requirements will be
interviewed. Children who do not meet eligibility requirements should be closed in AIM.
6. Some parent/guardians may want some time to decide on whether or not they would like for
their child to participate. Enrollment staff will make at least two follow-up attempts to
contact the family approximate 10 and 30 days later. If the parent/ guardian does not
respond, the agency will assume that the family is no longer interested and the request will be
closed in AIM. A parent/guardian may make another request for service at a later date.
7. Children must completed the entire intake process (including interview and home assessment
for the community program and the parent consent form, waived parent/guardian interview
form and the school/site client interview form for school/site mentoring program), and be
accepted and ready to be matched in order to attend BBBS activities.
8. Referrals from community based services and mental health providers will be considered on
a case-by-case basis.
(Revised 6/2008)
Children must meet the following criteria to be eligible for matching:
Be at least 6 years old and no older than 13 years old.
Be a resident of Anderson, Bourbon, Boyle, Clark, Fayette, Franklin, Garrard, Jessamine,
Lincoln, Madison, Mercer, Montgomery, Scott or Woodford Counties.
Be from a family situation, which lacks the involved, supportive participation of two
parenting adults. For the school/site program, there may be an exception to this guideline as
the child has other identified needs for a positive role model. Eligibility will be determined
by the professional staff on a case-by-case basis.
If the parents are divorced or the child is in the custody of someone other than a parent, there
must be evidence of a clear resolution of all custody issues.
The custodial parent/guardian and the child must:
- complete orientation and child safety training with BBBS professional staff*
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Bluegrass. Inc.
complete and sign an application, permission slip, confidentiality form, and any other
required BBBS form
- be interviewed in-person by BBBS program staff including a home assessment*
- approve a volunteer after discussion with BBBS program staff
- sign a contract agreeing to follow all BBBS rules
- be willing and capable of supporting a match relationship by maintaining regular
contact with the volunteer and BBBS program staff
(*Due to the on-site supervision provided by BBBS program staff during school/site
based mentoring, parents of children participating in a school/site based program may
receive orientation and child safety training material in the mail and complete a waived
interview form without a home assessment. All children are required to receive in-person
orientation and training.)
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Bluegrass will provide services to children who require
prevention services. The professional enrollment staff will assess the needs of each child and
determine whether the child needs prevention or intervention services. Children in need of
prevention services may demonstrate a need for service in one or more of the following areas:
culturally and economically disadvantaged
exhibits poor social skills
has few friends his/her own age or has troubled peer relationships
demonstrates an absence of positive role models or need for additional role models
has older siblings who have had significant problems with social/community adjustment
is insecure with or untrusting of adults
has a poor self-concept
demonstrates behavior problems or emotional immaturity
is an underachiever in school or is experiencing school problems such as truancy or
behaviorally acting out or academic failure
has been traumatized by a significant event in his/her life
suffers from environmental neglect
The child’s needs must be appropriate for volunteer matching. Children whose needs exceed the
above criteria or who have multiple untreated problems may be ineligible for matching. If a
child is ineligible, the enrollment staff will assist the parent/guardian with necessary referrals.
BBBS is not able to serve children who:
Are severely physically handicapped or medically fragile.
Are currently involved in an inpatient treatment program or who have been released
within the last six months from an inpatient treatment facility.
Suffer from significant emotional disturbances, which may pose a threat to themselves or
Have a history of delinquent/criminal behaviors.
Have been sexually abused and have not received necessary treatment to help resolve
abuse issues.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Bluegrass. Inc.
Child/Youth Intake
School or Site
Orientation and Child
Safety Training
Required –
See notes in Comments
Application - includes
Permission Slip
(written consent from
Confidentiality Form
Release of Information
As needed
Parent Consent Form
In place of the Permission
As needed
Child/Parent Interview
pre- enrollment questions
Home Assessment
Match Preferences
Child Contract
Parent Contract
Letter of
Waived Parent/Guardian
Interview Form will be
accepted along with an
in-person School/Site
Child Interview in place
of a Conjoint
Child/Parent Interview
Required – A different
contract is used for
school/site mentoring.
As applicable
As applicable
As academic
As academic problems
School Inquiry
May be completed directly
in AIM.
School/Site – May be done
in person with the parent
(individually or in a group
setting) or an
Orientation/Child Safety
Training packet can be sent
to the parent. BBBS
program staff will complete
the Orientation/Child
Safety Training with the
child in an individual or
group meeting.
May be completed directly
in AIM.
Required for
clinicals/school requests.
Use the combined
Child/Parent Contract for
school /site programs.
Clinicals may be requested
by BBBS professional staff
if counseling services have
been received in the past.
May also be used for
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Bluegrass. Inc.
1. If a child transfers from the school/site mentoring program into the school plus or community
program, see the School to Community Transfer policy for additional requirements.
Child/Youth Intake Procedures for the Community Program
Once an interview has been scheduled with a child in AIM, the child moves to the preenrollment que. BBBS enrollment staff will conduct the interview as scheduled at a convenient
time and location for the family. Enrollment staff will make a reminder call 24 hours before the
interview to remind the parent/guardian of the appointment.
1. If the application packet has not been completed and/or returned, the enrollment staff should
pick it up at the interview appointment and ensure that the forms have been completed. The
application information can be entered in AIM during a phone call; however the permission
slip and confidentiality are required with signatures.(In AIM: Update any general information
and  Media Release if permission is granted.)
2. The interview must be completed in-person with the parent and child and all appropriate
questions must be addressed. (In AIM:  Interview Conducted)
3. Parent and child match preferences must also be addressed. (In AIM:  Data Entry
Complete is marked the day the interview data entry is complete including preferences. Data
entry should be complete within two workdays.)
4. The parent and child’s orientation and training must be completed at this time if not
completed previously during a group orientation and training. (In AIM:  Child Safety Info
5. Program contracts for parent and child(ren) will be reviewed together with the
parent/guardian. A copy should be given to the parent, and a copy retained for the file. (In
AIM:  Overnight Policy Provided)
6. Authorization for release of information is to be signed by parent/guardian, if needed.
7. A Child School Inquiry Form and Release of Information Form can be requested from the
8. If a child is presently attending counseling or has attended counseling within the past several
years, a Clinical Referral Summary Form with Release of Information Form can be
completed by to the counselor.
9. If a child is presently taking medications for a mental health reason, then a Clinical Referral
Summary Form with Release of Information Form can be completed by the prescribing
(In AIM:  Other Forms to indicate all other required forms have been received including
the confidentiality form and if requested, the release of information and school inquiry form
or clinical. In the evaluation box, if complete selected approved.)
10. The enrollment staff should consider all information and then decide to accept or reject the
child as a Little Brother or Little Sister in the program.
(In AIM: Under the Assessment tab: A written entry must be completed for the Entry
Assessment Summary, Match Recommendations, and Outcome Objective for the Match. The
assessment summary should provide summary documentation to confirm that the interview was
completed in-person with the child and parent(or waived interview for school), orientation and
training was completed with the parent and child, parent and child contracts have been reviewed
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Bluegrass. Inc.
and signed, need for school inquiry or clinical information and results, a description of the home
environment, challenges or difficulties a volunteer might have if matched with the child, and
recommendation to accept into the program or referrals made if child is not appropriate. The
match recommendations should briefly outline specific matching recommendations, limitations,
etc. Example: age of volunteer, geographic location, preferences of parent, interests to share. The
outcome objectives should list two or three areas that might be goals for building assets or
removing risks in the child’s life after the first several months when the relationship between the
Big and Little is first formed. After evaluating the interview and determining it is complete,
mark approved in the evaluation box and  Assessment Complete. The child’s enrollment
information is then ready to be matched and can be approved by the RTBM Approver.)
11. Once approved, the enrollment staff will send a letter of acceptance including a Parent
Satisfaction Questionnaire Post-Enrollment, and the child will be moved to the RTBM que.
12. In conjunction with Program Director, if the enrollment staff feels that a child cannot be
served by the program, the parent/guardian will be informed of this decision by letter and
when applicable, referrals to other services will be made and the child’s file will be closed.
13. All collateral contacts throughout the enrollment process must be documented in the
communication log.
14. If an unmatched child is closed, closure documentation must be in the AIM communication
log and the files must be turned in to the Lexington office to be stored in the file room.
Child/Youth Intake Procedures for School/Site Program
The child intake procedures for the school/site program will be the same as for the community
program with the following exceptions
1. If the parent/guardian in unavailable to meet in person with the enrollment staff, then the
“School/Site Based Parent Application Packet” may be mailed to the parent, along with an
“Parents Orientation and Training Guide”. The enrollment staff should arrange to meet with
the child in person either at school or at the site, to complete the child portion of the intake.
2. The “School/Site Based Parent Application Packet” should include the following forms:
Child’s Application, Parental Consent, Parent/Guardian Intake/Waived Personal Interview
Form, a copy of the Confidentiality form, and the Child and Parent Contract. All forms must
be received back before the child may be interviewed either at school or at the site.
3. If the enrollment staff should feel that additional information is needed from the
parent/guardian after reviewing the “School/Site Based Parent Application Packet”, then the
enrollment staff should arrange a meeting with the parent/guardian to discuss those concerns
before the child is accepted into the program.
