Table of Contents General Description .................................................................................................................. 2 Standard Navigation Items ........................................................................................................ 2 Navigation Bars .................................................................................................................... 2 Home ..................................................................................................................................... 3 Council Meeting.................................................................................................................... 3 Officers ................................................................................................................................. 3 Program Chairman ................................................................................................................ 3 Committees ........................................................................................................................... 4 Calendars............................................................................................................................... 4 Other Links ........................................................................................................................... 4 Unique navigation items for General visitors ........................................................................... 4 Log In .................................................................................................................................... 4 Unique navigation items for Logged in members..................................................................... 5 Team List .............................................................................................................................. 5 Log Off.................................................................................................................................. 5 Member Info ......................................................................................................................... 5 Change Userid/Password ...................................................................................................... 5 Change Service Hours........................................................................................................... 5 General Description This web site let the local council to inform the general public and communicate with its members. It shows the calendar, programs, committees and officers of the local council. Members can record their service hours and assign up for committees and programs. Maintaining of the site is easy. If you can post on Face Book then you can manage this site. The site allows the Grand Knight, Deputy Grand Knight and Financial Secretary to add calendar events, form calling tree team (the power of ten) and add/delete members. They can send out email notices of meetings and events. Standard Navigation Items Navigation Bars There are three different types of navigation bars. The first seven items are the same on all the Bars. The first type is the one that everybody can see when they first go to the site. The second type is the one that people how have logged on can see. The three one is the one that only the Grand Knight, Deputy Grand Knight, Financial Secretary and Web Master can see. The first seven items are Home, Council Meeting, Officers, Program Chairman, Committees, Calendar and Other Links. Home Home Council Meetings Council Meetings Officers Officers Program Chairman Program Chairman Committees Committees Calendar Calendar Other Links Other Links Log in Team List Log Off There is a navigation area on the left side of the page. Every person can see the items listed here. Only members can log in. Member Info Change Userid/Password Change Service Hours There is a navigation area on the left side of the page. Members that are logged in will see these items. . Home This page usually has general information about the Knight of Columbus and the local council. Sometimes it also has information about the next upcoming events. Council Meeting This page will show you when and there the meetings are. Officers This page will show you the list of officers for the council with phone numbers and email address (if they have one). Program Chairman This page will show you the list of programs and the chairman for the council with phone number and email address (if they have one). Committees This page will show you the list of Committees with a description and the chairman for the council with phone numbers and email address (if they have one). Calendars This page will show you the Upcoming events first and all past events for a year. It will show you the date and time for the event and other information (like when you need to be there to help). If you are logged on you can volunteer for some of the events and it will record your service hours. Dec 2, 2012 After Masses Pancake Breakfast Dec 2012 Click here to volunteer for is event Service hours for this Event is 5 will be credit to you if you volunteer Pancake Breakfast in the large hall at St. Michaels. We need help for 8:00 am for setup and until 1:00 pm for cleanup. The profits will go Rachel vineyard and pro-life org. Volunteers Member, test Send Message to volunteers Other Links This page will list links to other sites. This will be different for each council. Unique navigation items for General visitors Log In The first time you log in you can log in using your member number for both the User id and password. It will then ask you to create a unique User id and password. If this is your first time logging on, use your member number for both the userid and password. Then create a userid and paswword. Userid: abc Click here to Log in Password: save the login info Forget my userid/password You must enter your userid and password. If you check the save the login info it will auto fill your userid and password when you use the same computer. If you forgot it click on the Forget my userid/password. It will ask you for your member number and send it to your email address that we have on record. After you log in you will see a different navigation area. Unique navigation items for Logged in members Team List This will show you what team you have been assigned. It will show the member of your team and who is the captain of the team. Log Off This will log you off of the site and you will see what the general visitor see. Member Info This will allow you to change your information. You can add your email address. You can select if you want to get email alerts about meetings and upcoming events. You can select what committees you want to join. Please put in your email and select at least the calendar change alert. It will save the council postage. Change Userid/Password This will let you change your user id and password. The user id can be your member number or any letters and number combination you want. The password must be at least 4 characters long. Change Service Hours You can pick this year or last year to change. The table below the date will show the total for each category. If you mouse over the description you will see a fuller description. There is a add section which will add a service events hours. Following the add section you will see a list of the events you have already put in. You can delete any of them by checking the delete box next to the event. Member # First Name Middle Name Last Name 1239145 LAWRENCE S LINSON Select the service year 2012 Description Total Hrs Description Total Hrs Description Total Hrs Sick 1.5 Bereaved 0 Blood Donor 6 Church Activities 21 Community Activities 34.5 Youth Activities 0 Habitat for Humanity 5 Miscellaneous Activities 2 Fraternal Service 0 Add the Service Hours Date Type of Service 11/13/2012 None Hours Remarks 0 Committee None Delete the Service Hours Delete Date 11/7/2012 Type Habitat for Humanity 10/31/2012 Sick Hours Remarks Even Tootsie Roll Drive Toots Drive 5 Everett House 1.5 test 10/8/2012 Community Activities 2 7/2/2012 Community Activities 3 Jul 6/2/2012 Blood Donor 1 6/2/2012 Community Activities 3 Jun 5/2/2012 Miscellaneous Activities 2 5/2/2012 Community Activities 3 May 5/2/2012 Blood Donor 3 5/2/2012 Church Activities 4/2/2012 Blood Donor 4/2/2012 Community Activities 2/2/2012 Blood Donor Delete the Service Hours Committee 21 Oct 6 thru 8, 2012 at Top Foods in Snohomish Tootsie Roll Drive Vision Out Reach Monroe prison Vision Out Reach Monroe prison Vision Out Reach Monroe prison Pancake Breakfast 1 23.5 1 Vision Out Reach Monroe prison