MODERNISATION AND EXPANSION OF INDIAN TIDE GAUGE NETWORK ALONG INDIAN OCEAN AND ISLANDS FOR DISASTER MANAGEMENT: Tidal data will provide a basic tool for various scientific studies related to sea level variations and crustal movements and Survey of India provides accurate tidal predictions for safe commercial navigation, sea level development work and for strategic planning with our traditional Indian tidal network. Survey of India takes the initiative to modernize the Tide gauge stations during 10th and 11th Plan and Prepare a plan Scheme “Modernization and expansion of Indian Tide Gauge network with special reference to storm Surge Modelling and Tsunami Warning System”. Objective: For Tsunami warning and other applications. Achievement: Survey of India has equipped the 30 nos. out of 36 Tide gauge stations with digital tide gauges co-located with GPS receiver to monitor sea level variation and crustal movement. Real time data communication facilities have been established at National Tidal Data Centre, Dehradun as well as at several remote locations along Indian coastline and Islands. Tidal data received from the remote locations is being analyzed in real time at National Tidal Data Centre, Dehradun. This data is also being mirrored to National Tsunami Warning Center, INCOIS, Hyderabad on real time for further analysis and issuance of alert/ warning in case of extreme events like tsunami and storm surges taking place in the region. This will facilitate timely evacuation of public from tsunami and storm surge hit areas. Compiled from AddlSG’s Conference August 2014