Professional Summary - Bureau of Economic Geology

L. Frank Brown, Jr.
Professional Summary
September 2, 2011
Business address:
E-mail address:
The University of Texas at Austin
Bureau of Economic Geology
University Station, Box X
Austin, Texas 78713-8924
(512) 869-0390
Academic Background
B.S., Cum Laude, Geology, Baylor University, 1951
M.S. Geology, University of Wisconsin, 1953
Ph.D. Geology, University of Wisconsin, 1955
Areas of Expertise
Basin analysis (including seismic and sequence stratigraphy).
Facies interpretation.
Clastic depositional systems.
Reservoir characterization.
Mineral/energy exploration.
Land and environmental resources.
Geologic mapping.
Field studies.
Professional Work Experience
A. Present Position: Research Professor, Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas at
Austin (1998 - Present).
B. Present Position: Emeritus Professor, Department of Geological Sciences, The University of
Texas at Austin (1990 - Present).
C. Present Position: International Consultant, (Geological Training and Industrial Consulting) (1989 Present).
D. Senior Research Scientist, Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas at Austin (1984
- 1989).
E. Associate Director (Research), Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas at Austin
(1971 - 1984).
F. Research Scientist, Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas at Austin (1966 1984).
G. Summers Research Scientist, Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas at Austin
(1961 - 1963).
H. Associate Professor, Department of Geology, Baylor University (1960 - 1966).
Research Scientist V, Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas at Austin (1957 1960).
Exploration Geologist, Standard of Texas (Chevron) (1955 - 1957).
K. Wisconsin Alumni Research Assistant, University of Wisconsin (1951 - 1955).
Personal research has principally involved (1) comprehensive depositional systems analysis of
upper Paleozoic basins in Texas including surface and subsurface facies analyses, mapping,
paleogeographic reconstruction, sequences, and mineral/energy potential; (2) Pleistocene and
Holocene depositional systems analysis of the Texas Coastal Zone, including processes,
environments, and facies; (3) interpretation of terrigenous clastic facies (outcrops, cores, E- logs
and seismic data) and development of interpretive depositional models and criteria; (4) innovating
environmental geologic (land resource/environmental) mapping & analysis with special
consideration of Coastal Zone problems; (5) Texas Geologic Mapping Project (contributed to five
1 x 2-degree sheets), Coastal and North- and West Central Texas; (6) seismic/sequencestratigraphic analysis concepts in petroleum exploration; and (7) analyses of most offshore and
several onshore basins in Brazil, offshore basins in South Africa, basins in Taiwan, Chile, North
Sea, New Zealand.
Professional Societies
American Association of Petroleum Geologists
Geological Society of America
National Association of Geology Teachers
Permian Basin Society of Paleontologists and Mineralogists
Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists
Texas Academy of Science
Awards and Honorary Societies
AAPG Sidney Powers Memorial Award, 2010
Wallace E. Pratt Award for best AAPG Bulletin article published in calendar year 2009
FY2010-2011 9/23/2010
best paper, 2010
Co-Author, Second Place, Thomas A. Philpott Excellence of Presentation Award for "All Fill—No Spill:
Slope-Fan Sand Bodies in Growth-Faulted Subbasins: Oligocene Frio Formation, South Texas
Gulf Coast", 2007
Recipient, Doris Malkin Curtis Medal, Gulf Coast Section, SEPM award recognizing significant career
contributions in the development of new concepts for understanding the geology of the Gulf of
Mexico Basin and other basins globally, 2007
Third Place, GCAGS Gordon I. Atwater Best Poster Award for Isochronous Correlation of Sandstone
Facies within and between Growth-Faulted Frio Intraslope Sub-Basins: Common Correlation
Pitfalls, 2004
AAPG & Dean A. McGee Foundation, International Distinguished Lecturer, Near- and Mid-East, 1994
- 1995
Who’s Who in Technology Today, 1993
Who’s Who in the South and Southwest, 1993
Monroe G. Cheney Science Award for “significant contributions to petroleum geology in the Southwest
US.” Presented by the Southwest Section, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 1990
Professor Emeritus, Department of Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, 1990
Paper at 1989 Annual AAPG Convention selected for “Best of AAPG” session at 1989 SEG meeting,
Associate Editor, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 1976 - 1985
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA), International Distinguished Lecturer, 1985
Who’s Who in Technology Today, 1980
Who’s Who in the World, 1980
Certificate of Merit (for efforts in continuing education), American Association of Petroleum
Geologists, 1979
Certificate of Merit [for continuing education], 1979
Who’s Who in America, 1977
Who’s Who in American Government, 1977
American Association of Petroleum Geologists Distinguished Lecturer, 1972 - 1973
Who’s Who in the South and Southwest, 1972
American Geological Institute Visiting Geoscientist, 1971
American Association of Petroleum Geologists Continuing Education, 1970
Best Paper Award, Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies, 1969
Baylor University student evaluation, teaching effectiveness, ranked 8th out of 240 faculty members,
1965 - 1966
American Geological Institute Visiting Geoscientist, 1965
American Men and Women of Science, 1965
Fellow, Texas Academy of Science, 1962
1st Honorary Life Member, Permian Basin Section, Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, 1960
Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation Fellow, 1952 - 1955
Sigma Xi (Scientific Research Society), 1955
Phi Kappa Phi (Honorary Scholastic and Leadership Society), 1954
Phi Eta Sigma (Freshman Honorary Society), 1947
Books, Manuals
Brown, L. F., Jr., and Fisher, W. L., 1980, Seismic stratigraphic interpretation and petroleum potential:
Tulsa, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Course Notes Series #16, 215 p.
Reports, Monographs, Brochures, Pamphlets, Bulletins
Brown, L. F., Jr., and Loucks, R. G., 2009, Chronostratigraphy of Cenozoic depositional sequences
and systems tracts: a Wheeler chart of the northwest margin of the Gulf of Mexico basin: The
University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology Report of Investigations No. 273, 28p. + chart.
Hammes, Ursula, Loucks, R. G., Brown, L. F., Jr., Treviño, R. H., Montoya, Patricia, and Remington,
R. L., 2007, Reservoir geology, structural architecture, and sequence stratigraphy of a growthfaulted subbasin: Oligocene Lower Frio Formation, Red Fish Bay Area, South Texas Gulf Coast:
The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology Report of Investigations No. 272,
28 p. + plate.
Galloway, W. E., and Brown, L. F., Jr., 1972, Depositional systems and shelf-slope relationships in
Upper Pennsylvanian rocks, North-Central Texas: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of
Economic Geology Report of Investigations No. 75, 62 p.
Brown, L. F., Jr., Fisher, W. L., and Malina, J. J., 1972, Evaluation of sanitary landfill sites, Texas
Coastal Zone: Geologic and engineering criteria: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of
Economic Geology Geological Circular 72-3, 18 p.
Brown, L. F., Jr., Fisher, W. L., Erxleben, A. W., and McGowen, J. H., 1971, Resource capability units,
their utility in land and water-use management with examples from the Texas coastal zone: The
University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology Geological Circular 71-1, 22 p.
Brown, L. F., Jr., McGowen, J. H., Groat, C. G., Fisher, W. L., and Scott, A. J., 1970, Effects of
Hurricane Celia: a focus on environmental geologic problems of the Texas Coastal Zone: The
University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology Geological Circular 70-3, 35 p.
Brown, L. F., Jr., 1962, A stratigraphic datum, Cisco Group (Upper Pennsylvanian), Brazos and Trinity
Valleys, North-Central Texas: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology
Report of Investigations No. 46, 35 p.
Brown, L. F., Jr., 1960, Stratigraphy of the Blach Ranch-Crystal Falls section (Upper Pennsylvanian),
northern Stephens County, Texas: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic
Geology Report of Investigations No. 41, 41 p.
Brown, L. F., Jr., Ambrose, W. A., and Carr, D. L., 2009, Supplement to Guidebook 14: The University
of Texas at Austin 34 p. + figs.
Brown, L. F., Jr., Cleaves, A. W., and Erxleben, A. W., 1973, Pennsylvanian depositional systems in
North-Central Texas: a guide for interpreting terrigenous clastic facies in a cratonic basin: The
University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology Guidebook 14, 122 p.
Brown, L. F., Jr., 1960, Traverse of post-Cisco rocks, Brazos Valley, North-Central Texas: Permian
Basin Section, Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Field trip guidebook, 1 pl.,
1 table, 16 figs., 46 p.
Keenan, J. H. G., Brink, G. J., and Brown, L. F., Jr., 1994, Chapter 3, Deposition of fourth-order, postrift sequences and sequence sets, Lower Cretaceous (Lower Valanginian to Lower Aptian),
Pletmos Basin, southern offshore, South Africa, in Weimer, P., and Posamentier, Henry, eds.,
Siliciclastic sequence stratigraphy: recent developments and applications: American Association
of Petroleum Geologists, AAPG Memoir 58, p. 43–69.
Muntingh, A., and Brown, L. F., Jr., 1994, Chapter 4, Sequence stratigraphy of petroleum plays, postrift Cretaceous rocks (Lower Aptian to Upper Maastrichtian), Orange Basin, western offshore,
South Africa, in Weimer, P., and Posamentier, Henry, eds., Siliciclastic sequence stratigraphy:
recent developments and applications: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, AAPG
Memoir 58, p. 71–98.
