Bioreactor Landfill Moisture Management Funded by the Urban Waste Management and Research Center at the University of New Orleans Debra Reinhart1, Ph.D., P.E. University of Central Florida Timothy Townsend2, Ph.D. Sreeram Jonnalagadda3, Nitin Gawande4, Pradeep Jain3, Phillip Thomas4 University of Florida Chris Ziess, Ph.D. University of Alberta, Canada 1 Professor, University of Central Florida Associate Professor, University of Florida 3 Graduate Research Assistant, University of Florida 4 Graduate Research Assistant, University of Central Florida 2 The contents of this report reflect the views of the authors, who are responsible for the facts and the accuracy of the data presented herein. The contents do not necessarily reflect the official views or policies of the Urban Waste Management & Research Center of the U.S. EPA. This report does not constitute a standard, specification or regulation. The Urban Waste Management & Research Center does not endorse products, equipment or manufacturers. Trademarks or manufacturer’s names may appear herein only because they are considered essential to the object of this report. ABSTRACT The presence and movement of moisture in landfilled solid waste play a major role in the rate of landfill stabilization. Instruments that can monitor the in situ moisture content of landfilled waste would be of great benefit to landfill operators, especially those at bioreactors. Two potential technologies were examined in this research: resistance based and time domain reflectometry (TDR) sensors. One hundred and thirty five resistance-based sensors and 12 TDR sensors were installed in a leachate recirculation well field at a bioreactor in Florida. The resistance-based sensors were found to respond to an increase in moisture resulting from leachate recirculation. The initial spatial average moisture content determined by the sensor readings (using a laboratory-derived calibration) was 42% compared to 23% from gravimetric readings. This was attributed to the greater leachate conductivity values encountered in the landfill compared to that used in the calibration, inability of the MTG sensor to detect moisture contents below ~35%, and the potential for the sensors to intercept leachate flow from preferential paths. The TDR sensors were also found to respond to leachate recirculation. The moisture contents from the TDR sensors (obtained using laboratory-derived calibration) were compared to the moisture contents from the resistance-based sensors. The results showed that both technologies predicted transient moisture changes in the landfill. The heterogeneous nature of landfilled waste and its variable leachate electrical conductivity were observed to affect the calibration equations for both moisture measurement technologies. Moisture measurement devices have advantages over gravimetric moisture measurement techniques because of their less expensive manufacturing costs, ease in automation and ability to predict the transient moisture changes with time. TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES LIST OF FIGURES CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background 1.2 Research Objectives 1.3 Research Approach CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Moisture Content 2.2 Capacitance Probe Technology 2.2.1 Principles of Operation 2.3 Neutron Probe Technology 2.3.1 Principles of Operation 2.4 Electrical Resistance Technology 2.4.1 Principles of Operation 2.4.2 Granular Matrix Sensor 2.5 Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) 2.5.1 Principles of Operation 2.5.2 Production and Analysis of TDR Wave Forms 2.5.3 Calibration of TDR Sensors for Moisture Measurement 2.6 Summary of the Advantages and Disadvantages of each Technology CHAPTER 3 SENSOR DEVELOPMENT 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Principles of Operation 3.3 Sensor Description 3.4 Methodology 3.4.1 Particle Size Determination 3.4.2 Effect of liquid electrical conductivity 3.4.3 Sensor Calibration 3.4.4 Field Testing of Sensors 3.4.5 Sensor Behavior under Saturated Condition 3.5 Results and discussion 3.5.1 Particle Size Determination 3.5.2 Effect of Liquid Electrical Conductivity 3.5.3 Sensor Calibration 3.5.4 Field Testing of Sensors 3.5.5 Sensor Behavior under Saturated Condition 3.6 Summary of Results CHAPTER 4 FIELD EVALUATION OF RESISTIVITY SENSORS FOR IN SITU MOISTURE MEASUREMENT IN A BIOREACTOR LANDFILL 4.1 Introduction and Background 4.2 Methods and Materials 4.2.1 Site Description 4.2.2 Installation of MTG Sensors 4.2.3 Field Measurements and Field Trials 4.2.4 Conversion of Resistance to Moisture Content 4.2.5 Estimation of Spatial Average of the Moisture Content of the Landfill 4.3 Results and Discussion 4.3.1 Sensor Output and Performance 4.3.2 Estimation of Moisture Content 4.3.3 Assessment of Sensor for Monitoring Leachate Recirculation 4.3.4 MTG sensor limitations 4.3.5 Conclusions CHAPTER 5 COMPARISON OF RESISTIVITY AND TIME DOMAIN REFLECTOMETRY SENSORS FOR ASSESSING MOISTURE CONTENT IN BIOREACTOR LANDFILLS 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Background 5.2.1 Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) 5.2.2 Electrical Resistance Technology 5.3 Methods 5.3.1 TDR Sensors 5.3.2 Resistance-Based Sensors 5.3.3 Site Description 5.3.4 Installation of Sensors 5.3.5 Field Measurements and Trials 5.4 Results and Discussion 5.4.1 Discussion of Performance of TDR and MTG Sensors 5.4.2 Estimation of Moisture Content 5.4.3 Assessment of TDR and MTG Sensors for Leachate Recirculation 5.4.4 Advantages and Disadvantages of Each Probe 5.4.5 Summary and Conclusions CHAPTER 6 MOISTURE BALANCE ON BIOREACTOR LANDFILL 6.1 Background 6.2 Simplified Moisture Balance Equation 6.2.1 Moisture Balance on New River Site 6.2.2 Estimation of Spatial Average of the Moisture Control of the Landfill 6.3 Conclusions CHAPTER 7 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS APPENDIX-A SUPPLEMENTAL FIGURES APPENDIX-B RESISTIVITY SENSOR DATA APPENDIX-C TDR PROBE DATA APPENDIX-D EXAMPLE CALCULATION OF CONVERSION TO MOISTURE CONTENT FROM OBSERVED RESISTANCE AND TEMPERATURE AND CALIBRATION CURVES APPENDIX-E CALCULATION FOR THE AVERAGE MOISTURE CONTENT IN THE LANDFILL AND TABLE ON TIMES OF TRAVEL OF MOISTURE TO REACH THE SENSOR APPENDIX-F SCHEMATIC OF THE TDR WAVEFORM AND CALIBRATION GRAPHS AS PROVIDED BY ZIRCON INC REFERENCES PUBLICATIONS LIST OF FIGURES 2-1. Phase diagram of solid waste containment unit. 2-2. Schematic of capacitance probe and frequency reader (Dean et al. 1987). 2-3. Effect of bound hydrogen on calibration curve (Yuen et al 2000). 2-4. Effect of neutron capture on the calibration curve (Yuen et al 2000). 2-5. Watermark 200 Granular Matrix Sensor (McCann et al. 1992). 2-6. Schematic of AC-half bridge circuit. 2-7. Schematic illustration of the time domain reflectometry principles showing the launching of voltage pulse V with the transmitted and reflected components VT and VR. Schematic representations of the transmitted and reflected voltage pulses in nonconducting and conducting media (Dalton and Van Genuchten. 1986). Schematic diagram of the TDR system using parallel wave guide to measure soil water content. a-Physical arrangement, b-Idealized output display, c-Schematic of reflections (Cassel et al. 1994). 2-8. 2-9. 3-1 Longitudinal section of the MTG sensor. 3-2 Pictorial view of the MTG sensor. 3-3 Sensor calibration testing apparatus. 3-4 3-5 Fraction saturation vs. resistance curve for all particle diameters of sensor in tap water (0.3mS/cm) Combined calibration curves of 2.4-mm sensor in KCl solutions. 3-6 Calibration curve for MTG sensors for varying moisture conductivities. 3-7 Variation in resistance as a function of temperature for MTG sensors. 3-8 Capture of moisture front as a result of infiltration. 3-9 Field experiments with sensors under saturated condition. 4-1 Overview plan of the bioreactor. 4-2 Plan view of the well field. 4-3 Cross section along CC’ of figure 3-2. 4-4 Schematic cross section of injection and monitoring clusters. 4-5 4-7 Response of resistivity sensors at cluster L6W to leachate recirculation (Day 1 = 01/01/2003). Response of resistivity sensors at cluster MM3E to leachate recirculation (Day 1 = 01/01/2003). Calculated moisture content from cluster MM3E. 4-8 Monitoring wells surrounding injection cluster CM3. 4-9 Cumulative volume of leachate injected through CM3 4-10 5-2 Response of monitoring clusters surrounding CM3. (A) M3E (B) M3W (C) ML3 (D) ML4 (E) MO5. Plan of bioreactor showing leachate injection wells and relatively dry monitoring locations. Observed TDR waveform from sensor at bioreactor landfill in north central Florida. Plan view of the bioreactor. 5-3 Plan view of the MTG and TDR sensor locations. 5-4 5-5 Schematic cross section of cluster E (sensors placed in same hole) and cluster D (sensors placed in different holes). Response of sensors to leachate recirculation. A) TDR B) MTG. 5-6 Change in moisture content of TDR and MTG sensor. 5-7 Cumulative volume of leachate injected through CI5. 5-8 Cumulative volume of leachate injected through CF6. 5-9 Response of TDR and MTG sensors located at clusters C and D. 5-10 Response of TDR and MTG sensors located at clusters A, B and E. 5-11 Comparison of moisture contents from TDR and MTG sensors. 6-1 Moisture contours at different levels. 4-6 4-11 5-1 6-2 Cumulative volume of leachate recirculated. A-1 Plan view of the New River Regional Landfill. A-2 Plan view of injection and monitoring cluster. B-1-48 Response of resistivity sensors at cluster location MD3 (Day 1 = 01/01/03). D-1 F-1 F-2 Calibration curves for MTG sensors for varying moisture conductivities Schematic sketch of the TDR wave form Calibration graphs for different probes (Zircon Inc). LIST OF TABLES 2-10. Reported field capacity of MSW. 2-11. Capture cross section for thermal neutrons of common soil elements (Dickey 1990) units are in barns. 2-12. Advantages and disadvantages of various moisture measurement techniques. 3-1 3-2 3-3 Composition of solid waste used in laboratory experiments (after Tchobanoglous et al., 1993). Air drying times for moisture sensors. 4-1 Effect of solid waste density on sensor measurements for 4.0 mS/cm moisture electrical conductivity. Volume of leachate injected in different wells. 4-2 Average conductivity measured at NRRL. 4-3 Time of travel in days for the incoming moisture to pass the sensor. C-1 Calibration coefficients for the twelve probes. C-2 Dry density of waste material around each probe. C-3 Characteristics of waveform obtained from TDR probe located near the upper resistivity sensor at instrumentation cluster MH6. C-4 Characteristics of waveform obtained from TDR probe located near the upper resistivity sensor at instrumentation cluster MI7. C-5 Characteristics of waveform obtained from TDR probe located near the middle resistivity sensor at instrumentation cluster MI7. C-6 Characteristics of waveform obtained from TDR probe located near the upper resistivity sensor at instrumentation cluster MI5. C-7 Characteristics of waveform obtained from TDR probe located near the middle resistivity sensor at instrumentation cluster MI5 C-8 Characteristics of waveform obtained from TDR probe located near the lower resistivity sensor at instrumentation cluster MI6. C-9 Characteristics of waveform obtained from TDR probe located near the middle resistivity sensor at instrumentation cluster MI6. C-10 Characteristics of waveform obtained from TDR probe located near the upper resistivity sensor at instrumentation cluster MG7. C-11 Characteristics of waveform obtained from TDR probe located near the middle resistivity sensor at instrumentation cluster MG7. CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background Municipal solid waste (MSW) management has evolved into an important issue in the past few decades. Approximately 231.9 million tons of MSW were generated in the United States in 2000 for a per capita generation rate of 4.5 pounds per person per day (US Environmental Protection Agency 2002). Landfills represent the primary method of managing this waste. Environmental risks posed by past landfilling practices have included contamination of ground water and the release of flammable and toxic gases. Modern sanitary landfills are constructed with engineered leachate collection and landfill gas extraction systems to address these concerns. When a landfill is closed, a cap is constructed to prevent external moisture entering the waste; this is performed to minimize leachate generation. Minimizing waste moisture content, however, has consequences. Research has demonstrated that biodegradation rates, and hence methane production rates, of landfilled wastes rise with an increase in moisture content (Eliasen 1942, DeWalle et al. 1978, Rees 1980, and Pohland 1988). The movement of the moisture also plays an important role, as it promotes the exchange of substrates and nutrients, the dilution of inhibitors, and the distribution of micro-organisms within the landfill environment (Tittlebaum 1982, Pohland 1988). Considering these advantages, some landfill practitioners and researchers have proposed to increase the Chapter 1 waste’s moisture content by recirculating leachate or adding water to landfills in an effort to enhance waste degradation and stabilization. The Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA) has defined a bioreactor landfill as “any permitted Subtitle D landfill or landfill cell where liquid or air is injected in a controlled fashion into the waste mass in order to accelerate or enhance biostabilization of the waste” (US EPA, 2002). Recirculation of leachate is the primary tool for creating bioreactor conditions. Other methods to enhance biostabilization include waste shredding, addition of nutrients and sludge, pH neutralization, and temperature control (Pohland 1975, Tittlebaum 1982, Miller et al. 1991). Advantages that enhanced biostabilization provides include quicker waste stabilization times, faster rates of landfill gas production, effective management of leachate generated from the landfill, and accelerated waste settlement to gain more air space. The critical role of moisture in bioreactor operations suggests that the ability to measure and track moisture levels in a landfill would be of great value to bioreactor landfill operators. Moisture content can be measured by collecting waste samples followed by gravimetric measurement. This technique is disruptive and costly, and cannot be effectively used for routine monitoring. Various moisture measuring devices have been developed to measure the in situ moisture content of soils. Examples include neutron probes, capacitance probes, time domain reflectometry probes and electrical resistance sensors; these devices were originally developed to measure the moisture contents of soils for irrigation (McCann et al. 1992, Noborio et al. 1994, Chanasyk and Naeth 1996, Chanzy et al. 1998). Each moisture measuring technology has specific Chapter 1 advantages and disadvantages. The application of these technologies to in situ measurement in landfilled waste is a natural extension. While some work has been conducted on in situ moisture monitoring of landfills (Holmes 1984, Rosqvist et al. 1997, Yuen et al. 2000), experience and data are limited and there is no one agreed upon technology. More work, especially at the operating field scale, is needed. Gawande et al. (2003) studied the ability of a prototype resistance-based sensor to measure moisture content of solid waste. This prototype sensor was operated in tap water and saline conditions and also tested in soil, paper and compost to simulate its operation under landfill conditions. The study indicated that resistivity sensors show potential for responding to changes of moisture contents within a landfill. It also suggested that a single calibration curve obtained at a specified electrical conductivity of the leachate could be used to calculate the moisture content values from corresponding resistivity measurements. Such laboratory calibrations were performed and calibration curves were provided for two conductivities. As a follow up to this work, a large number of the resistance-based sensors were installed at the New River Regional Landfill (NRRL) bioreactor in North Central Florida for tracking the in situ moisture content of the landfilled waste. A major focus of this research work is an evaluation of these sensors, how they respond to leachate recirculation, and their ability to provide information necessary to complete a bioreactor water balance. In addition to the resistance sensors, several time domain reflectometry (TDR) sensors were installed at the NRRL for comparison purposes. A second focus of this research work is a comparison of the two sensor technologies in a side-by-side application. Chapter 1 1.2 Research Objectives The objectives of this research work were to: Evaluate the effectiveness of the electrical resistance-based sensors for the in situ measurement of moisture in the NRRL bioreactor. Use data from the resistivity sensors to perform a water balance and compare to actual liquid addition. Compare the performance of electrical-resistance-based sensors with time domain reflectometry sensors with respect to measuring the in situ moisture content in the landfilled solid waste. 1.3 Research Approach A total of 135 electrical resistance-based moisture sensors in 48 different clustered locations were installed at the NRRL. Each cluster consisted of either two or three resistivity sensors placed at different depths (approximately 15 ft, 30 ft and 50 ft). These sensors were developed and lab-tested before installation (Gawande et al., 2003). They work on the principle that an estimate of moisture present in the medium between two concentric electrodes can be obtained from their measured resistance, and that the moisture content of the medium would be representative of the surrounding waste. Data from the sensors were collected using a data logger at a frequency of twice per day. A total of 12 TDR sensors were installed at five different clustered locations at depths of approximately 6ft, 15ft and 30 ft, also at the NRRL. TDR sensors work on the Chapter 1 principle that the time taken for an electromagnetic pulse to travel through a wet medium can be used to measure the relative dielectric constant of the medium. Since the dielectric constant changes as a function of moisture content, it can be used to estimate the moisture content of the medium using an appropriate calibration curve. The TDR cluster locations contained resistivity sensors installed at approximately the same depths as the TDR sensors. Two of the five cluster locations contained three TDR sensors per location; the resistivity sensors were placed in adjacent holes at approximately the same depths as the TDR sensors. In the remaining three locations the TDR and resistivity sensors were placed next to each other in the same hole. A data logger with a laptop was used to capture the reflected waveform from the TDR sensors. The captured waveforms were used to calculate the relative dielectric constant of waste surrounding the TDR sensors (at least once a week). A vertical leachate injection well recirculation system was used to recirculate leachate at the NRRL. In order to efficiently wet the waste, injection wells were installed in clusters of different depths. Each injection cluster contained three vertical injection wells with depths averaging 20ft, 40ft and 60ft. Leachate recirculation was initiated on May 30, 2003. The background data from both resistance as well as TDR sensors were collected before recirculation of leachate. These data were used as a baseline for comparison with data acquired after the beginning of recirculation. 1.4 Organization of report This report is organized into six chapters. Chapter 2 of this thesis presents background information and a literature review pertaining to devices used to measure Chapter 1 moisture in landfills. The results of the field study evaluating the use of electrical resistance sensors for tracking in situ moisture content in landfills are described in Chapter 3. A comparison of resistivity and TDR sensors for assessing moisture content in landfills is made in Chapter 4. A water balance for the NRRL using sensor data and actual liquid addition data is presented in Chapter 5. The report ends with a summary and conclusions in Chapter 6. Appendices with tables and information on the calibration curves and supplemental figures which include data from all the resistance-based sensors are provided. Much of the information presented in this report has been previously presented as part of a refereed journal publication (Gawande et al., 2003) and a Master of Engineering Thesis by Jonnalagadda (2004). Chapters 2, 4 and 5 were adapted from Jonnalagadda (2004). Chapter 3 is an updated version of Gawande et al. (2003). Chapter 1 Chapter 1 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW This chapter provides a brief overview of the various technologies available and currently used to monitor the in situ moisture content in soils. The potential for application of these technologies in bioreactor landfills, including their advantages and disadvantages is discussed. Bioreactor landfill operators must provide conditions that facilitate higher rates of degradation of the landfilled waste. This is typically achieved by the addition of moisture of up to a target of 60% by weight. Previous studies indicated that the availability of moisture content of about 25 to 60% has shown to exponentially increase methane gas production. In situ moisture measuring devices could be helpful to regulate the moisture and control leachate recirculation in the landfill and without them the operators could not understand the travel patterns of the pumped moisture. Conventional moisture measurement (gravimetric measurement) is the most reliable technique to find the in situ moisture contents. In this method waste is excavated from the required depth inside the landfill and the wet weight of the excavated sample is measured. The sample is oven dried and its dry weight is calculated. The difference between the wet weight and the dry weight is the amount of water retained by the sample. However, it is extremely difficult to measure moisture content using this technique because the waste must be excavated to measure the in situ moisture content, an expensive and time consuming prospect. These Chapter 2 difficulties were the impetus for developing more sophisticated in situ moisture measurement technologies. The technologies discussed in this chapter are reported to have variable degrees of success in the agricultural sector to provide in situ moisture measurement for irrigation of farmlands. Landfills provide some unique challenges in the application of these technologies, when compared to soils. A few more prominent challenges are the extreme heterogeneity of waste and varying electrical conductivity of leachate. This chapter discusses the theory associated with each technology and the advantages and disadvantages involved in the field application of the devices associated with the technology. The following sections in this chapter give the definition of moisture content, types of moisture contents commonly reported in literature, typical values of the moisture content present in MSW and discussions about various moisture measurement technologies. 