4. When meeting with the child, the enrollment staff should complete the Child School/Site
Based Interview questions and the Child and Parent contract.
Big Brothers Big Sisters will not accept a child whose parent fails to keep two interview
appointments without notifying the enrollment staff unless an emergency or valid excuse
prevented notification.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Bluegrass. Inc.
Big Brothers Big Sisters will not rematch a child more than two times, unless an assessment by
the enrollment staff and program director deems otherwise.
Big Brothers Big Sisters will reassess any child who has previously been in the program, has
been closed and has been referred again at a later date, as long as eligibility requirements have
been met.
Parent and Child Orientation and Training Requirements
Parent and child orientation and training material are located in a separate Volunteer, Parent, and
Child Training Manual.
Child/Youth Update and Rematch Procedures
Rematch Procedures: A child who is matched and the match closed may be eligible for
rematching. The match support staff is responsible for recommending a child for rematch;
however, the enrollment staff with complete the reassessment and update process. The purpose
of the update is to make a reassessment of the needs of the child and to update any change in
status of the family, i.e., change of address, living situation, employment of the parent. The
enrollment staff should also review child safety training with the child. New match preferences
must be updated as part of the update. A current release of information form should be signed at
the time of the update if there is a need to pursue clinical or school information regarding the
child. The enrollment staff must document in the communication log that information and match
preferences were updated as well as child safety training reviewed and then the child will be
moved to the RTBM que.
Waiting List Update Procedure: Updates must be conducted on each child in the RTBM que
yearly. The purpose of the update is to make a reassessment of the needs of the child and to
update any change in status of the family, i.e., change of address, living situation, employment of
the parent. The enrollment staff should also review child safety training with the child. New
match preferences must be updated as part of the update. A current release of information form
should be signed at the time of the update if there is a need to pursue clinical or school
information regarding the child. The enrollment staff must document in the communication log
that information and match preferences were updated as well as child safety training reviewed
and then the child will be moved back to the RTBM que. The enrollment staff are responsible
for ensuring that updates are conducted according to the required schedule.
Complete Child Reassessment: A child may be completely reassessed for appropriateness for
the program at the enrollment staff’s discretion. The reassessment process should include
updating of all child application materials and forms, update child safety training, and
interviewing of the child and parent. A complete reassessment is recommended for children if
there may be significant changes in the child’s life since the initial interview or if information is
needed that may not be available with a regular update meeting.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Bluegrass. Inc.
Policy and Procedures: Volunteers
Volunteer Recruitment
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Bluegrass will perform ongoing volunteer recruitment in an effort
to serve all children and families who desire service. Volunteer recruitment will occur in all
efforts associated with the agency. Volunteer recruitment opportunities include, but are not
limited to: fundraising events, sponsored activities for children, presentations in
corporations/businesses, media outlets, internet/website, university/college affairs, and in the
general community. Staff will assist and facilitate volunteers through the application process to
include enrollment, interviewing, matching, supervision, and evaluation. The success found in
volunteer recruitment is essential to serving children.
(Revised 8/2003)
Volunteer Inquiry
An inquiry is someone who contacts the agency expressing an interest in becoming a Big; meets
minimum agency established eligibility criteria on age and geographic criteria; and provides
basic contact information: address, phone number, or email address. Participants may also
inquire about BBBS by attending promotions/events that are sponsored by the agency. These
functions can be geared for a specific group or business or also can be open to the public as a
general information session. Attendees contact information is gathered via a spreadsheet and
after the event this information is imported into AIM for future follow-up.
1. An interested volunteer can inquiry in person, via a phone call, via email or via the web at
www.bbbs.org or www.bbbs-bluegrass.org . Whether this first contact is for information
purposes only or an interested participant ready to begin the process, this inquiry is keyed
directly into AIM. All web-based inquires or inquires left as voicemail messages are
responded to within one workday by contacting the individual back by phone, or email if this
is the only contact given.
2. The enrollment staff should gather all required demographic information and offer to
schedule the interview within 14 days, if appropriate.
3. All BBBS staff are responsible for entering inquiries into AIM if the enrollment staff person
is not available. These inquiries are automatically assigned to the unassigned que. The
Volunteer Enrollment Coordinator (VEC) is responsible for checking the unassigned que
daily and responding to inquiries within one workday of receipt to gather any required
information that was not received during the initially inquiry, send out application packets,
and attempt to schedule the interview if appropriate.
4. All volunteer inquiries should be assigned to the unassigned que until an application is
received. Once an application is received the volunteer with be assigned by the VEC to the
appropriate enrollment staff.
5. During the initial contact, volunteers should be offered program options and informed of
basic eligibility requirements emphasizing that child safety in our #1 priority. The
application, release of information, and confidentiality form should be sent at this time. Only
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Bluegrass. Inc.
volunteer who meet preliminary eligibility requirements will be interviewed. Volunteers
who do not meet eligibility requirements should be closed in AIM.
6. Some volunteers may want some time to decide later on whether or not they would like to
participate. Enrollment staff will make at least two follow-up attempts to contact the
volunteer approximate 10 and 30 days later. If a volunteer does not respond, the agency will
assume that the volunteer is no longer interested and the request will be closed in AIM. A
volunteer may request to volunteer at a later date.
(Revised 6/2008)
Volunteers must meet the following criteria to be eligible for matching:
Be over 18 years of age.
Live or work in Anderson, Bourbon, Boyle, Clark, Fayette, Franklin, Garrard, Jessamine,
Lincoln, Madison, Mercer, Montgomery, Scott or Woodford County.
Have a car, provide proof of a valid driver’s license and current auto insurance for the
community program; or have reliable transportation and photo identification for the site
based program.
Agree to a one year commitment of:
- three to four activities per month for the community program, or
- one hour a week at a BBBS school/site mentoring location
Complete BBBS Orientation. Complete volunteer training (recommended). BBBS program
staff will offer training options to all volunteers.
Fill out and sign an application including contact information for three personal references.
Volunteers are required to provide three personal, character references that are unrelated to
the applicant and have known the applicant for at least two years. A current employer
reference may be substituted for one of the three references if the applicant has been
employed for at least one year and the reference is the immediate supervisor of the applicant.
An additional reference will be requested if the volunteer has had prior experience as a Big
Brother/Sister. If an applicant has other prior volunteer experience with children, an
additional reference may be requested at the discretion of the enrollment staff person and the
program director.
If a volunteer receives one or more negative references, final acceptance into the program
will occur only with approval of the program director and executive director.
Sign a confidentiality policy form.
Sign release of information for a criminal background check.
Volunteers will not be accepted if their background check shows one of the following:
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Bluegrass. Inc.
DUI or Public Intoxication conviction in the last 2 years
conviction of drug or substance abuse or trafficking
pattern of questionable driving record or questionable arrest record
felony conviction
accusation or conviction of endangering the welfare of a minor, unlawful transaction with
a minor, or any other crime against a child, regardless of the time limitation.
Not have used illegal drugs or a controlled substance within the last 12 months.
Be healthy (mentally and physically) and emotionally mature and stable.
Be interviewed by BBBS staff in-person including a home assessment.
A volunteer who fails to keep two interview appointments without notifying the enrollment
staff unless an emergency or valid excuse prevented notification will not be accepted.
Approve a Little Brother/Sister after discussion with BBBS program staff.
Meet the Little Brother/Sister and his/her family with BBBS program staff and agree to
maintain regular contact with the child and assigned BBBS program staff.
Sign a contract agreeing to follow all BBBS rules.
Big Brothers Big Sisters will not accept any volunteer, and retains the right to close any
match, in instances where information received through the volunteer’s application and
screening process is subsequently found to be false or misleading.
Big Brothers Big Sisters will not accept any volunteer who fails to complete the screening
Big Brothers Big Sisters will provide written notification of acceptance or rejection to
volunteers who have completed the screening process.
Big Brothers Big Sisters will reassess a volunteer considering a rematch according to
casework standards.
High School Volunteers must meet the following criteria:
Be 16 years of age or older.
Maintain at least a 2.0 g.p.a. prior to acceptance and throughout their involvement with
Live in Big Brothers Big Sisters service area.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Bluegrass. Inc.
Have a car, provide proof of a valid driver’s license and current auto insurance or have
access to reliable transportation to and from the school site. Some form of photo
identification is required.
Agree to a commitment of seeing a Little Brother/Sister one hour a week, every week for one
academic year.
Complete BBBS Orientation and volunteer training.
Sign a release of information for a criminal background check. The high school student’s
parent or guardian must also sign the release of information for applicants under the age of
18 for BBBS to access the student’s school records to verify their g.p.a and to explore traffic
violations. For applicants under the age of 18, a criminal history will not be released by the
state according to state law.
Volunteers will not be accepted if their background check shows one of the following:
- DUI or Public Intoxication conviction in the last 2 years
- conviction of drug or substance abuse or trafficking
- pattern of questionable driving record or questionable arrest record
- felony conviction
- accusation or conviction of endangering the welfare of a minor, unlawful transaction with
a minor, or any other crime against a child, regardless of the time limitation.
Not have used illegal drugs or a controlled substance within the last 12 months.
Be healthy (mentally and physically) and emotionally mature and stable.
Fill out and sign an application including contact information for four personal references.