Wickens, H., Brink, G. J., Van Rooyen, W., Bouma, A. H., and Brown, L. F., Jr., 1992, Cyclic
sequences, depositional systems tracts, and component siliciclastic depositional systems, in The
Tanqua turbidite and deltaic complexes: (Karoo Basin) depositional models, reservoir realities and
the application of sequence stratigraphy: Parow, South Africa, Soekor Ltd., International Field
Seminar Guidebook, 35 p.
Brown, L. F., Jr., 1989, A sequence-stratigraphic and systems-tract model for the Virgilian and
Wolfcampian Series, Eastern Shelf and adjacent Midland Basin, Texas, in Boardman, D. R., II,
Barrick, J. E., Cocke, Jim, and Nestell, M. K., eds., Middle and Late Pennsylvanian
chronostratigraphic boundaries in North-Central Texas: Arlington, Texas, The Geological Society
of America, South-Central Section, 23rd Annual Meeting, Glacial-eustatic events, biostratigraphy,
and paleoecology, Part II, Contributed papers, p. 35–62.
Brown, L. F., Jr., 1989, Use of sequence stratigraphy to define stratigraphic plays in Upper
Pennsylvanian and Lower Permian lowstand systems tracts, North-Central Texas, in Lindsay, D.,
Ross, R., and Swartz, B., eds., Transactions: San Angelo, Texas, Southwest Section AAPG
Convention, p. 1–21.
Kier, R. S., Brown, L. F., Jr., and McBride, E. F., 1979, The Mississippian and Pennsylvanian
(Carboniferous) Systems in the United States: Texas (Reprinted by Bureau of Economic Geology,
Geological Circular 80-14), in The Mississippian and Pennsylvanian (Carboniferous) Systems in
the United States: Washington, D. C., U.S. Geological Survey, Professional Paper 1110, p. 51–
Brown, L. F., Jr., 1979, Deltaic sandstone facies of the Mid-continent, in Pennsylvanian sandstones of
the Mid-continent: Tulsa Geological Society, Special Publication No. 1, p. 35–63.
Brown, L. F., Jr., 1975, Role of sediment compaction in determining geometry and distribution of
fluvial and deltaic sandstones, in Chilingarian, G. V., and Wolf, K. H., eds., Compaction of coarsegrained sediments, I: Developments in sedimentology: Amsterdam, Elsevier Scientific Publishing
Co., p. 247–292.
Brown, L. F., Jr., and Wermund, E. G., Jr., ed., 1974, Environmental inventory: Innovation in geology
and geologic presentation, in Approaches to environmental geology: The University of Texas at
Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, Report of Investigations No. 81, p. 3–11.
Brown, L. F., Jr., and Fisher, W. L., 1974, Environmental geologic atlas of the Texas coastal zone, in
Approaches to environmental geology: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic
Geology, Report of Investigations No. 81, p. 25–51.
Groat, C. G., and Brown, L. F., Jr., 1972, Environmental geologic atlas of the Texas coast: basic data
for coastal zone management, in Proceedings, Conference on tools for coastal zone
management: Washington, D. C., Marine Technology Society, p. 1–15.
Brown, L. F., Jr., 1969, Virgil and Lower Wolfcamp repetitive environments and the depositional
model, North-Central Texas (Reprinted by Bureau of Economic Geology, Geological Circular 693, 1969), in Elam, Jack G., and Chuber, Stewart, eds., Symposium on cyclic sedimentation in the
Permian Basin: Midland, West Texas Geological Society, p. 115–134.
Brown, L. F., Jr., 1969, Late Pennsylvanian paralic sediments, in Brown, L. F., Jr., and Wermund, E.
G., Jr., eds., A guidebook to the Late Pennsylvanian shelf sediments: Dallas, Dallas Geological
Society, p. 21–33.
Hayward, O. T., Brown, L. F., Jr., and Hendricks, Leo, ed., 1967, Comanchean (Cretaceous) rocks of
Central Texas, in Hendricks, Leo, ed., Comanchean (Lower Cretaceous) stratigraphy and
paleontology of Texas: Midland, Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Permian
Basin Section, p. 31–48.
Brown, L. F., Jr., 1958, A review of Pennsylvanian clay mineral industries, North-Central Texas
(Reprinted by Bureau of Economic Geology, Mineral Resource Circular No. 39, 1959), in
Hamilton, W. C., Jr., ed., A guide to the Strawn and Canyon Series of the Pennsylvanian System
in Palo Pinto County, Texas: North Texas Geological Society,
Peer Reviewed
Ambrose, W. A., Hentz, T. F., Bonnaffe, F., Loucks, R. G., Brown, L. F., Jr., and Wang, F. P., 2009,
Sequence stratigraphic controls on complex reservoir architecture of highstand fluvial-dominated
deltaic and lowstand valley-fill deposits in the Woodbine Group, East Texas field: regional and
local perspectives: AAPG Bulletin, v. 93, p. 231–269.
Zeng, Hongliu, Loucks, R. G., and Brown, L. F., Jr., 2007, Mapping sediment-dispersal patterns and
associated systems tracts in fourth- and fifth-order sequences using seismic sedimentology:
example from Corpus Christi Bay, Texas: AAPG Bulletin, v. 91, no. 7, p. 981–1003.
Brown, L. F., Jr., Loucks, R. G., Treviño, R. H., and Hammes, Ursula, 2006, Understanding growthfaulted, intraslope subbasins by applying sequence-stratigraphic principles: examples from the
south Texas Oligocene Frio Formation: Reply: AAPG Bulletin, v. 90, no. 5, p. 799–805.
Ambrose, W. A., Wawrzyniec, T. F., Fouad, Khaled, Sakurai, Shinichi, Jennette, D. C., Brown, L. F.,
Jr., Guevara, E. H., Dunlap, D. B., Talukdar, S. C., Aranda-García, Mario, Hernandez Romano,
Ulises, Alvarado Vega, Juan, Macias Zamora, Eduardo, Ruiz-Ruiz, Héctor, and CárdenasHernández, Ramón, 2005, Neogene tectonic, stratigraphic, and play framework of the southern
Laguna Madre-Tuxpan continental shelf, Gulf of Mexico: AAPG Bulletin, v. 89, no. 6, p. 725–751.
Brown, L. F., Jr., Loucks, R. G., and Treviño, R. H., 2005, Site-specific sequence-stratigraphic section
benchmark charts are key to regional chronostratigraphic systems tract analysis in growth-faulted
basins: AAPG Bulletin, v. 89, no. 6, p. 715–724.
Brown, L. F., Jr., Loucks, R. G., Treviño, R. H., and Hammes, Ursula, 2004, Understanding growthfaulted, intraslope subbasins by applying sequence-stratigraphic principles: examples from the
south Texas Oligocene Frio Formation: AAPG Bulletin, v. 88, no. 1, p. 1501–1522.
Brown, L. F., Jr., 1991, Discussion on Chronostratigraphic subdivision of the Witwatersrand Basin
based on a Western Transvaal composite column: South African Journal of Geology, v. 94, nos.
5/6, November, p. 400–401.
Cline, L. M., Brown, L. F., Jr., Bailey, S. W., and Lister, J. S., 1977, Clay mineralogy in relation to
deltaic sedimentation patterns of Desmoinesian cyclothems in Iowa–Missouri: Clays and Clay
Minerals, v. 25, p. 171–186.
Brown, L. F., Jr., 1974, Critical role for geologists in resources and environmental management:
AAPG Bulletin, v. 58, no. 9, p. 1771–1780.
Galloway, W. E., and Brown, L. F., Jr., 1973, Depositional systems and shelf-slope relations on
cratonic basin margin, uppermost Pennsylvanian of North-Central Texas: AAPG Bulletin, v. 57, p.
Brown, L. F., Jr., 1959, Problems of stratigraphic nomenclature and classification, Upper
Pennsylvanian, North-Central Texas: AAPG Bulletin, v. 43, no. 12, p. 2866–2871.
Brown, L. F., Jr., 2009, Eastern Shelf, North-Central Texas, in Laubach, S. E., and Tinker, S. W., eds.,
2009, Earth’s art: celebrating the Centennial of the Bureau of Economic Geology, 1909–2009:
The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, p. 86–87.
Bonnaffe, Florence, Hammes, Ursula, Carr, D. L., and Brown, L. F., Jr., 2008, High-resolution
sequence stratigraphic correlations of the Oligocene Frio Formation in south Texas, in Gulf Coast
Association of Geological Societies Transactions, v. 58, p. 125–142.
Hammes, Ursula, Zeng, Hongliu, Loucks, Robert, and Brown, Frank, Jr., 2007, All fill―no spill: slopefan sand bodies in growth-faulted subbasins: Oligocene Frio Formation, South Texas Gulf Coast:
Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions, v. 57, p. 361–371.
Loucks, R. G., Treviño, R. H., Brown, L. F., Jr., and Hammes, Ursula, 2007, Site-specific sequence
stratigraphic sections (S5 benchmark charts): practical tool for correlating chronostratigraphic
units in the Texas Gulf Coast Tertiary section: Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies
Transactions, v. 57, p. 487–500.
Hammes, Ursula, Loucks, Robert, Treviño, Ramón, and Brown, Frank, Jr., 2006, Fault
compartmentalization of stacked sandstone reservoirs in growth-faulted subbasins: Oligocene
Frio Formation, Red Fish Bay area, South Texas, in Reservoir characterization: integrating
technology: Proceedings of the 26th Annual GCSSEPM Foundation Bob F. Perkins Research
Conference, p. 631–650.
Treviño, R. H., Brown, L. F., Jr., Loucks, R. G., and Hammes, Ursula, 2005, "Wheeler diagrams": a
useful exploration tool in the Gulf of Mexico: Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies
Transactions, v. 55, p. 830–834.
