Transitional Justice Network, University of Essex
Books and Reports
Ackerman, Bruce, The Future of Liberal Revolution (Yale: Yale University Press, 1992)
Bass, Gary Jonathan, Stay the Hand of Vengeance: The Politics of War Crimes Tribunals (Princeton:
Princeton University Press, 2002)
Elster, Jon, Closing the Books: Transitional Justice in Historical Perspective (Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 2004)
Elster, Jon, ‘Moral Dilemmas of Transitional Justice’, in Practical Conflicts: New Philosophical Essays,
ed. by Peter Baumann & Monika Betzler (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004), pp. 279294.
Govier, Trudy, Forgiveness and Revenge (London: Routledge, 2002)
Griswold, Charles L., Forgiveness: A Philosophical Exploration (New York: Cambridge University Press,
Hayner, Priscilla, Unspeakable Truths: Facing the Challenges of Truth Commissions (London:
Routledge, 2002)
Ignatieff, Michael, The Warrior's Honor: Ethnic War and the Modern Conscience (New York: Owl
Books, 1997)
Kritz, Neil, ‘Where We Are and How We Got Here: An Overview of Developments in the Search for
Justice and Reconciliation’ in The Legacy of Abuse ed. by Alice H. Henkin (New York: the Aspen
Institute, 2002)
May, Larry, War Crimes and Just War (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2007)
Meredith, Martin, Coming to Terms: South Africa's Search for Truth (New York: Public Affairs, 1999)
Minow, Martha, Between Vengeance and Forgiveness: Facing History after Genocide and Mass
Violence (US: Beacon Press, 1998)
Murphy, Jeffrie G., Getting Even: Forgiveness and its Limits (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003)
Nino, Carlos Santiago. ‘Punishment as a Response to Human Rights Violation: A Global Perspective’,
in Radical Evil on Trial (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1996), pp. 3-41
Philpott, Daniel, The Politics of Past Evil: Religion, Reconciliation, and the Dilemmas of Transitional
Justice (Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 2006)
Ratner, Steven R. and Jason S. Abrams, Accountability for Human Rights Atrocities in International
Law: Beyond the Nuremberg Legacy (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997)
Rethinking the Rule of Law after Communism, ed. by Adam Czarnota, Martin Krygier and Wojciech
Sadurski (Budapest, NY, Central European: University Press, 2005)
Teitel, Ruti, Transitional Justice (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001)
Transitional Justice in the Twenty-First Century: Beyond Truth versus Justice, ed. by Roht-Arriaza,
Naomi, and Javier Mariezcurrena (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2006)
Truth v. Justice: The Morality of Truth Commissions, ed. by Robert I. Rothberg and Dennis Thompson
(Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2000)
Thucydides, History of the Peloponnesian War
Akhavan, Payam, ‘Are International Criminal Tribunals a Disincentive to Peace?: Reconciling Judicial
Romanticism with Political Realism’, Human Rights Quarterly, 31.3 (2009), 624-654
Arthur, Paige, ‘How “Transitions” Reshaped Human Rights: A Conceptual History of Transitional
Justice’, Human Rights Quarterly, 31.2 (2009), 321-367
Bell, Christine, ‘Transitional Justice, Interdisciplinarity and the State of the ‘Field’ or ‘Non-Field’,
International Journal of Transitional Justice, 3.1 (2009), 5-27
Fletcher, Laurel E., Harvey M. Weinstein and Jamie Rowen, ‘Context, Timing, and the Dynamics of
Transitional Justice: A Historical Perspective’, Human Rights Quarterly, 31.1 (2009), 163-220
Eisikovits, Nir, ‘Transitional Justice’, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (2009)
Glasius, Marlies, ‘What is Global Justice and who decides? Civil Society and Victim Responses to the
International Criminal Court’s First Investigations’, Human Rights Quarterly, 31.2 (2009), 496-520
Gready, Paul, ‘Reconceptualising Transitional Justice: Embedded and Distanced Justice’, Conflict,
Security and Development, 5.1 (2005), 3-21
Kritz, Neil, ‘Accountability for International Crimes and Serious Violations of Human Rights: Coming
to Terms with Atrocities: A Review of Accountability Mechanisms for Mass Violations of Human
Rights’, Law and Contemporary Problems, 59.4 (1996), 127-152
Leebaw, Bronwyn Anne, ‘The Irreconcilable Goals of Transitional Justice’, Human Rights Quarterly,