2.1 Moisture Content The amount of water that is present in the waste can be given by its moisture content value. The moisture content is expressed in Equation 2.1.1 (Tchobanoglous et al. 1993), wd M * 100 w (2.1.1) where M is the moisture content (%) and w is the initial weight of sample as delivered, lb (kg) and d is weight of sample after drying at 105oC, lb (kg). For most MSW in the US, Chapter 2 the moisture content will vary from 15-40% by weight depending on the composition of the wastes, the season of the year, and the humidity and weather conditions (Tchobanoglous et al. 1993). However, in soil science, moisture content is typically expressed as the volume of water filling the pore space in the soils. This is also known as volumetric moisture content. A phase diagram is useful to define the various engineering properties of a porous medium. Figure 2-1 gives the three different phases in the solid waste containment unit. Total Mass = Mw+Ms=MT Total Volume = Vw+Vs+Vs=VT Mass Volume Gas Mw Ms Liquid Solid VG Vv Vw Vs Figure 2-1. Phase diagram of solid waste containment unit Moisture content is defined as the ratio of mass of water to the total mass and is given by Equation 2.1.2. Volumetric moisture content is given by Equation 2.1.3.and the dry density of the waste defined as the ratio of the mass of the waste to the total volume is given by equation 2.1.4. Chapter 2 Moisture content (MC) = Mw MT Volumetric Moisture content () = Dry density d = (2.1.2) Vw VT (2.1.3) Ms VT (2.1.4) The conversion of volumetric moisture content to the gravimetric moisture content MC could be made if the dry density of the sample is known and is given by equation 2.1.5 as MC w D w (2.1.5) The porosity of the waste is defined as Porosity (n) Vv VT (2.1.6) where Vv is the total void space and VT is the total volume. Field capacity is the moisture content of the porous material at which water no longer drains under gravity and is defined as the volumetric water content at a soil water suction of 0.33 bars or remaining after a prolonged period of gravity drainage without additional water supply. The reported values of field capacity of MSW in literature were given in Table 2-1. Chapter 2 Table 2-1. Reported field capacity of MSW Reference Reported field capacity % (v/v) Bengtsson et al. (1994) 44 Zeiss and Major (1993) 14 Korfiatis et al. (1984) 20-30 Remson et al. (1968) 29 2.2 Capacitance Probe Technology Measurement of soil moisture with a capacitance probe is one of the oldest engineered in situ soil measurement techniques. Thomas (1966) showed that the measurement of the dielectric constant of a soil medium could potentially yield results showing the changes in the moisture content. Since the dielectric constant, , of free water is 80 and values of typical dry soils are about 4, measurement of the dielectric constant offers a potentially sensitive determination of soil moisture content (Dean et al. 1987). Hence, changes in the relative dielectric constant of the medium can be attributed to the changes in the moisture content of the medium. Chapter 2 2.2.1 Principles of Operation Dean et al. (1987) described a typical capacitance probe soil moisture measurement device. This probe consists of two electrodes (upper and lower) separated by a plastic dielectric. The electrodes and the dielectric are placed in a plastic cylindrical container known as access tube. For in situ measurements, the access tubes are installed in the field and care is taken to eliminate the air gaps between the access tube and the soil and minimize the overall disturbance in the soil. The sensor measures the resonant frequency of the LC (L = inductance, C = Capacitance) circuit formed by the soil matrix in the immediate vicinity of the access tube, the access tube itself, plus the air space between the sensor and the access tube (together referred to as the soil-access tube system). Any changes in the soil access tube system will result in a change of the resonant frequency. The capacitance of the soil access tube system is measured and is given by Equation 2.2.1 C g (2.2.1) where C = Capacitance (Farads) = the dielectric constant (dimensionless) g = a geometrical constant depending on the configuration of the system (Farads). Increase in the soil moisture content results in an increase in capacitance of the soilaccess tube system. Changes in temperature, bulk density and the porosity of the soil effects the capacitance of the soil-access tube system (Evett 1998). The geometric Chapter 2 parameter g in equation 2.2.1 can be related to the classical equation for a simple two electrode plate as given by equation 2.2.2 (Evett 1998): C 0Ka a d (2.2.2) where 0= the permittivity of free space (8.9 X 10-12 Fm-1 Farad per meter) a = the overlapping area (m2) of the plates d = the thickness (m) of the dielectric separating the plates Ka = relative dielectric constant C = capacitance (Farads) Equation 2.2.2 only applies if the plates are parallel and the dielectric material separating the plates is uniform. In this case the value of g in equation 2.2.1 is 0 a . The d dielectric between the two electrodes for the soil access tube system is much more complex and a relationship has not been established for computing g and thus C in equation 2.2.1 for this geometry. The schematic of a typical sensor is shown in the Figure 2-2. This sensor, unlike the simple plate capacitor, has plates in the form of two surfaces of a cylinder that are separated by an insulator, and placed in an access tube with soil outside the plates. Due to this setup, the electric field permeating the soil forms an elliptical shape originating in one plate and ending in the other. In general, the surface area of the plates of the capacitance probe electrodes can be easily found but the degree to which the elliptical electric field lines permeate into the soil is not known. Thus it is Chapter 2 hard to evaluate a term equivalent to d, in Equation 2.2.2, since the shape of the electric field in the soil access tube system may be influenced by the soil heterogeneity including the gaps between the tube wall and soil during the time of installation. The capacitance probes need to be calibrated before installation in the field. Topp et al. (1980) empirically established relationship between dielectric constant and volumetric water content for the soils. This relationship depends on soil properties like texture, dry density and the soil’s temperature. Chanzy et al. (1998) performed field scale evaluation of the capacitance probes for soil moisture monitoring. The presence of heavy metals and high salinity of landfills has influence on dielectric constant measurement and hence limits the application of this technology for in situ moisture content measurements in MSW landfills. Frequency reader Access Tube Figure 2-2. Schematic of capacitance probe and frequency reader (Dean et al. 1987) Chapter 2 2.3 Neutron Probe Technology Neutron probe technology, also known as a neutron scattering method, is an indirect method of measuring soil moisture content. A radioactive source emits neutrons through the media and its moisture content is measured by the thermal or slow neutron density at the collector (Schmugge et al. 1980). Garner and Kirkham (1952) first defined the principles of the neutron scattering method. The neutron probe has found wide use in agricultural, hydrological and civil engineering applications (Williams et al 1981). Smaller and safer radioactive sources have evolved as a result of technological advancements in neutron probe technology (Evett, 1998). Application of neutron probe technology is not feasible for certain moisture-measuring situations due to high regulatory standards for use of radioactive materials. These requirements result in costly licensing and training for both the companies and the operators, and storage of the equipment and disposal of the probe with its radioactive source is also expensive and highly regulated (Evett, 1998). 2.3.1 Principles of Operation Neutron probes consist of a probe and an electronic counting scale, which are connected together by an electric cable. In order to measure the moisture content of a medium at a desired depth, the probe is lowered down an access tube to the required depth. Access tubes are made of materials that do not slow the neutrons emitted by the source. Chapter 2 The principles of neutron probe operation given below were discussed in Gardner and Kirkham (1952) and are documented by Chanasyk and Naeth (1996), Evett (1998), Schmugge et al (1980). Neutrons with high energy are emitted by a radioactive source into the soil and are slowed down by elastic collisions with nuclei of atoms and become thermalized. The average energy loss is much greater when neutrons collide with atoms of low atomic weight than collisions with heavier atoms. The hydrogen atom with its low atomic weight can slow down neutrons more effectively than other elements. The density of the resultant cloud of slowed neutrons (which are detected by the counter) is taken to be proportional to the total number of hydrogen atoms per unit volume of the soil (Yuen et al 2000). The volumetric moisture content can then be determined by an established calibration curve, assuming that these hydrogen atoms have direct correlation with soil moisture. Thomas (2001) documented some of the problems of the neutron probe that include: All hydrogen atoms slow the high-energy neutrons. These involve both free water atoms and bound hydrogen atoms that are part of the molecular structure of compounds that are not water molecules (Yuen et al 2000). Some elements other than hydrogen have a propensity to absorb the high-energy neutrons (Yuen et al. 2000). Changes in the density of the medium may affect the transmission of the neutron particles (Yuen et al 2000). Chapter 2 Count ratio n oge ou il w b ith So dh t fec Ef of b yd nd dr hy no en g o r n ou the t in S r ate n oge ou ob w oil m for w of nd h r yd n ith Volumetric moisture content obtained by oven drying Figure 2-3. Effect of bound hydrogen on calibration curve (Yuen et al 2000). Effect of the presence of bound hydrogen is discussed in Yuen et al 2000. Figure 23 shows the relation between the calibration curves with and without bound hydrogen. Bound hydrogen will cause the parallel up shift in the calibration curve (assumed a straight line) with no change in the gradient. The quantity of the bound hydrogen will determine the amount of up shift in the curve. When this method is applied to MSW landfills, there would be significant bound hydrogen bias, due to the presence of materials (like plastic and wood) that have significant amount of bound hydrogen in MSW (Yuen et al. 2000). From Figure 2-3, it can be clearly seen that the calibration curve shifted vertically as a result of the presence of bound hydrogen. Landfills have significant amounts of organic matter containing bound hydrogen. These bound hydrogen atoms should be taken into account to get reasonably accurate results for the application of this technology in Chapter 2 landfills. A standard calibration curve using sand as a datum can be used with reasonable accuracy when relative (and not absolute) water content is measured (Yuen, 1999). This calibration curve is limited to organic content of the waste that is not extremely excessive. Neutron probe technology assumes that hydrogen atoms from the water molecules thermalize the neutrons. This technology cannot measure accurate moisture content, if atoms of any other element are involved in thermalizing the neutrons. When the neutrons are slowed, some of them are captured by various elements that have the affinity towards the neutrons. Dickey (1990) suggested that this neutron capture effect could be reflected graphically as shown in Figure 2-4 (Yuen et al. 2000). Neutron absorption elements decrease the number of thermalized neutrons and this reduction is proportional to the moisture content. As shown in the Figure 2-4, neutron capture effect decreases the gradient of the calibration curve. Table 2-2 lists different elements and their absorption capacities (Dickey 1990). Yuen et al. (2000) indicated that iron, potassium and chlorine are common in MSW landfills and hence a certain degree of neutron absorption bias is expected when this technology is applied to landfills. Apart from bound hydrogen and neutron capture effects, the changes in the density of the medium also effect the thermalization of the neutrons and their transport to the detector, thus affecting the neutron count rate at the detector. Chapter 2 Count ratio e tur ap c on utr e e fn tur to ap fec c f E n tro u e e n tur ap No c ron eut n th Wi Volumetric moisture content obtained by oven drying Figure 2-4. Effect of neutron capture on the calibration curve (Yuen et al 2000). Table 2-2. Capture cross section for thermal neutrons of common soil elements (Dickey 1990) units are in barns Element Capture Cross Section Oxygen 0.0016 Hydrogen 0.2 Silicon 0.16 Carbon 0.0045 Chlorine 33 Boron 795 Aluminum 0.23 Iron 2.5 Chapter 2 Calcium 0.43 Sodium 0.5 Potassium 2.2 Magnesium 0.4 Increase in the density of the medium containing bound hydrogen will increase the count rate due to the presence of more hydrogen per unit volume of the medium (Yuen et al. 2000). On the other hand, increasing the density of soil containing neutron absorption elements would decrease the count rate due to more neutron capture per unit volume of the medium Yuen et al. (2000). Yuen et al. (2000) recommended the following field application procedure for implementation of neutron probe technology in landfills: Install access tube Collect MSW samples from drilling during installation to determine gravimetric moisture content and waste composition Convert gravimetric to volumetric moisture content Plot initial volumetric moisture content against depth Plot subsequent moisture change (use the standard sand curve to calculate the moisture change from the change in neutron count ratio) Chapter 2 Yuen et al. (2000) installed the laboratory calibrated neutron probes in a full-scale operating landfill and their observations for the application of neutron probe technology in landfills are given below: Due to the heterogeneous nature of MSW, neutron probe technology cannot be used to measure the absolute moisture content Neutron probe technology can be used to measure moisture change with acceptable errors, provided the presence of neutron capture elements is not excessive The use of the standard sand calibration curve tends to underestimate moisture change slightly If density is not known and has to be estimated, errors may result in the conversion of initial gravimetric to volumetric moisture content 2.4 Electrical Resistance Technology The moisture content of a medium can be determined from the value of the electrical resistance obtained between the electrodes inserted in the medium. This technology had been applied for soil moisture measurements using gypsum block sensors and granular matrix sensors. Electrical resistance of the moisture present in the sensor’s granular media can be obtained when equilibrium is attained between the moisture present in the sensor media and the external moisture. By using a calibration curve, this resistance value can be converted into the corresponding moisture content of the media. Chapter 2 2.4.1 Principles of Operation A pair of electrodes inserted into a porous matrix comprises an electrical resistance soil moisture sensor. Two main types are used, gypsum blocks and granular matrix sensors. For the soil moisture measurement, the matrix in these sensors consists of a highly soluble calcium sulfate salt that serves to boost conductivity and insulate the sensor from the fluctuations in the salinity of the external environment (McCann et al. 1992). However, when used in landfills, it is not essential to add the soluble salt to boost conductivity as landfills contain highly conductive leachate. When inserted into the medium the sensors come into hydraulic contact with the soil solution and equilibrium is attained between the sensor and the medium and the resistance between the electrodes is measured. To prevent the polarization between the electrodes, measurements are taken using an alternating current, AC (McCann et al. 1992). Gypsum block sensors consist of two electrodes encased in a porous block of gypsum. This block is placed in a medium where the moisture content is to be measured. The block absorbs moisture from the surrounding media thus making a saturated solution of calcium sulfate from gypsum. This solution helps in maintaining uniform conductivity of the medium between the electrodes and makes the electrodes independent of the variations in conductivity of the surrounding media. Under saturated conditions the resistance of the sensor is minimal. During drying, the pores of the block are emptied (larger pores emptied first) making the transmission of electric current progressively difficult and resulting in an increase in sensor resistance (Thomas, 2001). Since the relationship between the soil moisture content and the measured electrical resistance is Chapter 2 constant irrespective of the media, a single calibration curve is required (Skinner et al. 1997). The gypsum block sensors are low maintenance and low cost pieces of equipment but they are inaccurate in 0-100 kPa range (McCann et al. 1992). In order to incorporate these difficulties a granular sensor was developed. Figure 2-5. Watermark 200 Granular Matrix Sensor (McCann et al. 1992). McCann et al. (1992) described a granular matrix sensor matrix as a uniformly distributed sand material, unlike the gypsum block sensors in which the entire porous matrix is gypsum. Figure 2-5 shows the typical example of a granular matrix sensor. There are two different sections in the granular matrix sensor shown in Figure 2-5, the transmission section and the measurement section. The transmission section has holes in Chapter 2 it and a permeable synthetic membrane is used to hold the sand material in place. The measurement section is sealed externally and has the gypsum block to insulate the sensor from the changes in the external salinity. For measurement to be detected a finite amount of moisture must traverse the transmission section and enter the measurement section. In crossing the gypsum block a saturated solution of calcium sulfate is formed and the electrodes measure the conductivity of this liquid, which is proportional to the soil water content (McCann et al. 1992). Rosqvist et al. (1997) conducted a study to measure the moisture content variation in a pilot-scale landfill using gypsum block sensors. Gypsum block sensors were placed at 36 points located at three depths in the landfill to measure moisture content throughout waste mass. However no information about calibration was reported. 2.4.2 Granular Matrix Sensor Gawande et al. (2003) developed a unique electrical resistance based granular matrix sensor that would facilitate the measurement of moisture content in MSW landfills. The present section gives the background work and operating principles of this technology. This sensor was designed to measure the electrical resistance occurring between two electrodes embedded in an insoluble granular media. Resistance is inversely proportional to the electrical conductivity, which can be correlated to moisture content. When placed in the landfill, moisture from the surrounding waste enters the sensor matrix through the capillary action provided by the glass fiber wicks attached to the sensor body. Change in the moisture content of the sensor granular media changes the measured resistance. The relationship between sensor resistance and the external moisture content Chapter 2 were developed assuming that equilibrium exists between the granular media moisture content and moisture content of surrounding waste. Resistance measurement using this sensor is shown in the schematic given in figure 2-6. An alternating current AC-half bridge with 1-k bridge resistor was used to measure the resistance across the sensor electrodes. The AC-half bridge output Vs is used to calculate the sensor resistance by the Vx equation below: V X Rs R1 ; where X s Vx 1 X (2.3.1) where Rs is the sensor resistance and R1 is the bridge resistance with an applied excitation voltage Vx and Vs is the sensor voltage. R1 Rs VS Vx Figure 2-6. Schematic of AC-half bridge circuit Since landfill leachate is highly conductive, the granular media in this sensor did not contain soluble salt to boost conductivity. Chapter 2 A total of 138 MTG sensors were installed at an operating bioreactor landfill in Florida. The field evaluation of these sensors for moisture measurement had been made in the present study. 2.5 Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) Time domain reflectometry (TDR) is one of the accepted techniques in measuring the in situ moisture content of soils (Topp et al. 1988, Dalton and Van Genuchten 1986, Topp and Davis, 1985, Topp et al. 1980). The application of this technology involves the use of a finite transmission lines (coaxial or parallel). An electromagnetic pulse is transmitted through these lines and its reflection is analyzed to obtain the complete dielectric frequency spectrum. This technology was first applied by Fellner-Feldegg four decades ago. Li and Zeiss (2001) reported the moisture content measurement for MSW materials using TDR technology. 