Hammes, Ursula, Zeng, Hongliu, Brown, L. F., Jr., Loucks, R. G., and Montoya, Patricia, 2005,
Seismic geomorphology of Oligocene Frio lowstand slope and basin-floor sedimentary bodies in
growth-faulted subbasins in South Texas: Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies
Transactions, v. 55, p. 278–282.
Hammes, Ursula, Loucks, R. G., Brown, L. F., Treviño, R. H., Remington, R. L., and Montoya,
Patricia, 2004, Structural setting and sequence architecture of a growth-faulted lowstand
subbasin, Frio Formation, South Texas: Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies
Transactions, v. 54, p. 237–246.
Brown, L. F., Jr., Loucks, R. G., and Treviño, R. H., 2004, Correlating sandstones within and between
growth-faulted intraslope subbasins; rules and common correlation pitfalls: Gulf Coast Association
of Geological Societies Transactions, v. 54, p. 91–97.
Ambrose, W. A., Fouad, Khaled, Jennette, David, Brown, L. F., Jr., Wawrzyniec, T. F., Sakurai,
Shinichi, Guevara, E. H., Aranda, Mario, Alvarado, Juan, Hernandez, Ulises, Macias, Eduardo,
Velez, D., Sanchez, F., Lopez, G., and Flores, J. C., 2003, Miocene valley-fill, slope, and
submarine-canyon systems in the Laguna Madre-Tuxpan area, Mexico: Gulf Coast Association of
Geological Societies Transactions, v. 53, p. 11–18.
Treviño, R. H., Loucks, R. G., Brown, L. F., Jr., and Remington, R. L., 2003, General geology of the
mid-Tertiary Block 889 field area, offshore Mustang Island, Texas: Gulf Coast Association of
Geological Societies Transactions, v. 53, p. 802–814.
Brown, L. F., Jr., Barcat, C., Fisher, W. L., and Nevistic, A., 1982, Seismic stratigraphic and
depositional systems analyses: new exploration approaches applied to the Golfo San Jorge
Basin, Argentina, in Primer Congreso Nacional de Hidrocarburos (Buenos Aires): Petroleo y Gas
Conferencias, Trabajos Tecnicos, p. 127–156.
Pemberton, M., and Brown, L. F., Jr., 1981, Geology of Texas: Earth Science, v. 34, p. 20–23.
Brown, L. F., Jr., Kier, R. S., and Garner, L. E., 1977, Application of Texas land resources map: Gulf
Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions, v. 27, p. 69–71.
Brown, L. F., Jr., and Fisher, W. L., 1977, Seismic-stratigraphic interpretation of depositional systems:
examples from Brazilian rift and pull-apart basins, in Payton, E. C., ed., Seismic stratigraphy:
applications to hydrocarbon exploration: Tulsa, American Association of Petroleum Geologists
Memoir 26, p. 213–248.
Ricoy, J. U., and Brown, L. F., Jr., 1977, Depositional systems in the Sparta Formation (Eocene), Gulf
Coast of Texas: Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions, v. 17, p. 139–154.
(Reprinted as Bureau of Economic Geology Geological Circular 77-1, 1977).
Brown, L. F., Jr., and Fisher, W. L., 1974, Environmental atlas of the Texas Coastal Zone and its role
in land use planning, in Proceedings, 25th Annual Highway Geology Symposium May 23, 24,
Raleigh, N.C., p. 94–120.
Brown, L. F., Jr., Flawn, P. T., and Fisher, W. L., 1970, Environmental geology and the coast:
rationale for land use planning: Journal of Geological Education, v. 18, p. 85–86.
Brown, L. F., Jr., 1969, Geometry and distribution of fluvial and deltaic sandstones (Pennsylvanian
and Permian), North-Central Texas: Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions,
v. 19, p. 23–47, (Reprinted as Bureau of Economic Geology Geological Circular 69-4, 1969).
Brown, L. F., Jr., 1964, Urban geology of Waco: a project sponsored by Baylor University and Cooper
Foundation: Texas Journal of Science, v. 16, no. 4, p. 456–466.
Brown, L. F., Jr., and Loucks, R. G., 2009, Wheeler diagram analysis of Cenozoic sequence
stratigraphy, Texas Gulf Coast basin margin (abs.): American Association of Petroleum
Geologists Annual Convention, v. 18, p. 31.
Ambrose, W. A., Hentz, T. F., Wang, F. P., Bonnaffe, Florence, Loucks, R. G., and Brown, L. F., Jr.,
2008, Sequence stratigraphic controls from complex reservoir architecture in fluvial-dominated
deltaic and lowstand valley-fill deposits in the Woodbine Group, East Texas field (abs.): AAPG
2008 Annual Convention and Exhibition Abstracts Volume, v. 17, p. 7.
Bonnaffe, Florence, Hammes, Ursula, Carr, D. L., and Brown, L. F., Jr., 2008, High-resolution
sequence stratigraphic correlations of the Oligocene Frio Formation in south Texas (abs.), in Gulf
Coast Association of Geological Societies.
Brown, L. F., Jr., and Loucks, R. G., 2007, Chronostratigraphic ("Wheeler") chart of the Texas Gulf
Coast Tertiary System (abs.): Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions, v. 57,
p. 75.
Hammes, Ursula, Zeng, Hongliu, Loucks, Robert, and Brown, Frank, 2007, All fill—no spill: slope-fan
sand bodies in growth-faulted subbasins, Frio Formation, South Texas Gulf Coast (abs.):
American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention Abstracts Volume, v. 16, p. 59.
Brown, L. F., Jr., 2006, Applying sequence-stratigraphic technology and depositional systems tract
analysis using wireline logs and 3-D seismic data to define new subtle targets in mature
producing areas, Eastern Shelf and basin margin of West Texas Basin, North-Central Texas
(abs.), in New E & P opportunities—case studies, bypassed pays, unconventional resources and
play openers, October 10, Houston: SIPES Houston Chapter, 2006 Continuing Education
Seminar, p. 8–9.
Hammes, Ursula, Loucks, Robert, Brown, Frank, Jr., and Treviño, Ramon, 2006, An integrated core
study of Oligocene Frio Formation stacked sandstone reservoirs: Red Fish Bay Area, South
Texas (abs.), in New E & P opportunities—case studies, bypassed pays, unconventional
resources and play openers, October 10, Houston: SIPES Houston Chapter, 2006 Continuing
Education Seminar, p. 10–11.
Hammes, Ursula, Loucks, R. G., Treviño, R. H., and Brown, L. F., Jr., 2006, Fault
compartmentalization of stacked sandstone reservoirs in growth-faulted subbasins: Oligocene
Frio Formation, Red Fish Bay Area, South Texas (abs.), in Slatt, R. M., Rosen, N. C., Bowman,
Michael, Castagna, John, Good, Timothy, Loucks, Robert, Latimer, Rebecca, Scheihing, Mark,
and Smith, Ru, eds., Reservoir characterization: integrating technology: Proceedings of the 26th
Annual GCSSEPM Foundation Bob F. Perkins Research Conference, p. 19.
Brown, L. F., Jr., Treviño, R. H., Loucks, R. G., and Hammes, Ursula, 2006, Wheeler diagrams: a
useful exploration tool in the Gulf of Mexico (abs.): Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies
Transactions, v. 56, p. 823.
Treviño, R. H., Brown, L. F., Jr., Loucks, R. G., and Hammes, Ursula, 2006, Sequence stratigraphic
"Wheeler Diagrams" as exploration tools (abs.): Austin Geological Society Bulletin, v. 2, p. 22.
Hammes, Ursula, Loucks, Robert, Fouad, Khaled, Treviño, Ramon, and Brown, Frank, 2006, Shaleridge and fault geometries in growth-faulted subbasins along the central and south Texas Gulf
Coast (abs.): American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention, v. 15, p. 41.
Treviño, R. H., Brown, L. F., Jr., Loucks, R. G., and Hammes, Ursula, 2006, Using "Wheeler
diagrams" as an exploration tool in the Gulf of Mexico (abs.): American Association of Petroleum
Geologists Annual Convention, v. 15, p. 95.
Zeng, Hongliu, Treviño, R. H., Brown, L. F., Jr., Loucks, R. G., and Hammes, Ursula, 2005, Seismic
geomorphology of Oligocene lowstand systems tracts controlled by shale ridges and growth
faults, offshore South Texas (abs.), in Davies, Richard, Posamentier, Henry, Cartwright, Joe,
Wood, Lesli, Sare, Vickey, and Heinio, Paivi, technical convenors, Seismic geomorphology:
applications to hydrocarbon exploration & production: Geological Society of London and SEPM
(Society for Sedimentary Geology), unpaginated.
Hentz, T. F., DeAngelo, Michael, Wawrzyniec, T. F., Brown, L. F., Jr., Sakurai, Shinichi, Ambrose, W.
A., Cuevas, Antonio, and Hernández-Mendoza, J. J., 2005, Miocene depositional and
chronostratigraphic framework: relation to potential gas exploration in the Burgos Basin,
northeastern Mexico (abs.), in Plays y yacimentios de aceite y gas en rocas siliciclasticas,
Reynosa, Mexico: Pemex, CD-ROM, 1 p.
Brown, L. F., Jr., 2005, Upper Pennsylvanian and Lower Permian sequence stratigraphy and
depositional systems tracts, intracratonic Eastern Shelf and adjacent West Texas basin, Northand West-Central Texas (abs.): American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual
Convention abstracts volume, v. 14, p. A19.
