Fall 2003-2004 IE 217 STATICS & STRENGTH of MATERIALS Faculty : Asst. Prof. Dr. Kâzım TUR Office : A203-C Telephone: 284-44500 /235 E-mail: tur@cankaya.edu.tr Office Hours : By appointment Class Time : Section 02Tuesday 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. A201 Section 01Thursday 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. A207 Assistant : Prerequisite : Basic college calculus and physics courses Course Description : This course teaches the fundamental concepts of statics, force systems, analysis of structures, friction, force systems and area moments of inertia. The course teaches strength of materials including properties, stress, strain, torsion, shear, load, vectors, resistance and beam composite strength. Course Objective : It is the instructor's intention to provide students in engineering with a broad, but practical and useful overview of mechanics. Students must be able to understand systems of forces and be able to draw free-body diagrams, analyze/understand simple solid mechanics problems, appreciate the range of material response to stress, up to and including failure, explain the roles played by stress concentrations and flaws in promoting failure. Course Outcomes : Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to: 11. Compute numeric values for simple 1. Use information related to forces in a plane loading. and solve related problems 12. Perform tensile analysis. 2. Explain physical conditions for equilibrium 13. Describe a tension test and explain of a point and demonstrate how these differing results. conditions are described mathematically. 14. Describe how stress is determined for a 3. Solve for unknown forces acting on a point part under a compression load. in equilibrium. 15. Define deformation as it is used in 4. Compute the moment of force about a Strength of Materials. selected point. 16. Define and discuss “modulus of rigidity”. 5. Perform a graphical truss analysis. 17. Compute forces needed to support beams. 6. Compute concurrent forces in space. 18. Determine maximum value of bending 7. Solve problems involving static function. stress. 8. Analyze elements affected by friction. 19. Compute beam deflection. 9. Solve for centroids, moments of inertia and 20. Compute combined normal stress using center of gravity. Mohr’s Circle. 10. Analyze stress data for Axial Loads. Course Requirements Attendance Minimum attendance requirement is 70% by the university’s regulations. Students are urged to attend all lecture periods. However, if such a class is missed, it is the student’s responsibility to find out what happened in class that day and to come to the next class prepared to participate actively. Absence from a quiz or exam will result in a grade of zero. Grading The course grade will be determined as follows: 25% Midterm Exam I 25% Midterm Exam II 15% Homework Assignments 35% Final Exam 100% Academic Honesty Academic honesty is expected of all students. Cheating and plagiarism are violations of academic honesty. If academic dishonesty is suspected, a student may receive a failing grade on an exam or homework. Discussion will occur before penalties are given. Purposeful dishonesty may be reported to the University’s Student Conduct (discipline) Committee. Cheating occurs when one uses deceitful means to cheat, e.g. crib notes, copying or imitating the language and ideas of another, without referencing, and presenting them as one’s work, e.g. copied papers, abstracts, sections of books, etc. Each student is required to write and sign the following Honor Pledge on the first page of his or her exam and homework papers: “I have neither given nor received any aid, except those allowed, in this exam (homework)” Signature Course Outline Table of Contents 1. Statics I - Principals 1.1 Algebra/Trigonometry/Vectors 1.2 Translational Equilibrium Concurrent Forces 1.3 Rotational Equilibrium 1.3.1 Torque 2. Statics II - Applications 2.1 Frames (non-truss, rigid body structures) 2.2 Trusses 3. Stress, Strain & Hooke's Law 3.1 Stress, Strain, Hooke's Law - I 3.2 Stress, Strain, Hooke's Law - II 3.3 Statically Indeterminate Structures 3.4 Shear Stress & Strain 3.5 Thermal Stress, Strain & Deformation I 3.6 Thermal Stress, Strain & Deformation II 3.7 Mixed Mechanical/Thermal Examples 4. Beams 4.1 Shear Forces and Bending Moments I 4.2 Shear Forces and Bending Moments II 4.3 Beams - Bending Stress 4.3a Centroids and the Moment of Inertia 4.4 Beams - Horizontal Shear Stress 4.5 Beams - Beam Selection 5. Torsion, Rivets & Welds 5.1 Torsion: Transverse Shear Stress 5.2 Torsion: Deformation - Angle of Twist 5.3 Torsion: Power Transmission 5.4 Rivets & Welds - Riveted Joints 5.5 Riveted Joint Selection 5.6 Welded Joints 6. Columns & Pressure Vessels 6.1 Columns & Buckling - I 6.1a Euler Buckling 6.2 Columns & Buckling - II 6.2a Secant Formula 6.2b Structural Steel 6.2c Structural Steel Column Selection 6.2d Aluminum Columns 6.2e Wood Columns 6.3 Pressure Vessels - Thin Wall Pressure Vessels 7. Friction 8. Special Topics I 8.1 Combined Stress 8.2 Stresses on Inclined Planes 8.3 Non-Axial Loads 8.4 Principal Stresses 8.5 Mohr's Circle Textbook References: 1. Statics & Strength of Materials, 5E, H.W. Morrow, R.P. Kokernak, Prentice-Hall 2. Statics and Mechanics of Materials: An Integrated Approach, 2E, W.F. Riley, L.D.Sturges, D. H. Morris, Wiley 3. Statics and Mechanics of Materials, A. Bedford, W. Fowler, K.M. Liechti, Prentice-Hall Additional reading: 1. Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics, 7E, F.P. Beer, E.R. Johnston, E.R. Eisenberg, McGraw-Hill 2. Engineering Mechanics: Statics, 5E, J.L. Meriam, L.G. Kraige, Wiley 3. Mechanics of Materials, F.P. Beer, E.R. Johnston, J.T. DeWolf, McGraw-Hill 4. Schaum’s Outlines: Statics & Strength of Materials, J.J. Jackson, H.G. Wirtz, McGraw-Hill