FLEXE/GLOBE Teacher Workshop Mississippi Science Spots Project Learning Tree (PLT) Workshops The J.L. Scott Marine Education Center in Ocean Springs, MS, is hosting a FLEXE/GLOBE Teacher Workshop on July 21-22, 2009. This opportunity for teachers to learn about the ecology of deep-sea hydrothermal vents and hydrocarbon seeps will also show teachers how to use the FLEXE project to study these extreme environments in the classroom. Room and board will be provided for all participants. Teachers will receive a $ 200 stipend for completing the two-day workshop. Find more information at http://www.globe.gov/flexe or contact Johnette Bosarge at 228-818-8893 or Johnette.Bosarge@usm.edu. Project Learning Tree® is an awardwinning, multi-disciplinary environmental education program for educators and students in PreK through grade 12. PLT, a program of the American Forest Foundation, is one of the most widely used environmental education programs in the United States. Contact the Mississippi PLT State Coordinator at handerson212@gmail.com to learn more about the upcoming workshops scheduled below. Woods, Water & Wetlands! Advanced Placement Institutes University of Southern Mississippi--July 18 Lafayette Public Schools--July 24 William Carey University--September 26 July 2009 Mississippi Department of Education Office of Curriculum and Instruction 601-359-2586 Science Specialist: Mary Wroten mwroten@mde.k12.ms.us The Coastal Wonders Environmental Education Program, on the coast of Alabama, is offering, "Woods, Water & Wetlands!" July 13-14, 2009. In this 2day, 1-night teacher workshop, participants will take a closer look at the Weeks Bay estuary and surrounding habitats. The cost is $55 per person, which includes lodging, meals, and materials. Contact Audrey Preston at 251.928.2248 or coastalwonders@bellsouth.net. This symbol indicates items that are new in this issue of MS Science Spots. The University of Mississippi and Millsaps College will offer Advanced Placement Institutes from The College Board this summer as follows: University of Mississippi (July 20-July 24)-http://www.outreach.olemiss.edu/ProfDev/t eacher/apinstitute.html. Millsaps College (July 12 - July 17) --. http://www.millsaps.edu/conted/api/index.s html or call 601-974-1130 for a complete brochure. 1 Mississippi Science Spots, July 2009 Science Reading Collections The Literacy Empowerment Foundation, a non-profit organization, has created science reading collections that can be used to support elementary science curricula. The high-quality, softcover books are available for kindergarten through second grade reading levels. Information and an order form are available at: http://www.lefbooks.org. Best Practice Institute On September 18-19 the Roger F. Wicker Center for Creative Learning at MUW will host its first Best Practice Institute for educators. The focus of this year's institute will be Assessing Student Learning. There is no fee for participation but registration is required. CEUs will be available for $20.00. Nationally-known experts in assessment will present at the institute. Find registration information at www.muw.edu/ccl. Click on Assessment Institutes 2009 located on the left side of the main page to access the registration forms. Call 662-241-6101 if there are any questions. School Chemical Cleanout Campaign (SC3) Video Communities and school districts across the country are recognizing the risk that improperly stored, hazardous, and outdated chemicals pose to students, and are creating programs to help schools responsibly manage their chemicals. View the video at http://www.epa.gov/epawaste/partnerships /sc3/video/index.htm to learn more about what is being done to remove inappropriate, outdated, unknown, and unnecessary chemicals from K-12 schools; raise awareness of chemical issues in schools and promote sustainable solutions; and prevent future chemical mismanagement through training, curriculum change and long-term management solutions. 2009 Thacher Scholars Award The Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) announces the 2009 Thacher Scholars Award. This national competition is for high school students to demonstrate the best use of geospatial technologies or data to study the Earth. Learn more at http://www.strategies.org/docs/ThacherAn nouncement2009.pdf. Earth Week Contests The American Geological Institute (AGI) is sponsoring three national contests in conjunction with Earth Science Week 2009, October 11-17, 2009. All U.S. residents are encouraged to enter this year’s photography contest, "How Climate Shapes my World." Students in grades K-5 are eligible to enter the visual arts contest, "The Climate Where I Live.” The essay contest, "Climate Connections," is open to students in grades 6-9. To learn more about Earth Science Week and these contests, visit www.earthsciweek.org/contests. Free Science Videos Online Find streaming videos at www.vega.org.uk. Included are career profiles of 14 young working scientists, a primary level workshop on the states of matter, and much more! Sun Shadows Project Online PreK Science Game Help your students become “citizen scientists” by taking part in an international research project. The Sun Shadows Project is looking for help in studying the relationship between the seasons and the length of shadows. The Sun Shadows Project students are looking for fellow scientists, to measure shadows and submit findings online at web.me.com/lhuffman/Project_Circle. A free game for preschoolers allows children to help animals find their way home by clicking on the photograph matching the description of the habitat each animal prefers. Short live-action segments then show the animal in the correct habitat. Find more information at http://pbskids.org/mamamirabelle/games.h tml. 2 Mississippi Science Spots, July 2009 Resource Catalog Blog on the Universe New Free Google Resources The Gateway to Educational Materials catalog (www.thegateway.org) offers quick and easy access to more than 50,000 educational resources. Resources from federal, state, university, nonprofit, and commercial sites are easily found through a sophisticated search engine. Dr. Jeff Goldstein, Center Director for the National Center for Earth and Space Science Education has just launched “Blog on the Universe,” which is dedicated to helping teachers of science make science an adventure. Every week, new conceptual nuggets and challenges are introduced to foster deep and inspiring discussions in the classroom and at home. Read the first post of “A Teachable Moment in the News” at http://blogontheuniverse.org/. Google Inc. recently announced the launch of “Ocean” in Google Earth, a new feature that enables users of Google Earth to dive beneath the