Hammes, Ursula, Zeng, Hongliu, Brown, L. F., Loucks, Robert, and Montoya, Patricia, 2005, Control
of third-order growth faulting on lowstand slope and basin-floor sedimentation: a geomorphologic
evaluation of Oligocene deep Frio strata, south Texas Gulf Coast (abs.): American Association of
Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention abstracts volume, v. 14, p. A57.
Ambrose, W. A., Wawrzyniec, T. F., Fouad, Khaled, Brown, L. F., Jr., Sakurai, Shinichi, Jennette, D.
C., Dunlap, D. B., Guevara, E. H., Aranda-García, Mario, Hernández-Romano, Ulises, CárdenasHernández, Ramón, Macias Zamora, Eduardo, and Talukdar, S. C., 2004, Neogene shelf, slope,
and basin-floor gas plays, Laguna Madre-Tuxpan continental shelf, eastern Mexico (ext. abs.), in
American Association of Petroleum Geologists International Conference, Cancun. [6 p.]
Fouad, Khaled, Brown, L. F., Jr., Ambrose, W. A., and Dunlap, D. B., 2004, Genetic facies analysis
using seismic geomorphology and seismic attributes in the continental shelf of eastern Mexico
(ext. abs.), in American Association of Petroleum Geologists International Conference, Cancun. [6
Ambrose, W. A., Wawrzyniec, T. F., Fouad, Khaled, Brown, L. F., Jr., Sakurai, Shinichi, Jennette, D.
C., Guevara, E. H., Aranda-García, Mario, Hernández-Romano, Ulises, Cárdenas-Hernández,
Ramón, Macias Zamora, Eduardo, and Talukdar, S. C., 2004, Geologic controls on Neogene
deep-water and shelf gas plays, Laguna Madre-Tuxpan continental shelf, eastern Mexico (abs.):
American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention Abstracts Volume, v. 13, p. A5.
Brown, L. F., Jr., Loucks, R. G., Treviño, R. H., and Hammes, Ursula, 2004, Role of lowstand
deposition in mobilizing shale ridges that established successive shelf edges, Oligocene Frio
Formation (32-23.6 Ma), Gulf of Mexico Basin, South Texas (abs.): American Association of
Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention Abstracts Volume, v. 13, p. A18.
Hammes, Ursula, Brown, L. F., Jr., Treviño, R. H., Remington, Randy, Loucks, R. G., and Montoya,
Patricia, 2004, Gas reservoir compartmentalization in lowstand prograding-wedge deltaic
systems: Oligocene upper lower Frio Formation, South Texas (abs.): American Association of
Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention Abstracts Volume, v. 13, p. A57.
Hentz, T. F., DeAngelo, Michael, Wawrzyniec, T. F., Brown, L. F., Jr., Sakurai, Shinichi, Ambrose, W.
A., Cuevas, Antonio, and Hernández-Mendoza, J. J., 2004, Miocene depositional and
chronostratigraphic framework: relation to potential gas exploration in the Burgos Basin,
northeastern Mexico (abs.): American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention
Abstracts Volume, v. 13, p. A62.
Treviño, R. H., Brown, L. F., Jr., Loucks, R. G., and Hammes, Ursula, 2004, Sequence of the South
Texas Oligocene: understanding the relationship between shale tectonism and lowstand
deposition (abs.), in CCGS/CBGS Joint Meeting, Corpus Christi. Also in Bulletin of the Corpus
Christi Geological Society and Coastal Bend Geophysical Society, December, p. 8, 10.
Treviño, R. H., Vendeville, B. C., Loucks, R. G., Brown, L. F., Jr., Hammes, Ursula, Montoya, Patricia,
and Remington, R. L., 2004, An example of slope-parallel shale ridge triggered by thin-skinned
lateral extension, South Texas (abs.): American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual
Convention Abstracts Volume, v. 13, p. A140.
Zeng, Hongliu, Brown, Frank, Loucks, R. G., Treviño, R. H., Hammes, Ursula, and Remington, Randy,
2004, Using seismic geomorphology to characterize depositional systems in Oligocene growthfaulted intraslope subbasins, offshore South Texas (abs.): American Association of Petroleum
Geologists Annual Convention Abstracts Volume, v. 13, p. A154.
Fouad, Khaled, Ambrose, W. A., Brown, Frank, and Jennette, David, 2003, Seismic facies an attribute
analysis of the Miocene incised-valley and submarine-canyon systems in Tuxpan Basin, offshore
Mexico (ext. abs.), in Transactions, SEG International Exposition and Seventy-Third Annual
Meeting, CD-ROM, 4 p.
Brown, L. F., Jr., Loucks, R. G., and Treviño, R. H., 2003, Revisiting mature fields with modern
technology and geologic concepts: examples from the Frio of South Texas (ext. abs.), in Structure
and stratigraphy of South Texas and northeast Mexico: applications to exploration: Gulf Coast
Section SEPM Foundation and South Texas Geological Society, p. 289–291.
Brown, L. F., Jr., Loucks, R. G., and Treviño, R. H., 2003, Sequences, depositional systems, and
synsedimentary tectonics, Oligocene rocks, Corpus Christi region, South Texas: revisiting mature
fields with new prospecting tactics (abs.): Austin Geological Society Newsletter, v. 37, no. 7, p.
Treviño, Ramón, Loucks, Robert, Remington, Randy, and Brown, L. F., 2003, Project STARR—State
of Texas advanced oil and gas resource recovery program (abs.), in CD-ROM Transactions,
Southwest Section American Association of Petroleum Geologists Convention, Fort Worth, Texas,
March 1–5, unpaginated.
Brown, L. F., Loucks, R. G., and Treviño, R. H., 2003, Using S5 benchmark wireline logs to
characterize the sequence stratigraphy of depositional systems in growth-faulted intraslope
basins (abs.): American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention Official Program,
v. 12, p. A20.
Treviño, R. H., Brown, L. F., and Loucks, R. G., 2003, Defining systems tracts and sequence
stratigraphic architecture from well logs: example from the Oligocene/lower Miocene section,
offshore Mustang Island, South Texas (abs.): American Association of Petroleum Geologists
Annual Convention Official Program, v. 12, p. A172.
Treviño, R. H., Brown, L. F., Jr., Loucks, R. G., and Remington, R. L., 2003, Sequence stratigraphy of
Oligocene Frio and Anahuac strata, offshore Mustang Island, Texas: calibrating high-frequency
sequence chronostratigraphy with international biostratigraphy and isotopic ages (abs.), in
Segundo Simposio de Bioestratigrafía en la Exploración Petrolera de México y Exposición, June
19–21, Reynosa, Tamaulipas, México: PEMEX Exploración y Produccion, unpaginated, CDROM.
Brown, L. F., Jr., Loucks, R. G., and Treviño, R. H., 2003, Developing high-frequency
chronostratigraphic basinal frameworks using sequence stratigraphy calibrated with internationally
accepted isotopic and biostratigraphic ages, Corpus Christi region, Texas (abs.), in Segundo
Simposio de Bioestratigrafía en la Exploración Petrolera de México y Exposición, June 19–21,
Reynosa, Tamaulipas, México: PEMEX Exploración y Produccion, unpaginated, CD-ROM.
Hammes, Ursula, Loucks, R. G., Brown, L. F., Jr., Treviño, R. H., Remington, R. L., and Montoya,
Patricia, 2003, Sequence architecture and structural setting of a growth-faulted subbasin, Frio
Formation, South Texas (abs.), in GSASW Growth Fault Symposium, College Station, Texas
A&M University.
Brown, L. F., Jr., Loucks, R. G., and Treviño, R. H., 2002, Sequences, depositional systems, and
synsedimentary tectonics, Oligocene rocks, Corpus Christi region, South Texas: revisiting mature
fields with new prospecting tactics (ext. abs.), in Armentrout, J. M., and Rosen, N. C., eds.,
Sequence stratigraphic models for exploration and production: evolving methodology, emerging
models and application histories: Gulf Coast Section SEPM Foundation, 22nd Annual Bob F.
Perkins Research Conference, Houston, Texas, December, v. 22, p. 33–35.
Brown, L. F., Jr., 1999, Facies, systems, seismic, sequence, and reservoir stratigraphy: overlapping
stages during 50 years of stratigraphic evolution (abs.), in AAPG Annual Convention official
program: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, p. A17.
Brown, L. F., Jr., 1994, Evolving sequence-stratigraphic concepts: emphasis on siliciclastic systems
tracts (abs.): American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 78, p. 1807. [AAPG
International Distinguished Lecture]
Brown, L. F., Jr., 1992, Use of sequence stratigraphy to define new plays in Upper Pennsylvanian and
Lower Permian Lowstand Systems Tracts, North/West Central Texas (abs.), in Rocky Mountain
Geological Society, Colorado School of Mines, and University of Colorado Transactions of
Applied Sequence Stratigraphy: Symposium, Golden, Colorado, March 25–27
Brown, L. F., Jr., and Doherty, Sheila, 1992, Drilling success for sequence-stratigraphic target by
Soekor (Pty) Ltd., offshore South Africa, 1987–92 (abs.), in Rocky Mountain Geological Society,
Colorado School of Mines, and University of Colorado Transactions of Applied Sequence
Stratigraphy: Symposium, Golden, Colorado, March 25–27.
Brown, L. F., Jr., 1991, Variations in lowstand systems tracts: constraints on exploration (abs.):
American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 75, no. 3, p. 547.