2.5.1 Principles of Operation TDR technology is similar to the concept that the physical characteristic of the medium in which an electromagnetic signal is emitted can be found by analysis of the reflection of this signal. In TDR technology, the physical characteristic of the medium that is analyzed by the propagated electromagnetic wave is the relative permittivity or the dielectric constant of the medium. TDR theory states that the time for a transmitted electromagnetic pulse to be reflected is dependent on the relative permittivity or dielectric constant of the medium (Thomas, 2001). A basic capacitor theory can be used to explain the concept of relative permittivity. Dalton and Van Genuchten (1986), Topp et al. 1988, Chapter 2 Noborio et al. 1994, Nadler et al. 1991, Li and Zeiss (2001) and Thomas (2001) have documented the concept of relative permittivity and the TDR theory. The theory described below is referred from the aforementioned articles. A capacitor is a device that can be used to store electrical charge (Q) when a voltage (V) is applied across its terminals. For an air filled parallel plate capacitor, the equation between the stored charge and the applied voltage is: Q C0V (2.5.1) where CO is the capacitance of the capacitor (the constant relating the charge to the applied voltage). If an insulating material is placed between the plates of the capacitor the electric charge generated is seen to increase with the same voltage applied across the terminals. The parameter used to describe this change of the capacitance of the insulating medium is the dielectric constant. TDR is able to detect the changes in this constant and ultimately allows its use in measuring the moisture content. The dielectric constant is defined in terms of capacitance in the equation given below C C0 ' Co 0 (2.5.2) where ’ and 0 refer to the dielectric constant of the medium and the air, respectively. The term is the relative dielectric constant and is also known as relative permittivity. The relative permittivity of water is approximately 80 while that of air and soil are approximately 1 and 2 respectively. It is this large difference in the values of water versus soil and air that time domain reflectometry ultimately measures to generate a value of Chapter 2 volumetric water content. A concise description of the application of TDR technology taken from Dalton and Van Genuchten (1986) is given in the following paragraph. Figure 2-7 gives the schematic of a TDR setup given by Dalton (1992). The TDR instrument consists of a voltage source and a coaxial cable that is attached to parallel probes at its end. The probes are inserted into the media in which moisture content is to be determined. The voltage source produces a fast rise step voltage pulse (V). This voltage pulse propagates through a coaxial cable and part of this voltage pulse is transmitted (VT) as an electromagnetic wave along the parallel electrodes that are inserted into the test medium (Topp, 1988). Switch Air soil interface VT Parallel electrodes V VR Voltage generator Figure 2-7. Schematic illustration of the time domain reflectometry principles showing the launching of voltage pulse V with the transmitted and reflected components VT and VR. Chapter 2 The voltage source produces a fast rise step voltage pulse (V). This voltage pulse propagates through a coaxial cable and part of this voltage pulse is transmitted (VT) as an electromagnetic wave along the parallel electrodes that are inserted into the test medium (Topp, 1988). If during propagation the electromagnetic wave passes an interface of changing impedance (when the voltage leaves the coaxial cable and enters the parallel probes), a portion of the signal is transmitted through the interface and a portion is reflected. The first change of impedance is at the beginning of the parallel probes when a portion (VT) is transmitted. At the end of the parallel probes part of the transmitted pulse (VT) is reflected by the waste (again due to a change of impedance) and is shown as VR. If the medium is a perfect insulator, the reflected voltage will be of the same intensity as the transmitted voltage but if the medium is conductive, the reflected electromagnetic wave will be attenuated. This is shown in Figure 2-8. The attenuation of the reflected wave has been researched in some studies conducted to determine the effectiveness of the TDR technology in measuring the electrical conductivity of soil solutions (Dalton et al. 1984, Dalton and Van Genuchten 1986, Zegelin et al. 1989, Topp et al. 1988, Bonnell et al. 1991). The examination of the TDR attenuation is, however, very complex as all of the reflections between the TDR source and the main reflection of interest have to be measured (Bonnell et al. 1991). The production and analysis of the TDR waveforms is discussed in section 2.4.2. The effect of this waveform attenuation on the ability to determine the moisture content of the medium will be discussed next. Chapter 2 Note that the transmitted VT and reflected VR are of equal intensity. Transmission in nonconductive medium Reflection plane Note the attenuation of both the transmitted VT and reflected VR as they pass through the media. Transmission in nonconductive medium Figure 2-8. Schematic representations of the transmitted and reflected voltage pulses in non-conducting and conducting media (Dalton and Van Genuchten. 1986). Topp et al. (1980) found that the pulse time, which is nothing but the total time taken for the voltage pulse to be transmitted and reflected, is proportional to the dielectric constant of the material. This was obtained by equating the pulse velocity equations derived from electrodynamics and mechanics theory. From electrodynamics the pulse velocity can be expressed in terms of relative dielectric constant and the velocity of light in free space c as shown in equation 2.5.3 below. V C (2.5.3) From mechanics the pulse velocity is given by: Chapter 2 V 2L t (2.5.4) where L is the length of one of the parallel electrodes and t is the time taken for the pulse to be transmitted and reflected. The path length of the voltage pulse is twice the length of the parallel rods as this is the total distance traversed during the transmittal and the reflection of the signal. Equating 2.5.3 and 2.5.4 and rearranging we may solve for the dielectric constant as a function of transmittal time: Ct 2L 2 (2.5.5) An empirical equation relating the relative dielectric constant and the volumetric water content of the soil medium was proposed by Topp et al. 1980. This relation is shown in equation 2.4.6. 2 3 530 292 5.5 0.043 10000 (2.5.6) where is the soil volumetric water content. The above equation is valid for wetted media whose liquid has conductance less than 8 mS/cm (Dalton 1992). The conductivity of the medium will factor in the equation 2.5.6 if the conductivity of the medium exceeds this value. This is due to the attenuation of both the transmitted and reflected voltage resulting from the leakage of current occurring as a result of the increase in conductance of the medium. This is one of the limiting factors for the application of this technology in landfills as the leachate can achieve high values of electrical conductivity. The production and analysis of TDR waveforms is given in section 2.5.2. Chapter 2 2.5.2 Production and Analysis of TDR Wave Forms The basic components for the production of a TDR waveform and an idealized output display are shown in Figure 2-9. These include a cable tester (labeled TDR instrument in the figure), a balun (balanced-unbalanced) transformer, a shielded balanced pair transmission line, and two parallel metal rods that serve as a wave guide (Cassel et al.1994). These rods are inserted into the soil to be tested. The voltage source that emits the electromagnetic pulse is the TDR instrument shown in Figure 2-9. As stated earlier, whenever the propagating electromagnetic pulse encounters a region of changing impedance a portion of the pulse is reflected and a portion is transmitted. In Figure 2-9(c) the returning reflections are shown arbitrarily at 30o to the vertical to enable them to be related to the time and voltage display. In the instrumentation the points of changing impedance are labeled B, C, and D. These correspond to the pulse entering and leaving both the balun and the soil and the end of the two parallel metal rods (wave guides). The TDR instrument emits a voltage pulse Vo at point A. As the voltage pulse travels downward it comes in contact with the balun and encounters a change in impedance. Due to this change in impedance part of the voltage pulse is reflected upwards. The small deflection at point B in Figure 2-9(b) represents this reflection. Most of the pulse travels downward along the shielded balanced pair transmission line until it encounters the soil at C. Here a large portion of the pulse is reflected upwards. When the reflected pulse itself encounters the balun on its travel upwards, part of it will be reflected Chapter 2 downwards and the remaining portion will arrive at the voltage measuring device and will be seen as a drop in voltage as shown by point C in Figure 2-9(b). Figure 2-9 Schematic diagram of the TDR system using parallel wave guide to measure soil water content. a-Physical arrangement, b-Idealized output display, cSchematic of reflections (Cassel et al. 1994). The remainder of the original pulse continues its travel downwards through the parallel metal electrodes (wave guides) until it reaches the end of the wave guides where practically all of the pulse is reflected upwards. Again the reflected pulse will itself Chapter 2 undergo reflections as it travels upwards, both at the soil entrance and at the balun. Some of the original reflected pulse will arrive at the voltage measuring point and will be seen as a voltage rise at point D. When this examination is done for each of the original pulses and for each of the reflections the idealized output of Figure 2-9 (b) is obtained. 2.5.3 Calibration of TDR Sensors for Moisture Measurement Li and Zeiss (2001) developed analytical procedures to measure the in situ moisture content in MSW materials. Similar to Topp et al. (1980), this study aimed at developing most appropriate calibration equations for the range of solid waste materials. A fourth degree polynomial equation was chosen to fit the experimental data and the relationship between relative dielectric constant of the medium and its moisture content is given by the Equation 2.4.7. a b c 2 d 3 e 4 (2.5.7) where is the volumetric moisture content and is the bulk dielectric constant and a, b, c, d and e are the parameters to be determined. The apparent dielectric constant of the air-water-solid medium can be given by the equation 2.4.8 V1 air V2 water V3 solid (2.5.8) where V1, V2, V3 are the volume ratios of air, water and solid and the ranges of air, water and solid are approximately 1, 3 to 5 and 80 respectively. Hence, small change in the Chapter 2 moisture content would cause a large change in the bulk dielectric constant of the medium. The following factors were reported to have effects on TDR moisture measurement technique: Porosity: It is measured by the ratio of the volume of the voids to the total volume of the waste. The higher the porosity of the waste material, the higher the value of bulk dielectric constant as there would be more volume available to hold water (equation 2.5.8). Electrical conductivity: Increase in electrical conductivity of medium increases the measurement of bulk dielectric constant. Dalton (1992), reported that TDR overestimates the value of moisture content for conductivities greater that 8mS/cm. In a landfill, the typical conductivity of leachate varies from 2-18 mS/cm (Reinhart and Townsend, 1997). Another disadvantage is the TDR signal attenuation in the conductive medium, as reported by Dalton and Van Genuchten (1986). Li and Zeiss (2001) observed that by coating the TDR probes with plastic, the signal attenuation could be reduced. Apart from these, the ferrous metals content in the landfill were also reported to influence the TDR measurements. Twelve different probes along with resistance based MTG sensors were installed at 5 clustered locations at New River Regional Landfill. The probes were initially packed with MSW material with dry densities as given by table C-1 (appendix-C) and the equation of the form 2.5.7 was derived. Table C-2 gives the coefficients of equation 2.5.7 for the 12 probes. A comparison will be made in this study between these TDR probes and MTG sensors for calculating the moisture content at these locations. Chapter 2 2.6 Summary of the Advantages and Disadvantages of each Technology The summary of the advantages and disadvantages of different moisture measurement technologies as reported in literature is given in table 2-3. This chapter gives a brief overview of the existing technologies to determine the in situ moisture contents. Several innovative techniques are currently being explored that may have application to bioreactor landfills. Some of them include, gas tracer method, electrical sounding, electrical 2-D imaging, electromagnetic mapping, and radar profiling. Research continues to evaluate the use of these techniques at bioreactor landfills. Table 2-3.Advantages and disadvantages of various moisture measurement techniques Moisture measurement Advantages Disadvantges Instantaneous measurement Exhibits sensitivity to possible with no random error. variations in media bulk technique Capacitance probe density and texture. Instrument is relatively inexpensive. Changes in electrical conductivity and temperature effect the sensor operations. Neutron probe Average moisture content over Absolute moisture content depths can be determined. cannot be determined. Sudden or seasonal changes in Health risks are associates due Chapter 2 the soil moisture can be to radiation hazard. determined. Automation is difficult. Offers large radius of Density variations in landfill influence. have effect on moisture content measurement. Electrical resistance probe Sensors are relatively Affected by changes in inexpensive. electrical conductivity and temperature. Technology is non hazardous. Inconsistent readings at low Sensor installation is easy. moisture contents Automation is possible. Results affected by electrical Density does not affect conductivity and porosity of readings. the media. Presence of metals in landfills affects the moisture content measurement. Time domain reflectometry Automation possible Results affected by electrical conductivity and porosity of Unaffected by organic content the media. changes Chapter 2 Non hazardous and results are Presence of metals in landfills repeatable affects the moisture content measurement. The next two chapters in this thesis examine two different technologies (Electrical resistance technology and Time domain Reflectometry technology) for field application to determine the in situ moisture content in a bioreactor landfill located in north central Florida. Chapter 2 CHAPTER 3 SENSOR DEVELOPMENT 3.1 Introduction A composite moisture, temperature, and gas (MTG) sensor was developed that would enable the in situ measurement of moisture (via the electrical resistance technique) and temperature, and that would facilitate the collection of a gas sample in landfills. Electrical resistance was selected for the MTG sensor because of advantages related to ease of resistance measurement, historically observed good correlation between moisture content and electrical resistance, and low cost of manufacturing. An objective of the sensor development work was to develop laboratory data that will permit adjustment of field measurements to account for these effects. A part of the laboratory work is explained in Thomas (2001). The development of this sensor required extensive testing including: 1. Determination of the optimum granular media particle size with respect to sensor sensitivity and responsiveness. 2. Assessment of effect of liquid electrical conductivity on resistance measurements. 3. calibration of the sensor for interpretation of in situ moisture content and assessment of the effect of temperature and dry density. 4. Field testing of sensors. 5. Sensor behavior under saturated conditions. Chapter 3 3.2 Principle of Operation The MTG sensor was designed to measure the electrical resistance occurring between two electrodes embedded in an insoluble granular media. Resistance is inversely proportional to electrical conductivity, which can be correlated to moisture content. Water moves from the surrounding waste to the granular media through capillary action enhanced by glass fiber wicks attached to the sensor body. Changing resistance readings reflect changes in moisture content in the sensor’s granular media. While the moisture content of the sensor media may be different from that of the waste, it is assumed that a matric potential equilibrium exists between the sensor media and that of the surrounding waste, and that a relationship between sensor resistance measurements and surrounding waste moisture content can be developed. This relationship could be influenced by the electrical conductivity of the fluid and its temperature at which the sensor resistance is recorded; these two factors were also investigated. 3.3 Sensor Description The sensor body was constructed from a 20-cm section of 5-cm diameter PVC well screen (5 cm ID, 6 cm OD) (Figure 3-1 and 3-2). A slot size of 3 mm was used. Two 1.6-cm thick by 5-cm diameter solid PVC plugs were cut for the top and bottom of the sensor. Two drainage holes were drilled into the bottom plug to allow moisture to drain from the sensor. Chapter 3 Figure 3-1 Longitudinal section of the MTG sensor. Chapter 3 Figure 3-2 Pictorial view of the MTG sensor. A 19.6-cm piece of #6 stainless steel rod was inserted through the center of the top plug and partially into the bottom plug. A hole was drilled in the top plug to allow the gas sample collection hose to access the main sensor body. The stainless steel rod served as one electrode and a market-grade stainless steel screen wrapped on the inside of the sensor body served as the other. The mesh was sized according to the particle size of the granular media (see below) and was connected to the resistance conductors via a short piece of 18-gauge copper wire soldered onto the mesh. The bottom plug was first glued in place, the stainless steel screen and rod were then inserted, granular material was Chapter 3 added, and the upper plug was glued. The dry packing density of granular material was 1.65 g/cm3 for a diameter of 1.0 mm. A cone tip fitting was placed on the bottom of the sensor and a coupling was placed on the top of the sensor to facilitate field installation. Resistance across the sensor electrodes was measured using an AC half-bridge with a 1kOhm, 0.1% completion resistor. In addition a thermocouple (type T) was provided to measure temperature and a gas tube was inserted through the top plug for gas sampling. Note that because this sensor is used in landfills that contain highly conductive leachate, it was not necessary to add a soluble salt to the matrix to boost conductivity. 3.4 Methodology 3.4.1 Particle Size Determination The optimum particle size of sensor granular media was determined by evaluating sensor sensitivity and responsiveness. Sensitivity is defined as the ratio between the change in fraction saturation of the media and the change in the corresponding electrical resistance. Sensitivity was evaluated by measuring resistance over time as water drained from a saturated sensor. Sands with uniform particle sizes having 0.5, 0.7, 1.0, 1.2, and 2.4-mm median diameters were tested using tap water (specific conductivity of 0.3 mS/cm). The sensor was inserted into a bucket of water and shaken gently to remove any air bubbles trapped in the matrix. The sensor was then allowed to remain submerged in the water for approximately six hours. The resistance of the sensor while fully submerged was Chapter 3 recorded. The sensor was then removed from the water and transferred to an electronic scale (Sartorius BL 6100). The sensor was supported on a metal frame with a water reservoir below it, shown in figure 3-3. The reservoir served to collect water as it drained from the sensor. The sensor was suspended so that the weight of the sensor and the entrained moisture was automatically recorded as the water drained. Resistance measurements were recorded and logged using a Campbell Scientific CR 10X datalogger (recording measurements every five seconds). Resistance and weight measurements were simultaneously recorded. When the datalogger registered a maximum value of resistance of 99,999 ohms the experiment was discontinued. The sensor was then completely dried to determine its dry weight. The fraction of saturation (S) of the sensor was determined using Equation 3.1. The volume of voids was determined by calculating the porosity of the particulates (Bowles, 1992). S Sensor Wt Dry Wt of Sensor Vol of Voids water (3.1) Chapter 3 DRYING SUPPORT STAND DATALOGGER CABLE WATER RESERVOIR SCALE MOISTURE SENSOR Figure 3-3 Sensor calibration testing apparatus. Responsiveness was evaluated by examining the time required for sensors filled with granular media having 0.5, 0.7, 1.0, 1.2 and 2.4-mm median diameters to reach maximum resistance while air drying. These tests would indicate the relative ability of the sensor to detect change in surrounding waste moisture content for the different particle sizes. 3.4.2 Effect of Liquid Electrical Conductivity Experiments were performed to determine the response of the sensor to increases in specific conductivity of the test liquid. Three solutions were prepared with specific Chapter 3 conductivities of 6.6, 13.9, and 22.7 mS/cm. Increments of KCl were added to deionized water and the conductivities measured until reaching the desired ionic strength. These values were chosen to approximate the specific conductivity strengths of the New River Regional Landfill leachate. Leachate obtained from this facility had an average specific conductivity value of 13.2 mS/cm. Conductivities double and half this value were also formulated to determine variability patterns. The conductivities were measured according to Standard Methods (Franson 1995). The experimental procedure is presented below. The sensor was inserted into a volumetric flask containing each respective solution. The sensor was shaken gently and allowed to saturate for six hours to remove any trapped air bubbles. recorded. The resistance of the sensor while fully submerged was The sensor was then transferred to the scale and resistance and weight measurements were simultaneously recorded as above (see Figure 3-3). When a reading of 99,999 ohms was recorded by the datalogger the experiment was stopped. The sensor was dried to determine the dry weight of the sensor. The fraction of saturation was computed as before and the calibration curves (fraction saturation vs resistance) constructed. 