CHAPTER 12—COASTAL WATERS AND MARGINAL SEAS I. Coastal Waters A. Primary difference between coastal waters and open ocean is depth i. Changes in the nature of water concerning distance and time are much greater in the shallow coastal waters ii. River runoff and tidal currents have a significant effect on the nature of coastal water B. Salinity i. River runoff reduces salinity 1. reduces surface layer where mixing is not significant 2. reduces throughout the water column where mixing occurs 3. runoff of the rivers will be at maximum during seasons of maximum precipitation (rain dominant) 4. other river runoff will be maximum in the summer (melting of ice/snow dominant) ii. Prevailing offshore winds counteract the effect of runoff in some coastal regions 1. these winds lose most of their moisture over the continents 2. these winds evaporate water as they move across the surface of the coastal waters—increase in evaporation rate increases the surface salinity C. Temperature i. ranges in temperature vary on a yearly basis ii. Sea ice forms in many of the high-latitude coastal areas (-2*C, 28.4*F) iii. Maximum surface temperature in low-latitude coastal water reaches 45* C (113*F) iv. Midlatitude regions show the greatest variance in temperatures D. Coastal Goestrophic Currents i. Caused by: 1. wind blowing parallel to the coast, causing water to pile up along the shore—forms a “hill” of water 2. under the influence of the Coriolis effect the water must eventually run back down the slope of the hill toward the open ocean (due to gravity) 3. in the Northern Hemisphere, the Coriolis effect causes that water to veer north on the western coast and to the south on the eastern coast ii. Also caused by: 1. Runoff of large quantities of fresh water that gradually mix with the oceanic water 2. produces a surface wedge of surface water moving away from the shore 3. seaward slope(movement) is associated with salinity and density gradients as both increase seaward 4. the currents depend upon the wind and amount of runoff for their strength 5. kept inline by the steadier boundary currents of ocean open gyres 6. local geostrophic currents frequently flow in the opposite direction of the boundary current (like in the case of the Davidson Current) a. large amounts of precipitation and strong winds in the Pacific Northwest occur during the winter months—combined effect produces a relatively strong northward-flowing geostrophic current between the southward flowing California Current and the North American continent II. Estuaries A. Intro: i. Estuaries—semi-enclosed coastal bodies of water in which the ocean water is significantly diluted by fresh water from land runoff ii. Mouths of large rivers form the most economically significant estuaries—many are ports and centers of ocean commerce iii. Many support important commercial fisheries as well iv. Many bays, inlets, gulfs, and sounds may be considered estuaries on the basis of their structure B. Origin of Estuaries i. All estuaries today owe their origin to the fact that in the last 18,000 years, sea level has risen approximately 120 meters (394 feet) owing to the melting of the glaciers ii. Four major classes of estuaries, based on their origin, are: 1. Coastal plain estuaries—formed as the rising sea level caused the oceans to invade existing river valleys (sometimes referred to as drowned river valleys) 2. Fjords—glaciated valleys that are U-shaped with steep walls. Usually have a moraines located near the ocean entrance. 3. Bar-built estuaries—shallow estuaries separated from the open ocean by bars of sand deposited parallel to the coast. Lagoons separating barrier islands from the mainland are bar-built estuaries 4. Tectonic estuaries—produced by faulting or folding, which causes a restricted down-dropped area into which rivers flow. Ex: San Francisco Bay (like Coastal plain estuaries, but formed tectonically) C. Water Mixing in Estuaries i. Freshwater runoff that flows into an estuary moves as an upper layer of low-density water across the estuary toward the open ocean ii. Inflow from the ocean takes place below the upper layer iii. Mixing takes place at the contact between these two water masses iv. classification of estuaries is based on the degree of mixing as determined by the distribution of water properties 1. Vertically Mixed a. Shallow, low-volume estuaries b. Net flow always proceeds from the river at the head of the estuary toward the mouth (toward the sea) c. Salinity at any point will be uniform from the surface to the bottom because of even mixing of the river water with ocean water—due to eddy diffusion at all depth d. Salinity increases from the head to the mouth of the estuary 2. Slightly Stratified a. Somewhat deeper estuary b. Salinity increases from the head to the mouth at any depth c. Two basic water layers: less saline upper water from river, and deeper marine water separated by a zone of mixing d. Begin to see the typical estuarine circulation pattern develop—net surface flow of low-salinity water into the ocean and a net subsurface flow of marine water toward the head of the estuary 3. Highly Stratified a. Typical of deep estuaries in which the salinity in the upper layer increases from the head of the estuary to the mouth, where it reaches a value close to that of open-ocean water b. Deep-water layer has a rather uniform marine salinity at any depth throughout the length of the estuary c. The mixing that occurs at the interface of the upper water and the lower water is such that the net movement is from the deep-water mass into the upper water d. Less saline surface water does not seem to dilute the deep-water mass and simply moves from the head toward the mouth of the estuary, having its salinity increased as water from the deep mass joins it e. Relatively strong haloclines develop at the contact between the upper and lower water masses f. At times of maximum river flow, these haloclines can reach magnitudes approaching 20ppt (parts per thousand) 