30.1 (2008), 95-118
McEvoy, Kieran, ‘Letting Go of Legalism: Developing a ‘Thicker’ Version of Transitional Justice’,
Journal of Law and Society, 34.4 (2007), 411-440
Mendez, Juan, ‘Accountability for Past Abuses’, Human Rights Quarterly, 19.2 (1997), 255-282
Orentlicher, Diane F., ‘Settling Accounts Revisited: Reconciling Global Norms and Local Agency’,
International Journal of Transitional Justice, 1.1 (2007), 10-22
Orentlicher, Diane F., ‘Settling Accounts: The Duty to Prosecute Human Rights Violations of a Prior
Regime’, Yale Law Journal, 100.8 (1991), 2537-2615
Peskin, Victor, ‘Beyond Victor's Justice? The Challenge of Prosecuting the Winners at the
International Criminal Tribunals for the Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda’, Journal of Human Rights,
4.2 (2005), 213-231
Teitel, Ruti, ‘Transitional Jurisprudence: The Role of Law in Political Transformation’, Yale Law
Review, 106.7 (1997), 2009-2080
Teitel, Ruti, ‘Transitional Justice Genealogy’, Harvard Human Rights Journal, 16 (2003), 69–94
Teitel, Ruti, ‘Transitional Justice Globalized’, International Journal of Transitional Justice, 2.1 (2008),
Books and Reports
Coming Home: Understanding why Commanders of the Lord’s Resistance Army Choose to Return to a
Civilian Life (Conciliation Resources and Quaker Peace and Social Witness, 2006)
Nalepa, Monika, Skeletons in the Closet: Transitional Justice in Post-Communist Europe (New York:
Cambridge University Press, 2010)
Olsen, Tricia D., Leigh A. Payne and Andrew G. Reiter, Transitional Justice in Balance: Comparing
Processes, Weighing Efficacy (Washington DC: United States Institute of Peace Press, forthcoming,
June 10, 2010)
Pham, Phuong, and others, Forgotten Voices: A Population-Based Survey on Attitudes about Peace
and Justice in Northern Uganda (ICTJ and Human Rights Center, University of California Berkeley,
Pham, Phuong, and others, So We Will Never Forget: A Population-Based Survey on Attitudes about
Social Reconstruction and the Extraordinary Chambers of the Courts of Cambodia (Human Rights
Center, University of California Berkeley, 2009)
Samset, Ingrid, Stina Petersen and Vibeke Wang, Maintaining the Process: Aid to Transitional Justice
in Rwanda and Guatemala, 1995-2005 (Bonn, Working Group on Development and Peace, 2007),
Vinck, Patrick, and others, Living with Fear: A Population-Based Survey on Attitudes about Peace,
Justice and Social Reconstruction in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (Human Rights Center,
University of California Berkeley, Payson Center and ICTJ, 2008)
Lie, Tove Grete, Helga Malmin Binningsbø, and Scott Gates, ‘Post-Conflict Justice and Sustainable
Peace’, World Bank Policy Research Working Papers, (2007)
Olsen, Tricia D., Leigh A. Payne and Andrew G. Reiter, ‘The Justice Balance: When Transitional Justice
Improves Human Rights and Democracy’, Human Rights Quarterly, (forthcoming November 2010)
Pham, Phuong and Patrick Vinck, ‘Empirical Research and the Development and Assessment of
Transitional Justice Mechanisms’ International Journal of Transitional Justice, 1.2 (2007), 231-248
Thoms, Oskar, James Ron and Roland Paris, ‘Does Transitional Justice Work? Perspectives from
Empirical Social Science’ SSRN Working Paper, (2008)
Books and Reports
Alexander, James, A Scoping Study of Transitional Justice and Poverty Reduction, (London:
Department for International Development, 2003)
Clark, Phil and others, Justice for Apartheid Crimes: Corporations, States and Human Rights (Oxford:
Oxford Transitional Justice Research, 2009)
Transitional Justice and Development: Making Connections, ed. by Pablo de Greiff and Roger Duthie
(New York, Social Science Research Council, 2009)
Bohoslavsky, Juan Pablo and Veerle Opgenhaffen, ‘The Past and Present of Corporate Complicity:
Financing the Argentinean Dictatorship’, Harvard Human Rights Journal, 23 (forthcoming, 2009)
Carranza, Ruben, ‘Plunder and Pain: Should Transitional Justice Engage with Corruption and
Economic Crimes?, International Journal of Transitional Justice, 2.3 (2008), 310-330
Gray, David C., ‘Devilry, Complicity, and Greed: Transitional Justice and Odious Debt’, Law &
Contemp. Probs., 70 (2007), 137-164
Duthie, Roger, ‘Towards a development-sensitive approach to transitional justice’, International