3.4.3 Sensor Calibration Calibration experiments were conducted with sensors containing 1.0-mm particle size medium. A 50-kg sample of dry synthetic solid waste was made in the laboratory as per the composition given in Table 3-1 (Tchobanoglous 1993). Twenty- liter plastic buckets with a diameter of 27 cm were used as test cells. Because of the limited size of Chapter 3 the container, synthetic waste components size was reduced to 5 cm or less. It was felt that this size reduction would have minimal impact on moisture retention characteristics of the waste. The bulk density of waste was maintained at values similar to those found in operating landfills (500 to 950 kg/m3). Calibration experiments were carried out for various waste moisture contents. True moisture content of the tested samples was determined gravimetrically by oven drying 150-g sub-samples (dry minimum) at 75 + 2oC for 48 hours to minimize losses due to combustion. All of the calibration experiments were conducted at 22 ± 1 ºC. Chapter 3 Table 3-1. Composition of solid waste used in laboratory experiments (after Tchobanoglous et al., 1993) Component Food wastes Paper Cardboard Plastics Textiles Rubber Leather Yard wastes Wood Glass Tin cans Aluminum Other metals Dirt & ash Total Percent weight 3.43 40.61 7.23 8.76 2.28 0.63 0.51 9.39 2.03 9.90 7.36 0.63 3.68 3.55 100.00 Since the resistance measured by the sensor is strongly affected by the electrical conductivity of moisture, the calibration experiment was conducted twice; once with the added moisture having an electrical conductance of 4.0 mS/cm and the other with the moisture having a conductance of 8.0 mS/cm. Potassium chloride was used as an electrolyte to adjust the conductivity of the moisture. After contact with the waste, final conductivities increased and were measured for saturated conditions to be 9.7 mS/cm and 12.4 mS/cm, for 4.0 and 8.0 mS/cm experiments, respectively. Results reference initial electrical conductivities only. The experimental cell containing a MTG sensor soaked in 8.0 mS/cm KCl solution was allowed to stabilize for a period of over 30 days to reach a constant Chapter 3 resistance value at 22oC. The effect of temperature on sensor readings was then examined by increasing the temperature as high as 55oC while recording corresponding resistance readings. In an effort to evaluate the effect of changes in dry density on the calibration data points, experiments were repeated by changing the dry density while maintaining similar moisture contents. 3.4.4 Field Testing of Sensors In an effort to validate laboratory calibration experiments, field experiments were conducted. Two MTG sensors 15 cm apart were installed in waste at the Orange County Landfill (Florida) approximately 60 cm below the top cover soil. The field experiments aimed to provide information on the reproducibility of sensor readings in the highly heterogeneous landfill environment. On two occasions, waste samples from the immediate vicinity of the sensors were removed and brought to the laboratory for gravimetric moisture content determination. 3.4.5 Sensor Behavior under Saturated Condition This experiment was conducted to know the behavior of the MTG sensor under completely saturated condition. The resistance and temperature readings from a sensor known to be installed at a completely saturated location are expected give indirectly the electrical conductivity of liquid at the location. Therefore an experiment was performed in laboratory by placing a MTG sensor in completely saturated condition in potassium chloride solution with electrical conductivity values ranging from 4.0 to 20.0 mS/cm at 22 ± 1 ºC. Resistance values indicated by sensor and the corresponding temperature were Chapter 3 noted. Curves were generated for various eC values which read resistance readings as a function of temperature. Field experiment was conducted with the sensors installed at the orange county landfill to verify the results from laboratory experiment. A hand suction pump was used to obtain leachate samples from the gas tube of MTG sensors. The readings of resistance and temperature were recorded. 3.5 Results and discussion 3.5.1 Particle Size Determination The curves of fraction saturation of sensor media versus resistance provided information regarding sensor sensitivity as a function of particle size (see Figure 3-4). Note some irregularities in response were observed during the first few seconds of data collection following removal of the sensor from the water tank. Large changes in resistance in response to small changes in fraction saturation were observed at low values of fraction saturations and small changes in resistance in response to large changes in fraction saturation were seen at high values of fraction saturation. Higher fraction saturations are, unfortunately, of greatest interest in the operation of bioreactor landfills. As the particle size increased, sensitivity to changes in moisture present increased. However, as particle size decreased the relationship between fraction saturation and resistance became very steep resulting in decreased resolution. The 1.0-mm particle size had the best combination of sensitivity and resolution. Chapter 3 1 0.9 Fraction Saturation 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5-mm 0.7-mm 1.0-mm Sensor Sensor Sensor 0.5 0.4 0.3 1.2-mm 0.2 Sensor 2.4-mm 0.1 Sensor 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 Resistance (ohms) Figure 3-4 Fraction saturation vs. resistance curve for all particle diameters of sensor in tap water (0.3mS/cm) Table 3-2 gives the approximate time required for the sensor to reach maximum resistance while air-dried. The purpose of conducting this test was to determine the responsiveness (ability of the sensor to detect changes in the external environment) of the sensor to changes in external conditions. Responsiveness will give an indication of the time delay the sensor will experience in the landfill in monitoring changes in the moisture content of the waste, the longer the time the lower the responsiveness of the sensor. Chapter 3 Table 3-2 Air drying times for moisture sensors Sensor particle size Time (Days) (mm) 0.5 5 0.7 ~4–5 1.0 4 1.2 ~3–4 2.4 2 The larger sized particles had the greatest responsiveness (the shortest time taken for the sensor to attain maximum resistance by air drying) with the 2.4-mm particles exhibiting the greatest responsiveness of all the particle sizes tested (2 days). A progressive decline in responsiveness was observed with the smaller particle sizes with the 0.5-mm sensor having the least responsiveness and sensitivity requiring 5 days to reach equilibrium. A particle size of 1.0 mm was selected for use in all subsequent testing and application as a compromise among important attributes of the sensor medium. 3.4.2 Effect of Liquid Electrical Conductivity Leachate characteristics vary due to the leaching and decomposition / stabilization of waste constituents. It was therefore necessary to simulate these changes in the laboratory and determine what effects if any these variations may have on the moisture Chapter 3 content – electrical resistance relationship of the sensor. The results of these experiments are shown in Figure 3-5. Chapter 3 1 0.9 0.8 Fraction Saturation 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 13 .9 m S/ c m 0.2 0.1 0 0 500 1000 6. 6 m S/ c m 1500 22 .7 m S/ c m 2000 2500 Resistance (ohms) Figure 3-5 Combined calibration curves of 2.4-mm sensor in KCl solutions. Electrical resistance is inversely proportional to conductance, the higher electrical conductivity of the solution causes a shift in the curve to the left. There was a shift in the curve for 13.9 mS/cm conductivity, which could be attributed to experimental error. The Chapter 3 influence of electrical conductivity was significant therefore this factor was considered as a variable in sensor calibration. 3.5.3 Sensor Calibration Figure 3-6 provides the calibration curve for the MTG sensors reading moisture content of surrounding waste as a function of resistance measured across the granular matrix. The sensor was sensitive enough to follow the trend of inverse relationship between moisture contents and resistance values above waste moisture content of nearly 35% (w/w, wet basis). Waste moisture contents below 35% resulted in dry conditions within the sensor and extremely high resistance values (greater than 30 kOhms) that were difficult to interpret. In addition the time to reach a stable value took approximately 30 days. This behavior confirms expectations that the sensor cannot accurately measure low moisture content because of limiting potential for moisture transport. Note that the resistance vs. moisture content relationship reported for the MTG is a function of pore size distributions of the surrounding medium and sensor fill material. Chapter 3 Wet Moisture Content (%) 100 4.0 mS/cm (Data) 8.0 mS/cm (Data) 16.0 mS/cm(Data) 75 50 25 0 0 5 10 15 20 Resistance (k Ohms) Figure 3-6 Calibration curve for MTG sensors for varying moisture conductivities. Three very distinct curves were obtained for moisture conductivities of 4.0 mS/cm, 8.0 mS/cm, and 16.0 mS/cm presented in Figure 3-6. Resistance values at similar moisture contents would vary by as much as 40% suggesting that this parameter has significant impact on resistance readings in the range of interest for bioreactor landfills. From these curves, it can be seen that sensitivity is lost at higher conductivities. Behavior at higher conductivities should be explored in the future to fully characterize sensor behavior. Based on the experimental data empirical relationships were developed to describe MC as a function of measured resistance (Equation 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4 for 4.0, 8.0, and 16.0 mS/cm respectively). Chapter 3 At 4.0 mS/cm: MC 21.56 1 0.682 exp 0.0252 R MC 30.068 1 0.568 exp 0.167 R (3.2) At 8.0 mS/cm: (3.3) At 16.0 mS/cm: MC 34.037 1 0.488 exp 0.4036 R (3.4) Where, MC = moisture content of solid waste (% wet weight) R = resistance value measured from the sensor (kOhms) Figure 3-7 shows the change in the resistance readings with varying temperatures. The measured resistance values were compared with the predicted values calculated using the U.S. Geological Survey (1998) method given by Equation 3.5. Equation 3.6 was obtained from Equation 3 by substituting the inverse of resistance for conductivity. Chapter 3 C25 Cm 1 0.02t m 25 (3.5) where, C25 corrected conductivity value adjusted to 25 oC, C m actual conductivity measured, and t m water temperature at time of C m measurement in oC. 1 0.02t 2 25 R1 R2 1 0.02t1 25 (3.6) where, R1 resistance at temperature t1 , and R2 resistance at temperature t 2 It can be observed from Figure 3-7 that the predicted values of resistance closely match the measured values. The measured values deviate slightly at higher temperatures, Chapter 3 which could be due to evaporation of moisture from solid waste as the temperature was increased. Using Equations 1, 2, and 4, a resistance value for a sensor at a particular temperature exposed to leachate at a particular conductivity can be converted to the moisture content of surrounding waste. Experimental values Predicted values Resistance (k Ohm) 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 20 30 40 50 60 Temperature (o C) Figure 3-7. Variation in resistance as a function of temperature for MTG sensors. As seen in Table 3-3, the change in bulk density caused minimal difference in measured resistance for identical moisture content values for unsaturated waste. Under saturated conditions, the sensor will measure the resistance of the leachate independent of the solid matrix, and this value will be same for all values of waste density. However, in order to determine the corresponding MC when the waste is saturated, an estimate of density and porosity of solid waste in a landfill will be required. Completely saturated Chapter 3 conditions can be distinctly identified by resistance values less than 0.05 kOhms irrespective of conductivity or temperature. Chapter 3 Table 3-3 Effect of solid waste density on sensor measurements for 4.0 mS/cm moisture electrical conductivity Moisture content of Bulk Density Resistance waste w/w (v/v) Predicted value of MC using calibration curve (kg /m3) (k Ohm) (w/w) 47.20 (25.43) 539 8.90 48.04 47.00 (29.67) 631 8.10 49.31 62.29 (44.89) 717 2.66 60.70 62.10 (51.59) 831 1.36 64.43 71.00 (60.00)* 845 0.015 68.89 68.28 (65.33)* 957 0.015 68.89 *Completely saturated conditions 3.5.4 Field Testing of Sensors Sensors installed at the Orange County Landfill were monitored over time. Initial readings showed resistance readings of 50 to 80 kOhm, which suggested that the moisture levels were below MTG detection limit (~35 %, w/w, wet basis). Laboratory analysis indicated a moisture content of 38.8 % (w/w, wet basis), apparently below field capacity Chapter 3 for this waste. After a few days, there was an increase in the moisture content to saturated conditions due to infiltration from precipitation. Figure 3-8 shows the capture of the moisture front detected by the two sensors in similar ways. The sensors recorded the influx of precipitations over a short period of time, suggesting that they are capable of sensing rapid changes in waste moisture content with nearly similar resistance readings for the two sensors. Resistance (kOhm) 100 Sensor 1 75 Sensor 2 50 25 0 9-Apr 10-Apr 11-Apr 12-Apr 13-Apr 14-Apr 15-Apr Time Figure 3-8 Capture of moisture front as a result of infiltration. Waste samples were removed from an area near the sensors following the rain event. These samples clearly had extremely high moisture content, with leachate draining during waste sample removal. Sensors reported saturated conditions with resistance readings of 0.0357 and 0.0378 kOhms for the two different sensors. The gravimetric analysis of the nearby waste showed a MC of 59 % (w/w, wet basis). Laboratory analysis may be low due to draining of leachate during sample extraction. Chapter 3 3.5.5 Sensor Behavior under Saturated Condition Figure 3-9 shows a set of curves generated for various eC values which gives the sensor response to changing temperature values. These curves were generated using a data point at 22 ºC and the values extrapolated using Equation 3.6. 0.04 4.0 mS/cm 8.0 mS/cm 12.0 mS/cm 16.0 mS/cm 20.0 mS/cm Field Data Resistance (kOhm) 0.035 0.03 0.025 0.02 eC = 5.92 mS/cm 0.015 0.01 0.005 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Temperature (o C) Figure 3-9 Field experiments with sensors under saturated condition. Leachate extracted through gas tubes from the three sensors installed at the Orange County Landfill showed an eC value of 5.92 mS/cm. More than 1.0 L leachate was drawn from one sensor; this sensor read a resistance value and the temperature indicative of leachate eC value close to 5.92 mS/cm as shown in Figure 3-9. Two other Chapter 3 sensors became dry upon application of suction. These two sensors reported high levels of resistance, suggesting unsaturated conditions. The resistance and temperature readings plotted in Figure 3-9 for one saturated sensor were consistent with the laboratory observations therefore further field experiments were not conducted. This experiment suggests that it is possible to predict the electrical conductivity of liquid when the sensor in know to be located at a saturated location. Chapter 3 3.6 Summary of Results The resistance-based granular matrix sensors appear to provide a practical method for measuring the in situ moisture content of solid waste in landfills. The technique is non-destructive, non-hazardous, economical, and easy to automate. The sensor could be suitably used to measure in situ moisture content of solid waste with the knowledge of electrical conductivity of liquid and applying correction for temperature variation. Even without accurate knowledge of these parameters, the sensors will still provide an indication of the relative moisture content of the surrounding waste and how the moisture content is changing as a function of time and landfill operation. In absence of reliable eC values the MTG sensor is able to identify nearly saturated regions with a response of very low resistance readings. One of the limitations to the use of this sensor is in regions of low moisture contents (values of less than 35% (w/w, wet basis)) as will be further discussed in subsequent chapters. Chapter 3 CHAPTER 4 FIELD EVALUATION OF RESISTIVITY SENSORS FOR IN SITU MOISTURE MEASUREMENT IN A BIOREACTOR LANDFILL 4.1 Introduction and Background Moisture content plays a vital role in the solid waste biodegradation process and thus is a key parameter of interest for operators of bioreactor landfills (Rees, 1980; Pohland, 1980; Reinhart and Townsend, 1997). The ability to measure moisture content of the landfilled waste would be beneficial to operators as they try to evenly and efficiently wet the waste. Gravimetric measurement is one method for determining moisture content that involves the collection of waste samples followed by a laboratory measurement. This process can be expensive and time consuming and is not a practical method for routine moisture content determination. An ideal moisture measurement technique would be one that allows measurement in situ over time as leachate recirculation progresses. Many in situ moisture measuring devices have been developed for use in soil systems. These include neutron probes, capacitance probes, time domain reflectometry sensors (TDR), and resistance-based sensors. Several researchers have proposed the use of such probes for tracking in situ moisture content in landfills. Holmes (1984) evaluated neutron probe technology for determining the in situ moisture content of waste; while it could not predict the absolute value of moisture content, the change in moisture could be assessed. Yuen et al. (2000) evaluated the use of laboratory calibrated neutron probes at a full-scale landfill. This study suggested that neutron probe technology was a practical tool to monitor moisture change in the landfill. A potentially significant disadvantage associated with this Chapter 4 technology is the radiation hazard. Li and Zeiss (2001) developed empirical procedures to measure in situ moisture content of MSW materials with TDR probes. They found that a fourth degree polynomial equation provided an excellent fit for the determination of moisture content () from the measured apparent dielectric constant (Ka). The equation coefficients depended on the material type. However, the porosity of the waste material and electrical conductivity of the medium was found to affect the Ka- relationship. Another type of in situ moisture measurement technology is electrical resistance-based, which was developed more than 40 years ago. Resistivity measurement devices included traditional gypsum blocks and granular soil matrix resistivity devices. Both types work on the principal that the moisture content of the medium can be obtained from the resistance between the pair of electrodes embedded in gypsum or granular soil. Rosqvist et al. (1997) used gypsum block sensors at thirty-six points and three depths to measure the moisture content variation in a pilot-scale landfill. Because gypsum block devices had operational difficulties in the field, granular soil matrix resistivity devices were developed McCann et al. (1992). Gawande et al. (2003) developed a granular soil matrix resistance sensor for in situ moisture content measurement in landfills. Tests were conducted to select the optimum granular media particle size to evaluate sensor sensitivity and responsiveness, and to assess the effect of liquid temperature and conductivity on resistance measurement. Calibration curves relating the measured resistance to gravimetric water content were developed. A thermocouple and 0.25-inch tubing were attached to this device for measurement of temperature and collection of gas samples respectively. As this sensor could be used for in situ measurement of moisture, temperature, and gas composition, it was referred to as MTG sensor. A total of 135 sensors have been installed in waste at a bioreactor landfill in North Central Florida. The paper reports the ` Chapter 4 results from before and after the start of leachate recirculation and evaluates the effectiveness of the sensor for in situ moisture measurement. 4.2 Methods and Materials 4.2.1 Site Description The New River Regional Landfill (NRRL) is located in north central Florida, US, and consists of several distinct landfill cells (see supplemental figure A-1 for a plan view of the entire site). The area designated for the bioreactor consisted of parts of two cells covering an area of approximately 10 acres and containing approximately 0.61 million tons of waste. The bioreactor area is distinguished from the rest of the landfill by the presence of recirculation devices and an exposed geomembrane cap. Figure 4-1 presents a plan view of the portion of the landfill site that includes the bioreactor. The area distinguished as the “bioreactor well field” represents the section where leachate recirculation was concentrated and this area will be used in upcoming graphical presentations of the data. Leachate recirculation is performed at the site by means of vertical injection wells. A series of vertical injection well cluster of different depths are distributed throughout the landfill. The injection wells connect to a leachate recirculation manifold. The MTG probes were also installed in clusters. Rows of MTG clusters were installed in between rows of injection clusters. Figure 4-2 provides a detailed view of the well field including the relative locations of the sensors, the injection wells, and the data logging station. Injection wells and MTG clusters that are specifically discussed later in the text have labels provided (see supplemental figure A-2 for a map showing all labeled clusters). Figure 4-3 presents a cross section of the landfill along section C-C’ (from Figure 4-2.). The height of the landfill as seen from this figure is approximately 70 ft. A safety zone of approximately 10 ft was ` Chapter 4 left from the deepest injection well to the bottom of the landfill where the liner was placed. Leachate generated from the landfill gravity drains to the saw-tooth liner and is collected through the extraction pipes. The extraction pipes were 100 ft apart and the leachate from each extraction pipe flows into a header pipe that drains leachate into a wet well where it is pumped to storage ponds. Figure 4-1 Overview plan of the bioreactor. ` Chapter 4 Figure 4-2 Plan view of the well field ` Chapter 4 Boundary of bioreactor area Injection well cluster Landfill Surface 10 ft Safety zone 2 ft bottom liner 100 ft 2 ft thick bottom liner Figure 4-3 Cross section along CC’ of Figure 3-2. 