Supplementary material for an article to be published In J. Mol. Model. Thermochemical and Kinetics Studies of the CH3SH + S (3P) Hydrogen Abstraction and Insertion Reactions Daniely V. V. Cardosoa, Leonardo A. Cunhaa, Rene F. K. Spadaa,b, Luiz F. A. Ferrãoa, Orlando RobertoNetoc, Francisco B. C. Machadoa* a Departamento de Química, Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica, São José dos Campos, 12.228-900 São Paulo, Brazil. b Departamento de Física, Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica, São José dos Campos, 12.228-900 São Paulo, Brazil. c Divisão de Aerotermodinâmica e Hipersônica, Instituto de Estudos Avançados, São José dos Campos, 12.228-001 São Paulo, Brazil. Correspondence to: Francisco B. C. Machado (e-mail: Units: 1 kcal/mol = 4.184 kJ/mol 1 cm-1 = 0.0119627 kJ/mol 1 Angstrom (Å) = 10-10 m 1 Bohr (a0) = 5.2917721092(17) 10-11 m Contents: Table S-1 Bond lengths (Å) and angles (in deg) of CH3SH Table S-2 Bond lengths (Å) and angles (in deg) of CH3S Table S-3 Bond lengths (Å) and angles (in deg) of CH2SH Table S-4 Bond lengths (Å) and angles (in deg) of CH3 Table S-5 Bond length (Å) of SH Table S-6 Bond lengths (Å) and angles (in deg) of HS2 Table S-7 Bond lengths (Å) and angles (in deg) of TS1 Table S-8 Bond lengths (Å) and angles (in deg) of TS2 Table S-9 Bond lengths (Å) and angles (in deg) of TS3 In this work we denote maDdZ as the combination of maug-cc-pVDZ (C and H) and maug-ccpV(D+d)Z (S), while aXdZ denotes the combination of aug-cc-pVXZ (C and H) and aug-cc-pV(X+d)Z (S). Table S-10 ICVT reaction rate constants (in cm3 molecule1 s1) for R1 using dual-level dynamics (BB1K/maDdZ potential surface and high-level corrections from CCSD(T)/CBS//BB1K/aTdZ thermochemistry data) Table S-11 ICVT reaction rate constants (in cm3 molecule1 s1) for R2 using dual-level dynamics (BB1K/maDdZ potential surface and high-level corrections from CCSD(T)/CBS//BB1K/aTdZ thermochemistry data) Table S-12 ICVT reaction rate constants (in cm3 molecule1 s1) for R3 using dual-level dynamics (BB1K/maDdZ potential surface and high-level corrections from CCSD(T)/CBS//BB1K/aTdZ thermochemistry data) Table S-13 Activation energy (in kcal mol1) for R1 using ICVT dual-level dynamics (BB1K/maDdZ potential surface and high-level corrections from CCSD(T)/CBS//BB1K/aTdZ thermochemistry data) Table S-14 Activation energy (in kcal mol1) for R2 using ICVT dual-level dynamics (BB1K/maDdZ potential surface and high-level corrections from CCSD(T)/CBS//BB1K/aTdZ thermochemistry data) Table S-15 Activation energy (in kcal mol1) for R3 using ICVT dual-level dynamics (BB1K/maDdZ potential surface and high-level corrections from CCSD(T)/CBS//BB1K/aTdZ thermochemistry data) Fig. S-1 Arrhenius plots of the rate constants for the first reaction path calculated with ICVT using VMEP G and Va as explained in Table S-10 Fig. S-2 Arrhenius plots of the rate constants