- two school personnel (ex. teacher, guidance counselor, coach, principal or other school
personnel) who has known the volunteer for at least a year
- one adult friend or neighbor who has known the volunteer for at least two years
- one parent or guardian
An additional reference will be requested if the volunteer has had prior experience as a Big
Brother/Sister or prior experience volunteering for another child serving agency, as
Sign a confidentiality policy form.
The high school student’s parent or guardian must sign permission for the high school
student to be a Big Brother/Sister volunteer and participate in match monitoring
requirements, match activities, and program outcome evaluations.
Be interviewed by BBBS program staff. The high school interview may be different that the
standard volunteer interview form for those over the age of 18.
Approve a Little Brother/Sister after discussion with BBBS program staff.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Bluegrass. Inc.
Meet the Little Brother/Sister and agree to maintain regular contact with child only in the
school setting with the supervision of BBBS program staff.
Sign a contract agreeing to follow all BBBS rules.
High students may no longer be eligible to participate in the BBBS school program if their
g.p.a. drops below 2.0, faces disciplinary action at school including forms of suspension, or
has juvenile criminal charges in the community as reported by parent or self.
High school students are school volunteers but may be considered for matching in the
community program after they reach the age of 18. The high school student will be required
to complete the rematch requirement procedures regardless of the length of time matched as a
High School Big.
BBBS will not accept any volunteer, and retains the right to close any match, in instances
where information received through the volunteer’s application and screening process is
subsequently found to be false or misleading.
School/Site Based Volunteer Policies
The school/site based volunteer is a volunteer who agrees to mentor a child in Big Brothers Big
Sisters of the Bluegrass in the school setting or in a site based community setting. The volunteer
commits to seeing the child once a week, at a prearranged and set time. School volunteers give
an academic year commitment to volunteer, and site based volunteers give a one-year
commitment to the site-based program. The process for intake and matching of the school/ site
based volunteer will be the same process as the individual applying to be a community program
volunteer with the exception of the following.
1. The school/site based volunteer is not required to have a home assessment completed by the
enrollment staff.
2. The school/site based program has different volunteer contracts and different match
agreements than the community program.
3. The supervision schedule of a school/site based program match requires the school match
support staff to speak with the volunteer and child each time the match meets and to record
the activities of the match and concerns, for the life of the match. The parent must be
contacted at least quarterly throughout the life of the match.
4. Big Brothers Big Sisters does not allow any type of contact (including phone, mail, or email)
between the volunteer and the child outside of the school/site based setting when the match
has only been approved for the site based program unless it is an activity that BBBS of the
Bluegrass is hosting or sponsoring.
5. The SOR will be conducted after the match has been together for three months with the child
and volunteer and at then again at the end of the school year and then annually thereafter
with school based match parties. POE will be completed at the end of each school year with
the volunteer, parent, and teacher. It is recommended that at this time any updating of
paperwork be completed with the volunteer. (See update procedures.)
(Revised 6/2008)
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Bluegrass. Inc.
Volunteer Reference Requirements
Volunteers are required to provide three personal, character references that are unrelated to the
applicant and have known the applicant for at least two years. A current employer reference may
be substituted for one of the three references if the applicant has been employed for at least one
year and the reference is the immediate supervisor of the applicant.
(Adopted 5/2005)
Prior Experience as a BBBS Volunteer
Big Brother Big Sisters of the Bluegrass understands the need to secure information from other
Big Brother Big Sister agencies when a volunteer applicant discloses that they have volunteered
for another BBBS agency. The following procedures will apply to secure that information from
other BBBS agencies.
1. The volunteer applicant will complete a Release of Information Form for BBBS of the
Bluegrass to secure information from the alternate BBBS agency.
2. The Release of Information and BBBS Volunteer Prior Experience Reference Form will be
forwarded (via mail or fax) to the alternate BBBS agency, or the agency may be contacted by
phone to request/solicit the responses for the BBBS Volunteer Prior Experience Reference
3. The BBBS Volunteer Prior Experience Reference Form will be secured in addition to the
other requested references on the volunteer application.
4. The information received on the BBBS Volunteer Prior Experience Reference Form will be
considered in addition to all the other information received when accepting or rejecting a
volunteer applicant.
5. At times, when the BBBS Volunteer Prior Experience Reference Form cannot be obtained by
the agency, then the enrollment staff should attempt to contact that agency via phone to
discuss the volunteer applicant.
6. At times, when all attempts to secure the information from the alternate agency have failed,
the enrollment staff will document their attempts and their discussion with the Program
Director, and the volunteer applicant will be considered for acceptance based on other
information received.
7. If the applicant has volunteered before with Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Bluegrass, then
the case manager will review the prior volunteer application and match information, as
accessible. The information reviewed will be considered in addition to all other information
received when accepting or rejecting a volunteer.
(Adopted 2/2000)
Prior Volunteer Experience with Children
Big Brother Big Sisters of the Bluegrass understands the need to secure information from other
agencies when a volunteer applicant discloses that they have prior volunteer experience with
children. If an applicant discusses other prior volunteer experience with children during the
interview process, an additional reference may be requested at the discretion of the interviewing
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Bluegrass. Inc.
BBBS program staff person and the program director. The following procedures will apply to
secure that information from other agencies.
1. The volunteer applicant will complete a Release of Information Form for BBBS of the
Bluegrass to secure information from the volunteer agency.
2. The Release of Information and BBBS Volunteer Prior Experience Reference Form will be
forwarded (via mail or fax) to the volunteer agency, or the agency may be contacted by
phone to request/solicit the responses for the BBBS Volunteer Prior Experience Reference
3. The information received on the BBBS Volunteer Prior Experience Reference Form will be
considered in addition to all the other information received when accepting or rejecting a
volunteer applicant.
4. At times, when the BBBS Volunteer Prior Experience Reference Form cannot be obtained by
the agency, then the enrollment staff should attempt to contact that agency via phone to
discuss the volunteer applicant.
5. At times, when all attempts to secure the information from the agency have failed, the
enrollment staff will document their attempts and their discussion with the program director,
and the volunteer applicant will be considered for acceptance based on all other information
(Adopted 5/2005)
Significant Other Interviews
Big Brother Big Sisters of the Bluegrass recognizes the need to interview significant others
(adults) of the volunteer that may reside with the volunteer. The significant other interview will
be conducted using the BBBS Significant Other Questionnaire Form. Thus the following
procedures will apply when considering the need to interview the significant other of a volunteer
applying for the community program.
1. The spouse of a volunteer applicant will need to complete the BBBS Significant Other
Questionnaire before a volunteer can be accepted in the program.
2. The romantic partner or fiancée who resides with the volunteer applicant will need to
complete the BBBS Significant Other Questionnaire before a volunteer can be accepted into
the program.
3. The permanent live in roommate of a volunteer applicant will need to complete the BBBS
Significant Other Questionnaire before a volunteer can be accepted into the program.
4. For college roommates, the BBBS Significant Other Questionnaire should be completed (by
all roommates) before the volunteer is accepted for matching.
5. Minors/children living in the volunteer’s home who are ages 16 and over, are required to
complete the significant other interview form.
6. When the significant other (in each of the above named situations) changes, then the
volunteer is responsible for notifying his/her match support staff of the changes, and working
with the match support staff to have new forms completed on any new significant others in
the home.
(Adopted 2/2000)
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Bluegrass. Inc.
Married Couples as Volunteers (Big Couple Match)
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Bluegrass will make a “Big Couple” match with a husband and
wife. The “Big Couple” will generally mentor one individual male child together. Each member
of the couple will be treated as an individual who is applying to volunteer. To ensure the
continuity of the intake, matching, and supervision and closure process, the procedures will be as
1. The husband and wife will each complete the intake process and meet eligibility
requirements as all individuals who apply to be a Big Brother or Big Sister. The couple will
complete individual applications, individual police checks, provide individual references
(minimum of three), and sign individual confidentiality forms. Both will also receive
orientation and volunteer training.
2. Each member of the couple will sign an agreement “Married Couples Agreement”, that
information may be shared, with their spouse, from their volunteer interview or from their
application materials in order to clarify information or to explore discrepancies agrees that
information may be shared about his/her respective interview with the other member of the
couple in order to clarify information received or to explore discrepancies.
3. Each will have individual interviews including a home assessment with the assigned
enrollment staff.
4. Each will complete individual match preferences with the enrollment staff and sign volunteer
5. Each member of the couple will be accepted or rejected as a volunteer based on information
gathered in the intake process and enrollment staff’s recommendations.
6. Each will receive a letter informing them of their acceptance or rejection.
7. If one member of the couple (either spouse) is not accepted, then the other member of the
couple will automatically not be accepted.
8. Both will be required to agree and accept the child for matching. Couples will be matched
with male children relative to the high number of male children waiting to be matched.
9. Both will go with the case manager for the first match meeting to meet the child and
parent/guardian and sign the match agreement forms and receive the match card.
10. The match support staff will speak with both the husband and wife after the first two weeks
of the match. After the first two weeks, the match support staff will contact either the
husband or wife monthly, and it is recommended they be contacted alternately, i.e. husband
in one month, wife the next, and so on… (and vice versa). Both the husband and wife may
be contacted monthly. For the three-month SOR and annual POE/SOR, both the husband
and wife should be present for the completion of it and for updating their records.
