Anti Discrimination Policy Anti Discrimination Policy Anti Discrimination Policy Merseylink is an Equal Opportunity Employer with a clear understanding of Equal Opportunity and Anti-Discrimination laws. Under federal and state legislation, discrimination in employment is against the law. Merseylink is committed to ensuring that the work environment is free from discrimination and harassment for all employees, contractors and customers. Merseylink will not tolerate any form of discrimination or harassment and action will be taken against any employee who breaches the policy. Discrimination Under federal and state legislation, discrimination in employment is against the law. Discrimination is unlawful treatment that occurs when someone is treated less favourably or disadvantaged on the basis of any of attribute, in connection with an area of activity, covered by the Tasmanian Anti-Discrimination Act 1998. Discrimination on the ground of any of the following attributes or identities is unlawful under the Tasmanian Anti-Discrimination Act 1998: age breastfeeding disability family responsibilities gender/sex industrial activity irrelevant criminal record irrelevant medical record lawful sexual activity marital status relationship status parental status political activity political belief or affiliation pregnancy race religious activity religious belief or affiliation sexual orientation/transsexuality association with a person who has, or is believed to have, any of these attributes or identities Discrimination may also include prohibited conduct which includes: any conduct which offends, humiliates, intimidates, insults or ridicules another person on the basis of gender, marital status, relationship status, pregnancy, breastfeeding, parental status, family responsibilities in circumstances in which a reasonable person, having regard to all the circumstances, would have anticipated that the other person would be offended, humiliated, intimidated, insulted or ridiculed; sexual harassment; victimisation (in relation to complaints); inciting hatred (by public act) - on the grounds of race, disability, sexual orientation, lawful sexual activity, religious belief or affiliation, or religious activity; publishing, displaying or advertising matter that promotes, expresses or depicts discrimination or prohibited conduct; and 2 Anti Discrimination Policy aiding contravention of the Act. Objectives of Anti Discrimination Policy Through our commitment to this policy and the upholding the laws relating to equal opportunity and anti discrimination Merseylink aims to: uphold appropriate standards of conduct at all times. create a discrimination and harassment free working environment where all employees, contractors and customers are treated with courtesy and respect implement procedures to guarantee employees know their rights and responsibilities provide an effective procedure for complaints based on the principles of natural justice treat all complaints with respect in a fair, timely and confidential manner ensure there is no threat of victimisation or reprisal in the event of a complaint encourage employees to report breaches of the anti discrimination policy It is a primary role of managers to ensure staff and customers are not harassed or discriminated against within the workplace. However it is the responsibility of every employee not to participate in discriminatory or harassing behaviour within the workplace as everyone has a responsibility to prevent workplace harassment and discrimination. Complaint Procedure If any employee of Merseylink believes he or she has been subjected to discrimination there are a number of options. Don’t ignore discrimination, sexual harassment or vilification, thinking it will go away. This Company is committed to providing an environment which is safe for all employees. You will not be disadvantaged in your employment conditions or opportunities as a result of lodging a complaint. A. Contact one of the following people in Merseylink who have been nominated to investigate complaints: 1. Barry Duckett Managing Director 2. Hayley Clarke Administration Manager 3. Lyndon Godman Operations Manager B. Should the internal process fail to reach a satisfactory outcome you may call the Office of The Anti Discrimination Commission on 1300 305 062 for details on how to lodge a complaint. You might also want to check the Commission’s website on for more information. Under the Tasmanian Anti-Discrimination Act 1998 complaints must be made within 12 months of any discrimination incident. Using the Merseylink complaint handling process does not prohibit you from lodging a complaint with the Commission. Discrimination Investigation 3 Anti Discrimination Policy Merseylink will investigate any complaints in a fair and thorough manner. The investigation will be conducted in a timely fashion and in such a matter as to ensure discretion and confidentiality. We reiterate that employees will not be disadvantaged as a result of lodging a complaint. Disciplinary Action If the investigation deems that this policy has been breached then disciplinary action may be taken against the employee. Disciplinary action may include counselling, a verbal or written warning, suspension or termination. Any person who, without authorisation, passes on confidential information regarding an investigation under this Policy will face disciplinary action. Anyone who harasses or victimises a person who makes a complaint under this policy will face disciplinary action. .......................................... Barry Duckett MANAGING DIRECTOR 4