Sunday 19th July 2009 - the Archdiocese of Adelaide

Sunday 19th July 2009
Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sisters and brothers,
just as Jesus looked upon the people with pity,
so we look at our Church and world and see so many
needs, but we do not despair. We bring the poor and
suffering to God in prayer.
That the Church may always true to God’s will
and be at the service of people
and not seeking privilege or glory.
Lord, hear us.
That as we mark one year since World Youth Day in Sydney
the commitment and enthusiasm of so many may be revitalised
through the power of the Holy Spirit
Lord, hear us.
That the Catholic Church in Iraq suffering further bombing to
to its church buildings and the killing and wounding of its members
may know the prayerful support of communities around the world.
Lord, hear us.
That the people affected with human swine ‘flu, and especially those
critically ill, may receive the best of treatment and be blessed
with healing.
Lord, hear us.
That the preparation of a vaccine against human swine ‘flu may
proceed quickly and be made available to all who need it around the
Lord, hear us.
That those who have become unemployed or have reduced working
hours because of the financial crisis may receive our encouragement
and effective government, industry and business support.
Lord, hear us.
That those who have died, may through the Spirit, come to the Father.
We pray especially for . . .
Lord, hear us.
Heavenly Father,
you are our shepherd
guiding us through life.
May we know your protection and love
through Christ our Lord.
Monday 20th July
(St Apollinaris)
Sixteenth Week in Ordinary Time
God’s power is revealed to us, sometimes in dramatic
events, but more often in the simplicity and human
gestures of kindness and respect.
May we, this day,
see God at work around us,
in creation and in the people we meet.
Lord, hear us.
May we, when life is difficult,
put our trust in God, as did Moses long ago.
Lord, hear us.
May we, when we feel fear,
know that God has the will and the power to save us.
Lord, hear us.
May we, in deepening our faith,
look to the wisdom of Jesus.
Lord, hear us.
May this first anniversary of World Youth Day in Sydney
renew the commitment and enthusiasm of those who participated.
Lord, hear us.
May this 40th anniversary of the landing of a man on the moon
continue to fill us with wonder at God’s creation.
Lord, hear us.
May our honouring of St Apollinaris, whose life history is lost in
antiquity, built up the holiness of the Church through his prayer.
Lord, hear us.
Lord, fill us with Jesus’ life
so that each day we can live for you
through love of our neighbour.
Grant this through Christ our Lord.
Tuesday 21st July
(St Lawrence of Brindisi)
Sixteenth Week in Ordinary Time.
My friends, Jesus invites us into an intimate relationship
with him, as close to him as mother, brother and sister.
That our parish community may be strong
in the respect each person extends to others.
Lord, hear us.
That when we listen to or read the word of God,
we may feel the closeness of our relationship with Jesus Christ.
Lord, hear us.
That in the story of the crossing of the Red Sea
we may see a symbol of Christian baptism,
which brings an end to the evil of sin and a beginning of new life.
Lord, hear us.
That those who work to bring relief aid to people suffering
from war and natural disasters, may be cheerful in what they do
and treat all people with respect.
Lord, hear us.
That there may be an end to the senseless violence in Iraq.
Lord, hear us.
That those who work as interpreters, especially in the United Nations
and for those seeking to resolve conflict
through diplomacy and dialogue, may find help through the prayers of
St Lawrence of Brindisi, who was fluent in many languages.
Lord, hear us.
Eternal God,
you bring us now to the Eucharistic meal
which is a foretaste of your heavenly banquet.
May we celebrate with joy
in anticipation of the blessings still to come
through Christ our Lord.
Wednesday 22nd July
St Mary Magdalene
Sixteenth Week in Ordinary Time
Readings Proper to the Feast
Sisters and brothers, Mary Magdalene is one of the most
loved of all saints. Her closeness and devotion to Christ
during his earthly life speaks of friendship generated
through faith.
We pray for all women in the Church,
that inspired by St Mary Magdalene,
they may give witness to the Risen Christ by their faith and love.
Lord, hear us.
We pray for preachers of the word of God,
that, like Mary Magdalene, they may embrace the Cross
and proclaim the Resurrection.
