Key Concepts Used in MCS 210 African American Humanities Humanities a discipline based in interdisciplinary interpretative approaches which attempts to express and understand the experience of being human; a group of disciplines that seek to explore dimensions of human experience and understand its meaning through interpretative perspectives. Among the disciplines commonly assigned to the humanities are: Culture a whole way of life the total pattern of human behavior and its embodiment in thought, speech, action & artifacts(human made objects). It is dependent on human capacity for learning and transmitting knowledge to succeeding generations through the use of tools, language and systems of abstract thought the complex whole including knowledge, beliefs, morals, customs, opinions, religion and art Material culture human made objects or artifacts Worldview a culturally based system of thought which provides a framework for making sense out of the world. It is a way of viewing life that shapes a thought process for action. Diaspora refers to the dispersion of a racial/ethnic group throughout the world Africa 2nd largest continent composed of hundreds of ethnic groups speaking thousands of languages thought to be the birthplace of human beings New World a term anchored in Western European perspectives referring to the Western Hemisphere—North, Central & South America and the Caribbean Aesthetic a culturally based framework of key beliefs, values, traditions and strategies that undergirds organizing principles and resources for stimulating the senses through expressive behavior. Race an arbitrary classification system used to group people based on skin color and physical characteristics. Race has no basis in biological fact. Humans all belong to the same species and the genetic variation within racial groups is greater than between them. Race, as a concept, does have social consequences. Prejudice Preconceived judgments without just grounds, sufficient knowledge or due examination. (beliefs) Discrimination To treat unequally; to make a difference in treatment based on prejudices. (actions) Stereotypes Standardized images based on oversimplified opinions and uncritical judgments held in common by a group about the appearance, behavior or other characteristics of another group. (images) Oppression The systematic subjugation of a disempowered group by a group with social power. Social Power The access to and control of resources and people needed to get and influence what you want and need. Privilege Unearned special advantage, immunity, permission or benefits granted to or ejoyed by individuals or groups which confers and maintains social power Racism One form of oppression The systematic subjugation of a group with stigmatized skin color and physical characteristics by a group with social power anchored in privileged skin color and physical characteristics. Ideology A system of assumptions, theories, and beliefs which support, rationalize, reinforce and justify political, economic and social power arrangements.