11. The couple will complete individual volunteer update forms annually.
12. Board policies will apply the same to a “Big Couple” match as to individual matches.
For married couples who are applying to be volunteers with different children and are not
volunteering as a “Big Couples” match, the approve policies and procedures still apply and if one
member of the couple is not accepted, then the other spouse will automatically be denied
acceptance as a volunteer.
(Adopted 2/2000)
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Bluegrass. Inc.
Staff and Members of the Board of Directors as Volunteers
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Bluegrass will allow staff and members of the Board of Directors
to volunteer as Big Brothers or Big Sisters. Staff and members of the Board of Directors will
meet eligibility criteria for volunteering and complete the intake process that is required of all
volunteer applicants. The matching, supervision, closure, and case record keeping process will
be the same for a staff or a member of the Board of Directors as it is for any individual who
applies to volunteer with the agency.
Staff and members of the Board of Directors, as volunteers, will adhere to the same policies and
procedures of any volunteer in the program. At any time, should there be suspicion of child
abuse or neglect it will be reported to the property authorities, the match suspended or broken,
and a decision will be made by the Executive Director and/or the Executive Committee of the
Board of Directors relative to the continued employment of the staff member or ongoing tenure
of a board member on the Board of Directors.
(Adopted 2/2000)
Volunteer Intake
Big Couple
High School
(school only)
Copy of Driver’s
Copy Auto
# of References
Other BBBS
Experience Ref
Other Volunteer
Experience Ref
Local/State Police
– or photo id
Not Required
-different app
– or photo id
Not required
As applicable
As applicable
As applicable
As applicable
As applicable
As applicable
As applicable
As Applicable
Traffic Check
As applicable
As applicable
As applicable
As applicable
As applicable
As applicable
As applicable
Vol Agreement –
Married Couples
Home Assessment
Volunteer Contract
Not Required
Match Preferences
Not Required
Required –
different school
Not Required
Requireddifferent Esc
Not Required
Significant Other
Not required
Required –
separate inter.
each will sign a
Required – each
will complete
Required – for
others in the
home besides
the couple
Not Required
Not Required
Background Check
Every effort should be
made to provide training.
Must attempt to secure
Must attempt to secure
Juvenile records are not
released; only traffic
violations will be given.
Required if volunteer has
lived outside of KY in
the past 10 years
Must sign before
Different contracts used
for community, school,
and Escapades
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Bluegrass. Inc.
Letter of
Clinicals –
As applicable
As applicable
As applicable
As applicable
As applicable
Required if counseling
has been received in the
past five years. If more
than five years, may be
requested at the
discretion of the staff.
May also use for
1. All interviews and forms will be the same for all applicants, regardless of program applying
for, with the exception of those noted.
2. Please note the High School Bigs program has a different application. High School Bigs are
also required to have a parental permission slip signed and the parents must also sign the
release of information. Four references are required for High School Bigs including one
from the parent, one from an adult age 21 or older, and 2 from school personnel (teacher,
counselor, YSC staff, coach)
3. Volunteer applicant agreements for married couples must be signed as part of the intake
process and before interviews begin with either member of the couple.
4. Clinicals are required if the volunteer received counseling in the five years prior to applying
to the BBBS program. It is at the enrollment staff’s discretion to pursue a clinical on
volunteers if the volunteer received counseling before the five-year time frame.
5. Enrollment staff are responsible for assuring that all volunteers transferring into other BBBS
programs (which is different than the one the volunteer is currently involved in) complete the
necessary forms or steps, home assessments, etc… before being accepted for matching in the
other program. For example: If a volunteer in the school/site or Escapades program
transfers into the community program then a home assessment must be conducted by the
enrollment staff prior to matching and the community program contract must be signed.
Those adults living in the household with the volunteer must also complete significant other
questionnaires. School/site volunteers transferring into the community program will be
required to submit a valid copy of car insurance and driver’s license.
6. Volunteers who request to close their file should be instructed to contact the agency when
they are ready to proceed with the process and at that time, the volunteer’s file can be
retrieved from the Lexington office.
Volunteer Intake Procedures
Once an interview has been scheduled with a volunteer in AIM, the volunteer moves to the preenrollment que. BBBS enrollment staff will conduct the interview as scheduled at a convenient
time and location for the volunteer.
1. If a completed application packet has not been returned, the enrollment staff should pick it up
at the interview appointment and ensure that the forms have been completed. (In AIM:
Update any general information and  Media Release if the volunteer signed the application
and confidentiality form. Staff will need to request special permission from volunteers to use
their name or likeness in any media related activities.)
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Bluegrass. Inc.
2. Once the VEC receives the volunteer’s application information, the VEC will process the
volunteer application packet by contacting references, and sending background checks within
one workday. If the VEC receives the application packet first, the VEC will ensure the
application is complete and the volunteer is eligible, contact references, send for background
checks and forward the completed application to the assigned enrollment staff.
3. Either the VEC or enrollment staff can  Written Permission for Background Checks and
References in AIM when the signature on the release of information is verified. The VEC or
enrollment staff can enter the volunteer’s drivers license number and expiration date in AIM.
A copy of the driver’s license is required for a community volunteer’s file.
4. The VEC will conduct a follow-up phone call to all references within one week if no
response has been received. If after two weeks a reference has not been completed, the VEC
will contact the volunteer for assistance in gaining the references in a timely fashion.
Reference forms will be conducted primarily over the phone, however emailing and mailing
references are permitted if listed as the only means of contact.
5. The VEC will follow-up on background checks if not received within two weeks.
6. Upon completion of the application process, the VEC will notify the assigned enrollment
staff by email that the minimum requirements for references and background checks are
complete. Any concerns regarding the volunteer’s references or background checks will be
discussed with the Program Director (PD).
7. The assigned enrollment staff is responsible for ensuring references and background checks
are reviewed and  Approved in AIM. After the enrollment staff  Written Permission for
Background Checks and References, approves references and background checks, drivers
license or ID information is entered,  Application Complete in AIM.
8. While the VEC is processing the volunteer references and background checks, the assigned
enrollment staff will make a reminder call to the volunteer 24 four hours before the
scheduled interview. The enrollment staff may complete the pre-enrollment questions during
this call, if not already completed, or during the actual interview.
9. The interview must be completed in-person with the volunteer and all appropriate questions
must be addressed. A home assessment is required for community volunteers as part of the
interview. Significant other forms are required for anyone living with a community
volunteer who is 16 years of age or older. (In AIM:  Interview Conducted) At the
discretion of the enrollment specialist, a home visit can be required and the home visit form
10. Volunteer match preferences must also be addressed. (In AIM:  Data Entry Complete is
marked the day the interview data entry is complete including preferences. Data entry should
be complete within two workdays.)
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Bluegrass. Inc.
11. The volunteer’s orientation and training should be completed at this time if not completed
previously during a group orientation and training. (In AIM:  Child Safety Info Provided)
12. The volunteer contract must be reviewed with the volunteer. A copy should be given to the
volunteer and a copy retained for the file. (In AIM:  Overnight Policy Provided)
13. If a volunteer is presently attending counseling or has attended counseling within the past
five years, a Clinical Referral Summary Form with Release of Information Form must be
completed by the counselor.
14. If a volunteer is presently taking medications for a mental health reason, then a Clinical
Referral Summary Form with Release of Information Form should be completed by the
prescribing physician.
15. Once the application and interview process is complete the assigned enrollment staff should
evaluate all information and then decide to accept or reject the volunteer as a Big Brother or
Big Sister based on the overall assessment. (In AIM: Under the Assessment tab: A written
entry must be completed for the Entry Assessment Summary (recommend
acceptance/rejection), Match Recommendations, and Volunteer Support and Training Needs.
After evaluating the interview and determining it is complete, mark approved in the
evaluation box and  Assessment Complete.  Other Forms to indicate all other requested
or required forms have been received and reviewed including: proof of auto insurance for
community volunteers, significant other forms for community volunteers, additional prior
volunteer experience references, clinical information if required. In the evaluation box, if
complete selected approved. The volunteer’s enrollment information is then ready to be
matched and can be approved by the RTBM Approver.) Note: A sample enrollment
assessment is located in the Forms Section of the Program Manual.
16. Once approved, the enrollment staff will send a letter of acceptance including Volunteer
Satisfaction Questionnaire Post-Enrollment and the volunteer will be moved to the RTBM
que. The SDM timeframe for moving a volunteer from interview to match is within 21 days
and pending match to active match within 14 days.
17. In conjunction with Program Director and Executive Director, if the enrollment staff feels
that a volunteer cannot be served by the program, the volunteer will be informed of this
decision by letter from the Program Director and the volunteer’s file will be closed. If a
volunteer protests the rejections, inform him/her to contact the Program Director and/or
Executive Director to discuss further. The reason for a volunteer applicant being denied is
not to be disclosed at any time.
18. All collateral contacts throughout the enrollment process must be documented in the
communication log.
19. If an unmatched volunteer is closed, closure documentation must be in the AIM
communication log and the files must be turned in to the Lexington office to be stored in the
VEC’s office. The VEC will be responsible for tracking volunteers who wish to be reopened
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Bluegrass. Inc.
at a later date in an effort to follow up and reengage the volunteer for future program
Volunteer Orientation and Training Requirements
Volunteer orientation and training material are located in a separate Volunteer, Parent, and Child
Training Manual.
