Non-Emergency Patient Transport Policy Reference Number 12.1 Version 9 Name of responsible (ratifying) committee General Manager Forum Date ratified 13 December 2011 Document Manager (job title) General Manager MOPRS Clinical Service Centre Date issued February 2012 Review date November 2012 Electronic location Corporate Policy Related Procedural Documents See section 9 of this policy Key Words (to aid with searching) Patient Transport; PTS; Bariatric transport; ECR; OAT; Patient transport services; Patient eligibility; Authorisation; Ordering systems Non Emergency Patient Transport Policy – December 2011 Contents Page 1 Introduction and Background 3 2 Status 3 3 Purpose 3 4 Scope/Audience 3 5 Definitions 3 6 Out Patient Process 3 7 Process for Discharge/Transfer Patients 4 8 Duties and Responsibilities 4 9 Training 4 10 Associated Documentation 4 11 Appendix A – Eligibility Criteria for Patient Transport 5 12 Appendix B – Mobility Categories 6 13 Appendix C – Out Patient Transport Booking Form 7 14 Appendix D – Discharge/Transfer Booking Process 8 Non Emergency Patient Transport Policy – December 2011 1. Introduction / Background Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust, to support its own services and those of its Primary Care Trust partners, is responsible for securing a range of non-emergency patient transport provision suitable for those patients who have a medical need for such transport. Full use will be made of all modes of transport from a range of patient transport operators who can provide a reliable and flexible service. These will include NHS and private ambulance operators, taxis and voluntary services. Advice and information will also be provided on other modes of public transport available to those patients who need to get to hospital but who do not have a medical need. 2. Status This is a corporate policy. In the event of an infection outbreak, flu pandemic or major incident, the Trust recognises that it may not be possible to adhere to all aspects of this document. In such circumstances, staff should take advice from their manager and all possible action must be taken to maintain ongoing patient and staff safety. 3. Purpose This policy is designed to provide guidance to staff on when, and under what circumstances, non-emergency patient transport should be used and the process to be followed in order to obtain the most appropriate mode of transport bearing in mind patients’ needs. 4. Scope/Audience This policy applies to all staff involved in authorising and ordering patient transport services. 5. Definitions A non-emergency patient is one who, whilst requiring treatment (which may nor may not be of a specialist nature) does not require an immediate or urgent reponse1. A clinical need for treatment does not imply a medical need for transport. Non-emergency patients assessed as in medical need of transport may not necessarily require an ambulance; other forms of transport may be more appropriate and cost-effective. Criteria for Use – The medical need for non-emergency patient transport must be determined by a doctor, midwife or dentist and will depend upon the medical condition of the individual patient, the availability of private or public transport and the distance to be travelled. The principle that should apply is that the patient is able to reach hospital in a reasonable time and in reasonable comfort, without detriment to their medical condition. 6. Out Patient Process A doctor, dentist, midwife or other allied healthcare professional will determine the need for transport depending on the patient’s medical condition. A GP must authorise transport for the first appointment to hospital, it is the responsibility of the hospital consultant to authorise subsequent requests, if the patient’s medical condition warrants such action (see Appendix A Eligibility Criteria). A doctor, dentist, midwife or other allied healthcare professional will determine the most appropriate mode of transport depending on the patient’s condition, mobility status and the level of support required throughout the journey. Guidance on the type of transport available for different mobility categories is attached at Appendix B. For outpatient appointments, once the need for patient transport has been authorised and the type of transport established, the member of staff ordering patient transport should contact the E-Zec Medical Transport booking office (see Appendix C) Requests can also be passed by telephone, fax, e-mail or online booking). Non Emergency Patient Transport Policy – December 2011 7. Process for Discharge/Transfer Patients Transport for discharge from hospital, or transfer to another NHS provider for patients who are eligible is arranged via the transport desk in the central discharge lounge. Bookings should be made as soon as the transfer/discharge plan is known, and updated if there is a change in the plan (see Appendix D). The request will be passed to the appropriate transport provider by transport desk. 8. Duties and Responsibilities The responsible Operational Manager will ensure that the overall arrangements for the provision of patient transport services are effective, represent value for money and are responsive to patients’ needs. The responsible Operational Manager will be responsible for preparing specifications that identify the numbers and types of patients to be transported, the areas and facilities to be served and the standards of service required. The responsible Operational Manager will be responsible for ensuring that guidance on ordering transport is up-to-date and available to staff throughout the Trust’s treatment centres. Patient Transport Request Forms are available through the Trust’s Patient Transport Manager. Guidance is also available through the Trust’s Website. All staff involved in ordering patient transport are responsible for ensuring that the guidance attached at Appendices A - D are prominently displayed and easily accessible at the point at which transport is ordered. 9. Training Departmental induction programmes should outline the patient transport ordering process. Written guidance on the patient transport services available can be provided to any member of staff when required, by the responsible Operational Manager. 