for the second reaction path calculated with ICVT using VMEP and VaG as explained in Table S-11 Fig. S-3 Arrhenius plots of the rate constants for the third reaction path calculated with ICVT using VMEP and VaG as explained in Table S-12 Table S-1 Bond lengths (Å) and angles (in deg) of CH3SH Coordinates r (1C–2S) r (2S–3H) r (1C– 4H) r (1C–5H) r (1C–6H) (3H, 2S, 1C) (4H, 1C, 2S) (5H, 1C, 2S) (6H, 1C, 2S) (5H, 1C, 4H) (6H, 1C, 4H) (6H, 1C, 5H) τ (4H,1C,2S,3H) τ (5H,1C,2S,3H) τ (6H,1C,2S,3H) τ (4H,5H,1C,6H) τ (5H,4H,1C,6H) a maDdZ BB1K aDdZ aTdZ M06-2X aTdZ MP2 aTdZ Theor.a Exp.b Exp.c 1.797 1.340 1.092 1.091 1.091 97.3 106.2 111.7 111.7 108.4 108.4 110.2 180.0 62.0 62.0 118.6 119.7 1.799 1.339 1.090 1.089 1.089 97.2 106.3 111.6 111.6 108.5 108.5 110.3 180.0 62.0 62.0 118.7 119.9 1.796 1.332 1.082 1.081 1.081 97.3 106.3 111.4 111.4 108.6 108.6 110.3 180.0 61.8 61.8 118.9 119.9 1.812 1.337 1.087 1.086 1.086 96.8 106.2 111.2 111.2 108.8 108.8 110.4 180.0 61.8 61.8 119.4 120.4 1.812 1.334 1.087 1.086 1.086 96.7 106.1 111.2 111.2 108.9 108.9 110.5 180.0 61.8 61.8 119.5 120.5 1.814 1.340 1.090 1.090 1.090 96.8 106.6 - 1.814 1.335 1.092 96.5 - 1.816 1.327 1.100 1.106 1.100 100.4 108.7 108.5 108.5 110.4 110.5 110.3 - Chang Y-T, Loew GH (1993) The reaction of atomic oxygen with methanethiol. A theoretical study of the structures and the potential energy surface. Chem Phys Lett 205:543-549. doi: 10.1016/00092614(93)80010-M b Calloman JH, Hirota E, Kuchitsu K, Lafferty WJ, Maki AG, Pote CS (1976) Structure data on free polyatomic molecules. In: Hellwege KH, Hellwege AM (eds) Landolt-Bornstein: group II: atomic and molecular physics. Springer, Berlin c Herzberg G (1966) Electronic spectra and electronic structure of polyatomic molecules. Van Nostrand- Reinhold, New York Table S-2 Bond lengths (Å) and angles (in deg) of CH3S Coordinates maDdZ BB1K aTdZ aTdZ M06-2X aTdZ MP2 aTdZ Theor.a Exp. b r (1C–2S) 1.774 1.776 1.773 1.789 1.792 1.800 1.791 r (1C– 3H) 1.098 1.096 1.089 1.093 1.092 1.095 1.090 r (1C– 4H) 1.093 1.090 1.082 1.087 1.087 1.091 1.090 r (1C–5H) 1.093 1.090 1.082 1.087 1.087 1.091 1.090 106.3 106.3 106.2 107.0 110.0 106.3 106.3 (3H,1C,2S) 111.8 111.6 111.4 109.8 112.0 112.0 (4H,1C,2S) 111.8 111.6 111.4 109.8 112.0 112.0 (5H,1C,2S) 107.8 108.1 108.3 108.4 107.7 107.6 (4H,1C,3H) 107.8 108.1 108.3 108.4 107.7 107.6 (5H,1C,3H) 110.9 111.0 110.9 111.0 111.0 110.4 (5H,1C,4H) τ (4H,5H,1C,2S) 126.0 126.0 125.6 125.1 124.8 τ (3H,4H,1C,2S) 117.4 117.7 117.3 117.3 116.6 τ (3H,5H,1C,2S) 117.3 117.3 117.4 116.6 177.7 τ (3H,1C,5H,4H) 117.5 117.6 117.9 118.3 118.7 τ (5H,3H,1C,4H) 119.6 119.7 119.9 120.2 120.5 a Chang Y-T, Loew GH (1993) The reaction of atomic oxygen with methanethiol. A theoretical study of the structures and the potential energy surface. Chem Phys Lett 205:543-549. doi: 10.1016/00092614(93)80010-M b Endo Y, Saito S, Hirota E (1985) The microwave-spectrum