Update/Rematch Procedures for Volunteers
– at 6 months
Volunteer Update Form
Rematch Update
Procedures – if in
program at least 6
Updated Match
Release of Information
with an
Updated Police Records
Home Assessment
Copy of driver’s license
proof of insurance
Yearly Updating of
Matched Volunteers
SOR/POE meeting with
Not Required
Required every 2 years.
SOR/POE meeting with
the volunteer.
Required - if Required – if the Not Required unless
the volunteer volunteer has moved volunteer has moved
has moved.
since prior match.
since match was made
and support staff did not
update at the time of the
Required if not Required if not current
Not Required
Pending/Never Matched Volunteer Update Procedures:
1. Volunteers who have completed the entire intake process and are waiting for an appropriate
child should be contacted at least every other week by their assigned BBBS staff person to
make sure that their preferences for a child and their desire to be matched have not changed.
This should be documented in the communication log for the volunteer.
2. Volunteers who wait more than six months will need to meet with their BBBS staff person to
complete a Volunteer Update Form, update match preferences, and sign a Release of
Information for an updated police records check.
3. The assigned BBBS staff person is responsible for assuring that all necessary forms are
completed before a match is made.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Bluegrass. Inc.
Rematch Procedures:
1. The BBBS staff person must review the first intake and then seek any additional information
not contained in the original intake interview. Any volunteer who has been active in the
program for more than six months must meet with their BBBS staff person to complete a
Volunteer Update Form, match preferences, and sign a Release of Information for an updated
police records check. The BBBS staff person must indicate his/her recommendation for
rematching the volunteer on the form. This recommendation should be based on all
information available including the volunteer’s successes and challenges in all prior matches.
2. (Community Volunteers Only) A new home assessment should be completed with the
volunteer if the volunteer has moved since the prior match. Significant other forms may also
need to be completed if new people reside in the home.
3. (Community Volunteers Only) A copy of the current driver’s license and proof of automobile
insurance should be obtained and placed in the volunteer’s file.
4. The assigned BBBS staff person is responsible for assuring that all necessary forms are
completed before a rematch is made, according to existing policies/procedures, the same as a
new volunteer to the program.
Yearly Updating of Matched Volunteers:
1. The volunteer will complete the Volunteer Update Form at the annual SOR/POE meeting
with BBBS staff.
2. The volunteer is required to sign a Release of Information every two years for an updated
police records check. (Example: at the second annual POE meeting, the volunteer should
sign the Release of Information to be forwarded for a police records check. Repeated again
four years into the same match, and so forth).
3. A home assessment is required if the volunteer has moved since being matched and the home
assessment was not completed at the time of the move. This can be completed at the annual
SOR/POE meeting.
Policy and Procedures: Match
Big Brothers Big Sisters will allow cross gender matches in special cases if requested by the
child and parent or guardian and based on the assessment of the enrollment staff or program
Matching Process
Matching is a professional decision to be made by the professional program staff. A match
should be made with the primary purpose of meeting the needs of a particular child; however, as
possible, individual match preferences of volunteers should be respected. To start the matching
process in AIM in order to make the match active and move the match to the Match Support que,
go to the Matching tab and select either Match a Child or Match an Adult. Locate the child or
volunteer to be matched and search for an appropriate match. Once you’ve compared match
preferences, selecting Match’em will link the child and volunteer and allow staff to for further
explore match considerations and the match will show up as a Pending Match. Complete the
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Bluegrass. Inc.
Transmission information to justify why this match is being made. Consider those factors and
preferences identified by volunteers and children/families through respective interviews
including: similarity of proposed match parties in area of race, ethnic origin, religion, and socioeconomic background, compatibility of values and attitudes, mutuality of interests, geographic
proximity, special skills, interest of the child and special needs of the child, age preferences for
each match party. Several steps are required to make a match active, thereby placing it in the
Match Support queue. These include completing the introduction meeting, assigning a support
specialist and assigning a program.
Match Justification Process
1. Contact the volunteer and present information about the selected child to volunteer, for the
volunteer to approve or to not approve. If the volunteer does not approve, the matching
procedure begins again. Present information to the volunteer regarding the client’s age, sex,
race, hobbies, interests, religious requests (as applicable), summary of needs expectations for
match participation, and any anticipated problems the volunteer may encounter. The
volunteer’s approval or non-approval of a client should be recorded in the volunteer’s
communication log.
2. With the volunteer’s approval, present the volunteer’s information to the parent and child for
the parent and child to approve or not approve the volunteer. Present information to the
parent/child regarding the volunteers: age, sex, race, family status, education, hobbies,
interests, religious requests (as applicable), employment background, and motivation for
volunteering. If the parent and/or child does not approve the volunteer, the matching
procedure begins again. The child’s and parent’s/guardian’s approval or non-approval of the
volunteer should be documented in the child’s communication log.
3. With approval by the volunteer, parent, and child, the enrollment staff will then coordinator a
time to conduct the match meeting. The enrollment staff will notify all parties about the date
and time of the match meeting. The approval of each party as a match and the match
meeting date should be recorded in the communication log.
4. Schedule the match introduction meeting and enter in AIM, in the Intro Meeting field, enter
the date on which you will introduce the participants.
Making the Match – Community Program
The match date is generally an exciting yet nervous time, both for the volunteer and the child and
parent. The match specialist can facilitate the meeting by asking the volunteer to plan in advance
of the match date what, if any, activity he/she wants to do with the child after the match is made.
There is a great deal of flexibility available. Some volunteers only meet the child and then plan
an outing soon afterward. Another option is to meet the child and go out for a short time,
possibly for a soft drink or ice cream. Some volunteers who are more comfortable will plan a
complete outing for the first meeting. The match specialist can play an important role by
assessing how well the child can handle a short or long outing with the volunteer the first time
and should share their opinion with the volunteer as to type of outing, length of time and other
suggestions that may facilitate the initial match interaction. The match specialist should meet the
volunteer and accompany the volunteer to the child’s home.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Bluegrass. Inc.
The match specialist should make introductions, describe the format and purpose of the meeting,
review mutual interest between volunteer and child, have the parent sign the back of the match
card, and then exchange match cards and contact cards. Point out how match cards may be used
for discounts at participating merchants as well as for emergency medical treatment and that
birthdates and home phone numbers are on contact cards. Review the match agreement and have
volunteer, child and parent sign it, and remind parent of responsibility to know the activities the
match are engaged in. Remind the parent and volunteer of the required contact with the match
support specialist, and that it is their responsibility to contact the agency if they do not have a
phone or if the have a change of address or phone. See if there are any questions and state that
the match support specialist will contact all parties within 2 weeks to see how things are going,
with monthly contact thereafter. Allow volunteer and child to leave for outing, if planned.
Making the Match – School/Site Program
The match date is generally an exciting yet nervous time, both for the volunteer and the child and
parent. The parent should always be invited to the initial match meeting at the school or site and
encouraged to visit at other times the match meets during the year. The match specialist should
make introductions, describe the format and purpose of the meeting, review mutual interests
between the child and volunteer, review program rules regarding contact only being allowed at
the school/site, explain that no contact is allowed outside of the one hour mentoring session in
any capacity, unless prearranged by the BBBS professional staff, review the match agreement
and have volunteer and child sign it, and address any questions that the parent, volunteer, or
child may have. State that the match support specialist will need to meet with the volunteer and
the child each time they meet for their mentoring session at the school/site, and the match
support specialist will call the parent quarterly and remind parent of their responsibility to ask
their child about the mentoring activities they engage in. Remind the parent to notify the agency
of changes in address or phone numbers. Allow volunteer and child to leave (staying within
approved school areas) for their first session.
 Different match agreements are required for the community and school/site programs;
however, school-plus matches will complete the community match agreement.
 Big Brothers Big Sisters will cancel a match if any party refuses to sign the match agreement.
After the intro meeting has taken place, in AIM  Done. From the Match Detail – General tab,
select the All Paperwork Verified checkbox to indicate that all necessary paperwork has been
gathered and verified and the match agreement has been signed and added to the match file.
1. Select the match support specialist that the match will be assigned to and select the program
for this match.
2. Enter any changes to the Transmission Information identified during the match meeting.
3.  Active and then Click Save.
4. Document all match related communication in the communication log.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Bluegrass. Inc.
5. Immediately send an email to the assigned match support staff that the match was made and
forward the paper file to the Program Director or Regional Program Manager to be marked as
The volunteer and child are now in an Active Match, and can be found in the Match Support que.
To prevent skewing of SDM metrics, AIM does not allow back-dating dates like the match date.
AIM automatically assigns dates to these items at the time of entry. To record actual dates, you
can use the communication log, but all efforts should be made to enter the data in real-time and
data must be added within two workdays.
Match Supervision
Within First
Two Weeks
of the Match
During the
First Year
Required - Contact with
parent, child and volunteer
Required – Contact with the
parent or child is required
monthly and should
alternate as closely as
possible to every other
contact resulting in an equal
number of contacts over the
course of a year.
Required – Contact with the
volunteer is required
Contact after
the First
Couples Match – Contact
should alternate each month
between spouses or both
may be contacted monthly.
