Human Biology Mitosis and Meiosis

Human Biology Mitosis and Meiosis
Does meiosis or mitosis result in the production of gametes?
__________ condenses and compacts to from chromosomes
There are 4 stages of mitosis, what is the 3rd stage?
An autosome contains how many pairs of chromosomes?
What is the abbreviation for deoxyribonucleic acid?
What is the human haploid chromosome #?
There are 4 phases of mitosis, what is the first phase?
How many pairs of chromosomes are in the sex chromosomes?
What is the human diploid chromosome #?
What is the second phase of mitosis?
In which phase do daughter chromosomes start to move toward opposite
In which phase do nuclear envelopes from around the daughter cells?
Define mitosis.
Define meiosis.
What is the difference between mitosis and meiosis?
What are the four stages of Mitosis (in order)?
What is the end product(s) of Spermatogenesis?
What is the end product(s) of Oogenesis?
What is the purpose and product of mitosis, where/when does it
What is the purpose and product of meiosis/where does it occur?
Complete the table:
(a) Number of divisions
(b) Number of cell daughters
(C) Chromosome number in cell daughters
During mitosis the cell goes through:
, Anaphase and
Where in your body would you expect to find meiosis taking place?
Where does meiosis take place in humans?
Where does mitosis take place in humans?
List in order the phases of mitosis.
Something that is diploid, __n, has ____ set of chromosomes.
Something that is haploid, __n, has ____ set of chromosomes.
(answers 1,2, full, or half.)
 ________Condenses and compacts to form chromosomes.
T / F
There are three types of cellular division: Mitosis I, Mitosis
II, and Meiosis.
How many chromatids are present in a Human cell at metaphase in
mitosis? [Hint: Draw a simple picture of an organism whose diploid
number is 4, figure out how many chromatids that organism would have at
metaphase in mitosis and then just apply that relationship to a Human
a) 23
b) 46
c) 72
d) 92
During Meiosis there are ______ rounds of DNA replication and ______
rounds of cellular division.
a) 1, 2
b) 2, 3
c) 2, 1
d) 4, 2
The skin and brain all develop from which embryonic germ layer?
What type of cellular division occurs when you cut your hand and the cells
around the cut divide to heal the wound? ______________
True or False
T / F
The chromosomes inherited from the mother MUST remain
together following Meiosis I.
T / F
For cells undergoing Meiosis, DNA is only replicated before Meiosis
I, it is not replicated
again before Meiosis II.
T / F
Crossing over occurs between homologous chromosomes, not
between sister chromatids.
T / F
Crossing over is observed in both Mitosis and Meiosis.
T / F
Meiosis is cellular division that creates haploid cells from diploid
T / F
During metaphase I of Mitosis, tetrads can be found.
A _______________ is a picture that displays chromosomes by
homologous pairs. One use of this picture is the diagnosis of certain
problems with a fetus during pregnancy.
A couple decides to have a baby. What is the minimum number of
genetically different possible offspring this couple can have solely based
on the independent assortment of chromosomes in Meiosis without taking
crossing over into consideration? Show the one mathematical step you
used to determine your answer to receive full credit.
a) 2184
e) 292
b) 246
c) 268
d) 212
Following DNA replication, a chromosome consists of two sister
________________ held together at a centromere.
 a) nuclei
b) chromatids
c) centrosomes
d) nucleoli
 Given one diploid male human parent cell with 46 chromosomes, fill the
following table to indicate the differences between mitosis and meiosis.
Number of divisions (this is NOT the
number of daughter cells)
Number of daughter cells
Chromosome number in daughter cells
The division of the cytoplasm is a process called:
a) prophase b) spindle
c) cytokinesis
d) whitefish
 Consider the case of humans, where diploid cells contain 46 chromosomes. Fill
out the following table with the names of gametogenesis and gametes that are
specific for each sex, as well as the number of chromosomes contained in each
sex cell’s nucleus.
Gametes (sex cells)
Number of
chromosomes in each
sex cell
During fertilization, a sperm fuses with an egg, resulting in a:
a) first polar body
b) second polar body c) haploid zygote
c)diploid zygote