of the thiomethoxy radical CH3S. J Chem Phys 85:1770-1777. doi: 10.1063/1.451178 Table S-3 Bond lengths (Å) and angles (in deg) of CH2SH BB1K M06-2X MP2 Coordinates maDdZ aDdZ aTdZ aTdZ aTdZ r (1C–2S) 1.705 1.705 1.697 1.712 r (2S–3H) 1.340 1.339 1.332 1.336 r (1C– 4H) 1.084 1.080 1.072 1.076 r (1C–5H) 1.083 1.079 1.071 1.075 98.1 98.2 98.2 97.9 (3H,2S,1C) 116.5 116.9 117.0 116.8 (4H,1C,2S) 121.7 121.8 121.8 121.5 (5H,1C,2S) 120.8 121.3 121.2 121.0 (5H,1C,4H) τ (4H,1C,2S,3H) 179.7 180.0 180.0 178.1 τ (5H,1C,2S,3H) 11.7 0.0 0.0 10.8 τ (5H,1C,4H,2S) 168.8 180.0 180.0 171.1 τ (4H,1C,5H,2S) 168.2 180.0 180.0 170.7 a Yi-Zhen T, Ya-Ru P, Jing-Yu S, Hão S, Rong-Shun W Theor. a 1.710 1.732 1.333 1.348 1.075 1.078 1.074 97.7 98.0 116.8 121.6 121.2 179.4 6.4 173.1 172.7 (2008) DFT and ab initio study on the reaction mechanism of CH2SH+O2. Theor Chem Accounts 121:201-207. doi: 10.1007/s00214-008-0466-z Table S-4 Bond lengths (Å) and angles (in deg) of CH3 BB1K M06-2X MP2 Coordinates Exp. a maDZ aDZ aTZ aTZ aTZ r (1C – 3H) 1.084 1.081 1.073 1.076 1.075 1.079 r (1C – 4H) 1.084 1.081 1.073 1.077 1.075 1.079 120.0 120.0 120.0 120.0 120.0 120.0 (3H,1C,2H) 120.0 120.0 120.0 120.0 120.0 (4H,1C,2H) 120.0 120.0 120.0 120.0 120.0 120.0 (4H,1C,3H) 120.0 τ (4H,1C,3H,2H) 180.0 179.9 180.0 179.9 180.0 a Herzberg G (1966) Electronic spectra and electronic structure of polyatomic molecules. Van NostrandReinhold, New York Table S-5 Bond length (in Å) of SH Method 1S2H BB1K/maug-cc-pV(D+d)Z 1.345 BB1K/aug-cc-pV(D+d)Z 1.345 BB1K/aug-cc-pV(T+d)Z 1.336 M06-2X/aug-cc-pV(T+d)Z 1.340 MP2/aug-cc-pV(T+d)Z 1.337 a Experimental 1.341 NIST Chemistry, Webbook. Available at: Accessed 9 May 2013 Table S-6 Bond lengths (Å) and angles (in deg) of HS2 Coordinates Method r (1S – 2H) r (1S – 3S) (3S,1S,2H) BB1K/maDdZ BB1K/aDdZ BB1K/aTdZ M06-2X/aTZ MP2/aTdZ 1.352 1.352 1.343 1.348 1.344 1.954 1.955 1.944 1.958 1.955 102.0 101.5 101.8 101.6 105.5 Table S-7 Bond lengths (Å) and angles (in deg) of TS1 BB1K M06-2X Coordinates maDdZ aDdZ aTdZ aTdZ MP2 aTdZ r (1C-2S) r (2S-3H) r (1C-4H) r (1C-5H) r (1C-6H) r (7S-3H) (3H,2S,1C) (4H,1C,2S) (5H,1C,2S) (6H,1C,2S) (7S,3H,2S) τ (4H,1C,2S,3H) τ (5H,1C,2S,3H) τ (6H,1C,2S,3H) τ (7S,3H,2S,1C) 1.801 1.609 1.091 1.086 1.086 1.492 96.1 105.7 111.1 111.1 166.7 180.0 61.9 61.9 0.0 1.784 1.615 1.096 1.092 1.092 1.513 97.9 105.5 111.8 111.8 168.9 180.0 62.4 62.4 0.0 1.787 1.618 1.093 1.089 1.089 1.506 97.8 105.7 111.6 111.6 167.3 180.0 62.3 62.3 0.0 1.784 1.601 1.086 1.081 1.081 1.512 97.7 105.7 111.5 111.5 167.6 180.0 62.2 62.2 0.0 1.799 1.628 1.091 1.086 1.086 1.503 96.3 106.0 111.1 111.1 167.3 180.0 61.9 61.9 0.0 Table S-8 Bond lengths (Å) and angles (in deg) of TS2 BB1K Coordinates maDdZ aDdZ r (1C-2S) r (2S-3H) r (1C-4H) r (1C-5H) r (1C-6H) r (7S-5H) (3H,2S,1C) (4H,1C,2S) (5H,1C,2S) (6H,1C,2S) (7S,5H,1C) τ (4H,1C,2S,3H) τ (5H,1C,2S,3H) τ (6H,1C,2S,3H) τ (7S,5H,1C,2S) 1.722 