10. Associated Documentation 1 Eligibility Criteria for Patient Transport Services (PTS). Department of Health 2007. Gateway Ref: 8705. Appendix A – Eligibility Criteria Summary Appendix B – Mobility Categories Appendix C – Out-patient booking process Appendix D – Discharge/Transfer booking process Non Emergency Patient Transport Policy – December 2011 APPENDIX A: Eligibility Criteria for Patient Transport Eligibility Eligibility will be determined by a healthcare professional. However, non-clinical staff are able to liaise with the PTS provider on behalf of the clinician. All patients must fit the criteria outlined in the DH Eligibility document (2007) Link to document: set/dh_078372.pdf In summary: The patient is an in patient requiring transfer to another hospital The patient requires continuous intravenous support It would be detrimental to the patient’s condition or recovery to travel by any other means Patients should require the skill or support of the PTS staff on or just after the journey Patients would be unable to access their required healthcare by any other means of travel Patients have no alternative means of private transport** and will experience side effects as a result of the treatment they will receive **Private transport can be any privately owned vehicle, friends, family, community schemes and can include taxis Escorts Escorts can only be provided if the following criteria are adhered to: The patient’s clinician must request an accompanying person The escort provides a skill or support to the patient which PTS would be unable to routinely supply. This can cover both emotional and/or physical or technical support Be a recognised parent/guardian where a child is conveyed If the patient is to be admitted the escort must make their own way home or cover their accommodation costs cvvvvvv Healthcare Travel Costs Scheme (HTCS) Patients who do not medically qualify for transport and are receiving means tested benefits may be entitled to financial help with transport costs under the HTCS. Patients must be under the care of a consultant/surgeon or attending traditional hospital diagnostic/treatment Non Emergency Patient Transport Policy – December 2011 APPENDIX B: Mobility Categories Mobility categories Please help the transport providers to dispatch the right vehicle by selecting the appropriate mobility type from the list below: C1 Car & Driver L1 Ambulance & Driver Patient can walk without assistance & has no problems with getting in and out of low access vehicles For walking patients unable to use public transport due to their medical condition Patients able to get into a car with the assistance of a voluntary care driver; or Patients able to travel by car but who need to take their own folding wheelchair Patient requires a wheelchair to and from the vehicle, and requires minimal transfer assistance. Can get in and out of a car and an ambulance. For Patients who need assistance with walking L2 Patient requires a wheelchair to and from the vehicle. Needs 2 members of staff to transfer Patient is not suitable to travel in a car TIC1 Travel in Chair The patient has own manual wheelchair & will be required to stay in this chair for the duration of the journey. No lifting of the patient will be undertaken. Does the wheelchair have the Standard Karabiner symbol on the frame? TIC2 The patient has a wheelchair, but can transfer to a seat on the vehicle, with the chair traveling as a stowed item TIC3 The patient requires a wheelchair to be provided by the Transport Service & will need to remain in this for the duration of the journey Patient is unable to transfer without lifting aid EC Stretcher Bariatric The patient has own electric wheelchair and will be required to stay in this for the duration of the journey. No lifting of the patient will be undertaken. The patient requires a stretcher for the duration of the journey & cannot transfer to a chair Please ensure that there is stretcher access at the property before booking. I.e. no steps, stairs or turns The patient has a BMI of 40, or is wider or taller than standard equipment. (Transport for patients with these criteria are booked through Transport Desk Extension 1244 QAH) NB We believe that EZec should be providing bariatric OPD transport through their own office, not through transport desk – this needs clarification Non Emergency Patient Transport Policy – December 2011 APPENDIX C: Booking Out Patient Transport Clinic Name The information requested is mandatory Please fax back Ref number to Date of Travel Time of Appointment Surname Forename Authorising Doctor Journey Type Predicted Return Time Mobility/Mode of transport (see right) Date of Birth Patient ID Number Telephone number (Used for locating address and emergency) Convey From Convey To Post Code Post Code Number of escorts For Resus Y / N Life choice Oxygen Y/ N Escort Reason End Litres of per Life Minute Special Instructions (Information regarding patient welfare, including access and egress at the property) Does the property have a key safe Y / N If yes what is the code Non Emergency Patient Transport Policy – December 2011 Mobility/ Modes Of Transport C1: Patient can walk without assistance and has no problems with getting in and out of low access vehicle. L1: Patient requires a wheelchair to and from the vehicle, and requires minimal transfer assistance. Can get in and out of a car or an ambulance. L2: Patient requires 2 members of staff to transfer and requires the assistance of wheelchair to and from the vehicle. Patient is not suitable for a car. TIC1: The patient has their own wheelchair and needs to stay in this chair for the duration of the journey; no lifting of the patient will be undertaken. Does the wheelchair have the Standard Karabiner symbol on the frame? TIC2: The patient uses a wheelchair to, however can transfer to a vehicle seat, with the chair travelling as a stowed item TIC3: The patient requires a wheelchair to be provided by the Transport Service and will need to remain in this throughout the duration of their journey. ie unable to transfer without lifting aids EC: The patient has their own electric chair and will be required to stay in this chair for the duration of the journey; no lifting of the patient will be undertaken Stretcher: The patient requires a stretcher for the duration of the transportation and cannot transfer in to a chair. Please ensure that there is stretcher access at the property before booking. i.e. no steps, stairs or turns. Bariatric: The patient has a BMI of 40, or is wider or taller than standard equipment. (Transport for patients with these criteria are booked through Transport Desk Extension 1244 QAH Other Information If the patient requirements do not fit with the above transport criteria or you are unsure of the correct type of transport to book, please contact E-Zec MTS Ltd on 023 9273 7111 for advice. Please inform patients that their pick up time may be up to 90 minutes before their appointment time APPENDIX D: Discharge/Transfer Booking Process If you require transport for a patient to be discharged or transferred, you will need to contact the Discharge Lounge Transport Desk on ext 1244. Please check first that the patient is eligible for hospital transport and does not have anyone else that can collect them or are unable to make their own way You will need to provide the following details to make a booking: Ward Contact name and telephone number Expected time of discharge Patient’s full name. Date of Birth Hospital Number Address details including postcode. TTO’s (are they ready or pending) Access to home – does patient have keys, key safe code, will they need to be carried up any stairs at the property. Equipment – does the patient have a wheelchair, frame or any luggage to go with them. Type of transport & level of mobility (please refer to Appendix B for categories) Clinical Needs: does patient require any oxygen etc. DNAR – as per Trust policy Infection details. Controlled Drugs Special requirements Non Emergency Patient Transport Policy – December 2011