4.2.2 Installation of MTG Sensors A total of 134 vertical injection wells were installed at forty-five different locations, with most locations consisting of three injection wells at depths averaging 20 ft, 40 ft, and 60 ft. A total of 135 resistance-based MTG sensors were placed at 48 monitoring clusters with depths averaging 15 ft, 30 ft, and 50 ft. Moisture monitoring clusters were installed in between rows of injection clusters. Safety zone of approximately 10 ft was left between the liner system and the bottom of the deep wells. The holes used for sensor placement were excavated using a 4-inch truck-mounted power flight auger. The sensor was lowered into the borehole by temporarily attaching it to a 2-inch diameter PVC pipe and lowering the pipe into the newly excavated hole. ` Chapter 4 When the sensor reached the required depth, the pipe was detached. Sand was added first, followed by the addition of bentonite pellets. The purpose of the sand was to bridge the gap between the sensor and surrounding waste, while the clay was added to hydraulically isolate the sensor before backfilling with waste. The locations of the clusters were presented in plan view previously in Figure 4-2. Figure 4-4 presents a representative schematic of the relative locations of a MTG cluster to an injection well cluster. It is noted that 51 waste samples were collected during the installation of the injection wells and sensors and analyzed for moisture content gravimetrically. Figure 4-4 Schematic cross section of injection and monitoring clusters ` Chapter 4 4.2.3 Field Measurements and Field Trials The injection wells and the MTG clusters were installed over a six-week period in the spring of 2001. The construction of the rest of the bioreactor, which included the installation of the exposed geomembrane cap and the leachate recirculation piping, was not completed until the fall of 2002. During this time period, the MTG sensor readings were collected manually approximately every two weeks. The sensors were connected to the datalogger during the spring of 2003. Three Campbell Scientific CR10X data loggers installed at various locations on the landfill, as shown by Figure 4-2, were programmed to collect data at a frequency of twice per day. Since the readings did not change substantially during the period after construction through the start of leachate recirculation, only the data-logged values are reported in this report. For purposes of discussion and presentation, January 1, 2003 was defined as day 1 of the experiment. Leachate recirculation began on May 30 2003 (day 150), in the injection cluster located at CG3 (Figure 4-2.). Leachate recirculation continued over the following months in a total of 29 wells in 10 clusters. The cumulative volumes of leachate injected into each recirculation well are presented in Table 4-1. The reporting period for this chapter goes through November 18, 2003 (day 322). A total of 762,326 gallons of leachate were recirculated through the end of the reporting period. Flow meters were used at each injection well to measure flow into each well. A flow meter at the head of the leachate injection header pipe measures the cumulative flow of the leachate pumped from the storage ponds to the landfill. 4.2.4 Conversion of Resistance to Moisture Content Gawande et al. (2003) previously presented equations to convert measured resistance values to moisture content. For the sensors used here, the equations were determined by measuring the ` Chapter 4 resistance of a sensor that was inserted into laboratory- prepared synthetic waste, as a function of measured moisture content, and determining a best-fit relationship. (See Appendix-D for example calculation for the conversion to moisture content from measured resistance a known temperature) Table 4-1 Volume of leachate injected in different wells Cluster Well Leachate Injected (gallons) CG3-Upper 23,379 CG3-Middle 31,793 CG3-Lower 32,141 CM3-Upper 40,983 CM3-Middle 36,397 CM3-Lower 38,838 CI5-Upper 53,373 CI5-Middle 52,272 CI5-Lower 50,541 CF6-Upper 15,913 CF6-Lower 17,574 CL6-Upper 17,290 CL6-Middle 18,446 CL6-Lower 18,431 ` Chapter 4 CC7-Upper 14,862 CC7-Middle 28,874 CC7-Lower 18,453 CO7-Upper 15,307 CO7-Middle 23,065 CO7-Lower 19,686 CF8-Upper 6,296 CF8-Middle 32,146 CF8-Lower 31,015 CL8-Upper 23,373 CL8-Middle 39,539 CL8-Lower 37,505 CN8-Upper 2,467 CN8-Middle 15,643 CN8-Lower 6,724 Total 762,326 As the conductivity of the leachate was known to influence the resistance measured from the sensor, leachate conductivity measurements routinely made on site were used. Leachate samples were collected from the manholes on a weekly basis and conductivity was measured. On one occasion after the start of leachate recirculation, leachate was collected from the injection wells specifically to measure its conductivity. ` Chapter 4 4.2.5 Estimation of Spatial Average of the Moisture Content of the Landfill The resistivity-based moisture sensors were spatially distributed inside the landfill at depths averaging 15ft, 30ft and 50ft. To provide a graphical representation of changes in moisture content, distinct moisture contour profiles were computed for each depth. The bioreactor well field boundary shown in Figure 4-2 was used as the boundary of a control volume for determining spatial average moisture content of the landfill. A conceptual 3-D GIS model was used to determine the spatial average. The first step in determining the spatial average was to distribute the known moisture content values in the landfill into three identical moisture grids. Arc view GIS 3.2 was used to create the grids with the known moisture content values obtained from the sensors at each layer by an interpolation process using an inverse distance algorithm. Then, a series of algebraic operations were performed on the interpolated layers to create an average grid. Finally, the mean of the average grid was determined which is the representative spatial average of the gravimetric moisture content in the control volume of the landfill. 4.3 Results and Discussion 4.3.1 Sensor Output and Performance A total of 135 resistance-based moisture sensors were installed at three different depths in the landfill. Leachate recirculation started on day 150 and this chapter reports data collected until day 322. Both the resistance values in k and the temperature values in degree centigrade were recorded. During the experimental period, 133 out of 135 installed sensors had resistance values ranging from 0.005 k to 466.7 k, which indicated that these sensors functioned within the ` Chapter 4 output range expected for conditions within the landfill. The resistance values measured from the remaining two sensors indicated that these sensors had failed (they measured 6999 k). Resistance measurements from the period prior to leachate recirculation ranged from a minimum resistivity of 0.005k (indicative of wet conditions) to a maximum resistivity of 466.7 k (indicative of dry conditions). The temperature obtained from the MTG sensors ranged from 26.9 to 57.6 oC with the average temperature of 48.6oC. The optimum temperature for anaerobic waste decomposition reported in the literature is in the range of 34 to 38oC (Mata Alvarez and Martina-Verdure, 1986), but temperatures as high as 55oC occur in large landfills. In general, the temperatures in deeper levels in the landfill were greater than temperatures at upper levels closer to the surface (see Appendix-B for the temperature data). The waste placed in deeper levels was older and more compacted than upper levels; it was thus more insulated from ambient temperatures and was likely more biologically active. Gawande et al. (2003) reported that a resistance value of 0.05 k or less indicates saturated conditions. The pre-leachate recirculation baseline data found 18 sensors to have measured resistivity values less than 0.05 k, indicating that the granular media in these sensors was saturated before recirculation. There were no changes in the resistivity of these 18 sensors even after the start of recirculation. Half of them are located at the west corner of the landfill and the temperature range at these sensors was 50-55oC. Sixty other sensors responded to a passing moisture front after recirculation during the course of this study. Figures 4-5 and 4-6 present the typical response of the sensors to leachate recirculation. The figures show both the changes in resistance and temperature. Leachate recirculation started on day 150. The three distinct curves in Figures 4-6 and 4-7 correspond to the sensors located at three different levels present at the monitoring clusters L6W and M3E (see Figure 4-2). A ` Chapter 4 noticeable decline in the resistance is observed, apparently as a result of the leachate recirculation activity. As stated before, in certain areas of the landfill where the background resistance was lower than 0.05 k, sensors did not show any appreciable change in resistance with leachate recirculation (see supplemental figures given in Appendix-B for the response from all sensors). In general, temperatures also showed a slight response, most noticeably for wells that were not as wet to begin with. The deeper wells that were already wetted and had higher temperatures did not show dramatic temperature variations. When leachate recirculation was temporarily stopped, the resistance and temperature measurements from the sensors gradually increased, thus indicating the drainage of moisture from the sensor granular media. 4.3.2 Estimation of Moisture Content As described previously, equations were developed to convert the resistivity readings to moisture content. The two parameters impacting this conversion were ` Chapter 4 1000 L6W-Lower L6W-Upper L6W-Middle Resistance (KOHMS) 100 10 1 0.1 Start of Leachate Recirculation 0.01 0.001 100 150 200 Days 250 300 350 60 L6W-Upper L6W-Lower L6W-Middle Temperature (Deg C) 55 50 45 40 35 Start of Leachate Recirculation 30 100 150 200 250 300 350 Days Figure 4-5. Response of resistivity sensors at cluster L6W to leachate recirculation (Day 1 = 01/01/2003) ` Chapter 4 1000 M3E-Lower M3E-Middle M3E-Upper Resistance (KOHMS) 100 10 1 Start of Leachate Recirculation 0.1 0.01 0.001 100 150 200 250 300 Days 60 Temperature (Deg C) 55 50 45 40 Start of Leachate Recirculation M3E-Lower M3E-Middle M3E-Upper 35 30 100 150 200 250 300 Days Figure 4-6. Response of resistivity sensors at cluster MM3E to leachate recirculation (Day 1 = 01/01/2003) ` Chapter 4 temperature and electrical conductance of leachate. Since the sensors also recorded the temperatures, their impact was addressed using Equation 3.6. Leachate conductivity, on the other hand, could not be measured directly for each location. Leachate conductivity was routinely measured at the site and the values ranged from 2.5 mS/cm to 25.5 mS/cm. The average conductivity of leachate at NRRL for a time period of 16 months (measured from the weekly samples that were collected from manholes) was 11.8 mS/cm. The average conductivity of leachate sampled from 10 injection wells at the northwest corner of the landfill was observed to be 27.7mS/cm. The nearest leachate collection manholes from these sampled locations were manholes 3 and 4. The leachate collected from manholes 3 and 4 had higher average conductivities than leachate from other manholes. Table 4-2 gives the average measured conductivities from different manholes as well as from the injection wells. ` Chapter 4 Table 4-2. Average conductivity measured at NRRL Sampling Location Conductivity (mS/cm) Manhole 1 7.58 Manhole 2 8.75 Manhole 3 21.62 Manhole 4 20.24 Manhole 5 15.29 Manhole 6 9.89 CF2-upper 27.9 CF2-middle 27.9 CH2-lower 28.2 CH2-middle 30.4 CE3-middle 20.3 CG3-lower 26.4 CG3-middle 5.35 CI3-upper 29.7 CF4-lower 20.3 CH4-upper 46.9 Figure 4-7 presents the predicted moisture content over time for cluster M3E (the resistivity values for this sensor were presented in Figure 4-6). The deep sensor was wet to begin with, with a predicted moisture content of 69 %. The upper and the middle sensors started lower, ` Chapter 4 in the range of 34 % to 36 % and increased to approximately 69% after leachate recirculation was initiated. 70 % MC 60 50 Start of Leachate Recirculation 40 M3E-Lower M3E-Middle M3E-Upper 30 100 150 200 250 300 Days Figure 4-7. Calculated moisture content from cluster MM3E 4.3.3 Assessment of Sensor for Monitoring Leachate Recirculation The data presented in this report represent only the beginning phases of leachate recirculation at the site; leachate recirculation should continue several more years in the area. A complete evaluation of the utility of these sensors for tracking moisture flow in bioreactor landfill therefore is beyond the scope of this work. Some initial observations, however can be made. To illustrate the response of sensors surrounding an injection well, one specific area is examined in detail. Figure 4-8 provides a plan view of the area surrounding the injection cluster CM3 including the surrounding monitoring clusters. A total of 116,218 gallons of leachate was ` Chapter 4 injected through the three injection wells in this cluster. The cumulative volume of leachate recirculated through the wells is presented in Figure 4-9. Figure 4-10 shows the changes in the moisture content of the MTG sensors surrounding this injection cluster. As a result of leachate injection, the moisture content is observed to increase as shown by Figure 4-10. The cumulative leachate flow shown in Figure 4-9 is constant from days 217 to 251 indicating that there was no leachate pumped through the injection cluster in this time. The moisture levels dropped during this period indicating the drainage of water from the sensor media. This drying cycle is clearly seen for one of the locations in Figure 4-10. However most of the sensors continued to show the high moisture levels as seen in Figure 4-10. The typical time of travel for the moisture to reach the sensors depended upon the relative location of the sensor to the injection well. The time taken to reach the nearest sensor from injection cluster was 2-3 days (see relative location of M3E or M3W from CM3 in Figure 4-8). In general, the deeper sensors first encountered the injected leachate (see Table 4.3). ` Chapter 4 Table 4-3 Time of travel in days for the incoming moisture to pass the sensor Sensor Lower Middle Upper G3E 16 10 25 G3W Low reading 10 No sensor MF4 Malfunction 14 37 MF3 14 No sensor MH3 56 - - M3E Low reading 2 10 M3W Low reading 8 10 ML4 Low reading 15 - MO5 63 - - L6E 8 8 13 L6W 2 2 14 MK6 46 15 - ME7 17 - - ML8 21 22 46 MJ8 - 59 47 MI9 51 - - MM9 29 - - MF8 6 21 22 MF9 6 36 - ` Chapter 4 MI5 No sensor 21 21 MH6 12 - 23 MI6 13 12 - MG5 23 - - MC7 15 14 16 MD8 38 36 11 Figure 4-11 shows the leachate injection locations utilized by the end of day 385 (January 2004); these locations are indicated in green. At this time, a majority of sensors reported moisture content values greater than 60 % (w/w), except for those shown in red in Figure 4-11 and at a few other locations in top layer. The curve for 16.0 mS/cm was used to convert the resistance values to corresponding moisture contents. Several observations can be made concerning sensors reporting high MC: (a) a sudden three log reduction in the resistance readings occurred within one to three days when moisture arrived at the sensor locations (see Figure 4-10), (b) most of the sensors reading high MC (above 60 % (w/w)) values continue to show such values, and (c) most of the low resistance values read by the sensors correspond to completely saturated condition. 4.3.4 Conclusions A field evaluation of electrical resistance based sensors for in situ moisture content determination in a bioreactor landfill was conducted. A total of 135 electrical resistance-based ` Chapter 4 MTG sensors were installed in the landfill for moisture content determination of the landfilled waste. Moisture contents were measured before and after Figure 4-8 Monitoring wells surrounding injection cluster CM3 ` Chapter 4 Cumulative Volume Recirculated (gallons) 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 200 LOWER UPPER MIDDLE 220 240 260 280 300 Days Figure 4-9. Cumulative volume of leachate injected through CM3 Chapter 6 70 70 60 % MC % MC 60 50 50 Start of Leachate Recirculation Start of Leachate Recirculation MO5-Lower MO5-Middle MO5-Upper 40 ML3-Lower ML3-Upper 40 30 30 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 100 300 150 200 250 300 Days Days 70 70 60 % MC % MC 60 50 50 Start of Leachate Recirculation Start of Leachate Recirculation 40 ML4-Lower ML4-Middle ML4-Upper 40 M3W-Lower M3W-Middle M3W-Upper 30 30 100 150 Days 200 250 300 100 150 Days 200 250 300 70 % MC 60 Start of Leachate Recirculation 50 40 M3E-Lower M3E-Middle M3E-Upper 30 100 150 Days 200 250 300 Figure 4-10. Response of monitoring clusters surrounding CM3. (A) M3E (B) M3W (C) ML3 (D) ML4 (E) MO5 ` Chapter 4 ` Chapter 4 Figure 4-11. Plan of bioreactor showing leachate injection wells and relatively dry monitoring locations. ` Chapter 4 leachate recirculation. It was observed that 98% of the sensors worked, initial moisture content measurements indicated that some areas of the landfill were wet as suggested by resistance values of less than 0.05 k. Upon leachate recirculation the sensors at monitoring locations read low resistance values as the moisture front arrived at sensor locations. There was a sudden drop in the resistance values as the moisture front met the sensors and sensors continue to show high MC values (above 60% (w/w). This observation may indicate interception of leachate preferential flow paths established when drilling for sensor placement. Relatively dry areas on the N-E side of landfill abutting cell-3 showed that leachate injection at other locations had no effect on these locations. This information suggests preferential flow paths of leachate from the N-E to N-W direction inside the landfill. As the leachate injection in landfill continues, the MTG sensors are expected to show high moisture content values from the interception of flow paths. Sensor placement methods should be adjusted to minimize preferential flow paths. The resistance-based MTG sensors show the potential moisture distribution in bioreactor landfills. The sensors were able to track the changes in the moisture contents and detect the wetting and drying cycles on field. The ability of MTG sensors to measure various in situ parameters, its low manufacturing costs, and the convenience in automating the data collection process make it an attractive prospect for use in bioreactor landfills. ` Chapter 4 CHAPTER 5 COMPARISON OF RESISTIVITY AND TIME DOMAIN REFLECTOMETRY SENSORS FOR ASSESSING MOISTURE CONTENT IN BIOREACTOR LANDFILLS 5.1 Introduction Landfill bioreactors are designed and operated to enhance the biodegradation process by increasing moisture levels within the landfill (Pohland, 1975; Rees, 1980; Reinhart and Townsend, 1997). Moisture levels in a bioreactor landfill can be increased by adding water or by recirculating the leachate extracted from the landfill. However, it is a challenge to understand the distribution of recirculated moisture in a landfill because of the extreme heterogeneity of the landfilled waste. Gravimetric moisture content can be measured by collecting a waste sample through excavating the waste. This method is not usually feasible for collection of routine samples. A measure of in situ moisture content would provide landfill operators very valuable information about the effectiveness of their leachate recirculation systems. The installation of in situ moisture measuring devices in landfills may be feasible since they are commonly applied to soil systems. Several previous studies (Holmes 1984, Rosqvist et al. 1997, Yuen et al. 2000) have evaluated instrumentation for measuring moisture content in landfilled waste. Two of the most common devices for measuring in situ moisture content are time domain reflectometry (TDR) probes and resistance-based moisture sensors. Chapter 5 Time domain reflectometry (TDR) works on the principal that a change in the in situ moisture content can be determined by analyzing the changes in the reflected electromagnetic waveform that is emitted by the TDR source. The resistivity sensors calculate the electrical resistance of the moisture present in the granular media between the two concentric electrodes. Increase in the moisture surrounding the waste would increase the moisture content in the granular media, resulting in the decrease of the electrical resistance between the electrodes. Resistivity based MTG sensors developed by Gawande et al. (2003) and modified TDR probes developed with the help of Zircon Inc were installed on a side-by-side basis at selected locations in a full-scale operating bioreactor landfill in north central Florida. The objective of this chapter is to compare the performance of the resistivity and TDR sensors installed at these locations. 