Virtual Ecosystem Project - Tuckahoe Common School District

Virtual Ecosystem Project
Objective: To design, construct, display and present a virtual ecosystem.
To use technology to research and design an ecosystem.
To develop communication skills, and teamwork to achieve a common goal.
Description: Each individual will create an ecosystem of their own design. Each student will
decide on the plants, animals and non-living things to be included in their own ecosystem.
Students will use the computer and other resources to research the particular requirements
of their ecosystem so that a real, living version could be created.
Student will then get together as a team to design one real ecosystem to be built in
class at the start of the 7th grade school year. Each team will be created of “Specialists” in
different spheres of the earth. Each team must work together, sharing responsibilities, and
design an ecosystem to build. Once the designs are approved the ecosystems may be
constructed. On the completion date each team will display and present their ecosystems to
the class.
Virtual Ecosystem Completion date:
Ecosystem selected: (choose one) Aquarium/Terrarium/Dual System
Ecosystem definitions:
An aquarium (or aquatic environment) is a living environment that is made of plants and
animals that live their life in the water. This environment includes all the non-living things
that are necessary to support the plants and animals that live here.
A terrarium (or land environment) is a living environment that is made of plants and
animals that live their life on land. This environment includes all the non-living things that are
necessary to support the plants and animals that live here.
A dual system (or combination of environments) is a living environment that is made of
plants and animals that spend part of their lives in water and part on land. This environment
includes some plants and animals that live only on land and some that live only on water.
Virtual Ecosystem Requirements:
1. Describe all inhabitants (plants and animals). For each living organism you should
provide the following information:
a. Common name
b. Kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species
c. Preferred habitat description (be sure to include food)
d. Niche for the organism
e. 2 facts about the organism (be sure 1 fact is “odd”–interesting, not usually known)
2. Describe the ecosystem:
a. All producers in the ecosystem
b. All consumers in the ecosystem
c. All interactions in the ecosystem
d. All rhythms in the ecosystem
3. Label all cycles:
a. Provide a diagram for each cycle in your ecosystem (hydrologic cycle, oxygen
cycle, carbon cycle, nitrogen cycle)
b. Provide an example (naming organisms) of each cycle in your ecosystem.
Virtual Ecosystem Worksheet
Animal 1
Fact 1
Fact 2
Animal 2
Animal 3
Plant 1
Plant 2
Plant 3
Describe any and all interactions you expect within your virtual ecosystem.
Describe any rhythms that will be observable within your virtual ecosystem.
Describe any cycles that will be evident in your virtual ecosystem. (Each virtual ecosystem
must have one cycle that is clearly labeled).