Journal of Transitional Justice, 2.3 (2008), 292-309
Herz, David, ‘The Liberalizing Effects of Tort: How Corporate Complicity Liability Under the Alien Tort
Statute Advances Constructive Engagement’, Harvard Human Rights Journal, 20 (2008), 207-240
Laplante, Lisa J., ‘Transitional Justice and Peace Building: Diagnosing and Addressing the
Socioeconomic Roots of Violence through a Human Rights Framework’, International Journal of
Transitional Justice, 2.3 (2008), 331-355
Mani, Rama, ‘Dilemmas of Expanding Transitional Justice, or Forging the Nexus between Transitional
Justice and Development’, International Journal of Transitional Justice, 2.3 (2008), 253-265
Michalowski, Sabine and Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky, ‘Ius cogens, transitional justice and other trends of
the debate on odious debts - A Response to the World Bank Discussion Paper on Odious Debts’,
Columbia Journal of Transnational Law, 48 (forthcoming 2010) 61-120
Miller, Zinaida, ‘Effects of invisibility: in search of the ‘economic’ in transitional justice’, International
Journal of Transitional Justice, 2.3 (2008), 266-291
Muvingi, Ismael, ‘Sitting on powder kegs: socioeconomic rights in transitional societies’,
International Journal of Transitional Justice, 3.2 (2009) 163-182
Women and Gender
Books and Reports
Carlson, Khristopher, Feinstein International Center, Tufts University, USA: Local and National
accountability in northern Uganda: female children & youth within the LRA
Franke, Katherine, ‘Gendered Subjects of Transitional Justice’ Columbia Journal of Gender & Law,
15.3 (2006), 813-828
Kelli Muddell, ‘Sexual Minorities Study: LGBT Issues and Transitional Justice’ International Center for
Transitional Justice, (2006).
Rooney, Eilish, ‘Engendering Transitional Justice: Questions of Absence and Silence', Journal of Law
in Context, 3 (2007), 173-187
Rooney, Elish and Fionnuala D. Ni Aolain, ‘Underenforcement and Instersectionality: Gendered
Aspects of Transition for Women’ International Journal of Transitional Justice, 1 (2007), 338-354
Valji, Nahla, ‘Gender, Justice and Reconciliation’ Dialogue on Globalization Occasional Paper, 35
(2007), 1-21
What Happened to the Women? Gender and Reparations for Human Rights Violations, ed. Ruth
Rubio (New York, Social Science Research Council, 2006)
Conference Papers and Presentations
Kelli Muddell, Hidden Histories & Marginalized Victims: The Role of Transitional Justice in Providing
Truth and Accountability to LGBT Victims of Violence, in Annual Meeting of the ISA's 50th Annual
Convention "Exploring the Past, Anticipating the Future", Feb. 15, 2009, New York. International
Studies Association.
Books and Reports
Smith, Alan, Children, Education and Reconciliation (Ulster University and UNESCO Chair in Education
for Pluralism, Human Rights and Democracy)
Journal Articles
Carlson, Christopher and Dyan Mazurana, ‘Forced Marriage within the Lord’s Resistance Army,
Uganda’, Feinstein International Center, Tufts University, (2008), 1-70
Cohn, Ilene, ‘U.N. Efforts to Promote Child-Conscious Peacemaking and Peacekeeping: A Step toward
Improving the Lives of War-Affected Children’ Ohio St. J. on Disp. Resol., 20 (2005), 99-111
Feliciati, Clara Chapdelaine, ‘Restorative Justice for the Girl Child in Post-Conflict Rwanda’, Journal of
International Women's Studies, 7. 4 (2006), 14-35
Park, Augustine S. J., ‘“Other Inhumane Acts”: Forced Marriage, Girl Soldiers and the Special Court
for Sierra Leone’ Social Legal Studies, 15 (2006), 315-337
Reis, Chen, ‘Trying the Future, Avenging the Past: The Implications of Prosecuting Children for
Participation in Internal Armed Conflict’ Columbia Hum. Rts. L. Rev., 28 (1996-1997), 625-656
Shepler, Susan, ‘The Rites of the Child: Global Discourses of Youth and Reintegrating Child Soldiers in
Sierra Leone’ Journal of Human Rights, 4 (2005), 197–211
Simic, Olivera, ‘What Remains of Srebrenica? Motherhood, Transitional Justice, and Yearning for the
Truth’, Journal of International Women’s Studies, 10.4 (2009), 220-236
Conference Papers and Presentations
Kanakuze, Jeanne d’Arc, and Rose Mukantabana, Children Youth and Gender in Rwanda Context, in
UNICEF Expert Meeting on Children “Expert Meeting on Children in Transitional Justice”, June 12-13,
2008, Florence. UNICEF.