4. Salt Wedge III. a. Saline wedge of water intrudes from the ocean below that of the river water b. Typical of the mouths of deep, large-volumetransport rivers c. No horizontal salinity gradient at the surface in these deep estuaries d. Water is essentially fresh throughout the length of, and even beyond, the estuary e. There is a horizontal salinity gradient at depth and a very pronounced vertical salinity gradient manifested as a strong halocline ate any station throughout the length of the estuary f. Halocline will be shallower and more highly developed near the mouth of the estuary 5. the mixing patterns described often cannot be applied to an estuary as a whole. Mixing within an estuary may change with: a. longitudinal distance b. season c. tidal conditions v. Chesapeake Bay 1. more populated estuary 2. coastal plain estuary produced by the drowning of the Susquehanna River 3. most fresh water enters the bay along the western margin via rivers draining the slopes of the Appalachian Mountains 4. Salinity distribution is also effected by the Coriolis effect acting on marine water entering the bay from the south, and the southward flow of river water 5. maximum river flow in the spring develops a strong halocline preventing mixing of the fresh surface water and saltier deep water 6. beneath the pycnocline (can be as shallow as 5m or 16ft) water may become anoxic from May through August 7. major kills of blue crabs and oysters as well as other bottom-dwelling organisms occur during these events 8. the number of kills have increased over the last 40 years Wetlands A. Wetlands are biologically productive strips of land delicately in tune with natural shore processes; they border estuaries B. two types (both are intermittently submerged by ocean water and are characterized by oxygen-poor mud and peat deposits): i. Salt Marshes 1. characteristically inhabited by a variety of grasses 2. known to occur from the equator to as high as 65 degrees latitude IV. 3. believed to serve as nursery grounds for over half the species of commercially important fish in the southeastern United States 4. Other fish (like flounder and bluefish) use them for feeding and overwintering 5. fisheries of oysters, scallops, clams, and fishes such as eels and smelt are located directly in the marshes ii. Mangrove Swamps 1. Mangrove trees are restricted to latitudes below 30 degrees latitude 2. once mangroves colonize an area, they normally outgrow and replace marsh grasses C. More than half of the nation’s wetlands have been lost i. Of the Original 215 million acres of wetlands that once existed in the United States, only about 90 million acres remain ii. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) established an Offices of Wetlands Protection (OWP) in 1986 iii. At that time wetlands were being lost to development at a rate of 300,000 acres a year D. Important characteristics of wetlands is their ability to remove inorganic nitrogen compounds and metals from groundwater polluted by land sources i. Most removal is probably achieved through adsorption on claysized particles ii. Some nitrogen compounds trapped in sediment are decomposed by denitrifying bacteria—release nitrogen to the atmosphere as nitrogen gas iii. Remaining nitrogen is used for plant production. When these plants die, the organic nitrogen compounds are either: 1. incorporated into the sediment and converted to peat 2. Broken up and become food for bacteria, fungi, or detritusfeeding fin and shell-fish. Lagoons A. Lagoons are protected, shallow bodies of water that lie landward of the barrier island salt marshes B. Restricted circulation between lagoons and the ocean causes three distinct zones within the lagoon i. Freshwater zone near the mouths of rivers that flow into the lagoon ii. Transitional zone of brackish water (salinity between fresh and oceanic water) iii. Saltwater zone close to the entrance, where the maximum tidal effects within the lagoon can be observed (usually detectable in the freshwater zone) C. Salinity is determined by factors other than position relative to the mouth of the lagoon: V. i. In latitudes with seasonal variations in temperature and precipitation, ocean water will flow through the entrance during a warm, dry summer to compensate for the volume of water that is lost through evaporation—results in increased salinity within the lagoon ii. May become hypersaline in arid regions where the inflow of seawater is not sufficient to keep pace with evaporation that is taking place at the surface of the lagoon iii. During the rainy season, the lagoon will become much less saline as the amount of freshwater runoff increases D. Laguna Madre i. Laguna Madre is a hypersaline lagoon (may become hypersaline due to little tidal flushing and seasonal variability in freshwater input. High evaporation rates and low freshwater input can result in very high salinities) along the coast of Texas between Corpus Christi and the mouth of the Rio Grande ii. Protected from the open ocean by Padre Island iii. Formed about 6000 years ago as sea level was approaching its present height iv. Less than 1 meter in depth 1. shallowness of water makes possible a very great seasonal range of temperature and salinity in this semi-arid region 2. high temperatures in the summer may fall below 5 degrees C in the winter 3. Salinities range from 2-100 parts per thousand a. Infrequent storms provide large volumes of fresh water in a short period of time b. High evaporation keeps the salinity generally well above 50 parts per thousand c. Marsh is replaced by an open sand beach on Padre Island because marsh grasses cannot withstand such high salinities v. Circulation is opposite of circulation for estuaries 1. inflow from the ocean is as a surface wedge over the denser lagoon water 2. outflow from the lagoon occurs as a subsurface flow Mediterranean Sea A. Not strictly coastal—however, climate and pattern of circulation are similar in the Atlantic Ocean i. East-west trending