Required – Quarterly
contact with the parent,
child and volunteer is
Couples Match – Contact
should alternate each
quarter between spouses or
both may be contacted each
School or Site
Required - Contact with
child and volunteer at
each session
Required – Contact with
the parent is required
quarterly. (The annual
program outcome
evaluation will be
completed at the end of
the school year).
Required – Contact with
the volunteer and child
should be made and
documented at each
mentoring session.
Required – Contact with
the parent is required
quarterly. (The annual
program outcome
evaluation will be
completed at the end of
the school year).
The contact with
the volunteer and
child in the school
or site mentoring
program will
generally occur
every week with the
exception of an
absence of one
member of the
match or school
holidays and
See above
Required – Contact with
the volunteer and child
should be made and
documented at each
mentoring session.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Bluegrass. Inc.
1. Supervisory contact with the parent and child, in the community program, should occur
every other month, resulting in a minimum of six contacts with the parent and six contacts
with the child occurring over a one year period. Contacts with the parent and child should
alternate, as closely as possible from month to month, resulting in an equal number of
contacts over the course of the year. .
2. Contact may always be made more frequently than required, i.e. after the first year of the
match the match support staff may still wish to contact their matches once a month or every
two months, the parent and child may be contacted monthly during the first year of the
match, etc…
3. Monthly support contact may occur either via telephone, email, or in person. During these
contacts, questions should be asked by the match support staff to elicit information regarding
the quality of the match relationship, activities of the match, agency affiliation, child safety
and any concerns of the parent, volunteer and child should be addressed. (See recommended
match monitoring questions and quality contact definitions.)
4. Email contact will only count as a match support contact during the first year of the match
on a bi-monthly basis and only if quality contact areas are addressed. Emails will not count
as support contact for two consecutive months. Email contacts must be cut and pasted in to
the AIM communication log. Emails are encouraged as an additional communication tool to
regularly communicate upcoming activities or match opportunities.
(Revised 6/2008)
Match Monitoring
Each match support staff is responsible for maintaining contact and providing support to each
child, parent, and volunteer according to the required schedule. Documenting or recoding these
contacts is a crucial component of the match monitoring process. It provides a means of
documenting service delivery, continuity, a determination of patterns, accountability for funding,
staff/agency protection and liability, a means of self- assessment, and a supervisory tool.
1. Match support staff should use the Agency Information Management (AIM) system as a
means of documenting all communication and support contacts. AIM will prompt match
support staff to initiate contacts and evaluations. Quality documentation must address
activities, relationship development, child’s development or outcome indicators, agency
affiliation, child safety and concerns. Note: A sample match support contact and quality
rating sheet is located in the Forms Section of the Program Manual.
2. It is always preferable to make match contacts and evaluations early rather than behind
3. If the match support staff is unable to contact the volunteer, parent/guardian and/or child by
phone during a month when contact is due (with repeated contacts attempted), then the
volunteer or parent/guardian shall be contacted by mail and reminded of the obligation to
maintain contact with the match support staff. A letter should be sent during the month when
the contact is due. The letter should contain a date by which contact with the match support
staff is required. Each and every attempt at contact should be documented on in the AIM
communication log. Home visits may also be attempted in an effort to make contact with the
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Bluegrass. Inc.
4. If there is no contact between the match support staff and the volunteer, parent/guardian
and/or child by the date given in the letter, then contact shall be initiated by mail a second
time informing the person that the match is in danger of closure. Again, the letter should
contain a date by which contact is due with the match support staff. There should also be
repeated attempts of telephone contact being made during this time. Should the person fail to
make contact with the match support staff by the date given in the second letter, then steps
may be taken to close the match after discussion with the program manager/director.
5. Special circumstances will be considered at the discretion of the professional staff and the
program director.
6. A copy of the Big Brothers Big Sisters of America’s Standards of Practice for One-To-One
Service – Standard 18 shall be attached to the “no contact” letters mailed to volunteers and
Strength of Relationship (SOR) and Program Outcome Evaluation (POE)
3 Month
Required - Complete in person
Evaluation with the volunteer and child.
The volunteer portion should be
completed separately (in a
different meeting) from the
Goals should be set at this time
and a copy of the annual POE
form should be provided.
SOR/POE Required - Complete in person
Evaluation with all parties. The volunteer
portion should be completed
separately (in a different
(To be
completed meeting) from the parent/child.
each year.)
Couples Match – Both the
husband and wife will need to
complete the SORPOE at the
same time, in person.
Goals from the three-month
evaluation (or prior annual as
appropriate) should be reviewed
and revised, and any new goals
set for the next year.
School or Site
Required – Complete in person
with the volunteer.
Recommend in person contact
with the parent/child when
possible. Teacher’s evaluation
should also be elicited.
Goals should be set at this time
and a copy of the annual POE
form should be provided.
Required – Complete in person
with the volunteer.
Recommend in person contact
with the parent/child when
possible. Teacher’s evaluation
should also be elicited.
Will be completed at the end
of the school year, instead of
the match anniversary.
Goals from the three-month
evaluation (or prior annual as
appropriate) should be
reviewed and revised, and any
new goals set for the next year.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Bluegrass. Inc.
A match support
contact including
updated child safety
training must be
completed with the
parent, child, and/or
volunteer at each
SOR and/or POE
meeting and
documented in the
support contact.
A match support
contact including
updated child safety
training must be
completed with the
parent, child, and/or
volunteer at each
SOR and/or POE
meeting and
documented in the
support contact.
Parent and Volunteer
Questionnaire (Post
Match) should be
completed as part of
the annual evaluation.
The Strength of Relationship (SOR) is one of the key initiatives that Mentoring Programs has
developed to evaluate our overall service to matches (e.g., how we think about, coach, and guide
participants towards longer, stronger matches). The Child SOR and Volunteer SOR surveys
will provide an early indicator for the overall quality of matches by assessing the strength of
relationships between children and volunteers. These surveys will help to inform how we can
improve the quality of our services to matches agency-wide and help bring them closer to having
longer, stronger matches. The SOR process is based on the use of 2 distinct surveys, (one for the
Big and one for the Little) that are administered throughout the relationship. Each of the
questions is designed to capture data on one of the nine Relationship Qualities that have been
found to lead to the development of a match and predict the strength of a child and volunteer’s
relationship. These qualities include…
For the Child SOR: Coping, Disappointment, Safety, Importance, and Closeness.
For the Volunteer SOR: Connectedness, Frustration, Confidence, and Closeness.
The questions are scored on a five-point Likert scale. The results provide a clearer picture as to
the strength of the relationship qualities within each match, and insight into any potential areas
needing support in the match’s development. The wording of the questions is purposely
structured both positively and negatively to validate the responses. AIM is programmed with
these considerations and calculates reverse scoring for the appropriate questions. AIM can then
report on an average score for each of the nine relationship qualities, plus composite scores for
the Big and the Little.
Strength of Relationship (SOR) and Program Outcome Evaluations (POEs) must be completed as
scheduled; the SOR at the three-month anniversary of the match, at the SOR/POE at the annual
anniversary, and continued annually after that. The evaluation time allows for a reflection on the
match and to determine the benefits of programming.
1. The three-month and annual evaluations must be conducted in person with all parties for the
community program. For the school/site program, the evaluations must be completed in
person with the volunteer. It is recommended that the evaluations be completed in person
with the parent/child when possible; however, phone contact will be acceptable. Teacher
evaluations should also be solicited in the school program.
2. A match support contact is required when completing an evaluation with each party. Identify
any inappropriate activities, which may have been engaged in between the volunteer and the
child and look for inconsistency. Determine if the relationship is developing appropriately,
i.e., trust, friendship, and communication. Determine the level of satisfaction with the match
between all parties. A summary assessment should be documented for each participant
addressing regular contact, compatibility, following agency guidelines, should the match
continue for another year, and steps the match support staff need to address to help solve any
problems or resolve any situations..
3. Complete Parent and Volunteer Satisfaction Questionaires (Post Match) to provide an
opportunity for all parties to present problems which have occurred, including problems with
the match support staff or the agency. This is the time to correct misconceptions about the
purpose of the program.
4. Goals should be set by the parent and/or volunteer which will continue to develop the child’s
assets. Goals should be built around the POE indicators. Goals give a match direction, a
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Bluegrass. Inc.
volunteer purpose, and a child the help he/she needs. Goals require us to assess the needs of
the child and help us focus on what the volunteer can and desires to offer to the relationship.
Goals allow us to determine direction and show purpose and substance to supervision
contacts and match evaluations.(See POE Goals in the Forms Section for additional
explanation for goals and objectives.)
The match support staff should express in person his/her appreciation of the volunteer and
reinforce the positive impact he/she has had on the child’s life.
The match support staff must have all volunteers who renew their commitment for another
year to complete the Volunteer Update Form as part of the annual evaluation process. This
form will remain in the volunteer's file. Every two years, it is the match support staff’s
responsibility to have the volunteer sign a Release of Information for an updated police
records check.
Careful consideration should be given to responses regarding satisfaction with the match. A
concerted attempt should be made to discover any problems. Sometimes the participant
doesn’t want to complain, but unresolved problems can damage the developing relationship.
Indicate what response is desired from the match support staff to the identified problems. It
is important to provide follow up support as needed when problems are identified.
