FYSP 163: She Works Hard for the Money: Women, Work and the Persistence of Inequality MWF 10-10:50 King Prof. Daphne John Office: King 305b Office Hours: M: 3:30-4:30; W: 2:30-4:30, Th: 11:00-12:15 Course Description Current U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports indicate that women who are employed full-time earn only 76.7% of what men who are employed full-time earn. In this course, we will explore the causes and consequences of gender based wage discrepancy. Topics to be covered include: occupational segregation, comparable worth, shift work, "the Mommy Track", gender based job queuing, career trends and unpaid labor. In addition to class reading, each student will choose an occupation and research it throughout the semester. Required Texts Cassell, Joan. 1998. The Woman in the Surgeon’s Body. Harvard University Press. Ehrenreich, Barbara. 2001. Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America. Metropolitan Books. Hesse-Biber, Sharlene and Gregg Lee Carter. 2005. Working Women in America: Split Dreams. 2nd Edition, Oxford University Press. Hondagneu-Sotelo, Pierrette. 2001. Doméstica: Immigrant Workers Cleaning and Caring in the Shadows of Affluence. University of California Press. Phillips, John L. 2000. How to Think About Statistics. W.H. Freeman. Required Assignments Two Essay Responses to Questions #1-10%, #2- 15% (DUE DATES: 9.29 and 11.3) Reading a Journal Article Exercise 15% (DUE DATE: 10.18) Quantitative Exercise 15% (DUE DATES:11.22) Written Report on Occupation 20% (DUE DATE: 12.04) Oral Presentation of Occupation Report 10% (TBS: 12.06-12.13) Video Discussion Paper—Take Home Final 15% (DUE DATE: 12.20) 1 Class Attendance and Participation: Attendance will be taken at each class. Students may miss up to 5 days without penalty. Students are expected to be prepared for class discussion and participate in discussions. Essays: Students will be given a choice of essay questions, from which they will select one to answer, approximately one week before the due date. The answers should reference as much of the reading as possible to support the answers. A bibliography should be attached. Each essay should be approximately 3-4 pages and double-spaced. Journal Article Exercise: Students will be given an empirically based article to read from a scholarly journal. Specific questions will be asked regarding the content and structure of the article as well as interpretation of statistical findings. Quantitative Exercise: Students will be asked to interpret statistical data from a variety of sources, such as tables from government publications, journal articles and reports. Graphing and interpretation of data using Excel also will be covered. Occupation Report: Each student will select an occupation (or occupational category) to examine. The research should address the following: What is the history of this occupation? What is the nature of the work in this occupation? Is this occupation considered to be male-dominated, female-dominated or gender balanced? Is gender and/or racial segregation present within the occupation by job category? What are the requirements for employment in this occupation and how do those requirements vary by job category? What sectors of the labor market are the jobs in this occupation in? What are the experiences of women in this occupation? What are the typical wages and benefits of the jobs in this occupation? Is there job growth or decline in this occupational area? What are the positive and negative aspects of employment for women in this area? (A variety of resources (eg. books, journal articles, The Occupational Outlook Handbook, TheMonthly Labor Review, Statistical Abstracts of the United States) should be utilized when gathering information.) The in-class PowerPoint presentation (during the last week of class) will consists of highlights from the research. Each presentation will be 15 minutes in length. Student will receive instruction on the use of PowerPoint. The written component will be in the form of a 10-12 page paper reviewing the literature and empirical studies in regard to the questions above. A bibliography must be included with the paper. This assignment serves as the final exam for the course. Video Discussion Paper—Take Home Final: Students will be asked to respond to several essay questions based on the films we will watch (and some that will be on reserve for viewing) during 2 the semester. These essays will focus on comparison of particular themes in the documentaries as well as links to the semester readings. The exam is open book/open note. Course Outline 9.6-9.13 I. Introduction/History Hesse-Biber and Carter: Preface, Chapter 1: Models of Women and Work, Chapter 2: A Brief History of Working Women Reserve Reading: Amott and Matthaei: Race, Class, and Gender and Women’s Work Edwards: Contested Terrain Hall: Gender and Work Ortiz: Puerto Rican Women in the Garment Industry of New York City, 1920-1980 Dublin: Lowell Millhands, Lynn Shoeworkers, Working Women in New England, 1900 Korabick: Sex and Gender in the New Millenium Brush: Gender, Work, Who Cares?! Production, Reproduction, Deindustrialization and Business as Usual Thistle: The New Economy” and the Transformation of Women’s Work STATISTICS READING: Phillips—Chapters 1-4 VIDEO: The Life and Times of Rosie the Riveter The Phantom Operator The Trickle Down Theory of Sorrow 9.15-9.20 II. Indicators and Explanations of Inequality Hesse-Biber and Carter: Chapter 3: Gender Inequality: Economic and Legal Explanations Reserve Reading: Marx: Alienated Labor Durkheim: The Social and Political Role of Occupational Groups Weber: Bureaucracy Federal Glass Ceiling Commission: The Glass Ceiling Tomaskovic-Devey: Sex and Racial Segregation and Pay Gaps Ferdman: The Color and Culture of Gender in Organizations 3 England, Thompson and Aman: The Sex Gap in Pay and Comparable Worth: An Update Hossfield: The Logic Against Them Reskin and Roos: Occupational Sex Segregation: Persistence and Change, Queueing and Changing Occupational Composition, Consequences of Desegregation: Occupational Integration and Economic Equity? Elliot: Comparing Occupational Segregation in Great Britain and the United States: The Benefits of Using a Multi-Group Measure of Segregation STATISTICS READING: Philips Chapter 5-6 9.25-9.29 III. Work, Racial and Ethnic Inequalities, and Socialization Hesse-Biber and Carter: Chapter 4: Gender Inequality and Socialization: The Influences of Family, School, Peers and the Media Reserve Reading: Freeman: Parental Influence and Women’s Careers Hattery: Theoretical Paradigms for Understanding Maternal Labor Force Participation Helgeson: Women’s Ways of Leading Cintron-Velez: Generational Paths into and out of Work: Personal Narratives of Puerto Rican Women in New York Baker: Mexican-Origin Women in the Southwestern Labor Markets Stier: Immigrant Women Go to Work: Analysis of Immigrant Women’s Labor Supply for Six Asian Groups Loo and Ong: Slaying Demons with A Sewing Needle: Feminist Issues for Chinatown’s Women England, Garcia-Beaulieu and Ross: Women’s Employment among Blacks, Whites and Three Groups of Latinas: Do More Privileged Women Have Higher Employment? . IV. Occupations, Professions and the Experience of Working 10.2-10.4 Ehrenreich, Barbara. 2001. Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America. Metropolitan Books 4 Hesse-Biber and Carter: Chapter 5: Women in Everyday Jobs: Clerical, Sales, Service and Blue-Collar Work Reserve Reading: Bronfenbrenner: Organizing Women: The Nature and Process of Union Organizing Efforts Among U.S. Women Since the mid-1990’s. VIDEO: The Wilmar 8 10.6-10.23 Reserve Reading: Casey: New Tappings on the Keys Garson: The Electronic Sweatshop Parker: Temporary Clerical Work Connoley and Rhoton: Women in Direct Sales Hall: Waitering/Waitressing Paules: “Getting” and “Making” a Tip Reskin and Roos: Women Behind Bars Zhou and Nordquist: Work and Its Place in the Lives of Immigrant Women: Garment Workers in New York City’s Chinatown Juravich: Women on the Line Reskin and Roos: Hot-Metal to Electronic Composition Wang and Kleiner: Sex Discrimination in Fire Fighting Organisations VIDEO: Some Real Heat Hammering it Out North Country 10.25-11.1 Hondagneu-Sotelo, Pierrette. 2001. Doméstica: Immigrant Workers Cleaning and Caring in the Shadows of Affluence. University of California Press. VIDEO: Maid in America Maid to Stay 11.3-11.10 Hesse-Biber: Chapter 6: Professional and Managerial Women Reserve Reading: 5 Sokoloff: The Half-Full Glass, The Professions, White Women: Movement an Change, Black Women: Beyond the Myth of Double Advantage, The Half-Empty Glass: Can it Ever Be Filled? Higginbotham: Black Professional Women: Job Ceilings Rosenberg, Perlstadt and Phillips: “Now That We Are Here:” Discrimination, Disparagement and Harrassment at Work and the Experience of Women Lawyers Bird: An Analysis of Gender Differences in Income among Dentists, Physicians and Veterinarians, 1987 Glazer: “Between a Rock and a Hard Place”: Racial, Ethnic, and Class Inequalities in Women’s Professional Nursing Organizations Reskin and Roos: Industrial and Occupational Change in Pharmacy; A Woman’s Place is Selling Homes; High Finance, Small Change Colwill: Women in Management: Power and Powerlessness Schwartz: Management Women and the New Facts of Life Reskin: Culture, Commerce, Gender VIDEO: Lifetime’s Women Docs (instructor copy) 11.13-11.20 Cassell, Joan. 1998. The Woman in the Surgeon’s Body. Harvard University Press. STATISTICS READING: Phillips- Ch. 7-10 V. Work and Family 11.22-11.27 Hesse-Biber and Carter: Chapter 7: Working Women and Their Families Reserve Reading: Torruellas, Benmayor and Juarbe: Negotiating Gender, Work and Welfare: Familia as Productive labor among Puerto Rican Women in New York City Hattery: Balancing and Weaving to be a “Good” Mother, To Work or Not to Work? That is the Question, Are Children Better Off if they have New Bikes Rather than Having You at Home? Devault: Feeding the Family Shelton and John: The Division of Household Labor, Who Does What and How Much Do They Do? Gender and Total Work Time VIDEO: Juggling Work and Family 6 VI. Social Change and the Global Economy 11.29-12.4 Hesse-Biber and Carter: Chapter 8: Changing the Lives of Working Women Reserve Reading: Monson: Defining the Situation: Sexual Harassment or Everyday Rudeness? Espinosa: Sexual Harassment Protection for Whom? Giuffre and Williams: Boundary Lines: Labeling Sexual Harassment in Restaurants Welsh, Carr, MacQuarrie and Huntley: I’m Not Thinking of it as Sexual Harassment: Understanding Harassment Across Race and Citizenship Moghdam: Gender and the Global Economy Wichterich: The Global Conveyor Belt, Worldwide Service Hu-Dehart: Globalization and Its Discontents: Exposing the Underside Whalen: Sweatshops Here and There: The Garment Industry, Latinas and Labor Migrations Abraham and Manning: Business Outsourcing: The U.S. and India in the New Global Market VIDEO: Nalini by Day, Nancy by Night North Country The Instructor reserves the right to modify this syllabus at any time during the semester. 7