Brown, L. F., Jr., 1989, A sequence-stratigraphic and systems-tract model of the Virgilian and
Wolfcampian Series, Eastern Shelf and adjacent Midland Basin (abs.), in Geological Society of
America, South-Central Section, Abstracts with Programs, v. 21,
Brown, L. F., Jr., 1989, Use of sequence stratigraphy to define stratigraphic plays in Upper
Pennsylvanian and Lower Permian lowstand systems tracts, North-Central Texas (abs.):
American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 73, no. 2, p. 255.
Brown, L. F., Jr., 1989, Re-exploration of cratonic basins using passive-margin sequence-stratigraphic
concepts: examples from Upper Paleozoic rocks, eastern margin, Midland Basin (abs.): American
Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 73, no. 3, p. 338.
Brown, L. F., Jr., 1981, Impact of seismic stratigraphy on stratigraphic concepts (abs.): Geological
Society of America South-Central Section, Abstracts with Programs, v. 13, no. 5, p. 234.
Brown, L. F., Jr., 1981, Seismic stratigraphy: reconfirming basic principles but mandating modern
lithogenetic concepts (abs.), in Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, Cincinnati,
November, Abstracts with Programs,
Brown, L. F., Jr., Cleaves, A. W., and Erxleben, A. W., 1974, Deltaic systems within evolving foreland
and cratonic basins, North-Central Texas (abs.), in American Association of Petroleum Geologists
and Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Annual Meeting Abstracts, v. 1, p.
Brown, L. F., Jr., 1973, South Texas eolian system: a model of coastal eolian processes (abs.): Gulf
Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions, v. 22, p. 58.
Brown, L. F., Jr., 1972, Environmental geology and land management (abs.): Geological Society of
America, Southeast Section, Abstracts with Programs, no. 5, p. 381.
Brown, L. F., Jr., 1971, Virgil and Wolfcamp fluvial, deltaic, and interdeltaic embayment depositional
systems in North and West-Central Texas (abs.): American Association of Petroleum Geologists
Bulletin, v. 55, no. 1, p. 151–152.
Brown, L. F., Jr., and Galloway, W. E., 1971, Recognition of fluvial and deltaic sandstones of
Pennsylvanian and Permian ages in North- Central Texas (abs.): American Association of
Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 55, no. 2, p. 332.
Brown, L. F., Jr., and Goodson, J. L., 1969, Sedimentary versus contemporaneous tectonic control of
fluvial-deltaic deposition (abs.): Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Program, Part 2, p.
Brown, L. F., Jr., 1968, Shelf model for Late Pennsylvanian and Early Permian deposition in NorthCentral Texas (abs.): Geological Society of America, South-Central Section (Printed Program), p.
Brown, L. F., Jr., McGowen, J. H., Seals, M. J., Waller, T. H., and Ray, J. R., 1967, Role of
compaction in development of geometry of superposed elongate sandstone bodies (abs.):
American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 51, no. 3, p. 455–456.
Brown, L. F., Jr., 1965, The stratigraphic framework of surface and near-surface Upper Pennsylvanian
and Lower Permian rocks, North-Central Texas (abs.), in Southwestern Federation of Geological
Societies, Austin, Texas, program abstracts,
Brown, L. F., Jr., 1964, Urban geology of Waco: A project sponsored by Baylor University and Cooper
Foundation. Texas Journal of Science, v. XVI, no. 4, p. 456-466.
Brown, L. F., Jr., 1960, Problems of stratigraphic nomenclature and classification, Upper
Pennsylvanian, North-Central Texas, in Southwestern Federation of Geological Societies,
Lubbock, Texas, program abstracts,
Contract Reports
Hammes, Ursula, Loucks, R. G., Fouad, Khaled, and Brown, L. F., Jr., 2007, Sequence stratigraphic,
structural evaluation and geophysical modeling of the Oligocene Frio Formation, Carancahua
Bay, South Texas: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, State of
Texas Advanced Resource Recovery Project, final report prepared for Brigham Exploration
Company, 92 p.
Loucks, R. G., Treviño, R. H., Hammes, Ursula, Brown, L. F., Jr., Sakurai, Shinichi, and Zeng,
Hongliu, 2004, State of Texas advanced oil and gas resource recovery: The University of Texas
at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, progress report prepared for State of Texas (State
Lands), 65 p. + CD-ROM.
Hentz, T. F., Ambrose, W. A., DeAngelo, Michael, Holtz, M. H., Sakurai, Shinichi, Talukdar, S.,
Wawrzyniec, T. F., Dunlap, D. B., Dutton, S. P., Guevara, E. H., Nance, H. S., Yeh, J. S.,
Bouroullec, Renaud, Brown, L. F., Jr., Martinez Sierra, Ricardo, Hernández-Mendoza, J. J.,
Ramos Gallardo, Hilario, Alvarado Cespedes, Alberto, Marino Castanon, Alberto, Machado
Simental, Ruben, Ayala Anguiano, Ramiro, and Segura Trevino, Alberto, 2004, Definition of the
geological framework and exploration plays of the Miocene of the Burgos Basin, northern Mexico:
The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, final report prepared for Pemex
in two volumes, Spanish and English, variously paginated + 5 vols. Plates.
Loucks, Robert, Treviño, Ramon, Hammes, Ursula, Remington, Randy, Sakurai, Shinichi, Brown, L.
F., Jr., Zeng, Hongliu, and Jennette, Dave, 2003, Reservoir geology, structure, and sequence
stratigraphy of the Oligocene upper-lower Frio Fm., Red Fish Bay field area, South Texas volume
I: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, final report prepared for IBC
Corporation, variously paginated + CD-ROM.
Ambrose, W. A., Fouad, Khaled, Wawrzyniec, T. F., Sakurai, Shinichi, Talukdar, Suhas, Guevara, E.
H., Brown, L. F., Jr., Dunlap, D. B., Jennette, D. C., Schultz-Ela, D. D., Sánchez-Barreda, Luis,
Remington, R. L., Aranda-García, Mario, Alvarado Vega, Juan, Macias Zamora, Eduardo,
Hernández-Romano, Ulises, Cárdenas-Hernández, Ramón, Ruiz-Ruiz, Héctor, SarmientoAltamirano, Santiago, López-Leyva, Gerardo, Aguilar-Hernández, Angélica, Martínez Garcia,
Julieta, Maldonado-Lezama, Juan, Velásquez, Carlos, and Trujillo, Alfonso, 2003, Definition of the
geological framework of the Neogene in the southern Laguna Madre-Tuxpan continental shelf of
eastern Mexico: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, final report
prepared for PEMEX Exploración y Producción, variously paginated, 7 volumes.
Loucks, Robert, Treviño, Ramon, Brown, L. F., Jr., and Remington, Randy, 2002, Reservoir geology,
structure, and sequence stratigraphy of the Mustang Island Block 889 Area, offshore South
Texas: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, final report prepared for
Sabco Oil and Gas Corporation, variously paginated.
Loucks, R. G., Treviño, R. H., Remington, R. L., Brown, L. F., Jr., Sakurai, Shinichi, Kane, J. A.,
Correa Vivar, Luciano, Montoya, Patricia, Acevedo, Jose, Mendez, D. L., and McDavid, Andrew,
2002, Project STARR: State of Texas advanced oil and gas resource recovery: The University of
Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, progress report prepared for Texas State Lands,
60 p.
Hardage, B. A., Ambrose, W. A., Barba, R. E., Jr., Brown, L. F., Jr., Castillo, Jaime, Clift, S. J.,
Correa, Luciano, Fouad, Khaled, Fimlay, Carlos, Gu, Yaguang, Holtz, M. H., Treviño, R. H., and
Tyler, Roger, 2000, State of Texas advanced oil and gas resource recovery: The University of
Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, progress report prepared for State Lands Project
STARR, 49 p.
Brown, L. F., Jr., Nelson, P., Collins, E. W., Jackson, M. L. W., Worrall, J., Glaser, S., Fong, F.,
Norman, C., Phelps, R., Mathewson, C., and Conover, D., 1985, Geological and geotechnical
analysis of potential SSC sites in Texas: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic
Geology, final report prepared for the Office of the Governor, State of Texas, variously paginated.
Atlases/Maps/Cross Sections
Brown, L. F., Jr., Benson, J. M., Brink, G. J., Doherty, S., Jollands, A., Jungslager, E. H. A., Keenan,
J. H. G., Muntingh, A., and Van Wyk, N. J. S., 1995, Sequence stratigraphy in offshore South
African divergent basins—an atlas of exploration for Cretaceous lowstand traps by Soekor Ltd.: ,
AAPG Studies in Geology 41, 165 figs., 184 p.
Brown, L. F., Jr., compiler, 1992, Geologic map of Texas: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of
Economic Geology, scale 1:500,000.
Kosters, E. C., Bebout, D. G., Brown, L. F., Jr., Dutton, S. P., Finley, R. J., Garrett, C. M., Jr., Hamlin,
H. S., Ruppel, S. C., Seni, S. J., and Tyler, Noel, 1989, Atlas of major Texas gas reservoirs: The
University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, Special Publication, 161 p.
Brown, L. F., Jr., Solis-Iriarte, R. F., and Johns, D. A., 1987, Regional stratigraphic cross sections,
Upper Pennsylvanian and Lower Permian strata (Virgilian and Wolfcampian Series), NorthCentral Texas: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, Cross Sections,
27 p. and 27 plates.