When completing the evaluation forms, the match support staff needs to ask and answer
every question. Particularly important is the need to assess the parent’s satisfaction and
comfort with the volunteer and to identify whether or not the parent appears to know what is
going on in the match, specifically regarding the activities and how the child is feeling about
the BB/BS. The parent should give approval for the goals.
Home Visits and Overnight Visits
Big Brothers Big Sisters will only allow a child matched in the community program to visit a
volunteer’s home under the following conditions:
1. No home visits are to be made to the volunteer’s home for the first month of the match.
2. No overnight visits are allowed until the end of the first year of the match and only after the
annual SOR/POE evaluation forms have been completed by all parties. Overnight activities
of the other nature such as camping, out of town visits involving overnights are also not
allowed for the first year of the match.
3. Home visits and overnight visits are only allowed at the discretion of the parent/guardian,
and the volunteer must have the parent’s/guardian’s expressed consent prior to each visit.
4. Match support staff should advise volunteers of the availability of the parent/release form for
day/overnight trips and recommend to volunteers that this form be signed. The match
support staff should provide 3 copies, one for the volunteer, one for the parent and one for
the match file upon request.
Transferring a Match from School to School-Plus or Community
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Bluegrass will allow school/site based matches to transfer into the
school-plus or community program where the match support staff deems appropriate and at the
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Bluegrass. Inc.
request of the parent, child, and volunteer. The volunteer will be required to complete any
additional screening requirements for the community program not completed as part of the
school/site based program, i.e. home assessment, significant other interviews, drivers license,
proof of insurance, etc.
As a school match relationship develops, the match parties may choose to transfer to another
BBBS program for additional match opportunities (ie. the match would like to participate in
community activities outside of school, a child is moving to a school with no BBBS school
program, etc.) When a school match support staff determines that a school match would like to
transfer to the school-plus or the community program, the school match support staff will explain
the school-plus (match will continue to primarily see each other at a school but may also
participate in community programs and will be supported as a community match) or the
community program to the volunteer, child and parent/guardian. If all parties agree to transfer
the match to either the school-plus or the community program, the school match support staff
will schedule a time to meet with each match participant to complete all required community
forms. An in-person visit with the parent will also need to be conducted in order to complete the
child update form including the home assessment. The school match support staff may need to
assist volunteers transferring to the school-plus program in a non-BBBS school by contacting the
school to determine a school contact, seek approval from the school, clarify the program and
school rules, and work out specific details like location and time to meet. The school match
support staff will schedule a time to transfer the match (to school-plus or community) with all
match parties and follow all community matching procedures. The school match support staff
will complete the “Transmission of Information From Enrollment to Support” in AIM.
The following additional forms are required to transfer a match from school to school-plus or
Child – community permission slip, community contract
Parent – community contract, in-person interview (child update form including a home
Volunteer - community contract, home assessment with significant other forms (if needed),
valid driver’s license, current proof of auto insurance, current criminal background check (must
be within six months of the new match date)
Match - community contract
Matches transferring from a school/site based program into the school-plus or community
program will follow the same program guidelines established for any new community matches
including match supervision schedule, daytime home visits, and overnight visits.
“Inactive” Match
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Bluegrass may make a match “inactive” if the match is not going
to be able to meet for mentoring for a period of time, i.e. college students going away for the
summer, school/site based matches who will not meet during the summer, but will resume the
next school year. Matches are placed in the “inactive” status at the discretion of the match
support staff. If a match is changed to “inactive”, then it will become the responsibility of the
parent/guardian to notify their BBBS match support staff if any attempt or actual contact occurs
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Bluegrass. Inc.
between the child and the volunteer while the match is inactive. The parent and volunteer should
be informed to contact their match support staff immediately when contact between the child and
the volunteer resumes and/or to notify the match support staff when contact is expected to
Tandem Match
A tandem match occurs when a Big Brother or Big Sister feels that their existing match has
matured to a point where they (the volunteer) can now take on the responsibility of an additional
Little Brother or Little Sister. The procedure for a volunteer to have a tandem match should
follow the guidelines below.
1. The match support staff should feel very confident in the volunteer’s ability to participate in
a tandem match and that both of the children can be well served by the volunteer.
2. The volunteer will have at least been matched a minimum of two (2) years with one child
before having a tandem match.
3. The volunteer process to have a tandem match requires the volunteer to complete the
required forms and steps as a volunteer being rematched. (Follow the Rematch Procedures)
4. Both matches will be handled independently of one another with the volunteer’s paperwork
being present in each file. Copies of the volunteer’s forms are required in each file.
5. The volunteer should be advised that the expectation of him/her is to give each child
individual time and not to do joint activities with both children.
6. The match supervision schedule for each party of a tandem match will be treated
individually. Example: volunteer matched with the first child is on a quarterly contact
schedule, and the volunteer’s match with the second child will be on the monthly contact
schedule (and the volunteer will be contacted monthly).
(Revised 2/2000)
Match Closure/Completion Procedures
Closure/completion is the formal process of ending the involvement of an agency with a match
relationship. A match may close because either party moves to a different geographical location,
by mutual request, by request of either party, when volunteer or client is unable to maintain or
does not maintain basic requirements and responsibilities of match or when the conduct of either
party jeopardizes integrity of the match to the extent that the relationship is rendered
unworkable. The following steps should be taken to close a match:
Contact all Match Parties: The match support staff must attempt to complete a closure
interview with all parties to determine the reason for closure, the positive and negative results of
the match on the child, the positive and negative results on the volunteer, whether or not the
child and volunteer would like to be rematched (or reengaged to help with fundraising, speakers
bureau, etc) and any obstacles to the child or volunteer being rematched with documentation if a
child or volunteer should not be rematched. If the parties are inaccessible, a letter should be sent
requesting they contact the match support staff to discuss their match experience. If the parties
do not respond to the written request for a closure interview, this must be document in the
communication log. The match support staff is responsible for informing each match participant
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Bluegrass. Inc.
of the date when the match will be officially closed. When applicable, send a letter indicating
closure of the match to parent and child and/or volunteer. The match support staff will also
determine if either the child or the volunteer wishes to be rematched or reengaged in some other
way. If so, the participant should be informed of the required updating procedures and, when
possible, an appointment to begin this process should be scheduled.
Document Match Closure: Document attempts to contact parties, closure conversations and
any written correspondence sent to each party in the communication log. Keep a copy of any
written correspondence in the file or cut and past it in to the communication log. In AIM, change
the match status to RED and in the match “Notes” box record the reason for closure and whether
or not the child and volunteer would like to be rematched or reengaged (note: the staff and
program the participant should be assigned). Forward the entire match file to the assigned
supervisor to be closed in AIM. The supervisor will complete the closure in AIM and separate
the match file by removing the volunteer’s information (section two only). If both the child and
volunteer are to be closed, their separated files must be sent to the Lexington office to be stored
in the file room. If both parties will be rematched, their separated files will be forwarded to the
appropriate staff for updating. If only the volunteer or only the child will be rematched, their
separated files should be forwarded to the appropriate staff for update or to the Lexington office
to be stored. In AIM, if a person wants to be rematched after their match is completed, the
supervisor must open the individual records to assign the child or volunteer to the appropriate
program staff.
Child Safety
Big Brothers Big Sisters will report any suspected case of physical or sexual abuse to Child
Protective Services.
Big Brothers Big Sisters will suspend a match where an allegation of sexual abuse is made
against the Big Brother or Big Sister pending the outcome of any investigation by appropriate
authorities. Letters explaining this suspension will be mailed to all parties involved. Big
Brothers Big Sisters will be available in a supportive role for the child and parent after a
report of alleged sexual abuse is made.
Big Brothers Big Sisters retains the right to close any match where information related to the
nature or quality of the BB/LB or BS/LS relationship is contrary to the stated intent and
purpose of the program, or, by staff assessment, is considered to potentially have a negative
impact on the child’s healthy development. Violation of any of the aforementioned rules will
result in termination of the match.
Refer to the “Crisis Management and Communications Guide” for addition child safety
requirements and guidelines located in the Annual Board Handbook.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Bluegrass. Inc.
Policy and Procedures: Activities
Big Brothers Big Sisters will allow community groups and organizations to provide
sponsored activities/parties for children in the program if: a) the activity is offered in the
BBBS building, b) the organization has reputation for being reliable, and c) no transportation
of children by the organization’s members is involved unless staff is present in the vehicle.
Activities sponsored by other organizations away from the BBBS building will be considered
on an individual basis. A staff member must be present at all outside activities.
Escapades Policies
Escapades is a program offered by Big Brothers/Big Sisters of the Bluegrass for the many boys
and girls who are waiting to be matched to a Big Brother or Big Sister. With a waiting list of
over 200 Littles, many kids wait as long as two years to be matched. During this waiting period,
participation in Escapades broadens their social, educational, and cultural skills.Escapades
consists of scheduled group outings. Screened volunteers are responsible for no more than four
children. The volunteers may provide transportation to the activity from the agency and back to
the agency.
1. Children ages 6 to 13 who are currently on a Big Brothers/ Big Sisters waiting list are
eligible to participate in the Escapades program. Friends, siblings, cousins, etc., are excluded
unless they are also on a waiting list.
2. Parent/guardian will need to sign an Escapades permission slip and parent contract before
their child will be able to participate in an activity. Permission slips for each activity will
also need to be signed by parent/guardian when bringing child to building.