5.2 Background Historically, in situ moisture measurement devices have been used to measure the moisture content of soils for irrigation. These technologies can also be applied to landfilled solid waste but this application does pose certain challenges, the most common being the heterogeneous nature of the waste materials. Previous studies reported time domain reflectometry, neutron probe technology, electrical resistance technology to have varying degrees of success when applied to monitor in situ moisture contents in landfills (Holmes 1984, Rosqvist et al. 1997, Yuen et al. 2000). TDR and resistivity technologies were used in the study reported in this paper and are thus discussed in greater detail. ` Chapter 5 5.2.1 Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) TDR relies on the concept that the physical characteristics of a medium in which an electromagnetic signal is emitted can be related to the signals reflection. In TDR technology, the physical characteristic that is analyzed by a propagated electromagnetic wave is the relative permittivity or the dielectric constant of the medium. Topp et al. (1980) first used TDR technology for measurement of moisture content of soils. They found that the total time taken for the transmitted electromagnetic pulse to get reflected was dependent on the relative permittivity or dielectric constant of the medium. The calculated moisture content and the observed dielectric constant followed a fourth degree polynomial approximation. Li and Zeiss (2001) studied the relationship between the moisture content and the bulk dielectric constant of various solid waste materials. They performed series of laboratory experiments with different waste materials and mixtures with varying conductivities. Similar to Topp et al. (1980), a fourth degree polynomial provided a satisfactory fit for the determination of moisture content of the solid waste from the measured apparent dielectric constant. The coefficients of the equation depended on material type. Some of the advantages of TDR technology are that it is nonhazardous, when used on field are it has the ability to reproduce the results and is inert to organic carbon content changes. 5.2.2 Electrical Resistance Technology The moisture content of the medium can be estimated from the electrical resistance measured between the electrodes inserted in it. Two types of electrical resistance sensors that have been used to estimate soil moisture content are gypsum block and granular ` Chapter 5 matrix sensors. A typical gypsum block sensor consists of electrodes embedded in a gypsum block and the blocks are installed in the soil for which moisture content is to be determined. When the soils are wet, the external moisture enters the gypsum block and a soluble calcium sulfate solution is formed as the uniformly conductive media between the electrodes and the resistance is measured between them. Gypsum block sensors had some operational difficulties on field such as their inability to show the transient wetting and drying cycles and to address these operational difficulties, McCann et al. (1992) developed a granular matrix sensor. A granular matrix sensor consists of a uniformly distributed material, for e.g. sand that serves as the media between the two electrodes. Gawande et al. (2003) developed a granular soil matrix resistance sensor for in situ moisture content measurement in landfill. Tests were conducted to select the optimum granular media particle size, evaluation of sensor sensitivity, responsiveness and assessment of the effect of liquid temperature and conductivity on resistance measurement. Calibration curves relating the measured resistance to gravimetric water content developed by Gawande et al. (2003) will be used in this study. The fieldevaluation of this sensor for in situ moisture content measurement in a bioreactor landfill is reported in Chapter 4. The positive aspects of using resistance-based sensors are cheaper manufacturing and installation costs and the ability to collect and store the data automatically. 5.3 Methods Two different types of sensors (TDR probes and resistance-based sensors) were installed side-by-side in the landfill. The experimental methods focus on measuring the ` Chapter 5 surrounding waste moisture content using both sensor types, and comparing the two different technologies. 5.3.1 TDR Sensors TDR probes used in this study were laboratory calibrated and obtained from the manufacturer (Zircon Inc). The manufacturer used Campbell Scientific TDR probes for the calibration experiments. All the information regarding the probe type, its geometry can be found in the Campbell Scientific instruction manual (TDR 100 instruction manual, 2002). The components of TDR included the pulse generator, a coaxial cable and the parallel probes. The pulse generator generates voltage pulse (250 mV) that is propagated through a coaxial cable and is transmitted through parallel probes located at its end. The propagating voltage pulse will encounter a change in impedance when it leaves the cable and enters the probes resulting in the reflection of the voltage pulse to a cable tester. The reflected energy is observed as a waveform that is used to calculate the reflection travel time of the voltage pulse. The dielectric constant of the medium can be found by using the reflection travel time and known length of the probes with the equation given below, ct 2L 2 (5.1) where is the unknown bulk dielectric constant to be calculated and c is the velocity of electromagnetic signal in free space and t is reflection travel time as measured from the waveform and L is the known length of the probes. ` Chapter 5 The figure in Appendix E shows the schematic of a typical waveform. Figure 5-1 provides an example of the actual waveform observed from one of the TDR sensors in NRRL. The first discontinuity in Figure 5-1 is observed when the propagating voltage pulse leaves the coaxial cable and enters the parallel probes and the second discontinuity is due to the reflection from the end of the parallel probes. The difference in the travel times is shown in the form of apparent length displayed on screen as shown by Figure 51. Equation 5.1 can be modified in the form of apparent length of the waveform observed on screen and given by Equation 5.2, L a L 2 (5.2) where La is the apparent length measured on the screen. The relationship between the bulk dielectric constant to the moisture content as described by Li and Zeiss (2001) was used in this study. This is given by Equation 5.3, a b c 2 d 3 e 4 (5.3) where is the volumetric water content and is the bulk dielectric constant. The coefficients of the Equation 5.3 depend on the solid waste material type, the porosity of the material and the electrical conductivity of the liquid. ` Chapter 5 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 L 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0.1 L1 0.2 55 57 59 61 63 65 Figure 5-1 Observed TDR waveform from sensor at bioreactor landfill in north central Florida As shown by Figure 5-1, the distance L1 interprets the difference between the time taken for the voltage pulse to enter the wave-guide and exit it and L is the total waveform length. The selection of the total waveform length depends on the length of the probes. The apparent length as given by TDR 100 manual calculations are shown in Equation 5.4, L SelectedV p Apparent length La 1 * 10m L ActualV p ` (5.4) Chapter 5 where Vp is the cable propagation velocity and depends on the dielectric constant of the insulating material between the coaxial cable center conductor and the outer shield, L1 is the length of the measured waveform, and L is the total length of the screen as shown by Figure 5-1. More details regarding the cable propagation velocity can be found in the Campbell Scientific TDR instruction manual. The selected Vp and the actual Vp in this case are 1.0 and 0.99, respectively. A probe offset factor occurred due to the presence of a probe head that binds the probe rods to the coaxial cable. This factor must be included while calculating the apparent length. Campbell Scientific suggests a value of 0.08 for the apparent length correction due to the presence of probe head and the equation for correction is given below: La (corrected ) La 0.08 ( probe offset factor) (5.5) The bulk dielectric constant of the medium can be found by combining Equations 5.2, 5.4, and 5.5. The calibration equation to convert the obtained bulk dielectric constant to water content of the waste media surrounding the TDR probes is given by Equation 5.3. The coefficients of this equation depend on the composition of the waste surrounding the probes and its density. Each probe has been independently packed with the waste that was excavated from the landfill and calibrated by the vendor to get the coefficients of Equation 5.3. The densities of the excavated waste surrounding each probe and the corresponding calibration equation coefficients are given in Appendix C. A total of twelve TDR probes, along with the excavated waste surrounding them, and twelve electrical resistance-based MTG sensors were installed at specific locations in an operating bioreactor landfill in north central Florida. A comparison of moisture content ` Chapter 5 obtained from both MTG and TDR sensors will be made in this study. Note that Equation 5-3 calculates the volumetric moisture content (see supplemental figure in Appendix E for the calibration curve). For comparison purposes a conversion is made from volumetric moisture content to gravimetric moisture content using the dry densities of the waste surrounding each TDR probe (see Appendix-C for values of dry densities) and is given by Equation 5.6 w MC d w (5.6) where and MC are the volumetric and gravimetric moisture contents of waste and d is the dry density of the waste surrounding the probe and w is the density of the water. 5.3.2. Resistance-Based Sensors Gawande et al. (2003) developed a resistance-based moisture sensor that would facilitate the in situ measurement of moisture content, temperature and gas composition. This resistivity sensor was designed to measure the electrical resistance of the moisture present in the granular media between two electrodes. Increase in the moisture content of the granular media results in decrease in the observed resistance. This sensor was named MTG as it has the ability to measure the in situ moisture content, temperature and gas composition. Details pertaining to the field evaluation of MTG sensors are reported in Chapter 4. ` Chapter 5 5.3.3 Site Description The New River Regional Landfill (NRRL) is located in north central Florida, US, and consists of several distinct landfill cells (see supplemental Figure A-1 for a plan view of the entire site). The area designated for the bioreactor consisted of parts of two cells covering an area of approximately 10 acres and containing approximately 0.61 million tons of waste. The bioreactor area is distinguished from the rest of the landfill by the presence of recirculation devices and an exposed geomembrane cap. Figure 5-2 presents a plan view of the portion of the landfill site that includes the bioreactor. The area distinguished as the “bioreactor well field” represents the section where leachate recirculation was concentrated. The area where both TDR and MTG sensors have been installed together is marked as “MTG and TDR sensor locations” and this area will be he focus of upcoming graphical presentations of the data. Leachate recirculation is performed at the site by means vertical injection wells. A series of vertical injection well cluster of different depths are distributed throughout the landfill. The injection wells connect to a leachate recirculation manifold. Figure 5-3 provides a detailed view of the MTG and TDR sensor locations and the relative locations of the injection wells. The five different places on the landfill, where both the types of sensors were installed are indicated as clusters A through E in this figure. Injection wells and the sensors that are discussed later in the text have labels provided (see supplemental figure A-2 for a map showing all labeled clusters). Clusters A, B and E have four (two MTG and two TDR) sensors located side-by-side in the same hole, and clusters C and D have six (three MTG and three TDR sensors) located in different holes next to each other, at approximately the same depths. ` Chapter 5 Figure 5-2 Plan view of the bioreactor ` Chapter 5 Figure 5-3 Plan view of the MTG and TDR sensor locations ` Chapter 5 5.3.4 Installation of Sensors A total of 24 (12 TDR and 12 MTG) moisture content measuring sensors were installed at five different cluster locations on the landfill. Modified CS610 TDR probes were used in this study. A hole was drilled into the waste using a 4-inch truck-mounted power flight auger and a 4-inch PVC pipe was placed in the hole. TDR probes were dropped down until they reached required depth, adjacent to this probe, a MTG sensor was placed next. Sand was added first followed by bentonite pellets. The purpose of the sand was to bridge the gap between the sensors and surrounding waste, while the clay was added to hydraulically isolate the sensors before backfilling with waste. The locations of the clusters were presented in plan view previously in Figure 5-3. Figure 5-4 presents a representative schematic of the relative locations of a MTG sensor and TDR sensors. Only clusters D and E are shown, the remaining clusters A, B have similar configuration as cluster E and C has similar configuration as cluster D. Note that the depths of sensors installed in each cluster were not exactly the same. Cluster E was chosen to represent an example of both MTG and TDR sensors located in the same hole and cluster D to represent an example of sensors in adjacent holes. 5.3.5 Field Measurements and Trials The injection wells and the MTG and TDR sensors were installed over a six-week period in the spring of 2001. The construction of the rest of the bioreactor, which included the installation of the exposed geomembrane cap and the leachate recirculation piping, was not completed until the fall of 2002. The TDR data collection started from spring of 2003. A TDR 100 instrument was used for manual interrogation of each TDR ` Chapter 5 location. A step voltage was applied by this instrument and the reflected voltage is captured as a waveform on a laptop screen. The waveforms were obtained from each sensor and were stored at a frequency of at least once per week. The details of data collection of MTG sensors were given in Chapter 4. Three Campbell Scientific CR10X data loggers installed at various locations on the landfill, as shown in Figure 4-2, were programmed to collect data from MTG locations at a frequency of twice per day. For purposes of discussion and presentation, January 1, 2003 was defined as day 1 of the experiment. Leachate recirculation first started on day 150. Injection clusters CI5 and CF6 were used to recirculate leachate in the area where both the TDR and MTG sensors were installed as shown by Figure 5-3. A total of 33,487 gallons of leachate were injected in cluster CF6 from day 203 to 217 and 156,186 gallons of leachate were pumped through CI5 from day 218 to day 322, which is the end of the reporting period for this thesis. ` Chapter 5 Figure 5-4 Schematic cross section of cluster E (sensors placed in same hole) and cluster D (sensors placed in different holes) ` Chapter 5 5.4 Results and Discussion 5.4.1 Discussion of Performance of TDR and MTG Sensors A total of twenty-four sensors, twelve each of the TDR and the resistance-based MTG sensors were installed at a particular area in the landfill as shown by Figure 5-2. The background data were collected from January 2003. The data collection continued after recirculating leachate until November 18, 2003. The typical output of the TDR probes, the reflected voltage, was recorded as a waveform. The waveforms were used to calculate the apparent dielectric constant of the surrounding waste media. The output of the MTG sensors was the resistance of the granular media in k and the temperature in degree centigrade (0C). The background data suggested that all twelve of the installed resistance-based sensors were functional, but only none of the twelve TDR sensors were able to generate a waveform. The reason for the apparent malfunction of the three sensors was thought to be damage to the probes during installation. Initial conditions showed that the minimum and maximum measured resistivity and temperature readings from the MTG sensors were 0.44 k, 18.87 k and 31oC and 51.5oC respectively. The ranges of temperatures measured in this study were similar to typically observed temperatures in landfills. The minimum and maximum values of the relative dielectric constants calculated from the waveforms obtained from the TDR sensors were 5.5 and 25.5 (Appendix C). Out of the nine locations where the TDR and resistance-based sensors both functioned, four TDR sensors and five resistance based sensors responded to the leachate recirculation through day 322. Figure 5-5 gives the typical response of both the types of ` Chapter 5 sensors to leachate recirculation. Figure 5-5(a) shows the typical response of the TDR probe before and after recirculation. An increase in apparent length of the waveform (as indicated by La in the figure) means an increase in the relative dielectric constant of the medium, which indicates the increase in the moisture content of the medium (Equation 5.3 and Appendix C). Figure 5-5 (a) clearly shows the increase in the apparent length of the waveform with recirculation. Figure 5-5(b) shows a sharp decline in resistance between the electrodes, which indicates the increase in the moisture content of the media surrounding this sensor. 5.4.2 Estimation of Moisture Content The interpretation of the TDR waveform is explained in Section 5.3.1. Equations 5.2-5.5 were used to obtain the moisture content from the collected waveform. The moisture content predicted by the MTG sensors was obtained by converting the resistance of the sensor at a particular temperature exposed to leachate at a particular conductivity to the moisture content of the surrounding waste using Equations 3.2, 3.3, and 3.6. Moisture content measurements using both MTG and TDR sensors are influenced by conductivity of leachate. The average conductivity of leachate present in this area of the landfill as collected from manhole for a period of 16 months was found to be 15.29 mS/cm. TDR probes used in this study were coated with plastic. Li and Zeiss (2001) mentioned that coating the probes could reduce the attenuation of the electromagnetic signal that is caused by increase in the electrical conductivity. The calibration equation developed for the 8.0 mS/cm leachate (Equation 3.3) was used for the conversion of obtained MTG sensor resistance to moisture content. Based on the measured landfill leachate ` Chapter 5 conductivities, it is possible that the MTG sensors will over-predict the absolute moisture contents. Figure 5-6 shows the changes in the moisture contents with time as for both the TDR and MTG sensors located at Cluster-E of Figure 5-3. Note that the sensors at this cluster are adjacent to each other and placed in a same hole. As shown by this figure, before recirculation the moisture contents of the sensor were observed to be 35-45 % (w/w). A Reflection Coefficient 0.4 0.2 0.0 -0.2 Pre wetting (Day 146) Post wetting (Day 276) -0.4 Apparent length on screen ` Chapter 5 1000 B Resistance (KOHMS) 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 MI5-Middle 0.001 150 200 250 300 Days Figure 5-5. Response of sensors to leachate recirculation (A) TDR (B) MTG ` Chapter 5 However, after the start of recirculation, the moisture content from the sensors went up to 68 % (w/w). It can be seen that there was a simultaneous increase in the obtained moisture contents from both the sensors. This is expected as the sensors are next to each other. As the recirculation continued in CI5 until day 322 (the last day of reported data) there was no decrease in the moisture around the sensors. (%) Gravimetric Moisture Content 80 70 60 Start of leachate recirculation 50 40 30 TDR 11 MI5-Middle 20 150 200 250 300 Days Figure 5-6. Change in moisture content of TDR and MTG sensor 5.4.3 Assessment of TDR and MTG Sensors for Leachate Recirculation The injection clusters CI5 and CF6 were primarily used to wet the area surrounding the TDR and MTG probes as shown in Figure 5-3. A total of 189,673 gallons of leachate ` Chapter 5 was injected through these clusters. The cumulative flow distributions through the different injection wells at these clusters are given in Figures 5-7 and 5-8. The response of the MTG and TDR sensors to the leachate recirculation is shown in Figure 5-9 and 5- Cumulative Volume Recirculated (Gallons) 10. 50000 40000 30000 20000 LOWER MIDDLE UPPER 10000 240 250 260 270 Days 280 290 Figure 5-7. Cumulative volume of leachate injected through CI5 ` Chapter 5 300 Cumulative Volume Recirculated (Gallons) 18000 16000 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 LOWER UPPER 4000 2000 204 206 208 210 212 Days 214 216 Figure 5-8. Cumulative volume of leachate injected through CF6 Figure 5-9 shows the output of the sensors that were installed in different holes (Clusters C and D) and Figure 5-10 gives the data obtained from the sensors that were installed in the same hole (Clusters A, B and E). 