Hentz, T. F., and Brown, L. F., Jr., 1987, Wichita Falls–Lawton sheet: The University of Texas at
Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, Geologic Atlas of Texas, 1 sheet, scale 1:250,000.
McGowen, J. H., Proctor, C. V., Jr., Brown, L. F., Jr., Fisher, W. L., and Groat, C. G., 1980,
Environmental geologic atlas of the Texas Coastal Zone: Brownsville-Harlingen area, L. F. Brown,
Jr., Project Coordinator: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, 9
colored maps, 32 figs., 15 tables, 140 p.
Kier, R. S., Garner, L. E., and Brown, L. F., Jr., 1977, Land resources of Texas: The University of
Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, Full-Color Map, + 4 figs., 18 tables, 42 p, scale
McGowen, J. H., Brown, L. F., Jr., Proctor, C. V., Jr., Fisher, W. L., and Groat, C. G., 1976,
Environmental geologic atlas of the Texas Coastal Zone: Port Lavaca area, L. F. Brown, Jr.,
Project Coordinator: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, 9 color
maps, + 33 figs., 13 tables, 107 p.
McGowen, J. H., Brown, L. F., Jr., Fisher, W. L., and Groat, C. G., 1976, Environmental geologic atlas
of the Texas Coastal Zone: Bay City-Freeport area, L. F. Brown, Jr., Project Coordinator: The
University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, 9 color maps, + 29 figs., 13 tables,
98 p.
Brown, L. F., Jr., Brewton, J. L., McGowen, J. H., Fisher, W. L., and Groat, C. G., 1976,
Environmental geologic atlas of the Texas Coastal Zone: Corpus Christi area, L. F. Brown, Jr.,
Project Coordinator: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, 9 color
maps, + 32 figs., 13 tables 123 p.
Kier, R. S., Brown, L. F., Jr., and Harwood, P., 1976, Brownwood sheet: Bureau of Economic
Geology, The University of Texas at Austin, Geologic Atlas of Texas, 1 sheet, scale 1:250,000.
Brown, L. F., Jr., Brewton, J. G., and McGowen, J. H., 1976, McAllen-Brownsville sheet: Bureau of
Economic Geology, The University of Texas at Austin, Geologic Atlas of Texas, 1 sheet, scale
Brown, L. F., Jr., Brewton, J. L., and McGowen, J. H., 1975, Corpus Christi sheet: Bureau of
Economic Geology, The University of Texas at Austin, Geologic Atlas of Texas, 1 sheet, scale
Brown, L. F., Jr., Morton, R. A., McGowen, J. H., Kreitler, C. W., and Fisher, W. L., 1974, Natural
hazards of the Texas Coastal Zone (atlas): The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of
Economic Geology, 7 maps, + 18 figs., 6 tables, 13 folio p.
Brown, L. F., Jr., Goodson, J. L., and Harwood, P., 1972, Abilene sheet: Bureau of Economic
Geology, The University of Texas at Austin, Geologic Atlas of Texas, 1 sheet, scale 1:250,000.
McGowen, J. H., Fisher, W. L., Brown, L. F., Jr., and Groat, C. G., 1972, Environmental geologic atlas
of the Texas Coastal Zone: Galveston–Houston area, L. F. Brown, Jr., Project Coordinator: The
University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, 91 p.
Unpublished Reports
Brown, L. F., Jr., 1995, Oligocene and Miocene sequence stratigraphy and petroleum plays and
leads, onshore Taranaki Basin, New Zealand (with South Africa and New Zealand Authors), for
Petrocorp Ltd., Plymouth, 24 figs., 43 enclosures, 4 appendix figs, 65 p.
Brown, L. F., Jr., 1993, Petroleum potential of the Oriental Rift Basin, Magallanes Basin Complex,
southern Chile (with South African and Chilean Authors), Empresa Nacional del Petroleo (ENAP),
Punta Arenas, 50 figs., 150 p.
Brown, L. F., Jr., 1990, Proprietary studies in North Sea and Faeroe Basins, 1990-93: Mobil UK and
Mobil Norway.
Brown, L. F., Jr., 1989, Post-Middle Aptian sequence stratigraphic framework and lowstand
depositional systems tracts, West Coast Margin (Orange Basin), Republic of South Africa, for
Soekor Ltd., Cape Town, 68 figs., 99 pls., 2 tables, 65 p.
Brown, L. F., Jr., 1989, A sequence-stratigraphic assessment of the hydrocarbon potential of
Oligocene and Miocene prospects, Tainan Basin, offshore Taiwan, for Chinese Petroleum
Corporation, Taipei, 34 figs.
Brown, L. F., Jr., 1988, Sequence stratigraphy and hydrocarbon potential, Bredasdorp Basin, South
Africa, for Soekor Ltd., Cape Town, 43 figs., 50 pls., 3 tables, 75 p.
Brown, L. F., Jr., 1988, Sequence stratigraphy and hydrocarbon potential, Pletmos Basin, South
Africa, for Soekor Ltd., Cape Town, 84 figs., 170 pls., 6 tables, 84 p.
Brown, L. F., Jr., 1987, Assessment of hydrocarbon potential of selected areas, offshore Taiwan, with
emphasis on Tainan Basin, for Chinese Petroleum Corporation, Taipei, Taiwan, 8 figs., 60 p.
Brown, L. F., Jr., 1986, Seismic stratigraphic and depositional systems analyses of basins in offshore
Taiwan, for Chinese Petroleum Corporation, Taipei, Taiwan, 4 figs., 65 p.
Brown, L. F., Jr., 1985, Review of Pannonian Basin of Hungary: Geophysical Exploration Company,
and Hungarian Oil and Gas Trust, for Exploration Consultants, Ltd. and World Bank, 27 p.
Fisher, W. L., and Brown, L. F., Jr., 1983, Regional depositional and tectonic characterization of
Brazilian marginal basins: Petroleo Brasileiro S.A. Petrobras, Divisao de Exploracao-Divex, 63
figs., appendix, 45 p.
Brown, L. F., Jr., 1983, Review of the Benin shelf project: Saga Petroleum A.S., Oslo, Norway, for the
World Bank and People’s Republic of Benin, 27 p.
Brown, L. F., Jr., Barcat, C., Nevistic, A., and Fisher, W. L., 1982, Seismic stratigraphic and
depositional analyses: new exploration approaches applied to the Golfo San Jorge Basin,
Argentina: Yacimientos Petroliferos Fiscales, Buenos Aires, Gerente de Planificacion, Direccion
de Exploracion, 13 figs., 30 p.
Fernandes, G. J. F., Matos, Z. V., Figueiredo, A. M. F., Fisher, W. L., and Brown, L. F., Jr., 1981,
Basin analysis of the rift phase and oil and gas play analysis, Sergipe-Alagoas Basin, Brazil:
Petroleo Brasileiro S.A., Departamento de Exploracao, Depex, 53 figs., 59 p.
Brown, L. F., Jr., and Fisher, W. L., 1981, Research and training program in basinal analysis and
petroleum occurrence, Golfo San Jorge Basin, Argentina (Phase 1 and recommendations for
Phase 2): Yacimientos Petroliferos Fiscales, Buenos Aires, Gerente de Planificacion, Direccion
de Exploracion, 1 fig., 19 p.
Simoes, I. A., Lima, F. R., Fisher, W. L., and Brown, L. F., Jr., 1980, Sistemas deposicionais e
“mineral fairways,” Bacia Do Reconcavo, Brasil: Petrobras Mineracao S.A., Petromisa, Gerencia
de Exploracao, 40 figs./maps, 60 p.
Schneider, R. L., Sad, A. R., Fisher, W. L., and Brown, L. F., Jr., 1979, Depositional systems and
potential mineral fairways, Parnaiba Basin, Brazil: Petrobras Mineracao S.A., Petromin Gerencia
de Exploracao, 90 figs., 52 p.
de Souza, M. M., Araujo, M. B., Fisher, W. L., and Brown, L. F., Jr., 1979, Seismic stratigraphic
evaluation of petroleum prospects, Eastern Ceara Basin, Brazil: Petroleo Brasileiro S.A.,
Petrobras, Divisao de Exploracao-Divex, 40 figs., 41 p.
Brown, L. F., Jr., and Fisher, W. L., 1979, Depositional systems and seismic stratigraphic analysis in
petroleum and mineral exploration (unpublished draft of textbook on depositional systems):
Australian Mineral Foundation, Adelaide, Australia, 714 p.
Fisher, W. L., and Brown, L. F., Jr., 1978, Geology and petroleum potential of the People’s Republic
of China: Pennzoil Company, 23 figs., 78 p.
Brown, L. F., Jr., 1977, Evaluation of the oil and gas potential of the Late Tertiary reservoirs: Foz do
Amazonas area, Brazil, Dexpro-Divex, 40 figs., 163 p.
Brown, L. F., Jr., and Fisher, W. L., 1976, Fluvial and deltaic systems in the exploration for oil, gas,
and other minerals: Home Oil Company, Ltd., manual, 160 p.
Brown, L. F., Jr., Dauzacker, M. V., and Saito, M., 1975, Depositional systems and petroleum
potential: Petroleo Brasileiro S.A., Dexpro-Divex, 53 p.
Brown, L. F., Jr., Baumgarten, C. S., and Braga, J. A. Estrela, 1974, Depositional systems and
petroleum potential, Foz do Amazonas area, Brasil: Petroleo Brasileiro S.A., Dexpro-Divex, 54 p.
Course Notes
Brown, L. F., Jr., 1990, Seismic/sequence stratigraphy—its role in petroleum exploration and
development: manual used in AAPG and other short courses (updated annually): , 500 p.
