Phase 2

A Stable Comparison-based Sorting
Algorithm with worst Case complexity of
O(n log n) Comparisons and
O(n) Moves
Hanan Ahmed-Hosni Mahmoud, and Nadia Alghreimil
Abstract—stable sorting algorithms maintain the
relative order of records with equal keys. Such
algorithms are required in fields of computer
science such as databases applications. A Stable
Comparison-based Sorting Algorithm with worst
Case complexity of O(n log n) Comparisons and
O(n) Moves. The algorithm comprises two phases; stable
rearranging of the input unsorted array into m sorted subarrays,
and then K- way merge the sorted subarrays producing an
output sorted array in the second phase. The first phase requires
linear time, while, in the second phase, the K-way merge
requires ------. The algorithm performs, in the worst case, for an
array of size n, an O(n log n)) element comparisons and O(n log
n))) element moves. There are no auxiliary arithmetic
operations with indices are required. Experimental results
show that it outperforms other stable sorting algorithms.
Finally, the Analysis of time and space complexity, and
required number of moves are presented, along with the
auxiliary storage requirements of the proposed algorithm.
Keywords—Stable sorting , auxiliary storage
Sorting is one of the most fundamental problems in the
field of computer science[1],[2]. Comparison-based
algorithms perform, in the average case, at least log n! ≈ n
· log n −n · log e ≈ n · log n −1.443n comparisons to sort
an array of n elements [2],[3]. The lower bound for
element moves is n log (n). The merge sort Algorithm
performs very closely to the optimum, with n log (n)
comparisons [2],[4]. However, the merge sort is not a
stable algorithm. The binary-search version of insert sort
requires log n!+n comparisons, and only O(1) index
variables; of log n bits each, for pointing to the input array
[8],[9],[10]. However, the algorithm performs _(n2)
element moves, which makes it very slow, especially as n
increases. The heap sort was the first in-place sorting
algorithm with time complexity bounded by O (n ·log n)
in the worst case with O (1) storage requirements but only
performs n · log n + O (n) element moves[10-14]. In-
place variants of a k-way merge sort with at most n · log n
+ O (n) comparisons, O (1) auxiliary storage, and ε · n ·
log n + O (n) moves are presented, instead of merging
only 2 blocks, k sorted blocks are merged together at the
same time. Here, k denotes an arbitrarily large, but fixed,
integer constant, and ε>0 an arbitrarily small, but fixed,
real constant [2],[15],[16].
In this paper, a new stable sorting algorithm that reduces,
simultaneously, the number of comparisons, element
moves, and required auxiliary storage will be presented.
Our algorithm operates, in the worst case, with at most n
log n element comparisons, n log n element moves, and
exactly n auxiliary storage. Also there are no auxiliary
arithmetic operations with indices. Experimental results
will also show that it outperforms other stable sorting
algorithms, where n is the size of the input array.
In the following sections, the proposed algorithm, and the
computational requirement analysis will be presented in
details. The proposed algorithm and the required data
structures will be presented in section 2 analysis of the
time complexity will be carried in section 3 analysis of
required number of moves will be discussed in section 4.
Auxiliary storage requirements will be discussed in
section 5. Issues on stability of the proposed algorithm
will be detailed in section 6. Experimental results are
presented in section 7. Conclusions and references will
Using n elements, divide the elements into some disjoint
segments σ0, σ1, . . . , σ f , of variable lengths Li, such
that all elements in the segment σk satisfy ak ≤ ak+1, for k
= 1 to Li The sorted array is obtained by K-way merging
these segments. σ1 is formed by linearly scan the input
array copying the first element in array2, and then read
the next element of the input array, and move it to array2
if and only if the next element is greater than or equal to
the last element copied to array2. The same procedure is
applied simultaneously to formulate all other segments σi
by scanning the input array just once in time complexity
of the order of O(1)
Time complexity of Phase1  n
The New Proposed Algorithm
Algorithm StableSorting
//phase 1: stable formation of segments, an additional
nXm bit array is required: seq (n,m) initially all elements
of the array seq is equal to binary 0, m is a small positive
constant integer//
for j
for (k = i-m to i)
if ( array(i) >= array(k))
exit the inner for loop;
for k= 1 to m
c1=i; count(k-1)=c1-i;
for j = 1 to n
if seq(k,j) =1 { array2(i)=array(j); i++}
// phase 2: stable k way merging of the m segments//
Time complexity for phase 1
1. Counting elements in each bucket requires one
scan for the array ELM; therefore, time complexity
for this step is of the order n.
