AAP Application Form..

Associate Artist Programme Application Form
Name: ____________________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________________
Email: ____________________________________________________________
Telephone: ________________________________________________________
Website Address: __________________________________________________
Proposed length of residency:
 1 month
 2 month
 3 month
Proposed Residency Dates: __________________________________________
Artistic Genre: ____________________________________________________
About Your Practice: (maximum 150 words):
Initial Residency Proposal: (please state any specific project that you have in mind;
individuals or organisations that you would like contact with (if known), and a general
outline of how you’d expect to spend your residency time - maximum 300 words)
Particular Residency Requirements: (work, display, performance space or
accessibility requirements)
Programme Funding:
Are letters of support required for your funding applications?
 No, the residency will be self or privately funded
 Yes, letters are required for the following:
Programme or Contact Name:
Application Due Date:
Programme or Contact Name:
Application Due Date:
Programme or Contact Name:
Application Due Date:
Artist Name:
Artist Signature:
Application Checklist:
Completed Application Form
Programme Monitoring Form
Curriculum Vitae in PDF or Word Document
2 Letters of Recommendation with referee contact details
Supporting Documentation, any combination of the following:
Maximum 10 images either in PDF, JPEG or Word Document
Maximum 3 Reviews or catalogue/ publication extracts scanned in PDF
Maximum 2 URL links for sound, moving image & performance
Maximum 1 CD-ROM in support of sound, moving image or performance based
practice, DO NOT send original material as it will not be returned.
Application Notes:
Applications are accepted at any time via email. Applicants will receive receipt of
application notification and applications will be assessed within 4 weeks.
Please note that applications from undergraduate students are not accepted. MA and
PhD students may submit applications providing they can demonstrate 5 years of
professional practice independent of their studies.
Once AAP residencies are approved, the residency offer will remain open for a period of
2 years, to allow artists to find funding. Artists are responsible for attaining their own
funding. Artists should allow least 8 weeks between their AAP Application and the due
date of any funding applications they plan to submit.
Although TOEFL scores need not be submitted, artists are expected to be proficient in
speaking, reading and writing the English language as this will be crucial to the success
of their residencies.
Artists are responsible for obtaining their own health & travel insurance and visa for
entry into the United Kingdom. Artists from most countries may enter the United
Kingdom on a Tourist Visa for a maximum period of 6 months. For further information
see: http://www.ukvisas.gov.uk/en/howtoapply
Letters of Recommendation should state the relation between the applicant and the
referee, who must know the applicant in a professional or academic capacity. The letter
should explain what makes the applicant suitable for the AAP Residency describing the
applicant's strengths, talents, and level of experience.
Associate Artist Programme Monitoring Form
Please provide the following information which will be used for purposes of analysis
only. Information on this form has no bearing on artist applications.
Nationality: _____________________________________________________
Country of Residence: ____________________________________________
Age: ___________________________________________________________
Gender: ________________________________________________________
Do you consider yourself to be disabled?
If Yes, please specify the nature of your disability:
 Yes
 No
Do you have any formal fine art qualifications?
 Vocational Qualifications
 BA
 MA
 PhD
 Other
Please specify:
Do you have any other formal qualifications?
 Vocational Qualifications
 BA
 MA
 PhD
 Other
Please specify
Have you undertaken any previous artist residencies?  Yes
If Yes, please specify:
 No
How did you hear about the AAP residency?
Resartis website
Acme website
Via a gallery
(please specify) __________________________________________________
Via studio organisation
(please specify) __________________________________________________
Other e-mail listing / website
(please specify) __________________________________________________
Any other source
(please specify):__________________________________________________
What attracted you to applying for an AAP residency?
Please rank from 1 – 6, (1 = most important, 6 = least important)
 Residency Duration
 London Location
 Freedom to direct own residency experience
 Networking potential with other international artists
 Networking potential with industry professionals
 Acme organisational framework
Please specify any other deciding factors:
Thank you for completing this monitoring form which will be separated from your
application and will not be used as part of any selection process.