Brown, L. F., Jr., 1984, Seismic stratigraphic analysis of depositional systems, in Stratigraphic
interpretations of seismic data: course notes: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 110
Brown, L. F., Jr., and Fisher, W. L., 1970, An approach to environmental geology with examples from
the Texas coastal zone, in American Geological Institute, Short course lecture notes: (In
conjunction with the Geological Society of America annual meeting), .
Fisher, W. L., Brown, L. F., Jr., McGowen, J. H., and Scott, A. J., 1969, Delta systems in the
exploration for oil and gas: a research colloquium: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of
Economic Geology, 212 p.
Fisher, W. L., and Brown, L. F., Jr., 1972, Clastic depositional systems: a genetic approach to facies
analysis, An annotated outline and bibliography (revised 1984): The University of Texas at Austin,
Bureau of Economic Geology, 211 p.
Publications Edited
Associate Editor, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 1976–85
A guidebook to the Late Pennsylvanian shelf sediments, North-Central Texas: Dallas Geological
Society, 69 p.
Continuing editorial duties, Bureau of Economic Geology (1969–79); Peer Review Chairman and
Technical Editor: evaluation of submitted manuscripts (1979–88)
Proceedings, Fourth forum on geology of industrial minerals: The University of Texas at Austin,
Bureau of Economic Geology, 174 p.
Regional editor and contributor to Comanchean Symposium, Permian Basin Society of Economic
Paleontologists and Mineralogists, 1965–66
Supervised and edited a series of geological field guidebooks as sponsor of Baylor Geological
Society, 1960–66
Originated and edited Baylor Geological Studies Bulletins, 1960–66
Workshop Workbooks
Brown, L. F., Jr., Ambrose, W. A., and Carr, D. L., 2010, Supplement to Guidebook 14: The University
of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, 34 p.
BEG Colloquia
Sequences, depositional systems, and synsedimentary tectonics, Oligocene rocks, Corpus Christi
region, South Texas: revisiting mature fields with new prospecting tactics: presented at BEG
Colloquium, Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas,
September 2003.
Lectures and Addresses
Understanding growth-faulted, intraslope subbasins and associated reservoir targets by applying
sequence stratigraphic principles: examples from the South Texas Oligocene Frio Formation:
presented at the Houston Geological Society North American Explorations dinner meeting, Houston,
Texas, September 27, 2004.
Southeastern Geological Society, 1978.
Earth-Resources Section, NASA, Johnson Space Center, 1974.
American Association of Petroleum Geologists Distinguished Lecture Series (1972- 1973): Alberta
Geological Society,
American Association of Petroleum Geologists Distinguished Lecture Series (1972- 1973): Kansas
Geological Society,
Short Courses
Using sequence stratigraphic wireline-log analysis to develop stratigraphic architecture in growthfaulted basins: practical application to the South Texas offshore Frio section: presented at Gulf Coast
Association of Geological Societies Annual Convention, GCSSEPM Short Course #4 (with Bob
Loucks), San Antontio, Texas, October 10, 2004.
Field Trips
Leader (with E. G. Wermund), Clastic and Carbonate Facies in North-Central Texas: for annual
meeting of American Association of Petroleum Geologists, San Antonio, Texas, 1984.
Leader (with E. G. Wermund), Clastic and Carbonate Facies in North-Central Texas: for Dallas
Geological Society, April 1978.
Leader, Field Trip for Coal Division: Annual Geological Society of America Meeting, Dallas, Texas,
Co-leader (with E. G. Wermund), Field Conference on Shelf Deposition in North-Central Texas: for
annual meeting of American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Dallas, Texas, 1969.
Leader, Geological Field Conference: Southwest Section, American Association of Petroleum
Geologists, North-Central, Texas, 1960.
Leader, Geological Field Conference: Permian Basin Section, Society of Economic Paleontologists
and Mineralogists, North-Central, Texas, 1960.
Congressional, Legislative, and Special Committee Testimony
Seismic Stratigraphy session, Chairman (with P. R. Vail), annual meeting, American Association of
Petroleum Geologists, San Antonio.
Depositional Systems Session, Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies, Austin, Chairman.
Coordinated Geotechnical Task Force, Texas Supercollider-Superconductor Project.
Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, Session chairman.
American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Tulsa, Oklahoma, Associate Editor.
Seagrants Advisory Council, Texas A&M University.
Sedimentology Session, Chairman, Annual Meeting, American Association of Petroleum Geologists,
Review Environmental Impact Statements for Division of Planning Coordination, Office of the
Program Committee, Annual Meeting, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, San Antonio.
National Environmental Committee, American Association of Petroleum Geologists.
Texas Legislature Committee on Land Use, Testimony on Land Use.
Member of Texas Land Use Committee, Interagency Council on Resources and Environment, Office
of the Governor.
Panelist, Coal Policy, Forum on Energy Resources and Mineral Plant Food, National Materials Policy
Commission and The University of Texas.
Testimony (with W. L. Fisher), Texas Water Development Board Coastal Environmental Hearings,
Port Aransas.
Testimony (written) to Texas Senate Committee, pipelines and beaches, Austin, Texas.
Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Chairman, Shelf Symposium, Annual
Meeting, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Dallas.
Testimony, U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Public Hearings, shell dredging permits for Matagorda
Bay, Port Lavaca, Texas.
Miscellaneous Activities of a Professional Nature
Studies of Argentine (1979-82), Taiwanese (1986-89), South African (1987- 95), Chilean (1993-94)
and New Zealand (1994-95) basins involving seismic/sequence-stratigraphic methods. Consulted with
Mobil UK and Norway (1990-93) on various North Sea and west of Shetland basinal seismic and
sequence studies.
Depositional systems and sequence analysis analyses of Upper Pennsylvanian and Lower Permian
strata on the eastern flank of the West Texas Basin (1957-90). With many Baylor and U. T. students.
Comprehensive surface and subsurface analysis of fluvial, deltaic, shelf, slope and basinal
depositional systems. Application to mineral/energy resources and the environment.
1990- Emeritus Professor of Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin
1971-89 Professor of Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin
1966-71 Lecturer, Department of Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin
1963-66 Associate Professor, Baylor University
1960-63 Assistant Professor, Baylor University
1953 Instructor, University of Wisconsin field course (under Lewis Cline)
1949-51 Laboratory Instructor, Baylor University
Teaching experience includes undergraduate, graduate, and industrial/professional education. At
Baylor University (1960-66), taught a variety of undergraduate and graduate courses including
physical geology, historical geology, paleontology, sedimentology, and stratigraphy; supervised 6
master’s theses (McGowen: ARCO, Jones: UT-San Antonio, Seals: U-Corpus Christi, Ray: Pecten,
Waller: formerly UT-Arlington, Peter Boone: Texas Railroad Commission), and served on 6 master’s
committees. Obtained several research grants from government and industry for student research. At
The University of Texas at Austin (1966-89), helped to originate (with W. L. Fisher and A. J. Scott)
and taught Terrigenous Depositional Systems (1969-76) and originated (with M. Backus) and taught
(with R. Kehle, R. Buffler) Seismic/Sequence-Stratigraphy (1978-89); supervised 7 Ph.D. students
(Galloway: UT-Austin, Cleaves: OSU, Rangel: Petrobras, Figueiredo: Petrobras, Ricoy: Pemex, Solis:
Diamond-Shamrock Boliviana, Lee: U-Taipei) and 8 M.S. students (Erxleben: Apache, Smith: mining,
van der Ven: Petrobras, Ricoy: Pemex, Garcia: Phillips, van Dalen: Chevron, Amato: Petrobras);
served on many Ph.D. and M.S. examination, theses, and dissertation committees of studies
Originated and/or participated in many continuing education courses, symposia, and lecture series.
Lectured, trained, taught and/or consulted in 25 states and 30+ countries.
(a) Delta Systems in the Exploration for Oil, Gas, and Other Minerals (with W. L. Fisher; sponsored by
the Bureau of Economic Geology-Austin (1969) and Midland, Permian Basin Graduate Center (1970;
(b) Environmental Geology and Land Resources Management Symposia: Milwaukee (AGI:GSA)
(1970), New Orleans (1971), Houston (AGI:AAPG) (1971), Austin (1972), Anchorage (1973),
Stillwater (1974), Austin (1974); authored the first AAPG Bulletin paper on environmental geology and
land resource planning (1973).