Time complexity of Phase1_step1  n
2. Moving the elements to their appropriate place
according to their bucket requires one scan for the
array ELM, therefore, time complexity for this step is
of the order n.
Time complexity of Phase1_step2  n
From equations (1) and (2):
Time complexity for phase 2:
Assume that there are m buckets, on the average, each
bucket is of size z=n/m.
1. The complexity of xsort is z log z,
Time complexity of Xsort  z log z
2. Total time complexity for sorting m buckets using xsort
is (m*z log z)
Time complexity of total Xsort  m*z log z
From equation (4) and (5), it can be concluded that the
time complexity for phase two is m*z log Z:
Time complexity of phase2  m*z log z
Time complexity of phase 2  m*n/m log z
Time complexity of phase 2  n log z
From equations (3) and (8), total time complexity for the
The proposed in-place sorting algorithm can be computed
as follows:
Time complexity of Sort  n+ n log z
Since z is an integer that is much greater than 1,
Therefore log z is greater than 1,
Therefore n log z > n
Time complexity of The proposed in-place sorting
algorithm  n log z
Phase 1= 1 to m{ seq(j,j) =1};
for (i = m+1 to n)
a. Counting elements in each bucket requires no
b. Moving elements to their appropriate buckets
requires n moves.
These results are detailed in the following equation:
Total number of moves for phase 1  n
Phase 2
The number of moves, required by phase two, depends
on the used sorting algorithm xsort. However according to
our assumptions, the maximum number of moves for
sorting each bucket is equal to z log z. This sums up to n
log z for the m buckets which is presented in the
following equation:
Total number of moves in phase 2  n log z (13),
Maximum number of moves for the The proposed inplace sorting algorithm can be calculated from equations
(12) and (13) as follows:
Total number of moves for The proposed in-place sorting
algorithm  n + n log z
But Since, n log z > n
Therefore, from equation (14) and (15), we can conclude
the following:
Total number of moves for The proposed in-place sorting
algorithm  n log z
As discussed before, the time complexity analysis and the
analysis of the number of moves required by The
proposed in-place sorting algorithms depend to, a great
extent, on the time complexity and the number of moves
required by the xsort algorithm. Further studies are
already in progress for choosing an appropriate algorithm
for xsort. These studies are going to be published in the
near future.
There is no extra auxiliary storage required for The
proposed in-place sorting algorithm. Also, there is no
indices or any other hidden data structures required for
the execution of the algorithm. These issues are discussed
There is a requirement for m integer variables in phase 1,
since m is small constant, we can assume that the
auxiliary storage required for phase 1 is of the order of
(1), this is summarized in equation (17) as follows,
Auxiliary storage for phase1  (1)
The computation of the auxiliary storage requirements for
phase2 depends on the choice of xsort algorithm. Since
one of the conditions of choosing xsort that it is an in
place algorithm, this implies that xsort and consequently
phase2 require auxiliary storage in the order of (1), this is
summarized in equation (18).
