Scholarship Scheme

(As approved by BOM in its 116th meeting held on 29.8.2001 and circulated
vide Circular No.NCDC/9-1/80-Admn. dated 17th October, 2001)
1. (i)
The existing scheme (Annexure-I) of scholarship applicable to school-going children
(from 6th to 10th standard) of SC/ST Group 'D' employees will be applicable to
children of all Group-D employees subject to the condition that the children of
employees other than SC/ST, shall have to secure minimum aggregate marks of 75%
in the previous year. The amount of scholarship has been enhanced to Rs.100/- (from
the current rate of Rs.25/-) per month per child.
For XI and XII standard, the quantum of merit scholarship will be Rs.300/- per month
for children who obtain minimum aggregate marks of 80% [as against the existing
slab system of Rs.150/- and Rs.200/- per month for obtaining 75% (65% for SC/ST)
and 85% or above respectively.]
(iii) For pursuing non-professional graduate courses, the quantum of scholarship will be
Rs.400/- per month for children who obtain minimum aggregate marks of 80% in XII
Standard for awarding scholarships during the Ist year's study in College/Institute.
For subsequent years 60% in College/Institute level would be necessary [as against
the existing rate of Rs.200/- and Rs.300/- per month for obtaining 75% (65% for
SC/ST category) and 85% marks or above respectively]
(iv) For non-professional post-graduate level courses/professional courses* conducted by
Government/recognized institutions, the quantum of scholarship will be Rs.600/per month for children who obtain minimum aggregate marks of 80% in XII standard
for awarding scholarship during the Ist year's study in the College/Institute. For
subsequent years 60% in College/Institute level would be necessary. [as against
existing rate of Rs.200/- and Rs.300/- per month for obtaining 75% (65% for SC/ST
category) and 85% or above respectively.]
2. Other terms and conditions for grant of scholarship to Group-D/merit scholarship shall
be: (i)
The grant of scholarship will be on a year to year basis, based on the minimum cut off
percentage of the previous year’s examination.
* Medical/Engineering/Integrated M.S./IT & Biotech/other professional degree etc.
The number of scholarships will be restricted to two children per employee.
(iii) Scholarship will be admissible only for pursuing regular courses (and not for parttime or correspondence courses).
(iv) The revised scheme shall be effective from the scholarship payable during the year
In case of SC/ST candidates, the minimum percentage of marks shall be relaxable by
(vi) Total number of scholarships (excluding the scholarships for Group-D employees),
shall be 60 as under:a. XI & XII class
b. Graduate course
c. 4 year graduate/professional/post graduate academic course :
(vii) In case there are more applications for scholarships in any particular class/category
the same may be accommodated in other class/category within the overall limit of 60
At present, the education loan upto a maximum of Rs.15,000/- is admissible to an
employee to enable his/her child to pursue higher education in professional courses 1(.e.
higher education in medicine, engineering and Master of Business Administration/
Management). The Board of Management in the above said meeting has also decided to
enhance the quantum of education loan to Rs.40,000/- per course per child within the
country and Rs.1,00,000/- per course per child outside the country. The quantum of loan
will be limited to 75% of the cost of education including hostel fee, expenditure on books
and equipments and will carry an interest of 5% per annum. The loan will be recoverable
in maximum of 60 monthly instalments. The number of loan will be restricted to two
children per employee.
Application for scholarship for Group-D, merit scholarship and education loan may be
made in the prescribed proformae enclosed (Annexure-II, III & IV).
As clarified in circular No.NCDC:9-1/80-Admn. Dated 13.11.1984
Grant of Scholarship to the School Going Children of SC/ST Group ‘D’ employees
(Circular No.NCDC:9-1/80-Admn. Dated 6.7.1993)
All SC/ST Group ‘D’ employees whose children are studying in school will be eligible
for grant of scholarship @ 1[Rs.100/-] per month in respect of each child studying in
Class VI or above on the following conditions:(i)
The children are studying in Class VI onwards upto the school leaving stage;
The scholarship will be paid on production of a certificate from the Head of the
Institution in which the child is studying indicating that the progress of the child is
upto the mark and that he/she is continuing his/ her studies;
(iii) The scholarship will be paid alongwith the pay and allowances to the concerned
employee each month;
(iv) The employee will have to furnish a certificate to the effect that the child(ren)
is(are) not in receipt of any other scholarship(s).
Enhanced from Rs.25/- to Rs.100/- vide decision of BOM in its meeting held on 29.8.01 as amended vide Circular No.NCDC/9-1/80-Admn dated
Application for grant of scholarship to children of Group-D employees
I hereby apply for grant of scholarship as applicable to school going children (Class VI to X) of Group
'D' employees in respect of my son/daughter* whose particulars are given below :1.
Name of Ward :
Date of birth :
Whether SC, ST or General category :
Name and address of the school :
Class in which presently studying :
Last class passed/ aggregate percentage
obtained (True copy of mark sheet to be attached):
Period for which scholarship is claimed :
Aggregate Percentage*
No. of months _____ from_________ to__________
I hereby certify that :(a) The information given above is true to the best of my knowledge and
(b) The documents enclosed herewith are true copies of the relevant
(c) I am not claiming scholarship for more than one/ two ward(s)*.