80 60 Start of leachate recirculation 40 20 TDR 1 MH6-Upper 150 200 250 300 Days ` Gravimetric Moisture Content Gravimetric Moisture Content 80 60 40 Start of leachate recirculation 20 TDR 7 MI6-Middle 150 200 Days 250 300 Chapter 5 Gravimetric Moisture Content 80 60 Start of leachate recirculation 40 TDR 6 MI6-Lower 20 150 200 250 300 Days Figure 5-9. Response of TDR and MTG sensors located at clusters C and D Clusters C and D consisted of 12 sensors (six each of MTG and TDR). Out of six TDR sensors in these clusters, there was no waveform generated from three TDR sensors indicating their malfunction. The data from the remaining functional sensors are plotted in the Figure 5-9. As seen from the figures above, all three MTG sensors located in clusters C and D responded to leachate recirculation and two TDR sensors indicated an increase in moisture. Clusters A, B and E consisted of twelve sensors (six each of TDR and MTG). Only the sensors in cluster E have responded to recirculation. The sensors that showed increase in the moisture content were from clusters C, D and E in Figure 5-3. ` Chapter 5 80 60 Start of leachate recirculation 40 20 TDR 2 MI7-Upper 150 200 250 Gravimetric Moisture Content Gravimetric Moisture Content 80 60 Start of leachate recirculation 40 300 150 80 80 70 70 60 50 Start of leachate recirculation 40 30 TDR 9 MG7-Upper 20 200 250 Gravimetric Moisture Content Gravimetric Moisture Content Days 150 TDR 5 MI5-Upper 20 200 300 Start of leachate recirculation 50 40 30 TDR 10 MI7-Middle 20 150 300 200 250 300 Days 80 80 70 60 Start of leachate recirculation 40 30 TDR 12 20 MG7-Middle 150 200 250 300 (%) Gravimetric Moisture Content Gravimetric Moisture Content 250 60 Days 50 Days 70 60 Start of leachate recirculation 50 40 30 TDR 11 MI5-Middle 20 150 200 250 300 Days Days Figure 5-10. Response of TDR and MTG sensors located at clusters A, B and E ` Chapter 5 As these sensors were nearer to injection well CI5 than sensors in Clusters A and B, it is likely that the leachate recirculated through CI5 arrived at Clusters C, D, and E before reaching sensors in Clusters A and B. Figure 5-10 gives the response of both types of sensors to leachate recirculation. As shown by this figure, though the initial moisture contents of the waste predicted by both TDR and MTG sensors were not equal, the sensors showed simultaneous increase in the moisture contents. The sensors did not show any drying due to the continuous leachate injection through CI5 (the injection cluster that primarily wet all the sensors in the area) from day 218 through day 322, which was the last day of the reported data in this chapter. However, data need to be collected to investigate the drying cycle. Figure 5-11 gives the plot of moisture contents predicted by the calibration equations for both the sensor types. Each point shown in this figure represents the moisture content value as predicted by resistance-based as well as TDR sensors that were installed adjacent to each other. All the values were chosen from Figures 5-9 and 5-10. Two values of moisture content (one each from MTG and TDR sensors before and after recirculation) were selected from the sensors that became wetter after recirculation and one value was selected from the sensors that did not predict any change in moisture after recirculation. Note from Figure 5-9 that the MTG sensor (MH6upper) responded to leachate recirculation where as the corresponding TDR sensor (TDR 1) did not show any change and the outlier in Figure 5-11 represents this value. A best-fit line was plotted using all the points except the outlier. ` Chapter 5 5.4.4 Advantages and Disadvantages of Each Probe As seen in this section, both MTG and TDR sensors were able to predict the increase in the moisture content of the medium. However it is difficult to measure exact moisture contents due to the heterogeneity of the waste. The manufacturing costs of MTG sensors were much cheaper than the TDR sensors (approximately $25 per MTG and $500 per TDR sensor); hence multiple MTG sensors could be placed in the landfill at the same manufacturing cost as a TDR sensor. 2D Graph 8 80 r2=0.75 TDR Moisture content (%) 70 60 50 40 30 20 20 30 40 50 60 MTG Moisture content (%) 70 80 Figure 5-11. Comparison of moisture contents from TDR and MTG sensors ` Chapter 5 The conductivity of the medium affects the operation of both sensors. While the effect of conductivity can be reduced by coating the TDR probes, the MTG sensors need to be calibrated for various conductivity ranges in the landfill. The variation in density of the landfill affects the moisture measurement using TDR sensors; the density variation had negligible effect, however, on resistance measurements from MTG sensors. All twelve MTG sensors worked (100 % success in operation) but only nine out of twelve TDR sensors worked (75% success in operation). Though the installation procedure was similar for both the sensors, care needs to be taken in the installation of TDR sensors to avoid any damages to the probes during installation. 5.4.5 Summary and Conclusions TDR is one of the widely used technologies for in situ soil moisture measurements. When applied to landfills, the porosity of the waste and the electrical conductivity of the leachate had significant effect on the moisture content determination. A total of 12 each of TDR and resistance-based MTG sensors were installed at a section of the landfill to measure the in situ moisture content of landfilled waste. This study indicated that TDR could be used as one of the moisture measurement techniques in the landfills. The simultaneous increase in the moisture contents of the TDR and MTG sensors in some clustered locations give an indication that both technologies were capable of estimating the transient moisture changes in the landfill. However, the values of the obtained moisture content indicated that there is some degree of error between the two measurement technologies while predicting the absolute moisture content. As the leachate electrical conductivity has an effect on both these measurement technologies, ` Chapter 5 knowledge of this parameter could be beneficial in calculating the moisture content. Due to the high cost of manufacturing of TDR sensors, this technology could be limited in its application to bioreactor landfills where there is a need to measure moisture contents at multiple locations. Further data need to be collected to investigate the drying cycle. Future work should aim at simultaneous measurement of moisture content and electrical conductivity of the landfill leachate with the TDR probes. ` Chapter 5 CHAPTER 6 MOISTURE BALANCE ON BIOREACTOR LANDFILL 6.1 Background Moisture is a critical factor for the degradation of solid waste which consequently affects the gas production rate in the landfill (Eliasen 1942, DeWalle et al. 1978, Rees 1980, and Pohland 1988). Optimum moisture content to enhance degradation of solid waste could be achieved by recirculation of leachate and/or addition of water or other sources. The municipal solid waste landfills NESHAP rules (40 CFR part 63, subpart AAAA) define a bioreactor as a MSW landfill or a portion of a MSW landfill where any liquid, other than leachate (leachate includes landfill gas condensate) is added in a controlled fashion into the waste mass (often in combination with recirculating leachate) to reach a minimum average moisture content of at least 40 percent by weight to accelerate or enhance the anaerobic biodegradation of the waste. The NESHAP rules specifically mention the need for timely control of the bioreactor with respect to landfill leachate and the generated gas. Moisture budget analysis therefore becomes part of the mandatory control systems requirement. The moisture budget analysis could be based on simple mass balance calculations or more complex hydrologic model such as the HELP model (Schroeder, 1983). The HELP model relies heavily on climatic and landfill material properties and may not be a very practical method. Reinhart and Townsend (1997) showed a simplified water balance equation for bioreactor operation (Equation 6.1). US EPA (2003) summarized the application of the simplified equation and the HELP model with Chapter 6 example mass balance calculations. The HELP model uses the volumetric moisture content instead of the weight based approach; therefore US EPA (2003) suggests not using the HELP model in order to meet the NESHAP requirements. STORAGE INFILTRATION RECIRCULATION LEACHATE GENERATION (6.1) 6.2 Simplified Moisture Balance Equation US EPA (2003) described the use of a simplified equation for the water balance method (Equation 6.2). Equation 6.2, although simple, may be an adequate tool for moisture content calculations. PMC LO M P LA LCH M 100 (6.2) where PMC is the estimated potential moisture content of the waste mass (% moisture content on a wet weight basis), Lo is the moisture entering with the waste mass (kg moisture /kg total waste mass as received), M is the total waste mass in the bioreactor cell on an as received basis (kg total waste mass as received), P is total precipitation (kg total precipitation), LA is total liquids added to the waste mass, including recirculated leachate (kg total liquids), and LCH is the total leachate collected (kg total leachate). 6.2.1 Moisture Balance at New River site The bioreactor site at the New River Regional Landfills (NRRL) in North-Central Florida is provided with a double liner system at the bottom with a leachate collection system and a synthetic top cover. Therefore this bioreactor site provides an opportunity to ` Chapter 6 apply the simple moisture balance method with greater confidence as infiltration from precipitation has been eliminated. The moisture content of the landfill prior to leachate recirculation as calculated from field sampling was observed to be 23% by wet weight. The final moisture content estimated for the landfilled waste was calculated from the amount of leachate pumped into the known mass of waste. The first step, shown below, in this process was to find the initial weight of water stored in the waste. The final weight of water stored in the waste was found by adding the known weight of water recirculated to the initial weight of water till the day 322. This calculation is shown in Step 2. The final moisture content was found by dividing the final weight of water in the waste by the total weight of the waste (initial weight plus weight of added water; see Step 3). It was assumed that the pumped leachate was stored in the waste and did not drain from the landfill. Step 1 Mass of waste = 0.61 million tons = 0.61 10 6 tons Initial moisture content (MC) of waste samples = 0.23 (w/w) Initial volume of water present in the landfill (V1) = 0.23 0.61 10 6 tons 1 metricton 10 6 g 1cm 3 1litre 1gallon 33.74 10 6 gals 3 1.1ton 1metric ton 1g 1000cm 3.78litres Step 2 Volume of water added until day 322 (V2) = 0.762 10 6 gals Total water in the landfill until day 322 = V1 + V2 = 34.5 10 6 gals Mass of water in the landfill = ` Chapter 6 34.5 10 6 gals 3.78 1.1tons l cm 3 g 1kg 1metric ton 1000 1 3 143,451 tons gal l 1000 kg 1metric ton cm 1000 g Step 3 Final Moisture Content = Final mass of water Total mass of waste Total mass of waste = 1 0.23 0.61*10 6 0.143 *10 6 0.6127 *10 6 tons Final Moisture Content = 143,451 0.2341 0.6127 10 6 The predicted moisture content after day 385 was 24% w/w. 6.2.2 Estimation of Spatial Average of the Moisture Content of the Landfill The resistivity-based moisture sensors were spatially distributed inside the landfill at depths averaging 15ft, 30ft and 50ft. To provide a graphical representation of changes in moisture content, distinct moisture contour profiles were computed for each depth. The bioreactor well field boundary shown in Figure 4-1 was used as the boundary of a control volume for determining spatial average moisture content of the landfill. A conceptual 3-D GIS model was used to determine the spatial average. The first step in determining the spatial average was to distribute the known moisture content values in the landfill into three identical moisture grids. Arcview GIS 3.2 was used to create the grids with the known moisture content values obtained from the sensors at each layer by an interpolation process using an inverse distance algorithm. Then, a series of algebraic operations were performed on the interpolated layers to create an average grid. Finally, the mean of the average grid was determined which was the representative spatial average of the gravimetric moisture content in the control volume of the landfill. ` Chapter 6 The spatial average moisture content was calculated using the method described earlier. The average moisture content prior to recirculation (Day 150) was calculated to be 42% w/w and the final average moisture content (Day 319) was calculated to be 48% by wet weight. The typical range of initial moisture content in the landfills has been observed to be 15-35 % by weight and reported values of field capacity of MSW are 5570 % by weight (Remsen et al. 1968, Wigh, 1979, Walsh and Kinman, 1982 Bengtsson et al. 1994, Gawande et al 2003). The initial gravimetric moisture content measured from the 51 samples analyzed was 23% w/w. The pre-recirculated values obtained using the resistance probes were thus greater than expected from the literature and the field analysis. A total of 762, 300 gallons of leachate were recirculated from day 150 to day 322. The predicted value of the moisture content based on this recirculated volume (initial gravimetric plus that added by recirculation) was calculated to be 24% w/w. This was observed to be lower that the estimated final moisture content (48% w/w) using the spatial interpolation. The background data from the sensors suggested that there were a few locally saturated areas in the landfill and the number of these locally saturated zones increased with recirculation. The final spatial average of moisture content was calculated using the moisture contents obtained from the sensors after leachate recirculation. Since some sensors in the landfill were already saturated (before leachate recirculation), and a few more sensors reached saturation in the course of recirculation, the calculation of a spatial average from these values could lead to an over estimation. Three distinct moisture contours were plotted with the obtained moisture values from the sensors corresponding to the three levels. Figure 6-1 shows these moisture ` Chapter 6 contours, with the darker zones indicating the higher moisture contents. Again, moisture content was determined using the 8.0 ms/cm conversion. As shown in the figure 6-1, the background data before recirculation shows the deeper areas in the landfill with the higher initial moisture contents. After the start of recirculation, the moisture contours of ` Chapter 6 the middle and upper levels became darker indicating the inflow of moisture to these areas. Day 150 Day 272 15’ 30’ 50’ Day 304 Higher moisture 70 69.625 69.25 68.5 67 66 65 60 50 40 30 Lower moisture Figure 6-1. Moisture contours at different levels ` Chapter 6 A possible reason for the high spatial moisture content values obtained was attributed to the use of 8.0 mS/cm calibration curve. These high MC values and high leachate conductivities (ranging from 7 to 20 mS/cm) from the leachate collection manholes prompted the need of extending the calibration process. The calibration of sensor was conducted for an electrical conductivity value of 16.0 mS/cm. Average MC of 40.0 % w/w was obtained for day 150 using the 16.0 mS/cm curve. It was observed from the data that a majority of moisture content values for day 150 were in the range of 34 to 36 % w/w and a few sensors also showed moisture contents higher than 60% w/w. This range between 34 to 36 % w/w represents the minimum values above which sensor can detect moisture content; whereas the gravimetric MC of samples from the landfill showed a value of 23 % (w/w). This suggests a limitation of MTG sensosr in predicting MC below ~35 % w/w and consequently leading to errors in the calculation of average moisture content for the landfill. In order to further investigate the effect of leachate recirculation on spatial average moisture content, the data for day 385 were used. Up to the day 385 about 1,279,800 gallons of leachate were injected in the bioreactor. Figure 6.2 shows the cumulative volume of the leachate recirculated. A value of 50.4 % average moisture content for day 385 was obtained as compared to only 24 % using the moisture balance equation explained in 6.2.1. The MTG data showed 50 sensors with moisture content values higher than 60 % as interpreted using a calibration curve for eC of 16.0 mS/cm. The significantly high moisture content values from a majority of sensors were affecting the spatial averaging. The liquid injection in the NRRL bioreactor is being continued to date and the sensors showing high moisture contents continue to show high values. ` Chapter 6 Cumulative Leachate Recirculated (gal) 3.50E+06 Total 3.00E+06 Leachate 2.50E+06 Ground water 2.00E+06 1.50E+06 1.00E+06 5.00E+05 0.00E+00 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Time (days) Figure 6-2 Cumulative volume of leachate recirculated. 6.3 Conclusions The simple moisture balance equation provides an accurate assessment of the moisture content in the landfill. The spatial averaging of moisture content using data from the MTG sensors is affected by: (a) the inability of the MTG sensor to accurately read moisture content values below ~35 %, and (b) significantly high moisture content values read by the sensors through interception of preferential flow paths by the monitoring wells of the sensors. The error occurring due to the high moisture content values may be rectified if the liquid injection is stopped for some time and the sensors allowed to attain an equilibrium with the surrounding waste. Installation techniques sensors in the future should consider this problem. ` Chapter 6 CHAPTER 7 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Knowledge of the in situ moisture content of the waste in a landfill would be extremely helpful to bioreactor landfill operators. The present study evaluated the field application of moisture measurement devices for assessing in situ moisture content of waste in a bioreactor landfill permitting water balance calculations. A total of 135 electrical resistance-based and twelve time domain reflectometry (TDR) sensors were installed in a bioreactor landfill in north central Florida. In situ moisture content of the waste was measured using these two different technologies with laboratory-derived calibration equations. Moisture content for the landfill was calculated using the instrument measurements and an overall water balance. It was observed that 98% of the resistance-based sensors performed as expected. The initial moisture content measurements determined that some areas of the landfill were wet, as indicated by a resistance value of less than 0.05 k. The resistance values obtained in this study ranged from a minimum of 0.005 k to a maximum of 466.7 k. The temperatures obtained from the MTG sensors ranged from 26.9 to 57.7oC with an average temperature of 48.6oC. The initial moisture content of the landfill estimated from the sensors was 42%, which was higher than values reported in the literature and values obtained from collected waste samples. Sixty sensors showed a response to leachate recirculation. The spatial average of moisture content after 762,300 gallons and 1,279,800 gallons of leachate recirculation was estimated to be 48% and 50.4% Chapter 7 respectively. These were higher than the expected average moisture content based on the amount of leachate recirculated. This was attributed to: Greater leachate conductivity values encountered in the landfill compared to that used in calibration curves Leachate flow through preferential paths got intercepted by the sensors monitoring wells. Inability of MTG sensors to sense MC values below ~35 % (wet (w/w). A total of nine out of the twelve installed TDR probes functioned. The data from the TDR sensors showed that this technology was also able to track changes in moisture content in the landfill. The simultaneous increase in moisture contents measured by the TDR and MTG sensors in some clustered locations gave an indication that both the technologies were compatible for predicting the transient moisture changes in the landfill. However, the values of the obtained moisture contents indicated that some difference between the two measurement technologies do exist in predicting absolute moisture content. The extreme heterogeneity of the landfilled waste and the varying electrical conductivity of the leachate were factors that were observed to influence both moisture measurement technologies. The manufacturing costs of the MTG sensors were less than the TDR sensors (approximately $25 per MTG and $500 per TDR sensor). The TDR sensors required a larger borehole, and installation costs were also more expensive relative to the MTG sensors. The use of multiple TDR locations is thus expensive relative ` Chapter 7 to the MTG sensors. It was observed that only 75% of TDR sensors functioned as compared to a high performance rate of 98% for the resistance-based sensors. Future work should focus on continuing monitoring of the sensors after the recirculation is stopped to study the drying cycle of the sensors. The TDR sensors also need to be investigated for the drying cycle in the field. Data from the sensors should be used to estimate the leachate recirculation travel times. The ability of the sensors to predict the absolute moisture content should be explored further. ` Chapter 7 APPENDIX A SUPPLEMENTAL FIGURES Bioreactor Area Figure A-1. Plan view of the New River Regional Landfill Appendix A Figure A-2. Plan view of injection and monitoring cluster Appendix A APPENDIX B RESISTIVITY SENSOR DATA This appendix presents graphs of the data collected from all the resistance-based sensors present in the landfill. The results cover a period from March 2003 to December 2003. Appendix B 1000 MD3G MD3Y MD3R 100 Resistance (KOHMS) 10 1 Start of Leachate Recirculation 0.1 0.01 0.001 100 150 200 Days 250 300 350 60 Temperature (Deg C) 55 50 Start of Leachate Recirculation 45 40 35 D3R D3Y D3G 30 100 150 200 Days 250 300 350 Figure B-1 Response of resistivity sensors at cluster location MD3 (Day 1 = 01/01/03) ` Appendix B 1000 Resistance (KOHMS) 100 10 1 0.1 Start of Leachate Recirculation 0.01 MF3R MF3G 0.001 100 150 200 Days 250 300 350 60 Temperature (Deg C) 55 50 Start of Leachate Recirculation 45 40 35 F3G F3R 30 100 150 200 Days 250 300 350 Figure B-2 Response of resistivity sensors at cluster location MF3 (Day 1 = 01/01/03) ` Appendix B 1000 MG3WY MG3WG Resistance (KOHMS) 100 10 1 0.1 Start of Leachate Recirculation 0.01 0.001 100 150 200 Days 250 300 350 60 55 Temperature (Deg C) 50 45 Start of Leachate Recirculation 40 G3WG 35 G3WY 30 100 150 200 Days 250 300 350 Figure B-3 Response of resistivity sensors at cluster location MG3W (Day 1 = 01/01/03) ` Appendix B 1000 MG3EG Resistance (KOHMS) 100 MG3EY MG3ER 10 1 Start of Leachate Recirculation 0.1 0.01 0.001 100 150 200 Days 250 300 60 Temperature (Deg C) 55 50 45 40 Start of Leachate Recirculation G3EG G3EY 35 G3ER 30 100 150 200 250 300 Days Figure B-4 Response of resistivity sensors at cluster location MG3E (Day 1 = 01/01/03) ` Appendix B 1000 MH3Y MH3R MH3G Resistance (KOHMS) 100 10 1 0.1 Start of Leachate Recirculation 0.01 0.001 100 150 200 250 300 350 Days 60 Temperature (Deg C) 55 50 45 Start of Leachate Recirculation 40 35 H3Y H3R 30 100 150 200 250 300 350 Days Figure B-5 Response of resistivity sensors at cluster location MH3 (Day 1 = 01/01/03) ` Appendix B 1000 MJ3G MJ3Y MJ3R Resistance (KOHMS) 100 10 Start of Leachate Recirculation 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 100 150 200 250 300 350 Days 60 Temperature (Deg C) 55 50 45 40 Start of Leachate Recirculation 35 J3R J3Y 30 100 150 200 250 300 350 Days Figure B-6 Response of resistivity sensors at cluster location MJ3 (Day 1 = 01/01/03) ` Appendix B 1000 Resistance (KOHMS) 100 10 1 Start of Leachate Recirculation 0.1 0.01 ML3G ML3R 0.001 100 150 200 250 300 350 Days 60 Temperature (Deg C) 55 50 45 Start of Leachate Recirculation 40 35 L3G L3R 30 100 150 200 250 300 350 Days Figure B-7 Response of resistivity sensors at cluster location ML3 (Day 1 = 01/01/03) ` Appendix