International Organisations Documents and Legal Instruments
European Union. Council of the European Union. EU Comprehensive Approach to the European
Union Implementation of UN Security Council Resolutions 1325 & 1820 on Women, Peace & Security.
Brussels: European Union, 2008.
UNICEF. Innocenti Research Centre. Expert Discussion on CHILDREN AND TRANSITIONAL JUSTICE.
Florence: UNICEF, 2008.
United Nations. Security Council. UN Resolution 1882 on Children and Armed Conflict. New York:
United Nations, 2009.
Books and Reports
Ames, Rolando Amex and Felix Reátegui, ‘Toward Systemic Social Transformation: Truth
Commissions and Development’, in Transitional Justice and Development: Making Connections, ed.
by Pablo de Greiff and Roger Duthie (New York: Social Science Research Council, 2009), pp. 142-169
Barsalou, Judy and Victoria Baxter, ‘The Urge to Remember: The Role of Memorials in Social
Reconstruction and Transitional Justice’, in Stabilization and Reconstruction Series, 5 (2007)
Bickford, Louis, ‘Memoryscapes’ in The Art of Truth-Telling after Authoritarian Rule, ed. by Ksenija
Bilbija and others (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2005)
Cassel, Douglas, ‘The Inter-American Court of Human Rights’ in Victims Unsilenced: The InterAmerican Human Rights System and Transitional Justice in Latin America (Washington: Due Process
of Law Foundation, 2007), pp. 151-166.
Cruvellier, Thierry, From the Taylor Trial to a Lasting Legacy: Putting the Special Court Model to the
Test (New York: International Center for Transitional Justice and Sierra Leone Court Monitoring
Programme, 2009)
Dexter, Tracy and Philippe Ntahombaye, The Role of Informal Justice Systems in Fostering the Rule of
Law in Post-Conflict Situations: The Case of Burundi (Geneva and New York: Human Dialogue Report,
Drumbl, Mark A., Atrocity, Punishment and International Law (New York: Cambridge University
Press, 2007)
Freeman, Michael, Truth Commissions and Procedural Fairness (Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 2006)
Hall, Cristopher, ‘New Uses for an Old Tool’ in Justice for Crimes against Humanity, ed. by Mark
Lattimer and Philippe Sands (London: Hart, 2003), pp. 47-71
Hayner, Priscilla. Negotiating Peace in Sierra Leone: Confronting the Justice Challenge (Geneva and
New York: Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue and the International Center for Transitional Justice,
Kritz, Neil, ‘Where We Are and How We Got Here: An Overview of Developments in the Search for
Justice and Reconciliation’ in The Legacy of Abuse ed. by Alice H. Henkin (New York: the Aspen
Institute, 2002)
Mallinder, Louis, Amnesty, Human Rights and Political Transitions: Bridging the Peace and Justice
Divide (Oxford: Hart, 2008)
Moon, Claire, Narrating Political Reconciliation: South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission
(US: Lexington Books, 2009)
Naidu, Ereshnee, The Ties That Bind: Strengthening the Links Between Memorialisation and
Transitional Justice (Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation, 2006)
Nalepa, Monika, Skeletons in the Closet: Transitional Justice in Post-Communist Europe (New York:
Cambridge University Press, 2010)
Nino, Carlos Santiago. ‘Punishment as a Response to Human Rights Violation: A Global Perspective’,
in Radical Evil on Trial (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1996), pp. 3-41
Peskin, Victor, International Justice in Rwanda and the Balkans: Virtual Trials and the Struggle for
State Cooperation (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008)
Posel, Dborah and Graeme Simpson, “The Power of Truth: South Africa’s TRC in Context” in
Commissioning the Past: Understanding South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
(Johannesburg, Witwatersrand University Press, 2002)
Post-conflict justice, ed. by Mahmoud Cherif Bassiouni (New York: Transnational Publishers, 2002)
Reparations for Victims of Genocide, War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity: Systems in Place and
Systems in the Making, ed. by Carla Ferstman, Mariana Goetz and Alan Stephens (The Netherlands:
Brill, 2009)
Sandoval, Clara, Ruth Rubio-Marin and Catalina Diaz, “Repairing Family Members: Gross Human
Rights Violations and Communities of Harm” in The Gender of Reparations, ed. by Ruth Rubio-Marin
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009), pp. 215-290.