Auxiliary storage for phase2  (1)
The auxiliary storage requirements for The proposed inplace sorting can be derived from equations (17) and (18)
as follows,
Auxiliary storage for The proposed in-place sorting
algorithm  (1)
It can be concluded, from the previous discussion, that
The proposed in-place sorting algorithm is an in place
It is not very hard to prove that the proposed algorithm,
The proposed in-place sorting algorithm, is an unstable
sorting algorithm. Stability of the sorting algorithm is
required in many applications, for some other applications
stability might not be that important. Stability of a sorting
algorithm is established usually by a penalty in the
algorithm performance (time or space complexity). A
counter example showing the instability of The proposed
in-place sorting algorithm will follow.
Example 1:
Assume that the unsorted array ELM is as follows
Figure 1: the array ELM before sorting
Applying the proposed in-place sorting algorithm
will result in:
x - - - - a a
x x x x x x a
a a a a a a a
z x x x x x x
a a a x x x x
a a a a a a x
x x z z z z z
Figure 2: shows the changes in the array ELM as applying
phase 1 to it, the last column shows the array ELM after
phase1 is completed.
The previous figure shows the first phase of
ChainSiort, as we can see the x’s has been placed in
the buckets without reserving the original order.
Also, there is no way to tell what the original
ordering was.
In future work, further study of the stability of the
algorithm and how to establish a stable version of it
will be carried.
The following table includes comparison between some
of the well-known algorithms. Our experimental results
will these sorting algorithm. Experimental results
comparing The proposed in-place sorting algorithm using
mergesort, in place Merge sort (k-way mergesort), and
quick sort as xsort to the chosen algorithms are
presented in figures 3, 4, and 5.
From the experimental results, The proposed in-place
sorting algorithm achieves better performance using an
xsort algorithm than the sorting algorithm alone. I.e. the
proposed in-place sorting algorithm with merge sort
algorithm as xsort performs better than merge sort alone.
The best performance was The proposed in-place sorting
algorithm with quicksort as the xsort algorithm.
Sorting algorithm
Merge sort
In-place merge sort
The proposed in-place
sorting algorithm
Worst Memory Stable
O(nlog(n)) O(nlog(n)) O(n) Yes
O(nlog(n)) O(nlog(n)) O(1) Yes
O(nlog(n)) O(n2) O(log n) No
O(nlog(z)) O(nlog(z)) O(1)
Table 1: list of the properties of some well known
sorting algorithms and the proposed algorithm The
proposed in-place sorting algorithm
k-way merge sort
Quick sort
proposed algorithm (using Mergsort in phase2)
execution time in ms
k-way merge sort
Quick sort
proposed algorithm (using Mergsort in phase2)
proposed algorithm (using k-way Mergsort in phase2)
proposed algorithm (using quicksort in phase2)
proposed algorithm (using quicksort in phase2)
execution time in melliseconds
proposed algorithm(using k-way Mergsort in phase2)
number of keys to be sorted
Figure 5 : The running times of sorting algorithms in
milliseconds for number of elements to be sorted ranging
from 100000 to 220000 keys each key is 20 character
number of keys
Figure 3 : The running times of sorting algorithms in
milliseconds for number of keys to be sorted ranging
from 1000 to 8000 keys each key is 20 character long
k-way merge sort
Quick sort
proposed algorithm (using Mergsort in phase2)
proposed algorithm (using k-way Mergsort in phase2)
proposed algorithm (using quicksort in phase2)
In this paper, a new sorting algorithm was presented. This
algorithm is in-place sorting algorithm with O(n log z)
comparisons and O(n log z) moves and O (1) auxiliary
storage. Comparison of the new proposed algorithm and
some of the well known algorithms has proven that the
new algorithm outperforms the other algorithms. Also, it
was proved that no auxiliary arithmetic operations with
indices were required. Besides, this algorithm was shown
to be of practical interest, because of its simplicity.
Experimental results have shown that it outperformed
other in place sorting algorithms.
execution time in ms
number of keys to be sorted
Figure 4 : The running times of sorting algorithms in
milliseconds for number of elements to be sorted ranging
from 10000 to 22000 keys each key is 20 character long
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