Dated: _________
Station: _________
Signature :_____________________
Name :________________________
Designation : __________________
Code No. _____________________
(For office use only)
Check:1. SC/ST/Gen
2. % of Marks
3. Whether school certificate
(below) in order _______
4. Eligible for
5. Amount of
6. Period
Checked by ____________
Certificate to be furnished by the Head of the Institution/
Principal in which the child is studying
It is certified that ________________________ S/o/D/o_______________________ is studying in
(Name of the Child)
Class ___________ of this school since __________________ and is regularly attending classes.
Dated :
Signature :_________________________________
Name: ____________________________________
Designation :_______________________________
Seal/Stamp of the Institution
* Score off whichever not applicable.
@ Minimum percentage marks of 75% applicable to general category.
Application for Grant of Merit Scholarship
I hereby apply for grant of merit scholarship under the Merit Scholarship Scheme of the Corporation in
respect of my son/daughter* whose particulars are given as below: 1. Name of Ward: _____________________ 2. Date of Birth: __________
3. Whether SC/ST: ______
Details of class/year/course passed based on which scholarship is applied for:a. Name & Address of the _____________________________________
School/College/Instt. : _____________________________________
b. Name of the University: _____________________________________
c. Course of Study
: _____________________________________
d. %age of marks obtained in the exam passed : ___________
(Attach true copy of mark-sheet & course certificate**)
Year of Passing : __________
e. Tick in the appropriate box in the table below:School
X std
[ ]
XI std [ ]
XII std [ ]
Graduate Course
1st yr [ ]
2nd yr [ ]
3rd yr [ ]
Post Graduate Course
1st yr [ ]
Professional Post#
Graduate Course
1st yr [ ]
2nd yr [ ]
3rd yr [ ]
4th yr [ ]
Details of class/year/course presently studying for which scholarship is applied for:a. Name & Address of the ___________________________________
School / College/Instt. : ___________________________________
b. Name of the University : ___________________________________
c. Course of Study
: ___________________________________
d. Period to which scholarship is claimed : _____months; from ____to ____
e. Tick in the appropriate box in the table below:School
XI std [ ]
XII std [ ]
Graduate Course
1st yr [ ]
2nd yr [ ]
3rd yr [ ]
Post Graduate Course
1st yr [ ]
2nd yr [ ]
Graduate Course
1st yr [ ]
2nd yr [ ]
3rd yr [ ]
4th yr [ ]
5th yr [ ]
(For office use only)
Check:5. SC/ST
6. % of Marks _______
7. Whether eligi- _______
ble for grant
of Scholarship
8. Amount of
9. Period
Checked by ___________
6. I hereby certify that:a. Certificates/mark-sheets enclosed herewith are true copies of the relevant originals.
b. I am not claiming merit scholarship for more than one/two ward(s)*.
c. The course of study being pursued by my ward for which the merit scholarship is sought is a regular/full time
course and not part-time or correspondence course.
Date : _______________
Station : _______________
(Signature of the Employee)
Designation :
Emp Code :
Score off whichever not applicable
Course certificate may be attached if course of study is completed.
Medical/Engineering/Integrated M.S./IT & Biotech/Other professional Degree etc.
Application for Education Loan for Higher Education in
Professional Courses by Children of Employees
I hereby apply for sanction of education loan towards meeting the cost of higher education of my
son/daughter* as per particulars given below: 1.
Name of the Ward
: _____________________________
Date of Birth
: _____________________________
Name and address of : _____________________________
4. Name of University
: _____________________________
5. Course of Study
: _____________________________
(Medicines/Engineering/Business Admn/Business Management)
(Proof of admission/enrollment to be attached)
Duration of the Course: ______ (Yrs) From _______ to ________
Cost of Education (To be supported by relevant documents from Institution):
i. Tution Fee
: _______________________
ii. Hostel Fee
: _______________________
iii. Cost of Books
: _______________________
iv. Cost of Equipments
: _______________________
v. Any other item(specify): _______________________
Total : _______________________
8. Amount of Loan applied for: Rs.______________
9. No. of instalments in which Loan + Interest may be recovered:
Loan : _________
Interest : _________
(For office use only)
Check:1. Documents
2. Whether eligible ______
3. Amount eligible ______
4. Instalments:
Principal ______
Checked by ____________
10. I hereby certify that:i. The information given above is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
ii. The documents enclosed herewith are true copies of the relevant originals.
iii. The amount of loan would be utilized for the purpose it has been applied for.
iv. I have not applied for education loan for more than one/two ward(s)*.
v. The course of study for which education loan is sought is a regular/full time course and not part-time or
correspondence course.
11. I also undertake to refund the balance of the outstanding loan/interest thereon in one lumpsum in the event
of my ward discontinuing higher education or in the event of any of the above mentioned particulars proving to
be false.
Signature of the Employee
Date : _______________
Name ________________________
Station : _______________
Designation ___________________
Emp Code ____________________
Score off whichever not applicable.