Sandoval, Clara, The Concepts of ‘Injured Party’ and ‘Victim’ of Gross Human Rights Violations in the
Jurisprudence of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights: A Commentary on their Implications for
Reparations" in Reparations for Victims of Genocide, Crimes against Humanity and War Crimes:
Systems in Place and Systems in the Making, ed. by Carla Ferstman, A Stephens, and Mariana Goetz
and Alan Stephens (The Netherlands: Brill, 2009)
Scharf, Michael P. and Nigel Rodley, “International Law Principles on Accountability” in Post-Conflict
Justice, International and Comparative Criminal Law Series, ed. by M Cheriff Bassiouni (Ardsley:
Transnational Publishers, 2001), pp. 89-96.
Shelton, Diane, Remedies in International Human Rights Law (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005)
Transitional Justice in the Twenty-First Century: Beyond Truth versus Justice, ed. by Roht-Arriaza,
Naomi, and Javier Mariezcurrena (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2006)
Truth and Reconciliation in South Africa: Did the TRC deliver?, ed. by Audrey R. Chapman and Hugo
Van der Merwe (US, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2008)
Akhavan, Payam, ‘Are International Criminal Tribunals a Disincentive to Peace?: Reconciling Judicial
Romanticism with Political Realism’, Human Rights Quarterly, 31.3 (2009), 624-654
Bickford, Louis, ‘Unofficial Truth Projects’, Human Rights Quarterly, 29.4 (2007), 994–1035
Dickinson, Laura, ‘The Promise of Hybrid Courts’, American Journal of International Law, 97 (2003),
Evans, Rebecca, ‘Pinochet in London – Pinochet in Chile: International and Domestic Politics in
Human Rights Policy’, Human Rights Quarterly, 28.1 (2006), 207-244.
Magarrell, Lisa, ‘Reparations in Theory and Practice’, Reparative Justice Series, (2007)
Magarell, Lisa and Suliman Baldo, ‘Reparations and the Darfur Peace Process: Ensuring Victims'
Rights’, Reparative Justice Series, (2007) <>
Mendez, Juan E., ‘Accountability for Past Abuses’, Human Rights Quarterly, 19.2 (1997), 255-282
Nalepa, Monika, ‘Punish All Perpetrators or Protect the Innocent? Comparing Systems of Transitional
Justice’, Journal of Theoretical Politics, 20.2 (2008), 221-245
O’Keefe, Roger, ‘Universal Jurisdiction: Clarifying the Basic Concept’, Journal of International
Criminal Justice, 2.3 (2004), 735-760
Oko, Okechukwu, ‘The Challenges of International Criminal Prosecutions in Africa’, Fordham
International Law Journal, 31.2 (2007 – 2008), 343-414
Orentlicher, Diane F., ‘Settling Accounts: The Duty to Prosecute Human Rights Violations of a Prior
Regime’, Yale Law Journal, 100.8 (1991), 2537-2615
Orentlicher, Diane F., ‘Whose Justice? Reconciling Universal Jurisdiction with Democratic Principles’,
Geo. L.J., 92.6 (2003), 1057-1134
Rodman, Keneth A., ‘Is Peace in the Interests of Justice? The Case for Broad Prosecutorial Discretion
at the International Criminal Court?’ Leiden Journal of International Law, 22 (2009), 99-126
Sandoval, Clara, ‘The Challenge of Impunity in Peru: The Significance of the Inter-American Court of
Human Rights’, Essex Human Rights Review, 5.1 (2008), 1-18
Stromseth, Jane, ‘Justice on the Ground: Can International Criminal Courts Strengthen Domestic Rule
of Law in Post-Conflict Societies?’, Hague Journal on the Rule of Law, 1 (2009), p. 87-97
Waldorf, Lars, ‘Mass Justice for Mass Atrocities: Rethinking Local Justice as Transitional Justice’,
Temple Law Review, 79.1 (2006), 1-87
Wilson, Richard, ‘The Pinochet Effect: Transnational Justice in the Age of Human Rights (review)’,
Human Rights Quarterly, 28.2 (2006), 528-542
Wouters, Jan. ‘The Obligation to Prosecute International Law Crimes’, Collegium, 32 (2005), 17-32
Conference Papers and Presentations
ICTJ Prosecutions Program, in Conference on Building a Future on Peace and Justice "Pursuing
Justice in Ongoing Conflict: A discussion of Current Practice", June 25-27, 2007, Nuremberg.