water surface, explore 3D underwater terrain, and browse oceanrelated content contributed by leaders in ocean science and advocacy. “Mars 3D,” Google's newest virtual tour of the galaxy enables travel to Mars with the click of a button. See high resolution imagery and 3D terrain, observe where various Mars Rovers and Landers have touched down, and much more. Google Earth can be downloaded for free at http://earth.google.com. Plants Database: Up and Growing The USDA website http://plants.usda.gov provides standardized information about native plants in the United States. View over 40,000 plant images and download fact sheets for plants of interest. HotChalk’s Weekly Science Experiments HotChalk's LessonPlansPage.com is a collection of over 3,000 lesson plans from Preschool through High School and beyond. A special feature of the site is the Weekly Science Experiments page. Visit http://www.lessonplanspage.com/SciExper iments.htm to learn more. Science NetLinks Science NetLinks, is part of Thinkfinity, a partnership between the Verizon Foundation and 11 premier educational organizations. Science NetLinks' role is to provide a wealth of standards-aligned resources for K-12 science educators, including free lesson plans, interactives and reviewed Internet resources. Learn more at www.sciencenetlinks.com. H1N1 Resources Check out “Viruses/Infectious Diseases: What’s Really Bugging You,” a middle school lesson from Science NetLinks. It explores viruses/infectious diseases, and how they can infect the human body, compromise the immune system, and interfere with normal human body functions. Find the lesson at http://www.sciencenetlinks.com/lessons.cf m?BenchmarkID=6&DocID=519. Sylvan Dell Publishing School Resource Grant Sylvan Dell Publishing is on a mission to bring science and math to children through literature. Each picture book includes a 3-5 page education section and free online resources such as teaching activities, interactive quizzes, and audio books. Schools may also apply for a School Resource Grant, which provides access to all Sylvan Dell eBooks, featuring selectable English and Spanish text and audio. For more information visit http://www.sylvandellpublishing.com. Mississippi Science Spots, July 2009 Free Science Curriculum Materials Grades 6-12 Find free PowerPoints truly designed for classroom instruction, content videos, interactive simulations, graphic organizers, teaching illustrations and more at www.cpo.com. Choose the “For Educators” tab, and then click on the area of interest. For more information or to receive free samples of selected materials related to the 2010 Mississippi Science Framework, contact Alen Brown at abrown@cpo.com or 877-213-2113. Free "NanoLeap into New Science" Module Mid-continent Research for Education and Learning (McREL), and the Stanford Nanofabrication Facility (SNF) have released the first of two instructional modules from the "NanoLeap into New Science" project funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF). The new modules integrate real-world nanoscale 3 science and engineering research into high school chemistry and physical science courses. Each standards-based module includes teacher guides, assessments, student activities, and experiments. Learn more at http://www.mcrel.org/nanoleap/ps. Two Forks, Idaho “Two Forks, Idaho” is an online science mystery story that challenges readers to discover who is at the bottom of a smalltown crime. Combining scientific knowledge, problem-solving skills, and an interesting narrative, the story will be engaging to curious students, and will expand their imaginations to consider scientific knowledge as a necessary, worthwhile, and interesting field of study. Find information at www.acessexcellence.org/AE/mspot/twofo rks/. Free Science Lesson Plans and Samples from ETA/Cuisenaire Key science concepts relate to fascinating environmental, historical, and cultural facts and offer a variety of opportunities to practice essential science skills, including organizing data, using classification systems, designing experiments, conducting investigations, identifying ecosystems and species, and understanding and using scientific vocabulary. Visit the website at http://www.etacuisenaire.com/resources/le ssons/lessons.jsp or contact kalck@etacuisenaire.com to learn more. The Futures Channel Teachers' Domain One of the main goals of The Futures Channel is to produce mini-documentaries and multi-media content that educators can use to enliven their curriculums and connect mathematics, science, technology, and engineering to the real world. More information may be found at www.thefutureschannel.com. “Teachers' Domain” is a free digital library of multimedia resources for K–12 audiences, focusing primarily on life sciences. Teachers and students can use classroom-ready streaming video clips, audio clips, and interactive activities. There are over 150 resources from broadcast programs such as Nova, A Science Odyssey, and ZOOM. Teachers can integrate Teachers' Domain content into their existing curriculum. Learn more at http://www.teachersdomain.org. Mop Top Shop Mop Top Shop, an educational website for children, profiles the contributions of African-Americans in the fields of science, mathematics, and technology. The site provides educational games, activities, information and assessments. For more information, visit http://www.moptopshop.com/. Fact Monster Fact Monster, www.factmonster.com, is an online almanac, dictionary, encyclopedia, and homework reference designed for students needing a one-stop site for all their reference needs. The Exploratorium The Exploratorium offers free hands-on activities for middle school students. The activities, using easily obtained materials, can be done at home and/or in the classroom. Each is followed by an explanation of the scientific principles utilized in the activity. Visit http://www.exploratorium.edu/explore/han dson.html for more information. Forensics in the Classroom Court TV has developed, as part of a continuing educational partnership with the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, “Forensics in the Classroom.” Download this free standards-based curriculum supplement at http://www.courttv.com/forensics_curriculum. Simple Machines Website Teaching simple machines is now SIMPLE using the lesson plans, demonstrations, experiments, and ideas found at http://www.crestcapital.com/tax/motion_en ergy_and_simple_machines.aspx.html. Subscribe to MS Science Spots Administrators and educators who wish to subscribe to this newsletter may add their names to the mailing list by sending a blank email to mwroten@mde.k12.ms.us with the subject line, “Listserve.” 4 Mississippi Science Spots, July 2009