body of water that has a very irregular coastline dividing it into subseas with separate circulation patterns ii. Surrounded by land with two very small connections to other bodies of water 1. Strait of Gibraltar to the Atlantic Ocean 2. Bosporus to the Black Sea VI. 3. man-made Suez Canal connects the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea iii. Divided into two major basins separated by a sill with a 400 meter depth, extending from Sicily to the coast of Tunisia 1. strong currents run through the Strait of Messina 2. much broader connection through the Strait of Sicily 3. Atlantic water enters through the Strait of Gibraltar as a surface flow—replaces water evaporated at a high rate in the eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea iv. Circulation between the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean is typical of closed restricted basins in areas where evaporation exceeds precipitation 1. restricted basins will always lose water at a very high rate from the surface through evaporation 2. water will have to be replaced by surface inflow from the open ocean 3. evaporation of water flowing in from the ocean increases its salinity to very high values—causes sinking and the return to the open ocean as a subsurface flow 4. during periods of hypersalinity, Laguna Madre exhibits this pattern of circulation between itself and the Gulf of Mexico—this type of circulation is called Mediterranean circulation (opposite of circulation in estuaries) Pollution stresses the Coastal Waters A. Petroleum i. Spills have occurred after tanker accidents and blowouts of oil wells being drilled ii. Some consider these hydrocarbons to be the least damaging pollutants of the ocean because they are organic substances bio degradable by microorganisms iii. The problem because these hydrocarbons are very complex and usually have additional components iv. West Falmouth Harbor 1. oldest well-studied oil spill in the United States occurred on September 16, 1969 near Buzzards Bay, MA 2. the barge Florida came ashore and ruptured 3. currents carried fuel north into Wild Harbor a. initial kill was almost total for intertidal and subtidal animals b. severe reduction in species diversity c. rapid increase in population of polychaete worms resistant to the oil d. species diversity did not increase until well into the third year after the spill e. conditions have returned to near normal, but oil can still be found in the fine sediment of some of the area v. Chedabucto Bay 1. February 4, 1970—the vessel Arrow spilled in Nova Scotia 2. 1/3 of the initial oil spilled 200 km off shore was clear after three months a. cleaning was primarily the result of wave action on the rocky shore b. by 1973, mechanical cleaning by waves, evaporation, photochemical decomposition, and bacterial decomposition had cleaned all but the restricted low-energy estuarine marshes; 75% of the shore was clean 3. half-life for removal of the visible oiling in the bay as a whole is about two years, but it appears that the half-life for removal from fine sediment will be up to 25 years vi. Argo Merchant 1. when oil spills do not come ashore, the negative effects are not so obvious 2. Argo Merchant ran aground on Fishing Rip Shoals and sank in 1976 3. winds kept the oil from coming ashore 4. surface slick moved east out to the sea and was gone by mid-January 5. primary obstacle effect was in pelagic fish eggs 6. numerous oiled birds washed ashore at Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard vii. Prince William Sound 1. 1989—Exxon Valdez went aground on rocks out of Valdez, Alaska 2. largest spill to occur in United States waters 3. Spread to the Gulf of Alaska and damaged 1775 km of shoreline 4. killed at least 900 otters and 34,000 birds 5. Exxon spent $10 million to spread phosphorus and nitrogen-rich fertilizers on Alaskan shorelines to boost the development of indigenous oil-eating bacteria viii. Largest spill of all time occurred in 1979—Petroleus Mexicanos (PIMEX) in the bay of Campeche off the Yucatan peninsula, Mexico, blew out and caught fire B. Sewage i. Clean Water Act of 1972 prohibited dumping of sewage into the ocean after 1981—the high cost of treating and disposing of it on land resulted in extended waivers being granted to these areas ii. Sewage that washed ashore on the Atlantic coast beaches during the summer of 1988 hurt the tourist business and was responsible for legislation again being passed to terminate disposal of sewage in the ocean—ironically, this sewage has not been disposed of in the ocean C. Halogenated Hydrocarbons (DDT and PCBs) i. DDT(dichorodiphenyltrichorethane) and PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) are found throughout the marine environment ii. Persistent, biologically active chemicals that have been put into the oceans entirely as a result of human activities iii. Main route DDT and PCBs travel to enter the ocean is through the atmosphere iv. Concentrated in the thin surface slick of organic chemicals at the ocean surface—gradually sink to the bottom attached to sinking particles v. Antarctic marine organisms contain measurable quantities of halogenated hydrocarbons—substances have been transported from distant sources by winds and ocean currents D. Mercury i. First tragic occurrence of mercury poisoning happened at a chemical factory in Minamata Bay, Japan ii. First ecological changes were reported in 1950, human effects were noted in 1953, and the mercury poisoning known as Minamata disease became epidemic in 1956 iii. Mercury was not declared responsible for the disease until 1968 iv. Also occurred at a factory in Niigata, Japan v. Outbreaks led to the establishment of safety levels of mercury content in fish to be marketed by considering three variables: 1. fish consumption rate of the human population under consideration 2. mercury concentration of the fish being consumed by that population 3. minimum ingestion rate of mercury that induces symptoms of disease