Lord, hear us.
We pray for the students and staff of St Mary Magdalene School, in
Elizabeth, that they may grow in holiness.
Lord, hear us.
We pray for the people of the Holy Land,
that peace may come to them through the power of Christ’s
death and resurrection, the source of life for all.
Lord, hear us.
We pray for each other that like Mary Magdalene
we may have a strong and fervent love for Jesus Christ,
Redeemer of the world.
Lord, hear us.
We pray for all who are sick with human swine ‘flu and for all who
care for them, especially in intensive care units.
Lord, hear us.
Lord our God, we thirst for you and long to see your
glory. We bless you for all your gifts and raise our hands
in praise through Christ our Lord.
Thursday 23rd July
(St Bridget of Sweden)
Thursday 16th Week in Ordinary Time
Sisters and brothers, we have been richly blessed by God, for
while people in the past longed to see what we see, by faith we
know Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
May every heart which is restless,
find peace through faith in Jesus Christ.
Lord, hear us.
May the Church, through her many ministries,
open up the Scriptures,
so that many more people may discover the truth
and beauty of Christ.
Lord, hear us.
May we, through this Eucharist,
be purified of our sins,
and so stand in readiness to receive
the Body and Blood of Christ.
Lord, hear us.
May Christians recognise the presence of God
in prayer, and on the faces of the poor and oppressed of the world.
Lord, hear us.
May the Christian in Iraq facing further persecution
know the support of our fervent prayer.
Lord, hear us.
May the people of Sweden find encouragement in the holiness of St
Bridget, the nations of Europe who honour her as a co-patron, honour
their Christian heritage, and the people of Warooka find in her prayers
comfort and peace.
Lord, hear us.
Glory and praise to you, Lord God,
glory and praise to your holy Name,
glory and praise in this your temple,
glory and praise now and for ever.
Friday 24th July
(St Sharbel Makhluf)
Sixteenth Week in Ordinary Time
Sisters and brothers, the parable of the sower reminds us
that God’s word as the power to be fruitful in the lives of
those who receive it humbly and with joy.
That Pope Benedict, our Bishop Philip,
along with priests and deacons, will proclaim the word of God with
fidelity, clarity, and joy.
Lord, hear us.
That we may receive God’s word as nourishment
so that we grow in faith, hope and love.
Lord, hear us.
That those who experience the pressures and distractions of life
silencing God’s word, may receive the grace to hear it once again
with their hearts.
Lord, hear us.
That the commandments of God, given first to Moses, may
continue to be the foundation for our Australian law.
Lord, hear us.
That we may see God’s ancient laws as an expression of how to love
God and our neighbour in the world of today.
Lord, hear us.
That the madness of terrorism may be overcome, not with more
violence, but with dialogue and co-operation.
Lord, hear us.
That the members of the Maronite Church within the Catholic Church,
especially here in the Archdiocese of Adelaide, may be blessed today
as they honour their patron, St Sarbel Makhluf.
Lord, hear us.
Lord our God, you have the words of everlasting life.
Nourish us, teach us, guide us
through Christ our Lord.
Saturday 25th July
St James, Apostle
Readings Proper to the Feast
James and his brother John, along with Peter, shared a
closer relationship with Jesus than the other apostles.
May our living of the word of God draw us closer to
the same Jesus.
May Christians accept that they must share the cup of the Lord’s
suffering in order to share the joy of his glory.
Lord, hear us.
May those in leadership in the Church not seek power over others,
but rather be filled with the spirit of a servant.
Lord, hear us.
May each of us cling to that treasure which we hold within us,
Jesus Christ, Lord and Saviour, Friend and Brother.
Lord, hear us.
May the nations of Spain, Guatemala and Nicaragua, along with the
people of Keith, who honour St James of patron,
journey through life with their hearts set on the Kingdom of God.
Lord, hear us.
May the people of Ardrossan, along with pilgrims and travelers,
especially motorists, who pray to St Christopher as patron, and whom
the Church also honours today, be protected from all harm.
Lord, hear us.
what marvels you work for us through your Son,
Jesus Christ. You grace us with life and love.
Bring us to the heavenly home
through Christ our Lord.