International Organisations Documents and Legal Instruments
African Union. High Level Panel on Darfur. Report of the African Union on Darfur, The Quest for
Peace, Justice and Reconciliation. Adis Ababa: African Union, 2009.
European Union. Council of the European Union. EU Comprehensive Approach to the European
Union Implementation of UN Security Council Resolutions 1325 & 1820 on Women, Peace & Security.
Brussels: European Union, 2008.
European Union. Council of European Union. The AU-EU Expert Report on the Principle of Universal
Jurisdiction. Brussels: European Union, 2009.
Inter American System of Human Rights. Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, Principal
Guidelines for a Comprehensive Reparations Policy, OEA/Serv/L/V/II.131.Doc1, Washington: InterAmerican Commission, 19 February 2008.
Inter American System of Human Rights. Inter American Commission of Human Rights. Report
28/92, Hugo Leonardo de los Santos et. al. v. Uruguay, Washington: Inter-American Commission, 2
October 1992.
Inter American System of Human Rights. Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, Statement
by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights on the Applications and Scope of the Justice and
Peace Law in Colombia, Washington: Inter-American Commission, 8 January 2006.
International Meeting on Women’s and Girls’ Right to a Remedy and Reparation. Nairobi Declaration
on Women's and Girls' Right to a Remedy and Reparation. Signed 19-21 March 2007.
OECD. The Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness and the Accra Agenda for Action, 2005 & 2008.
United Nations. Diane Orentlicher, Commission on Human Rights. Impunity: Report of the
Independent Expert to Update the Set of Principles to Combat Impunity. E/CN.4/2005/102. Geneva:
Economic and Social Council, 18 February 2005.
United Nations. Diane Orentlicher, Commission on Human Rights. Impunity: Report of the
Independent Expert to Update the Set of Principles to Combat Impunity:
E/CN.4/2005/102/Add.1. Geneva: Economic and Social Council, 8 February 2005.
United Nations. General Assembly, Basic Principles and Guidelines on the Right to a Remedy and
Reparation for Victims of Gross Violations of International Human Rights Law and Serious Violations
of International Humanitarian Law. Resolution A/RES/60/147,16. New York: United Nations,
December 2005.
United Nations. Mr. Joinet, Commission on Human Rights. Question of the Impunity of Perpetrators
of Human Rights Violations (Civil and Political). E/CN.4/Sub.2/1997/20. Economic and Social Council,
2 October 1997.
United Nations, Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Right to the Truth: Human
Rights Resolution 2005/66, E/CN.4/RES/2005/66. Geneva: Office of the High Commissioner for
Human Rights, 20 April 2005.
United Nations. Security Council. The Rule of Law and Transitional Justice in Conflict and PostConflict Societies: Report of the Secretary General, S/2004/616. New York: United Nations, 23 August
United Nations. UN Convention for the Protection of all Persons from Enforced Disappearances.
Signed 6 February 2007.
