Beginning Architecture

Beginning Architecture
Checksheet #4
This checksheet lists in order the actions to be completed on for the fourth phase of your home design.
Have each step checked off before starting the next one.
1) Return old technical bulletins to their piles. –Self sign out-
2) Pick up and complete your Sleeping Area & Hall Design Analysis.-Self sign out-
3) Look through the selected pile of floor plans. Notice all the different landscape designs used.
Looking through these, formulate your own ideas and sketch these for your own landscape on a
scrap piece of paper. –Instructor sign out-
4) In your book, read pages 67-85, “Porches, Patios, and Lanais”. –Self sign out-
5) Read your technical bulletin 136, “Landscaping”. –Self sign out-
6) Draw the outside area of your floor plan freehand including plants, porches, walkways, water,
and outdoor furniture. Use the templates when appropriate. –Self sign out-
7) Pick up and complete your Outside Area Design Analysis. –Self sign out-
8) Have the instructor check over your Sleeping and Outside Area Design Analyses. Turn in all
analysis sheets to the instructor. –Instructor sign out-
9) Darken all walls, windows, and doors on the floor plan. Try to complete erasures and clean up
your design without burning holes in your paper. All lines should be the same thickness and
darkness. – Self sign out-
10) Complete a sketch of what you envision your exterior design to look like. –Instructor sign
11) Study for your quiz over floor plan design. This quiz will encompass all areas of floor plan
design and include the symbols for materials, different doors, landscaping, etc. Look over your
book and all reading materials closely!! –Self sign out-
12) Clean out your drawer of trash. Place all drawings under the dust cover for safe keeping. –
Instructor sign out-
13) In your textbook read pages 220-233, “Elevation Design”. When you finish, have a fellow
student quiz you over the terms and methods used in elevation design.
14) In your textbook, read pages 234-244, “Elevation Projection”. –Self sign out-
15) Obtain from the instructor 2 sheets of vellum for elevation design and roof plan design. –
Self sign out-
16) Draw a ½” border around your new papers. Copy the title block from your floor plan
changing the title to Elevations and Roof Plan. –Advanced student sign out-
17) Read Tech. Bull. 140 and pick out a roof type. –Self sign out18) Pick up Tech Bull 140, “Drawing the Roof” and study it to pick a roof type. Decide on one
and on a piece of scrap paper, draw a thumbnail sketch of your roof freehand. –Advanced
student sign out19) On your other paper, draw the roof plan as shown in the bulletin, “Drawing the Roof Plan”. –
Advanced student sign out-
20) Have instructor check over final roof plan drawing.
21) Determine the height of your house using a piece of scrap paper on which to write
measurements. Decide by starting with these: STANDARD HEIGHTS of foundations are;
cement slab- 6”, wood floor-18”, STANDARD HEIGHT floor to ceiling; 8’-2”, thickness from
lower level ceiling to second floor level- 12” (Advanced only), second floor to ceiling- 8’-2”,
height of ceiling to top of roof will vary depending upon roof type. As well, if you have
extremely high ceilings or long staircases then floor to ceiling distances will vary. Most gable
type roofs are around 3-5 feet high and flat are 1 ft. high. Jot down your total height. –
Instructor sign out.-
22) Elevations need to be centered on sheets. Using the layout depicted below, begin to layout
where your elevations will be placed. DO NOT BEGIN THIS STEP UNLESS YOU HAVE
FINISHED STEPS 13 & 14!!!!!!!!!!!!!! –Self sign out-
23) Draw the front elevation design of your residence. (Reminder, to begin one should tape their
floor plan down on top of the upper portion of the elevations sheet and project the elevation so
that the floor plan and elevations are the same scale.) In order to do this, tape down your floor
plan so that the bottom of it is about 1 inch below the ½ border on the sheet for elevations.
Center the floor plan so that when you draw the elevation there will be the same space between
the right 1/2” border as there is on the left. Tape down all four corners before beginning. –
Advanced student sign out21) Draw a light horizontal line approximately 8 inches, (beach/ski lots) and 11 inches, (lake)
from the lower ½ border at the center of the sheet to represent the ground level of the front
elevation. –Self sign out21) Start by creating VERY LIGHT projection lines of all width measurements from the floor
plan down to the ground line (windows, doors, edges of walls, etc.) NOTE: At this point window
size and location can be changed to improve the exterior design- but if changes are made,
the windows on the floor plan will also need to be moved to correspond with the
elevation. (see steps 13 & 14) –Self sign out-
22) Draw floor level (6” at the ¼”= 1’-0” scale) up from the ground line for a cement slab floor,
18” (1/4”= 1’-0”) up from the ground for a wood floor. Floor is drawn with 1/8” dashes and 1/32”
spaces (full size scale) between the dashes. MEASURE THIS. –Self sign out23) Draw a very light line to represent the top of all windows and doors. Draw this line 6’-8” up
from the floor level, (this is conventional height of windows and doors for wall
framing). Garage door is 7’-0” up from the ground level. With the way architecture has changed,
this is not an absolute. HOWEVER, if you wish to change the height for your elevation, you
must find an example of a residence which shows windows or doors that go above that 6’-8” line.
-Instructor sign out-
24) Draw in window sill outlines, (windows may be as low as floor levels for a view. In most
cases bedroom and kitchen window sills should be 3’-6” up from floor level for counters and
other furniture. Bathroom window sills should be 4’-0” up from floor level. –Self sign out-
25) Draw light dashes to represent ceiling height. Remember, the normal ceiling is 8’-2”
(1/4”=1’-0 scale) from the floor level. Do not draw ceiling level if ceiling is not level, (like in an
inclined open beam ceiling). If you have a 2nd floor, (advanced only) leave 12” between first floor
ceiling level and 2nd floor level drawn with 1/8” dashes. –Advanced student sign out-
26) Read in your textbook pages 246-250, Elevation Symbols” –Self sign out-
27) Study technical bulletin 138, “Windows” –Self sign out28) Draw in window frames and sashes, (sashes and frames are both 1 ½” wide). –Advanced
student sign out29) Draw door frames 2 inches wide, (as well around the garage door). Add in any finishing
details or touches that you want to the doors and windows and have the teacher approve the
30) Place roof plan over the floor plan and project roof to the front elevation- if there is a
fireplace, draw in the chimney at this time on the front elevation, placing it 2’ higher than the
highest part of the roof if within 12’ of the highest part of the roof. –Self sign out-
31) Study Tech. Bull. 139, “Siding and Roofing Materials”. –Self sign out-
32) *IF AVAILABLE* see siding material chart. –Instructor sign out-
33) Draw siding material on front elevation. Put on any finishing touches and have instructor
check your front elevation.
34) Draw the right elevation of your residential design. This should be centered on your paper
below your front elevation. (The right elevation is when looking at the front of the house/street
side). If you are confused refer to steps 13/14, 21-28. –Self sign out-
35) Pick up another sheet of vellum from the instructor and draw the back and left side
elevations. –Self sign out-
36) Make any necessary revisions to your roof plan based on your elevation designs. –Self sign
37) Have instructor check over roof plans and elevations.
38) Express to the instructor any problems/concerns/good thoughts that you would like to share
about the class.
39) Study for your quiz over the readings/ designs learned on this checksheet.
I attest that I have fully gone through the materials of this checksheet and understand
everything there is to be known about elevation and roof design. I have looked up any words I
did not fully understand and I have no uncertainties about the material. I know I can fully apply
the materials presented on this sheet.