3. Children will also be required to sign a Littles contract containing the guidelines, rules and
4. Parent/guardian will need to provide transportation to and from the agency unless written
permission for another party has been submitted and approved of by a staff member.
5. If the rules of the contract are not followed, the BBBS program staff will speak with the
parent/guardian and child to discuss the problem area and desirable outcome. If behavior is
inappropriate or unsafe, then the child can be denied the opportunity to attend future
Escapades activities.
6. To reserve a spot for an activity, the parent/guardian may call the BBBS office. These dates
will be noted in the newsletter.
7. Only children whose names appear on a list for the activity will be able to attend. To insure
that each child has ample opportunity to participate in an activity, the parent/guardian must
call during the designated time.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Bluegrass. Inc.
8. Each activity list will be comprised on a first come-first serve basis. If there are more
children than space available, a priority list will be established for the next outing.
9. Parent/guardian must cancel at least 24 hours in advance if child is unable to attend requested
activity. If a child fails to attend a registered activity without sufficient notice or reason,
requests for next event may be denied.
10. Each activity will be structured based upon the number of scheduled volunteers and staff in
relation to the number of children allowed to attend an event, insuring that groups of children
will have appropriate supervision.
11. Children will not be allowed to bring money to outings unless otherwise stated.
12. Prior to a child attending an Escapades activity, the parent/guardian must be fully aware of
the nature of Escapades programming, guidelines and rules through the Child’s Orientation.
Escapade Volunteers
Escapades volunteers are those volunteers who agree to go with staff and waiting list children on
activities organized by the staff.
1. The screening procedure used with volunteers who are matched one-to-one will be used with
volunteers who participate in Escapades. Only those volunteers who have completed the
screening process will be able to participate in Escapades activities.
2. Escapades volunteers will complete the application, submit three references (a fourth if prior
volunteer experience), sign a Release of Information for a police records check, and sign a
confidentiality form.
3. Escapades volunteers will receive an orientation and training to become familiar with
Escapade guideline.
4. Escapades volunteers will complete an interview with BBBS program staff.
5. Escapades volunteers must submit a valid driver’s license and proof of current auto
6. Escapades volunteers are not required to have a home assessment. Significant others in the
volunteer’s home are not required to complete the Significant Other Interview forms. Match
preferences will not be required for the Escapades volunteer.
7. Volunteers will be required to sign an Escapades Volunteer Contract.
8. Escapades volunteers are asked to commit to be available to attend monthly activities for a
minimum of six months.
9. Escapades volunteers are restricted from contact with children outside of the organized
activities that staff plan and supervises.
10. Volunteers will be responsible for transporting children to activities from the BBBS office
and back. Big Brothers/Big Sisters of the Bluegrass will not be responsible for any fines
incurred by a driver engaging in a parking or moving violation.
11. Escapades volunteers who request to transfer to the community or school based program will
complete the required update procedures for a waiting volunteer, and complete any required
forms not initially completed in the screening process.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Bluegrass. Inc.
12. Escapades volunteers will complete an update form annually and have an update police
records check every two years by signing the Release of Information.
13. If an Escapades volunteer does not attend an Escapades outing at least quarterly, then the
volunteer may be closed out of the program at staff discretion.
WKYT-TV “Be A Friend” Procedures
The following procedures should be completed when arranging “Be A Friend” taping sessions:
1. The BBBS program staff should select a child or a match who is capable of responding to the
2. Complete the information sheet for “Be A Friend” which includes a permission slip. Arrange
with parent/guardian to pick child up for filming.
3. Contact the television station representative to discuss possible filming sites.
4. Make all related arrangements for filming, i.e. contacting filming site for permission,
arranging for props, etc.
5. If child is to be picked up at school, check early in the day with the school to ensure that
parent has authorized the child’s pick up by BBBS program staff.
6. Send thank you letter as appropriate to filming site contacts.
Policy and Procedures: Other Program Policies
Program Supervision
The Program Director and Regional Program Managers are responsible for monitoring the
performance metrics for program staff. The following schedule of Performance Management
Reviews will be adhered.
1. Performance Management Reviews - The Program Director will complete monthly
performance management reviews with each employee. After program staff have been
employed for six months, performance reviews may become bi-monthly if an employee is
consistently maintaining a higher than average performance metrics review as determined by
agency goals and standards. Performance reviews may be completed more frequently as
needed. Performance reviews will consist of reviewing for quality documentation in the
enrollment process and the match support case recordings to assure compliance with the
agency and BBBBSA standards.
2. New Match Files – New match files will have case review file sheets completed by the
Program Director or Regional Program Manager before the match is made. Any deficiencies
will be noted, and will be checked for correction at an upcoming performance review by the
Program Director.
3. The Program Director will be responsible for completing AIM Quality Reviews including
assessment tools for enrollment and match support. At least 5% of open matches will be
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Bluegrass. Inc.
Other Casework Review
1. The Program Director and Executive Director are available to discuss any potential volunteer
or child for approval or for rejection. It is the professional decision of the program staff to
elicit input when considering an individual for acceptance into the program.
2. The program staff bears final responsibility for the selection of a child and volunteer for the
match, the Program Director is available for consultation as needed.
3. Program staff is responsible for obtaining, compiling, and presenting information for client
and volunteer intakes according to the required format.
4. The program staff should keep the Program Director and/or Executive Director apprised of
any concerns related to the match or situations in a child or volunteer’s home that may cause
the agency concern or an issue of liability.
Volunteer and Intern Staff in Case Management Roles
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Bluegrass will consider accepting university volunteer and intern
staff on an individual basis. Requests by students should be made the semester prior to the
semester in which the student wishes to do the placement.
1. Students will go through an interview process that includes: employment application, sign a
confidentiality form, proof of higher education experience thus far, criminal records check,
submit three references and an interview like that of an individual wishing to secure paid
2. The actual student interview will include the following information: agency overview that
reviews child/family and volunteer intake and process, matching and monitoring procedures,
special activities, fund raising and funding, structure of the agency, student responsibilities,
personnel policies, and case scenarios and response of student.
3. Students will be selected on their ability to respond appropriately to different case scenarios.
Students should be accepting of different populations and people and accepting of each
individuals intrinsic self worth.
4. Students will need to be able to work at least one night a week and one weekend a month in
order to observe and participate in orientations and trainings and assist with agency
5. If a student is accepted by the agency, then student will agree to undergo an illegal drug
6. Students will adhere to all agency personnel policies regarding employment, supervision,
evaluation, and termination like that of a paid employee. The executive director will be
responsible for providing oversight for these functions.
7. Students will be interviewed, selected, supervised and terminated by the program director
and/or the executive director. Agency program staff will work with students on a daily basis
regarding service delivery, and program staff are responsible for notifying the program
director and/or executive director of any concerns or problems regarding the student.
Students who are accepted in a volunteer and intern role will be trained in case management
services by the following procedures:
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Bluegrass. Inc.
1. Reading and review of the Annual Corporation meeting handbook that includes all
personnel policies.
2. Reading and review of the program manual.
3. Reading and review of agency red flag screening and documentation.
4. Observing child orientation and child safety training.
5. Observing volunteer orientation and training.
6. Observing child assessments/intakes.
7. Observing volunteer interviews.
8. Going with program staff on child/family and volunteer home visits.
9. Reading child and volunteer files
10. Observing match preparations and meetings.
11. Observing match monitoring supervision, support, and evaluation.
12. Observing school mentoring meetings.
Students will be expected to be accountable to perform certain tasks during their internship to
ensure a positive learning experience. Some of those expectations include:
1. Observe three child intakes and home visits.
2. Observe three volunteer interviews with home assessments.
3. Observe three match meetings.
4. Observe three days of school mentoring.
5. Observe three volunteer orientations and trainings.
6. Complete a volunteer orientation with a professional staff member present.
7. Attend two agency activities planned by professional staff.
8. Plan and attend one activity with program staff.
9. Assist with one recruiting activity.
10. Attend one board meeting.
11. Attend one staff meeting.
12. Observe a United Way function, i.e. fund raising rally or allocation committee request.
13. Maintain a weekly log of hours worked and their activities/experiences and submit at the
end of the week to the program director.
14. Submit weekly tentative schedules to the program director.
15. Seek the supervision of program director and/or executive director whenever necessary.
Minimally, meet with the program director for a private meeting to discuss agency
activities and learning experiences once per week.
Students will always be required to have professional staff oversight on all activities within the
All service delivery, from intake to closure, requires professional staff decisions.
Big Brothers/Big Sisters Board of Directors sets the maximum caseload size for a full-time
Match Support Specialist at 100, a part-time (30 hrs/wk) Match Support Specialist at 75, and
a full-time School Case Manager at 65, with a 10% variable increase in caseload size with
approval of the program director and executive director.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Bluegrass. Inc.
Big Brothers Big Sisters Board of Directors accepts and approves the policies and procedures
outlined in the agency program manual as the operating policy and procedure for the agency.
The Board of Directors requires staff to follow all specified policies and procedures outlined
in the program manual, exceptions to be approved by the executive director and program
Exceptions to any of the above policies can be made, subject to the assessment of the
professional staff, and approval of the program director and the executive director.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Bluegrass. Inc.