Books and Reports
Ayub, Fatima, Sari Kouvo and Rachel Wareham, Security Sector Reform in Afghanistan (ICTJ and
Initiative for Peacebuilding, 2009)
Bell, Christine, On the Law of Peace: Peace Agreements and the Lex Pacificatoria (Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 2008)
Chesterman, Simon, Justice Under International Administration: Kosovo, East Timor and Afghanistan
(New York: International Peace Academy, 2002)
Chesterman, Simon, You, the People: The United Nations, Transitional Administration and StateBuilding (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004)
Davies, Laura, Justice-Sensitive Security System Reform in the Democratic Republic of Congo (ICTJ and
International Alert, 2009)
Davies, Laura, Transitional Justice and Security Sector Reform (ICTJ and Initiative for Peacebuilding,
Deshaw Rae, James, Peacebuilding and Transitional Justice in East Timor (Boulder: First Forum Press,
Heininger, Janet E., Peace-Keeping in Transition: The United Nations in Cambodia (New York:
Twentieth Century Fund Press, 1994)
Paris , Roland, At War’s End: Building Peace after Civil Conflict (Cambridge: Cambridge Press, 2004)
Peace-building: A Field Guide, ed. by Luc Reychler and Tanhiaa Paffenholz (Boulder: Lynne Rienner
Publishers, 2001)
Propaganda, Politics and Violence in Cambodia, ed. by Stephen R. Heder and Judy Ledgerwood
(Armonk: East Gate Books, 1996)
Rosoux, Valerie, ‘Reconciliation as a Peacebuilding Process: Scope and Limits’ in The SAGE Handbook
of Conflict Resolution, ed. by Jacob Bercovitch, Victor Kremenyuk and I. William Zartman (London:
Sage Publications ltd, 2009)
Security Governance in Post-Conflict Peacebuilding, ed. by Alan Bryden and Heiner Hänggi, (Munster:
Die Deutsche Bibliotek, 2005)
Van Zyl, Paul, ‘Promoting Transitional Justice in Post-Conflict Societies’, in Security Governance in
Post-Conflict Peacebuilding, ed. by Alan Bryden and Heiner Hänggi (Geneva: Geneva Centre for the
Democratic Control of Armed Forces, 2005)
Baker, Bruce and Eric Scheye, ‘Access to Justice in a Post-conflict State: Donor-supported
Multidimensional Peacekeeping in Southern Sudan’, International Peacekeeping, 16.2 (2009), 171185
Boyce, James K., ‘Post-Conflict Recovery: Resource Mobilization and Peacebuilding’, Political
Economy Research Institute Working Paper Series, 159 (2008), 1-60
Chesterman, Simon, ‘From State Failure to State-Building: Problems and Prospects for a United
Nations Peacebuilding Commission’, Journal of International Law and International Relations, 2 .1
(2005) 155-175
Denis, Tull, ‘Peacekeeping in the Democratic Republic of Congo: Waging Peace and Fighting War’,
International Peacekeeping, 16.2 (2009), 215-230
Golub, Stephen, ‘The Rule of Law and the UN Peacebuilding Commission: A Social Development
Approach’, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 20.1 (2007), 47-67
Lyck, Majbritt, ‘International Peace Enforcers and Indicted War Criminals: The Case of Ramush
Haradinaj’, International Peacekeeping, 14.3 (2007), 418-432
Mani, Rama, ‘Conflict Resolution, Justice and the Law: Rebuilding the Rule of Law in the Aftermath of
Complex Political Emergencies’, International Peacekeeping, 5. 3 (1998), 1-25
Marshall, David and Shelley Inglis, ‘The Disempowerment of Human Rights–Based Justice in the
United Nations Mission in Kosovo’, Harvard Human Rights Journal, 16 (2003), 95-146
Mobbek, Eirin, ‘Transitional Justice and Security Sector Reform: Enabling Sustainable Peace’, DCAF
Occasional Paper, 13 (2006), i-89
Oswald, Bruce M., ‘Model Code for Criminal Justice and Peace Operations: Some Legal Issues’,
Journal of Conflict and Security Law, 9.2 (2002), 253-275
Thallinger, Gerhard, ‘The UN Peacebuilding Commission and Transitional Justice’, German Law
Journal, 8.7 (2007), 681-710
Yasutomi, Atsushi and Jan Carmans, ‘Building Local Ownership in Security Sector Reform: Challenges
for Local and External Actors in Post-Conflict States’, Center for Peace Research and Strategic Studies
Cahiers, 80 (2007) 2-40
Conference Papers and Presentations
Dorussen, Han ans Ismene Gizelis, in 6th Pan-European Conference on International Relations “UN
Peace-Keeping and Local Governance”, September 12-15, Turin.
ICTJ Prosecutions Program, in Conference on Building a Future on Peace and Justice "Pursuing
Justice in Ongoing Conflict: A discussion of Current Practice", June 25-27, 2007, Nuremberg.
University of Essex Conference “Disaggregating the Study of Civil War and Transnational Violence”,
November 24, 2007. All conference papers.
International Organisations Documents and Legal Instruments
United Nations. Security Council. The rule of law and transitional justice in conflict and post-conflict
societies. United Nations Report of the Secretary General, 2004.