Socio-cultural Influences on Development and Psychopathology

Socio-cultural Influences on Development and Psychopathology
Catherine B. Silver, PhD
R718 Fall 2010
Wednesday 7:00-8:30 pm
464 Riverside Drive, apt 101 New York, NY 10027
Web site:
First Meeting: September 22
A general presentation of the role of social and cultural factors in psychoanalytic
theorizing and clinical practice and discussion of the course outline.
Second Meeting: September 29
1 -Perez-Foster RoseMarie, “What is Multicultural Perspective for Psychoanalysis?”
Pp.3-20, in Reaching Across Boundaries of Culture and Class: Widening the Scope of
Psychotherapy, RoseMarie Foster, Michael Moskowitz and Raphael Art Javier eds., New
York: Jason Aronson, 1996.
Third Meeting: October 6
Some pioneers linking the psyche to the social/cultural
- Freud Sigmund, “Reflections upon War and Death, 1915.
2 -Horney Karen, The Neurotic Personality of our Time, Chap.1 and 15. New York:
W.W. Norton an& Co, 1937.
3 - Fromm Erich, “Individual and Social Origins of Neurosis”, American Sociological
Review, Vol., 9(4):380-384 August, 1944; “Alienation” pp.20-37 The Essential Fromm:
Life between Having and Being, Edited by Rainer Funk, New York: Continuum, 1995.
Fourth Meeting: October 13
Contemporary multicultural perspectives
4 -Altman Neil, “Race, Culture and Social Class”, pp.74-118 in The Analyst in the Inner
City, Hillsdale, NJ: The Analytic Press, 1995.
5 - Reis Bruce, “The subject of History/ The Object of Transference” Studies in Gender
and Sexuality, vol. 6(3):217-240, 2005.
Fifth Meeting: October 20
The Asian self and the multiplicity of identities
12 -Takeo Doi , “AMAE: A key Concept for Understanding Japanese Personality
Structure” The Anatomy of Dependence. Tokyo: Kodansha International, 1973.
13 -Alan Roland, “The Cultural Self, the Personal Self, and Psychological Conflict,” In
Cultural Pluralism in Psychoanalysis, New York: Routledge, 1996.
14- Alan Roland, “The Influence of Culture on the Self and Self Object Relationships.”
in Cultural Pluralism in Psychoanalysis, New York: Routledge, 1996.
-Alan Roland and Catherine Silver, “The Politics of Paranoia,” The Psychoanalytic
Review, April 2010.
15 -Kakar Sudi, “Psychoanalysis and Non-Western Cultures,” Intl Rev of Psychoanalysis
1985, vol. (12): 441-448.
(This meeting will take place in Dr. Roland’s office starting at 7:30 p.m. at
26 West 9th Street, Apt 4D. Buzz downstairs to get into the building, then walk right into
the waiting room of the office.)
Sixth Meeting: October 27
Ethnicity and class
6 -Javier Rafael Art, “Psychodynamic Treatment with the Urban Poor” chap. 5 in
Reaching Across Boundaries of Culture and Class:Widening the Scope of Psychotherapy,
RoseMarie Foster, Michael Moskowitz and Raphael Art Javier eds., 1996.
7 -Guarnaccia Peter; Victor DelaCancela, and Emilio Carrillo. “The Mutliple
Meanings of Ataques de Nervios in the Latino Community,” Medical Anthropology,
Vol.11:47-62, 1989.
8 -Seeley Karen, “The case of Rosa”, Cultural Psychotherapy: Working with Culture in
the Clinical Encounter. New York: Jason Aronson, 2006.
9 -Javier Rafael Art, “Vicissitudes of Autobiographical Memories in Bilingual
Analysis”. Psychoanalytic Psychology, Vol.12 (3): 429-438.
Seventh Meeting: November 3
Gender identities and gender cultures
10 -Flax Jane, “Minerva’s Owl. Fragment of a thinking life” in Disputed Subjects:
essays on psychoanalysis, politics and philosophy, New York: Routledge 1993
-Silver Catherine, “Womb Envy: Loss and Grief of the Maternal Body,” Psychoanalytic
Review, vol. 94(3), June 2007 (A copy will be provided).
