ITEM 7 Part 3a Academic Regulations: Transitional provisions These regulations apply to transitional students only as defined below. These regulations should be read in conjunction with the regulations for undergraduate degrees as set out in Part 3 of this Manual. 1. Definitions and Explanations 1.1 UEL introduced its current academic framework in the academic year 2014/15. Undergraduate students enrolled with the University prior to 2014/15 are deemed to be ‘transitional students’ as defined in 1.2 and 1.3 below. 1.2 A ‘transitional student’ is a full-time student who meets all of the following criteria: i) ii) iii) 1.3 A ‘transitional student’ is a part-time student who meets all of the following criteria: iv) v) vi) 2. Has first enrolled with the University on an undergraduate programme prior to the academic year 2014/15; Has passed sufficient credits in the most recent academic year to indicate satisfactory academic progress; Has the potential to complete his or her degree within the University’s time limits for degree completion. Subject Area Progression Boards 2.1 1 Has first enrolled with the University on an undergraduate programme prior to the academic year 2014/15; Has passed a minimum of 90 credits in the most recent academic year1; Has the potential to complete his or her degree within the University’s time limits for degree completion. The relevant Subject Area Progression Boards may use their discretion to permit a transitional student to progress to his or her next year For information on the position of full-time students who have passed fewer than 90 credits in one academic year, please refer to regulation 6.2.3 in Section 3 of the Manual of Academic Regulations. ITEM 7 and/or level of study notwithstanding regulation in Section 3 of the Manual. The Board will refer to the student’s transitional study plan and overall progress in reaching its decision. 2.2 In such cases where a student is permitted by a Subject Area Progression Board to move to the next level of study despite not having achieved a pass or pass compensation in at least 90 of the 120 credits required in regulation in Section 3 of the Manual, the Subject Area Progression Board must record clearly the rationale for this decision within its minutes. 3. Calculation of degree classification 3.1 In order to calculate a transitional student’s final mark and degree classification, the relevant Subject Area Award Board will be presented with two sets of data as set out below: i) the marks calculated according to the algorithm as set out in 6.10.1 of Part 3 of the Academic Regulations (which apply with effect from 2014/15), namely The credit-weighted arithmetic mean of the best 90 credits at level 6 ii) The credit-weighted arithmetic mean of the x 0.8 + next best 90 credits at levels 5 and/or 6 x 0.2 the marks calculated according to the algorithm as set out in of Part 3 of the Modular Regulations (which applied up to 2013/14), namely The arithmetic mean of The arithmetic mean the next best 100 of the best 100 x 2/3 + x credits at levels 2 and/or credits at level 3 3 1/3 3.2 The Board will choose the highest calculation which shall determine the award made to the transitional student. 4. Duration of transitional provisions 4.1 Transitional provisions will be available under these regulations only until the end of the academic year 2016/17.