1.341 1.089 1.551 1.089 1.474 97.8 112.4 111.4 117.9 175.0 170.6 80.3 33.0 163.9 1.723 1.340 1.086 1.542 1.085 1.477 97.8 112.7 110.7 118.0 174.5 170.8 80.5 31.9 165.1 Table S-9 Bond lengths (Å) and angles (in deg) of TS3 BB1K Coordinates maDdZ aDdZ r (1C-2S) r (2S-3H) r (1C-4H) r (1C-5H) r (1C-6H) r (7S-2S) (3H,2S,1C) (4H,1C,2S) (5H,1C,2S) (6H,1C,2S) (7S,2S,1C) τ (4H,1C,2S,3H) τ (5H,1C,2S,3H) τ (6H,1C,2S,3H) τ (7S,2S,1C,4H) 2.185 1.340 1.089 1.088 1.089 2.056 88.8 103.1 103.6 103.1 172.8 60.4 179.9 60.1 120.0 2.181 1.340 1.086 1.085 1.086 2.056 88.5 102.6 103.8 102.6 173.5 60.2 180.0 60.1 119.8 aTdZ M06-2X aTdZ MP2 aTdZ 1.719 1.333 1.078 1.522 1.077 1.477 97.7 112.7 109.4 117.6 179.4 171.5 78.8 32.9 20.5 1.728 1.337 1.083 1.561 1.082 1.468 97.5 113.0 109.1 118.0 176.2 172.2 78.6 32.5 140.1 1.731 1.334 1.083 1.500 1.082 1.473 97.2 112.6 109.8 117.6 175.4 170.6 79.8 32.7 162.5 aTdZ M06-2X aTdZ MP2 aTdZ 2.157 1.331 1.076 1.078 1.078 2.047 88.5 104.0 103.1 103.1 173.4 60.0 179.8 60.3 119.7 2.184 1.336 1.083 1.081 1.083 2.068 88.5 102.8 103.7 102.8 173.7 60.2 180.0 60.1 119.8 2.161 1.334 1.082 1.081 1.082 2.050 88.7 103.0 103.6 103.0 173.4 60.2 180.0 60.2 119.8 Table S-10 ICVT calculated reaction rate constants (in cm3 molecule1 s1) of R1 using dual-level dynamics (BB1K/maDdZ potential surface and high-level corrections from CCSD(T)/CBS//BB1K/aTdZ thermochemistry data) T(K) 200 298 299 300 350 400 500 600 800 1000 1200 1500 2000 2500 3000 TST CH3SH + S ICVT 3.03E-17 2.14E-15 2.20E-15 2.27E-15 8.41E-15 2.33E-14 1.06E-13 3.13E-13 1.40E-12 3.87E-12 8.20E-12 1.89E-11 4.92E-11 9.57E-11 1.58E-10 1.18E-17 1.24E-15 1.28E-15 1.32E-15 5.42E-15 1.60E-14 7.79E-14 2.38E-13 1.09E-12 3.01E-12 6.37E-12 1.46E-11 3.79E-11 7.35E-11 1.21E-10 CH3S + SH (R1) ICVT/ZCT ICVT/SCT 1.50E-17 1.38E-15 1.42E-15 1.47E-15 5.85E-15 1.70E-14 8.09E-14 2.44E-13 1.10E-12 3.04E-12 6.41E-12 1.47E-11 3.80E-11 7.36E-11 1.21E-10 1.61E-17 1.42E-15 1.47E-15 1.51E-15 5.98E-15 1.73E-14 8.18E-14 2.46E-13 1.11E-12 3.05E-12 6.42E-12 1.47E-11 3.80E-11 7.36E-11 1.21E-10 Table S-11 ICVT calculated reaction rate constants (in cm3 molecule1 s1) of R2 using dual-level dynamics (BB1K/maDdZ potential surface and high-level corrections from CCSD(T)/CBS//BB1K/aTdZ thermochemistry data) T(K) 200 298 299 300 350 400 500 600 800 1000 1200 1500 2000 2500 3000 TST 7.37E-27 5.39E-22 5.83E-22 6.29E-22 1.72E-20 2.14E-19 7.93E-18 9.59E-17 2.53E-15 2.05E-14 8.96E-14 4.30E-13 2.35E-12 7.19E-12 1.60E-11 CH3SH + S ICVT 5.04E-27 4.21E-22 4.56E-22 4.93E-22 1.40E-20 1.78E-19 6.83E-18 8.42E-17 2.26E-15 1.85E-14 8.12E-14 3.91E-13 2.14E-12 6.55E-12 1.46E-11 CH2SH + SH (R2) ICVT/ZCT 1.21E-26 6.13E-22 6.61E-22 7.12E-22 1.83E-20 2.18E-19 7.77E-18 9.20E-17 2.38E-15 1.91E-14 8.30E-14 3.96E-13 2.16E-12 6.58E-12 1.47E-11 ICVT/SCT 3.62E-26 1.08E-21 1.16E-21 1.24E-21 2.79E-20 3.05E-19 9.68E-18 1.07E-16 2.60E-15 2.02E-14 8.64E-14 4.07E-13 2.19E-12 