(c) American Association of Petroleum Geologists Continuing Education Courses and Schools (1970):
Delta Systems (with W. L. Fisher): Shreveport (1970), New Orleans (1971), Lafayette (1971), Houston
(1972), San Antonio (1972), Corpus Christi (1972), and Casper (1973); Depositional Systems/Seismic
Stratigraphy: Billings (1975); Bogota (1975); Caracas (1975); Lexington, U.S.G.S. (1975); KerrMcGee (1975), Dallas, Soc. Econ. Geophysicists (1976). Seismic Stratigraphy Schools: Vail (1976),
Houston (1977, 1985), Calgary (1977), Monterrey (1977), Biloxi (1978), London (1978, 1979, 1980),
Tucson (1978), Jackson Hole (1978), San Antonio (1980, 1984), Miami (1980), Dallas (1981, 1983,
1986), Park City (1982), Las Vegas (1983), Geneva (1983), Colorado Springs (1983), Palm Springs
(1984), Washington, D.C. (1985); San Diego (1986), Jakarta (1986). Seismic/Sequence Stratigraphy:
Houston Geological Society (1978); AAPG annual meeting, Oklahoma City (1978); University of
Edinburgh (1979); Australian Mineral Foundation, Adelaide (1979, 1982); Yacimientos Petroliferos
Fiscales, Argentina (1979); Amoco Orient (1979); Cities Service, Tulsa (1979, 1980); Phillips:
Bartlesville (1979), Houston (1979; 1994), Singapore (1980), London (1980), Stavanger (1992),
Woking [Surrey] (1993); Oklahoma City Geological Society (1980); Louisiana Land and Exploration,
Houston (1980); Tobago-Trinidad Geological Society (1980); Indonesian Petroleum Exploration
Society, Jakarta (1980, 1994); Union Oil of California (1980); Sohio Oil Company (1980); Conoco
Woodlands (1980); India Oil and Gas Commission, Dehra Dun (1980, 1982); Amoco Europe (1981);
Tulsa Geological Society (1981); Lafayette Geological Society (1981, 1983); Occidental, Bakersfield
(1982); Dallas Geological Society (1984); AAPG meeting, New Orleans Geological Society (1985;
1993); Southwest AAPG meeting, Amarillo (1985); Joint Assoc. Petroleum Exploration Courses,
Imperial College, London (annually 1991-96); Houston (1992); Kerr-McGee (1992), Houston; BHP
(1993), Houston (1993); Saudi Aramco, Dhahran (1993); Dallas (1993; 1995)
(d) Independent Short Courses or Consultation on Basin Analysis and/or Seismic/Sequence
Stratigraphy: *Instituto Petroleo Mexicano (1974-76); Chevron (1974-81,91); Amoco (1975-77, 82,
91); Anaconda/Grace Mining (1974-76); Petrobras (1973-83); University of Houston short courses in
geology and geophysics (1977-85); Southeastern Geophysical Society (1978); University of Tulsa
Advanced Petroleum Exploration School (1980-91); Pennzoil (1978-83); Home Oil Company, Ltd.
(1976); Elf Aquitaine: Paris, Pau, Houston (1978-85); Total Oil Company, Paris (1978-79); Shell
(1977-80); Mobil (1973-81); University of Bergen, Norway (1978); Mobil Nigeria (1978); British
Petroleum Corp., Colorado Springs (1980) and UK (1989); Permian Basin Graduate Center (1982); P.
T. Caltex Pacific Indonesia, Sumatra and Java (1982); Elf-Nigeria (1984); ARCO, Dallas (1984-86,
91); Instituto Petrole Francais, Paris (1984); Turkish Petroleum Corporation (1985); Petroleum
Exploration Society of Australia:, Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth (1985); Chinese
Petroleum Corporation, Taipei (1986-87); Chevron Overseas Corporation (1987); Soekor Ltd., Cape
Town (1987; 1988, 1990; 1992); Mobil International (1988); Consolidated Natural Gas, New Orleans
(1989); ARCO Turkey (1989); *Lagoven, Venezuela (1989); Mobil domestic/international (1989-93);
Petropros, Nigeria (1990); Korean Petroleum Exploration and Development Co. (Pedco), Seoul,
Korea (1990); Namibian Geological Society/Survey, Windhoek (1992); Houston Geological Society
(1993); Conoco, Houston (1994); *Empresa Nacional Del Petroleo-Chile (1993-); Petrocorp, New
Plymouth, New Zealand (1994-95); Union Texas, Houston (1995)
[*simultaneous/sequential translations]
(e) American Association of Petroleum Geologists Distinguished Lecturer (1972-73): Presented
lectures to 64 associations and universities. As a result of the tour, recommended the Visiting
Geoscientist concept in 1973 to AAPG Distinguished Lecture Committee (later formed Visiting
Geoscientist Committee).
(f) More than 50 lectures and talks to state, federal, and science groups on environmental geology
(g) More than 200 talks or field conferences to geological groups on depositional systems, seismic
stratigraphy, or sequence stratigraphy
(h) Petrobras and Petrominerals training/research program in basin analysis/seismic
stratigraphy/sedimentary economic geology (1973-76; 1978-82): with W. L. Fisher. Involved training
geologists and geophysicists in Austin for 4-months about twice each year using Petrobras data to
develop basin stratigraphic frameworks and hydrocarbon plays; special evaluation of Foz do
Amazonas Exploration Program (1976-77)
(i) Chevron Stratigraphic Schools, 1974-81 (2 per year); Management Refresher Courses, 1977-79.
(j) Yacimientos Petroliferos Fiscales (YPF Argentina) training/research programs in basin
analysis/seismic stratigraphy (1981-1985)
(k) Elf Aquitaine training and consultation program in basin analysis/seismic stratigraphy (1978-85)
(l) Chinese Petroleum Corporation (Taipei) training/research program in basin analysis/seismic
stratigraphy (1986-89)
(m) Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA), International Distinguished Lecturer. Two-day
courses at five regional societies: Brisbane, Sidney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth (1984)
(n) Soekor Ltd. (Cape Town) training/research program in basin analysis/seismic and sequence
stratigraphy (1987-94). Involved training geologists/geophysicists in Austin and continuing
consultation on exploration programs; preparation of two AAPG Memoir 58 papers and AAPG
seismic/sequence stratigraphy atlas of offshore South African basins (AAPG Studies in Geology 41,
(o) Mobil consulting and training in seismic/sequence stratigraphy, domestic and international (199093)
(p) Empresa Nacional Del Petroleo - Chile (Punta Arenas); studies in basin analysis and seismic
sequence stratigraphy in Georgetown in cooperation with Soekor Ltd., (1993).
(q) American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Dean A. McGee International Distinguished
Lecturer (1994-95): presented lectures throughout Mid- and Near East (~15 local/regional societies
and geology departments: Pakistan, Oman, Emirates: Abu Dhabi, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Egypt,
(r) Petrocorp, New Zealand, seismic/sequence studies of Taranaki Basin; training in sequence
stratigraphy (1994-95).
Coordinator, SSC studies, Geotechnical Task Force, Governor’s Office (University of Texas, Rice,
University of Houston, Texas A & M University), (1984-85).
Director, Texas Mining and Mineral Resources Institute (1981-84); program involved several Texas
universities; support of appropriate research activities in Texas.
Associate Director, Bureau of Economic Geology, 1971-84; Acting Director, 1977; directed a variety of
research projects funded by federal, state, and regional governments and industrial consortia.
Operation involved a staff of 75 senior scientists, 40 research assistants, and 100 support personnel.
Principal Investigator on government research grants. Programs in basin analysis, energy resources
(uranium, geothermal, lignite, petroleum), nuclear waste isolation, marine geology, environmental
studies, mapping, facies analysis, etc. Interaction with state, federal, regional, industrial groups, and
environmental agencies.
Studies of all offshore and several onshore Brazilian basins involving seismic-stratigraphic methods
(1973-83). With W. L. Fisher.
Environmental Geologic Atlas of the Texas Coastal Zone (Project Coordinator; 1969-79). With W. L.
Fisher and J. H. McGowen. Comprehensive environmental inventory of 20,000 square miles of the
Coastal Zone. Published in 7 individual atlases with 63 multicolored maps, text, and statistics.
Terrigenous clastic depositional systems: A genetic approach to stratigraphy. Teaching manuals
(1972-78) on principal depositional systems, modern models, and ancient analogs; taught academic
and continuing education courses from 1969-.
Seismic/sequence stratigraphy. Publications, teaching manuals and workshops on seismic
stratigraphic principles, depositional systems tracts, and sequence stratigraphy (1976).
Leader (with E. G. Wermund) of Permian Basin S.E.P.M. Conference on Clastic and Carbonate
Depositional Systems in North-Central Texas, 1976
Palo Duro Basin, Texas Panhandle (1955-57)
Eastern Shelf of the West Texas Basin, north/west-central Texas (1957-1990)
All Brazilian offshore rift/drift basins and several onshore rift and intracratonic basins (1973-83)
Golfo San Jorge Basin, Argentina (1979-84)
All offshore Taiwanese basins with special concentration on Tainan Basin (1986-89)
North Sea Paleogene sequences, UK and Norway (1990-93)
Faeroe/West of Shetland Basin, UK (1992)
Bredasdorp, Pletmos and Orange offshore basins, South Africa (1987-95)
Oriental and associated rift basins, southern Chile (1993-94)
Onshore Taranaki Basin, New Zealand (1994-95)
Exploration Geologist, Standard Oil Company of Texas (Chevron), 1955–57. Short-term international
consulting: Petroleo Brasileiro-Petrobras (1973–83); Chevron (1974–81); Elf Aquitaine (1978–85);
Total (1978–80); Pennzoil (1978–82); Yacimientos Petroliferos Fiscales (Argentina) (1979–84); World
Bank/Saga Petroleum (1983); World Bank/Hungarian Exploration Company (1985); Chinese
Petroleum Corporation [Taiwan] (1986–89); Soekor (1987–94); Mobil domestic: Dallas, Houston, New
Orleans, Bakersfield, Denver and International: Calgary, London, Stavanger, Amsterdam (1990–93);
Empresa Nacional del Petroleo-Magallanes [Punta Arenas, Chile] (1993–94); Petrocorp, Plymouth,
New Zealand (1994–95)
Short-term studies and reviews were carried out in basins in areas where many courses were taught
(see below). For example,
U.S. Western Interior Basin, Alberta, Northeast Canada offshore, Sumatra, Western Australia,
Nigeria, Alaska, Gulf of Mexico, Benin, Hungary, Netherlands, California onshore/offshore, among
many others