11-MacDonald & Dorothy Smith, “A Feminist Therapy Session,” pp.155-163 in
Women Look at Psychiatry, Dorothy Smith and Sara David, Eds. Ganag Publisher, 1975.
Eight Meeting: November 10
Gay, lesbian, bi-sexual and transgendered cultures
16 -Eigen, Michael. “In Praise of Gender Uncertainty,” chap.14 in Psychic Deadness,
Jason Aronson, 1996.
17 -Hansbury Griffin, “Mourning the Loss of the Idealized Self: Transsexual Passage,”
Psychoanalytic Social Work, Vol.12 (1): 19-35, 2005.
18 -Lesser, Ronnie C. “Category Problems: Lesbians, Post modernity, and Truth,”
Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy, Vol.13 (2): 153-159, 1996.
Ninth Meeting: November 17
Transference and counter-transference issues in a cultural framework
19 - Gorkin Michael, “Counter-transference in Cross-Cultural Psychotherapy, pp.159176, Reaching Across Boundaries of Culture and Class: Widening the Scope of
Psychotherapy, RoseMarie Foster, Michael Moskowitz and Raphael Art Javier eds., 1996.
20 -Herron William G, “Development of the Ethnic Unconscious,” Psychoanalytic
Psychology, 1995, Vol.12: 521-532; Javier Rafael Art and Mario Rendon, “The Ethnic
Unconscious and its Role in Transference, Resistance, and Countertransference: an
Introduction,” Psychoanalytic Psychology Vol.12 (4):513-520. 1995.
21 -Fox Gladys, “But that was in another country and besides…..” Contemporary
Psychoanalysis, April 2004, Vol. 40(2): 239-252.
Tenth Meeting: November 24
Transference and counter-transference issues (contd)
22 -Chodorow Nancy, The Power of Feelings, Yale University Press 1999, chaps 1-2.
23 -Kane Barbara, “Transforming Trauma into Tragedy,” Psychoanalytic Review,
92(6), Dec 2005.
Eleventh Meeting: December 1
Class and politics in the clinical setting
24 -Eigen Michael, “Election Rape” Pp. 68-77, Feeling Matters London Karnac 2007.
25 -Layton Lynne, “Attacks on Linking” Pp. 107- 117, Psychoanalysis, Class and
Politics. Encounters in the Clinical Setting Nancy Hollander and Susan Gutwill, eds.,
New York: Routledge, 2006.
Twelfth Meeting: December 8
Anglo-American cultural assumptions: some ethical issues
26 -Kirschner Suzanne, “The Assenting Echo: Anglo-American Values in
Contemporary Psychoanalytic Developmental Psychology,” Social Research, Vol.57,
No.4 (winter), 1990.
27 -Morris Karen L, “Torture and Attachment: Conscience and the Analyst’s WorldSeeing Eye.” Psychoanalytic Review, 2008.
Trainees are responsible for:
- Making one presentations (15-20 minutes) based on one of the units in the reading
list. Try to select the unit you want as soon as possible.
- Informally discussing case material from their practice during the course of the
- Writing a short 5-8 pages paper about a specific issue regarding the role of sociocultural factors in the therapeutic process. Trainees can illustrate their ideas using
their own experiences as therapist and/or analyzand.
I would like to make this class intellectually and personally as open as possible.
I am available to talk before or after class. Just send me an e-mail to let me know that you
would like to meet.
I have scanned most of the articles and chapters into a CD that will be available the first
day of class. If you rather like to make you own copies from the originals (more
expensive) it is also possible to do so.
The number in front of each reading corresponds to the sequence of articles on the CD.
You should number the articles that you print from the CD to make it easier to locate. A
few articles without numbers will be distributed or you might have to download them.
F drive/ C/Teach NPAP/R718 Fall 2010.doc