6.64E-12 1.48E-11 Table S-12 ICVT calculated reaction rate constants (in cm3 molecule1 s1) of R3 using dual-level dynamics (BB1K/maDdZ potential surface and high-level corrections from CCSD(T)/CBS//BB1K/aTdZ thermochemistry data) T(K) 200 298 299 300 350 400 500 600 800 1000 1200 1500 2000 2500 3000 TST 1.57E-21 1.64E-18 1.73E-18 1.81E-18 1.47E-17 7.31E-17 7.46E-16 3.76E-15 3.20E-14 1.27E-13 3.36E-13 9.55E-13 3.01E-12 6.47E-12 1.14E-11 CH3SH + S ICVT 1.51E-21 1.62E-18 1.70E-18 1.79E-18 1.45E-17 7.22E-17 7.40E-16 3.74E-15 3.18E-14 1.26E-13 3.35E-13 9.52E-13 3.00E-12 6.35E-12 1.09E-11 CH3 + HS2 (R3) ICVT/ZCT 1.97E-21 1.82E-18 1.91E-18 2.01E-18 1.58E-17 7.70E-17 7.71E-16 3.85E-15 3.23E-14 1.28E-13 3.38E-13 9.57E-13 3.01E-12 6.36E-12 1.09E-11 ICVT/SCT 2.63E-21 2.06E-18 2.16E-18 2.27E-18 1.73E-17 8.24E-17 8.05E-16 3.96E-15 3.29E-14 1.29E-13 3.40E-13 9.61E-13 3.01E-12 6.37E-12 1.10E-11 Table S-13 Activation energy (in kcal mol1) for R1 using ICVT dual-level dynamics (BB1K/maDdZ potential surface and high-level corrections from CCSD(T)/CBS//BB1K/aTdZ thermochemistry data) CH3SH + S CH3S + SH (R1) ICVT ICVT/ZCT ICVT/SCT 5.62 5.47 5.42 T(K) 200 – 300 TST 5.15 300 – 400 5.56 5.95 5.84 5.81 400 – 600 6.19 6.43 6.35 6.33 600 – 1000 7.49 7.56 7.51 7.50 1000 – 1500 9.45 9.43 9.40 9.39 Table S-14 Activation energy (in kcal mol1) for R2 using ICVT dual-level dynamics (BB1K/maDdZ potential surface and high-level corrections from CCSD(T)/CBS//BB1K/aTdZ thermochemistry data) T(K) 200 – 300 CH3SH + S CH2SH + SH (R2) TST ICVT ICVT/ZCT ICVT/SCT 13.54 13.70 13.09 12.45 300 – 400 13.90 14.05 13.65 13.12 400 – 600 14.56 14.68 14.41 13.99 600 – 1000 15.99 16.07 15.90 15.61 1000 – 1500 18.14 18.19 18.08 17.89 Table S-15 Activation energy (in kcal mol1) for R3 using ICVT dual-level dynamics (BB1K/maDdZ potential surface and high-level corrections from CCSD(T)/CBS//BB1K/aTdZ thermochemistry data) T(K) 200 – 300 CH3SH + S CH3 + HS2 (R3) TST ICVT ICVT/ZCT ICVT/SCT 8.41 8.44 8.26 8.06 300 – 400 8.82 8.82 8.70 8.57 400 – 600 9.40 9.41 9.33 9.24 600 – 1000 10.48 10.49 10.44 10.38 1000 – 1500 12.04 12.05 12.01 11.98 -22 R1 -24 -28 -1 -1 lnk (cm molecule s ) -26 -30 3 -32 -34 TST ICVT ICVT/ZCT ICVT/SCT -36 -38 -40 0 1 2 3 4 5 -1 (1000T ) K Fig. S-1 Arrhenius plots of the rate constants for the first reaction path calculated with ICVT using VMEP G and Va as explained in Table S-10 -20 R2 -25 -35 -1 -1 lnk (cm molecule s ) -30 -40 3 -45 -50 TST ICVT ICVT/ZCT ICVT/SCT -55 -60 -65 0 1 2 3 4 5 -1 (1000T ) K Fig. S-2 Arrhenius plots of the rate constants for the second reaction path calculated with ICVT using VMEP and VaG as explained in Table S-11 R3 -25 3 -1 -1 lnk (cm molecule s ) -30 -35 -40 TST ICVT ICVT/ZCT ICVT/SCT -45 -50 0 1 2 3 4 5 -1 (1000T ) K Fig. S-3 Arrhenius plots of the rate constants for the third reaction path calculated with ICVT using VMEP and VaG as explained in Table S-12