Spelling Activity Ideas ~ Active hands on Spelling~ Overhead Projector Spelling Using pipe cleaners, children form shapes of letters and make spelling words to see on overhead screen. Sign Language Spelling Teach children the letters of the alphabet in Sign Language and children spell to a buddy. Children create a slideshow of their spelling words. Word Hospital Showdown Spelling Children form two class groups and one child from each side volunteers. First child says ”There’s going to be a showdown!” The other replies, “We’ll see about that”. They act out the showdown scene. Teacher/child says a word and the first one to spell it correctly wins. New players chosen. Calculator Spelling Design a get-well card for a word badly damaged by misspelling. Translate letters in words to numbers and create your own algorithms. Spelling Sale of the Century Three contestants and three buzzers (children) needed. Buzzers cross their legs on the floor, and contestants sit behind on their chairs. They lightly press the buzzer child’s head in front when they know the answer – the buzzer makes a unique sound. Team Spelling Divide the class into four equal teams and ask each to select a captain. When you call a word, team members discuss how to spell it, and then the captain reports the team's decision. A correct answer scores one point. Detective Spelling Children use spelling words to create pictures, ie outline of a house – instead of drawing lines – the words make the walls, etc. Spelling criminals have stolen key letters from spelling words. Find the letters and replace them in their rightful order. Using a telephone number pad, translate the words into numbers. Powerpoint Spelling Children use magnetic letters to make spelling words. Spellamodoodles Telephone Spelling Magnetic Letters Spelling Word Hunt Letters are hidden around room – some are for the words and a few extra just to make it tricky. Children have to find letters and then decide which letters they need to spell the word. Playdough Words Children use playdough to form word or spelling snakes. Team Crossword Puzzles Teams of four are randomly assigned. Each student selects five words from their team word banks. Team Goal: Use these twenty words to design a team crossword puzzle. Spelling Activity Ideas ~ For confident Spellers ~ Portmanteau Blending two words creates portmanteau words,ie galumph (from gallop and triumph). Print several well-known portmanteaus - motel, brunch, smog - on individual cards. On the back of each card write the two original words and a brief description. To play, divide the class into two teams. To score a point, a team member draws a card, pronounces the word, identifies the two words that were blended to create the new word, and uses the portmanteau in a sentence. Oxymorons Oxymorons are phrases that use two contradictory words to provide emphasis - cruel kindness, sweet sorrow, war games. Print individual words on separate cards. Kids play Oxymoron Concentration, turning over two cards at a time, saying the words together as a phrase, and deciding if it is an oxymoron. Ask children to create their own oxymorons and to explain their choice of words Mnemonics Student takes a spelling word (e.g. artist) and builds his own sentence. A Andy R Runs T Ten I Inches In S Small T Towns. Neologisms Neologisms are new words or phrases that have become an accepted part of everyday vocabulary - clone, digital, software, hardware. To create a deck of neologisms to use in a game of Neology Bluff, ask students to ask parents and other adults for new words. As each locates a neologism, he or she prints the word on a card. On the back, the student writes the definition in red and two false, but logical, definitions in black. When you have a stack of neologisms, divide the class into two teams. Three players from one team stand in front of the class. One player shows the word to the opposing team, pronounces it, and gives one of the definitions on the back of the card. The second player gives another definition and the third player gives the remaining definition. The opposing team must identify the correct definition in order to score. Malapropisms Malapropisms are ridiculous misuses of the language, involving words that sound similar but have entirely different meanings. Typhoon/tycoon, alligator/elevator, abdominal/abominable. Play Malapropism Quiz Bowl with your class. Divide the class into two teams. Prepare cards with printed sentences containing malapropisms. One member from each team comes up to the front of the room. Place a buzzer or bell between the two players. Draw a card and read the sentence aloud. Students try to identify the malapropism and supply the correct word. The first player to hit the bell or to clap hands gets the first chance to answer. If incorrect, the other player has a try. Score one point for each correct answer. Spelling Activity Ideas ~ Active, hands-on Spelling ~ Where’s my family? A number of family word lists are written and placed into the same container. Children need to sort them into the same word families and reunite them! Secret Agent Words Number the alphabet from 1 to 26, and then convert your words to a number code. Jumbled Words Words have been jumbled. Ask students to work out what the words are and provide the correct spelling. Summons to Appear in Court! Help! There are some words that have broken spelling rules and refuse to follow the rules! Identify the rule/s that they have broken and find a few that have done the right thing and followed them! Children take on characters to represent the words in court. Morse Code Convert your words into Morse Code. Spelling Charades Students provide the number of Syllables and give action clues for their spelling words. Comic Strips Mind Reader Make your own comic strips. Student teams create their own comic characters, stories, and story strips using their spelling word lists. You have at least 20 words up on the board to begin. Children record five possible words that the teacher/child may have chosen. Teacher has a selected word written and folds it up. Provide clues to help the children guess. Alternative project: Cut out comic strips from the newspapers. Cut off the balloon words. Have students create their own dialogues putting in as many spelling words as possible. Spelling Rap Provide children with musical instruments. Children create a rap using spelling words and perform it to the class. Super Sleuths Children write a story using all spelling words but one! The Super Sleuth has to examine the story and find the missing word! Consonants and Vowels When spelling out words, place directions on how it is done. Either whisper vowels and chant consonants, omit, give actions etc. Spelling Baseball Children form two teams. Bases are placed around the room. Batter steps up to the plate and is pitched a spelling word. If they get it right, they go to first base. Three ‘outs’ and teams swap. Alphabetical Order Put words into alphabetical order (adapt – reverse order, etc) Newspaper/ magazine Search Search and find as many spelling words or variations of the words in the newspaper. Cut out and glue into spelling book.