B 1000 Resistance (KOHMS) 100 10 1 Start of Leachate Recirculation 0.1 MM3WG MM3WY MM3WR 0.01 0.001 100 150 200 250 300 350 Days 60 Temperature (Deg C) 55 50 45 40 Start of Leachate Recirculation 35 M3WG M3WY 30 100 150 200 250 300 350 Days Figure B-8 Response of resistivity sensors at cluster location MM3W (Day 1 = 01/01/03) ` Appendix B 1000 MM3EG MM3EY MM3ER Resistance (KOHMS) 100 10 1 Start of Leachate Recirculation 0.1 0.01 0.001 100 150 200 Days 250 300 60 Temperature (Deg C) 55 50 45 40 Start of Leachate Recirculation 35 M3EG M3EY M3ER 30 100 150 200 250 300 Days Figure B-9 Response of resistivity sensors at cluster location MM3E (Day 1 = 01/01/03) ` Appendix B 1000 MO3G MO3Y MO3R Resistance (KOHMS) 100 10 1 Start of Leachate Recirculation 0.1 0.01 0.001 100 150 200 Days 250 300 350 60 Temperature (Deg C) 55 50 45 40 Start of Leachate Recirculation 35 O3G O3Y 30 100 150 200 250 300 350 Days Figure B-10 Response of resistivity sensors at cluster location MO3 (Day 1 = 01/01/03) ` Appendix B 1000 Resistance (KOHMS) 100 10 1 Start of Leachate Recirculation 0.1 0.01 MD4G MD4Y MD4R 0.001 100 150 200 250 300 350 Days 60 Temperature (Deg C) 55 50 45 Start of Leachate Recirculation 40 35 D4R D4Y D4G 30 100 150 200 250 300 350 Days Figure B-11 Response of resistivity sensors at cluster location MD4 (Day 1 = 01/01/03) ` Appendix B 1000 Resistance (KOHMS) 100 10 1 0.1 Start of Leachate Recirculation 0.01 MF4Y MF4R 0.001 100 150 200 Days 250 300 350 60 Temperature (Deg C) 55 50 45 Start of Leachate Recirculation 40 35 F4G F4R F4Y 30 100 150 200 250 300 350 Days Figure B-12 Response of resistivity sensors at cluster location MF4 (Day 1 = 01/01/03) ` Appendix B 1000 100 Resistance (KOHMS) 10 1 Start of Leachate Recirculation 0.1 0.01 MH4Y MH4R MH4G 0.001 100 150 200 250 300 350 Days 60 Temperature (Deg C) 55 50 45 40 Start of Leachate Recirculation 35 H4Y H4R 30 100 150 200 250 300 350 Days Figure B-13 Response of resistivity sensors at cluster location MH4 (Day 1 = 01/01/03) ` Appendix B 1000 Resistance (KOHMS) 100 10 1 Start of Leachate Recirculation 0.1 0.01 MJ4G MJ4Y 0.001 100 150 200 250 300 350 Days 60 Temperature (Deg C) 55 50 45 40 Start of Leachate Recirculation 35 J4R J4G J4Y 30 100 150 200 250 300 350 Days Figure B-14 Response of resistivity sensors at cluster location MJ4 (Day 1 = 01/01/03) ` Appendix B 1000 ML4G ML4Y ML4R Resistance (KOHMS) 100 10 1 Start of Leachate Recirculation 0.1 0.01 0.001 100 150 200 250 300 350 Days 60 L4Y L4R Temperature (Deg C) 55 50 45 40 Start of Leachate Recirculation 35 30 100 150 200 250 300 350 Days Figure B-15 Response of resistivity sensors at cluster location ML4 (Day 1 = 01/01/03) ` Appendix B 1000 MN4G MN4Y MN4R Resistance (KOHMS) 100 10 1 Start of Leachate Recirculation 0.1 0.01 0.001 100 150 200 250 300 350 Days 60 Temperature (Deg C) 55 50 45 40 Start of Leachate Recirculation N4G N4R N4Y 35 30 100 150 200 250 300 350 Days Figure B-16 Response of resistivity sensors at cluster location MN4 (Day 1 = 01/01/03) ` Appendix B 1000 100 Resistance (KOHMS) 10 1 Start of Leachate Recirculation 0.1 0.01 MC5G MC5Y MC5R 0.001 100 150 200 Days 250 300 350 60 Temperature (Deg C) 55 50 45 40 Start of Leachate Recirculation 35 C5R C5Y C5G 30 100 150 200 250 300 350 Days Figure B-17 Response of resistivity sensors at cluster location MC5 (Day 1 = 01/01/03) ` Appendix B 1000 Resistance (KOHMS) 100 10 1 Start of Leachate Recirculation 0.1 ME5G ME5Y ME5R 0.01 0.001 100 150 200 Days 250 300 350 60 Temperature (Deg C) 55 50 45 40 Start of Leachate Recirculation 35 E5R E5Y E5G 30 100 150 200 250 300 350 Figure B-18 Response of resistivity sensors at cluster location ME5 (Day 1 = 01/01/03) ` Appendix B 1000 Resistance (KOHMS) 100 10 1 Start of Leachate Recirculation 0.1 MG5G MG5Y MG5R 0.01 0.001 100 150 200 250 300 350 Days 60 Temperature (Deg C) 55 50 45 40 Start of Leachate Recirculation G5G G5Y G5R 35 30 100 150 200 250 300 350 Days Figure B-19 Response of resistivity sensors at cluster location MG5 (Day 1 = 01/01/03) ` Appendix B 1000 Resistance (KOHMS) 100 10 1 Start of Leachate Recirculation 0.1 0.01 MI5Y MI5R 0.001 100 150 200 250 300 350 Days 60 Temperature (Deg C) 55 50 45 40 Start of Leachate Recirculation 35 I5Y I5R 30 100 150 200 250 300 350 Days Figure B-20 Response of resistivity sensors at cluster location MI5 (Day 1 = 01/01/03) ` Appendix B 1000 Resistance (KOHMS) 100 10 1 0.1 Start of Leachate Recirculation 0.01 MK5G MK5Y MK5R 0.001 100 150 200 Days 250 300 350 60 Temperature (Deg C) 55 50 45 40 35 Start of Leachate Recirculation K5R K5Y K5G 30 100 150 200 Days 250 300 350 Figure B-21 Response of resistivity sensors at cluster location MK5 (Day 1 = 01/01/03) ` Appendix B 1000 Resistance (KOHMS) 100 10 1 0.1 Start of Leachate Recirculation 0.01 ML5G ML5Y ML5R 0.001 100 150 200 Days 250 300 350 60 Temperature (Deg C) 55 50 45 40 35 Start of Leachate Recirculation L5R L5G L5Y 30 100 150 200 Days 250 300 350 Figure B-22 Response of resistivity sensors at cluster location ML5 (Day 1 = 01/01/03) ` Appendix B 1000 Resistance (KOHMS) 100 10 1 0.1 Start of Leachate Recirculation 0.01 MO5G MO5Y MO5R 0.001 100 150 200 250 300 350 Days 60 Temperature (Deg C) 55 50 45 40 Start of Leachate Recirculation 35 O5R O5Y O5G 30 100 150 200 250 300 350 Days Figure B-23 Response of resistivity sensors at cluster location MO5 (Day 1 = 01/01/03) ` Appendix B 1000 Resistance (KOHMS) 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 MD6G MD6Y MD6R Start of Leachate Recirculation 0.001 100 150 200 250 300 350 Days 60 Temperature (Deg C) 55 50 45 40 Start of Leachate Recirculation 35 D6R D6Y D6G 30 100 150 200 250 300 350 Days Figure B-24 Response of resistivity sensors at cluster location MD6 (Day 1 = 01/01/03) ` Appendix B 1000 Resistance (KOHMS) 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 Start of Leachate Recirculation MF6R MF6Y 0.001 100 150 200 Days 250 300 350 60 Temperature (Deg C) 55 50 45 40 35 Start of Leachate Recirculation F6R F6Y 30 100 150 200 250 300 350 Days Figure B-25 Response of resistivity sensors at cluster location MF6 (Day 1 = 01/01/03) ` Appendix B 1000 MH6G MH6Y MH6R Resistance (KOHMS) 100 10 1 0.1 Start of Leachate Recirculation 0.01 0.001 100 150 200 Days 250 300 350 60 H6G H6Y H6R Temperature (Deg C) 55 50 45 40 Start of Leachate Recirculation 35 30 100 150 200 Days 250 300 350 Figure B-26 Response of resistivity sensors at cluster location MH6 (Day 1 = 01/01/03) ` Appendix B 1000 MI6G MI6Y MI6R Resistance (KOHMS) 100 10 1 0.1 Start of Leachate Recirculation 0.01 0.001 100 150 200 Days 250 300 350 60 I6G I6Y I6R Temperature (Deg C) 55 50 45 40 Start of Leachate Recirculation 35 30 100 150 200 250 300 350 Days Figure B-27 Response of resistivity sensors at cluster location MI6 (Day 1 = 01/01/03) ` Appendix B 1000 100 Resistance (KOHMS) 10 1 0.1 Start of Leachate Recirculation 0.01 MK6R MK6G MK6Y 0.001 100 150 200 Days 250 300 350 60 Temperature (Deg C) 55 50 45 40 Start of Leachate Recirculation 35 K6R K6G K6Y 30 100 150 200 250 300 350 Days Figure B-28 Response of resistivity sensors at cluster location MK6 (Day 1 = 01/01/03) ` Appendix B 1000 ML6EY ML6EG ML6ER Resistance (KOHMS) 100 10 1 0.1 Start of Leachate Recirculation 0.01 0.001 100 150 200 Days 250 300 350 60 L6ER L6EG L6EY Temperature (Deg C) 55 50 45 40 Start of Leachate Recirculation 35 30 100 150 200 Days 250 300 350 Figure B-29 Response of resistivity sensors at cluster location ML6E (Day 1 = 01/01/03) ` Appendix B 1000 ML6WG ML6WR ML6WY Resistance (KOHMS) 100 10 1 0.1 Start of Leachate Recirculation 0.01 0.001 100 150 200 Days 250 300 350 60 L6WR L6WG L6WY Temperature (Deg C) 55 50 45 40 35 Start of Leachate Recirculation 30 100 150 200 Days 250 300 350 Figure B-30 Response of resistivity sensors at cluster location ML6W (Day 1 = 01/01/03) ` Appendix B 1000 100 Resistance (KOHMS) 10 1 0.1 0.01 Start of Leachate Recirculation MM6G MM6Y 0.001 100 150 200 250 300 350 Days 60 Temperature (Deg C) 55 50 45 40 Start of Leachate Recirculation M6R M6Y M6G 35 30 100 150 200 250 300 350 Days Figure B-31 Response of resistivity sensors at cluster location MM6 (Day 1 = 01/01/03) ` Appendix B 1000 100 Resistance (KOHMS) 10 1 0.1 Start of Leachate Recirculation MO6G MO6R 0.01 0.001 100 150 200 Days 250 300 350 60 Temperature (Deg C) 55 50 45 Start of Leachate Recirculation 40 35 O6Y O6G 30 100 150 200 250 300 350 Days Figure B-32 Response of resistivity sensors at cluster location MO6 (Day 1 = 01/01/03) ` Appendix B 1000 Resistance (KOHMS) 100 10 1 0.1 Start of Leachate Recirculation MC7G MC7Y MC7R 0.01 0.001 100 200 150 Days 250 300 350 60 Temperature (Deg C) 55 50 45 40 35 C7R C7Y C7G 30 100 250 200 150 300 350 Days Figure B-33 Response of resistivity sensors at cluster location MC7 (Day 1 = 01/01/03) ` Appendix B 1000 Resistance (KOHMS) 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 Start of Leachate Recirculation ME7G ME7Y ME7R 0.001 100 150 200 Days 250 300 350 60 Temperature (Deg C) 55 50 45 40 35 Start of Leachate Recirculation E7R E7G E7Y 30 100 150 200 Days 250 300 350 Figure B-34 Response of resistivity sensors at cluster location ME7 (Day 1 = 01/01/03) ` Appendix B 1000 Resistance (KOHMS) 100 10 1 0.1 Start of Leachate Recirculation 0.01 MG7Y MG7R 0.001 100 150 200 Days 250 300 350 60 Temperature (Deg C) 55 50 45 40 35 Start of Leachate Recirculation G7R G7Y 30 100 150 200 250 300 350 Days Figure B-35 Response of resistivity sensors at cluster location MG7 (Day 1 = 01/01/03) ` Appendix B 1000 Resistance (KOHMS) 100 10 1 0.1 Start of Leachate Recirculation 0.01 MI7Y MI7R 0.001 100 150 200 250 300 350 Days 60 Temperature (Deg C) 55 50 45 Start of Leachate Recirculation 40 35 I7R I7Y 30 100 150 200 250 300 350 Days Figure B-36 Response of resistivity sensors at cluster location MI7 (Day 1 = 01/01/03) ` Appendix B 1000 Resistance (KOHMS) 100 10 1 Start of Leachate Recirculation 0.1 MK7G MK7Y MK7R 0.01 0.001 100 150 200 250 300 350 Days 60 Temperature (Deg C) 55 50 45 40 Start of Leachate Recirculation K7R K7Y 35 30 100 150 200 250 300 350 Days Figure B-37 Response of resistivity sensors at cluster location MK7 (Day 1 = 01/01/03) ` Appendix B 1000 Resistance (KOHMS) 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 Start of Leachate Recirculation MM7G MM7Y MM7R 0.001 100 150 200 250 300 350 Days 60 Temperature (Deg C) 55 50 45 40 Start of Leachate Recirculation M7R M7Y M7G 35 30 100 150 200 250 300 350 Days Figure B-38 Response of resistivity sensors at cluster location MM7 (Day 1 = 01/01/03) ` Appendix B 1000 Resistance (KOHMS) 100 10 1 0.1 Start of Leachate Recirculation 0.01 MD8R MD8Y 0.001 100 150 200 Days 250 300 350 60 Temperature (Deg C) 55 50 45 40 Start of Leachate Recirculation 35 D8Y D8R 30 100 150 200 250 300 350 Days Figure B-39 Response of resistivity sensors at cluster location MD8 (Day 1 = 01/01/03) ` Appendix B 1000 MF8G MF8Y MF8R Resistance (KOHMS) 100 10 1 0.1 Start of Leachate Recirculation 0.01 0.001 100 150 200 250 300 350 Days 60 Temperature (Deg C) 55 50 45 40 35 Start of Leachate Recirculation F8G F8Y F8R 30 100 150 200 250 300 350 Days Figure B-40 Response of resistivity sensors at cluster location MF8 (Day 1 = 01/01/03) ` Appendix B 1000 Resistance (KOHMS) 100 10 1 0.1 Start of Leachate Recirculation 0.01 MH8Y MH8G 0.001 100 150 200 Days 250 300 350 60 Temperature (Deg C) 55 50 45 40 Start of Leachate Recirculation 35 H8Y H8R H8G 30 100 150 200 Days 250 300 350 Figure B-41 Response of resistivity sensors at cluster location MH8 (Day 1 = 01/01/03) ` Appendix B 1000 MJ8G MJ8Y MJ8R 100 Resistance (KOHMS) 10 1 0.1 Start of Leachate Recirculation 0.01 0.001 100 150 200 250 300 350 Days 60 J8G J8Y Temperature (Deg C) 55 50 45 40 Start of Leachate Recirculation 35 30 100 150 200 250 300 350 Days Figure B-42 Response of resistivity sensors at cluster location MJ8 (Day 1 = 01/01/03) ` Appendix B 1000 100 Resistance (KOHMS) 10 1 Start of Leachate Recirculation 0.1 0.01 ML8G ML8Y ML8R 0.001 100 200 150 Days 250 300 350 60 Temperature (Deg C) 55 50 45 40 Start of Leachate Recirculation L8G L8Y L8R 35 30 100 250 200 150 300 350 Days Figure B-43 Response of resistivity sensors at cluster location ML8 (Day 1 = 01/01/03) ` Appendix B 1000 Resistance (KOHMS) 100 10 1 0.1 Start of Leachate Recirculation 0.01 MN8G MN8Y MN8R 0.001 100 150 200 250 300 350 Days 60 Temperature (Deg C) 55 50 45 40 Start of Leachate Recirculation 35 N8R N8Y N8G 30 100 150 200 250 300 350 Days Figure B-44 Response of resistivity sensors at cluster location MN8 (Day 1 = 01/01/03) ` Appendix B 1000 Resistance (KOHMS) 100 10 1 0.1 Start of Leachate Recirculation 0.01 MC9Y MC9R 0.001 100 150 200 Days 250 300 350 60 Temperature (Deg C) 55 50 45 40 Start of Leachate Recirculation 35 C9R C9Y 30 100 150 200 Days 250 300 350 Figure B-45 Response of resistivity sensors at cluster location MC9 (Day 1 = 01/01/03) ` Appendix B 1000 100 Resistance (KOHMS) 10 1 0.1 0.01 Start of Leachate Recirculation MF9G MF9Y MF9R 0.001 0.0001 100 150 200 Days 250 300 350 60 Temperature (Deg C) 55 50 45 40 Start of Leachate Recirculation F9G F9Y F9R 35 30 100 150 200 250 300 350 Days Figure B-46 Response of resistivity sensors at cluster location MF9 (Day 1 = 01/01/03) ` Appendix B 1000 Resistance (KOHMS) 100 10 1 0.1 Start of Leachate Recirculation 0.01 MI9G MI9Y MI9R 0.001 100 150 200 250 300 350 Days 60 Temperature (Deg C) 55 50 45 40 35 Start of Leachate Recirculation I9R I9Y 30 100 150 200 250 300 350 Days Figure B-47 Response of resistivity sensors at cluster location MI9 (Day 1 = 01/01/03) ` Appendix B 1000 Resistance (KOHMS) 100 10 1 Start of Leachate Recirculation 0.1 0.01 MM9G MM9Y MM9R 0.001 100 150 200 Days 250 300 350 60 Temperature (Deg C) 55 50 45 40 Start of Leachate Recirculation M9G M9Y M9R 35 30 100 150 200 Days 250 300 350 Figure B-48 Response of resistivity sensors at cluster location MM9 (Day 1 = 01/01/03) ` Appendix B APPENDIX C TDR PROBE DATA Table C-1. Calibration coefficients for the twelve probes Water Content ( ) a b 2 c 3 d 4 e 5 Probe a b c 1 2.25 5.73 -0.84 2 -0.85 -2.12 1.34 3 9.77 1.08 0.07 4 -6.12 5.12 -0.03 5 4.43 4.00 0.034 6 -0.92 6.28 -0.0015 7 1.08 2.49 -0.16 8 2.26 10.9 -1.95 9 1.52 4.29 -0.28 10 1.88 5.85 -0.51 11 0.73 2.15 0.03 12 -2.36 8.07 -0.93 d 0.07 -0.11 0.0008 -0.0018 -0.005 -0.011 0.037 0.15 0.016 0.024 0.0013 0.052 E -0.002 0.003 -6.579 2.66 0.0001 0.0003 -0.001 -0.004 -0.0003 -0.0003 -5.99 -0.0009 Table C-2. Dry density of waste material around each probe Probe Dry Density (kg/m3) 1 489.9 2 506.3 3 375.6 4 294.6 5 456.8 6 410.5 7 370 8 620.3 9 431.2 10 422.8 11 320.3 12 405.4 Appendix C Table C-3. Characteristics of waveform obtained from TDR probe located near the upper resistivity sensor at instrumentation cluster MH6 Date Apparent length La (m) Relative dielectric Gravimetric moisture constant (Ka) content 01/07/03 2.755 7.128 29.21 03/18/03 2.816 7.459 29.77 04/15/03 2.755 7.128 29.21 05/01/03 2.803 7.388 29.65 05/15/03 2.803 7.388 29.65 05/26/03 2.755 7.128 29.21 06/10/03 2.803 7.388 29.65 07/03/03 2.803 7.388 29.65 07/07/03 2.803 7.388 29.65 07/15/03 2.803 7.388 29.65 07/24/03 2.803 7.388 29.65 07/29/03 2.803 7.388 29.65 08/11/03 2.755 7.128 29.21 08/21/03 2.790 7.316 29.53 08/26/03 2.838 7.578 29.98 08/27/03 2.851 7.653 30.11 08/28/03 2.790 7.316 29.53 09/03/03 2.803 7.388 29.65 09/09/03 2.790 7.316 29.53 09/15/03 2.803 7.388 29.65 09/18/03 2.803 7.388 29.65 09/23/03 2.790 7.316 29.53 09/26/03 2.803 7.388 29.65 09/30/03 2.803 7.388 29.65 10/03/03 2.658 6.621 28.38 10/07/03 2.851 7.653 30.11 10/10/03 2.850 7.649 30.10 10/14/03 2.860 7.726 30.24 10/21/03 2.867 7.744 30.27 10/23/03 2.843 7.611 30.04 10/31/03 2.832 7.548 29.93 11/07/03 2.875 7.787 30.35 11/11/03 2.842 7.603 30.02 11/18/03 2.844 7.616 30.04 ` Appendix C Table C-4. Characteristics of waveform obtained from TDR probe located near the upper resistivity sensor at instrumentation cluster MI7 Date Apparent length La (m) Relative dielectric Gravimetric moisture constant (Ka) content 01/07/03 2.785 7.292 28.07 03/18/03 2.785 7.292 28.07 04/15/03 2.755 7.128 27.35 05/01/03 2.755 7.128 27.35 05/15/03 2.755 7.128 27.35 05/26/03 2.755 7.128 27.35 06/10/03 2.803 7.388 28.48 07/03/03 2.803 7.388 28.48 07/07/03 2.803 7.388 28.48 07/15/03 2.803 7.388 28.48 07/24/03 2.755 7.128 27.35 07/29/03 2.755 7.128 27.35 08/11/03 2.755 7.128 27.35 08/21/03 2.790 7.316 28.17 08/26/03 2.803 7.388 28.48 08/27/03 2.803 7.388 28.48 08/28/03 2.779 7.258 27.92 09/03/03 2.779 7.258 27.92 09/09/03 2.755 7.128 27.35 09/15/03 2.803 7.388 28.48 09/18/03 2.755 7.128 27.35 09/23/03 2.790 7.316 28.17 09/26/03 2.755 7.128 27.35 09/30/03 2.755 7.128 27.35 10/03/03 2.851 7.653 29.58 10/07/03 2.851 7.653 29.58 10/10/03 2.843 7.610 29.41 10/14/03 2.811 7.433 28.67 10/21/03 2.866 7.739 29.93 10/23/03 2.824 7.502 28.96 10/31/03 2.832 7.549 29.16 11/07/03 2.830 7.537 29.11 11/11/03 2.838 7.581 29.29 11/18/03 2.844 7.616 29.43 ` Appendix C Table C-5. Characteristics of waveform obtained from TDR probe located near the middle resistivity sensor at instrumentation cluster MI7 Date Apparent length La (m) Relative dielectric Gravimetric moisture constant (Ka) content 01/07/03 3.528 11.85 43.56 03/18/03 3.52 11.80 43.49 04/15/03 3.528 11.85 43.56 05/01/03 3.625 12.53 44.34 05/15/03 3.576 12.19 43.94 05/26/03 3.673 12.87 44.74 06/10/03 3.528 11.85 43.56 07/03/03 3.576 12.19 43.94 07/07/03 3.576 12.19 43.94 07/15/03 3.576 12.19 43.94 07/24/03 3.576 12.19 43.94 07/29/03 3.576 12.19 43.94 08/11/03 3.576 12.19 43.94 08/21/03 3.608 12.41 44.19 08/26/03 3.608 12.41 44.19 08/27/03 3.583 12.24 44.00 08/28/03 3.559 12.07 43.81 09/03/03 3.721 13.22 45.15 09/09/03 3.721 13.22 45.15 09/15/03 3.625 12.53 44.34 09/18/03 3.625 12.53 44.34 09/23/03 3.625 12.53 44.34 09/26/03 3.608 12.41 44.19 09/30/03 3.608 12.41 44.19 10/03/03 3.673 12.87 44.74 10/07/03 3.656 12.75 44.59 10/10/03 3.732 13.30 45.25 10/14/03 3.661 12.78 44.64 10/21/03 3.699 13.06 44.96 10/23/03 3.722 13.23 45.16 10/31/03 3.624 12.53 44.34 11/07/03 3.655 12.75 44.33 11/11/03 3.690 13.00 44.89 11/18/03 3.708 13.13 45.04 ` Appendix C Table C-6. Characteristics of waveform obtained from TDR probe located near the upper resistivity sensor at instrumentation cluster MI5 Date Apparent length La (m) Relative dielectric Gravimetric moisture constant (Ka) content 01/07/03 2.479 5.733 37.61 03/18/03 2.571 6.181 39.07 04/15/03 2.610 6.375 39.67 05/01/03 2.720 6.941 41.35 05/15/03 2.720 6.941 41.35 05/26/03 2.768 7.199 42.08 06/10/03 3.528 8.561 45.56 07/03/03 2.684 6.754 40.81 07/07/03 2.781 7.271 42.28 07/15/03 2.684 6.754 40.81 07/24/03 2.781 7.271 42.28 07/29/03 2.733 7.010 41.55 08/11/03 2.928 8.082 44.40 08/21/03 2.768 7.199 42.08 08/26/03 2.768 7.199 42.08 08/27/03 2.768 7.199 42.08 08/28/03 2.817 7.462 42.80 09/03/03 2.768 7.199 42.08 09/09/03 2.792 7.331 42.44 09/15/03 3.497 11.638 51.61 09/18/03 3.934 14.811 55.98 09/23/03 3.836 14.073 55.10 09/26/03 4.704 21.334 61.56 09/30/03 4.478 19.301 60.15 10/03/03 4.704 21.334 61.56 10/07/03 4.128 16.334 57.62 10/10/03 4.157 16.583 57.85 10/14/03 4.080 15.966 57.24 10/21/03 4.28 17.602 58.78 10/23/03 4.49 19.407 60.23 10/31/03 4.637 20.724 61.16 11/07/03 4.582 20.229 61.15 11/11/03 4.608 20.464 60.97 11/18/03 4.325 17.978 59.10 ` Appendix C Table C-7. Characteristics of waveform obtained from TDR probe located near the middle resistivity sensor at instrumentation cluster MI5 Date Apparent length La (m) Relative dielectric Gravimetric constant (Ka) moisture content 01/07/03 3.367 10.772 47.10 03/18/03 3.306 10.373 46.04 04/15/03 3.335 10.561 46.55 05/01/03 3.383 10.878 47.38 05/15/03 3.335 10.561 46.55 05/26/03 3.335 10.561 46.55 06/10/03 3.770 13.577 53.74 07/03/03 3.335 10.561 46.55 07/07/03 3.383 10.878 47.38 07/15/03 3.383 10.878 47.38 07/24/03 3.335 10.561 46.55 07/29/03 3.335 10.561 46.55 08/11/03 3.383 10.878 47.38 08/21/03 3.431 11.199 48.21 08/26/03 3.383 10.878 47.38 08/27/03 3.383 10.878 47.38 08/28/03 3.383 10.878 47.38 09/03/03 3.383 10.878 47.38 09/09/03 3.351 10.666 46.83 09/15/03 4.640 20.745 65.24 09/18/03 4.736 21.635 66.23 09/23/03 4.688 21.188 65.74 09/26/03 4.736 21.635 66.23 09/30/03 4.736 21.635 66.23 10/03/03 5.026 24.417 68.81 10/07/03 4.810 22.326 66.94 10/10/03 4.849 22.701 67.31 10/14/03 4.864 22.844 67.44 10/21/03 4.998 24.141 68.59 10/23/03 5.041 24.567 68.93 10/31/03 4.962 23.792 68.30 11/07/03 5.072 24.874 68.29 11/11/03 4.964 23.803 68.30 11/18/03 4.937 23.542 68.07 ` Appendix C Table C-8. Characteristics of waveform obtained from TDR probe located near the lower resistivity sensor at instrumentation cluster MI6 Date Apparent length La (m) Relative dielectric Gravimetric constant (Ka) moisture content 01/07/03 2.449 5.587 44.10 03/18/03 2.571 6.181 46.40 04/15/03 2.562 6.133 46.22 05/01/03 2.562 6.133 46.22 05/15/03 2.562 6.133 46.22 05/26/03 2.610 6.375 47.09 06/10/03 2.562 6.133 46.22 07/03/03 2.610 6.375 47.09 07/07/03 2.610 6.375 47.09 07/15/03 2.610 6.375 47.09 07/24/03 2.610 6.375 47.09 07/29/03 2.610 6.375 47.09 08/11/03 2.610 6.375 47.09 08/21/03 2.658 6.621 47.94 08/26/03 2.658 6.621 47.94 08/27/03 2.658 6.621 47.94 08/28/03 2.658 6.621 47.94 09/03/03 3.646 12.682 60.58 09/09/03 3.334 10.558 57.48 09/15/03 3.236 9.930 56.35 09/18/03 3.334 10.558 57.48 09/23/03 3.383 10.879 58.01 09/26/03 4.040 15.645 63.66 09/30/03 3.383 10.879 58.01 10/03/03 3.923 14.728 62.82 10/07/03 3.481 11.536 59.03 10/10/03 3.675 12.894 60.84 10/14/03 3.734 13.322 61.35 10/21/03 3.919 14.701 62.79 10/23/03 4.029 15.562 63.59 10/31/03 3.931 14.795 62.88 11/07/03 4.922 23.398 69.87 11/11/03 3.817 13.929 62.01 11/18/03 3.786 13.702 61.77 ` Appendix C Table C-9. Characteristics of waveform obtained from TDR probe located near the middle resistivity sensor at instrumentation cluster MI6 Date Apparent length La (m) Relative dielectric Gravimetric constant (Ka) moisture content 01/07/03 2.602 6.334 32.35 03/18/03 2.694 6.805 34.44 04/15/03 2.706 6.872 34.74 05/01/03 2.706 6.872 34.74 05/15/03 2.706 6.872 34.74 05/26/03 2.658 6.621 33.62 06/10/03 2.61 6.375 32.53 07/03/03 2.658 6.621 33.62 07/07/03 2.658 6.621 33.62 07/15/03 2.658 6.621 33.62 07/24/03 2.61 6.375 32.53 07/29/03 2.61 6.375 32.53 08/11/03 2.706 6.872 34.74 08/21/03 2.706 6.872 34.74 08/26/03 2.706 6.872 34.74 08/27/03 2.706 6.872 34.74 08/28/03 2.658 6.621 33.62 09/03/03 2.996 8.477 41.75 09/09/03 2.996 8.477 41.75 09/15/03 4.205 16.972 66.46 09/18/03 4.398 18.602 68.15 09/23/03 4.301 17.778 67.42 09/26/03 4.785 22.087 67.62 09/30/03 4.301 17.778 67.42 10/03/03 4.714 21.426 68.28 10/07/03 4.398 18.602 68.15 10/10/03 4.396 18.593 68.14 10/14/03 4.373 18.39 67.99 10/21/03 4.612 20.497 68.70 10/23/03 4.892 23.114 65.79 10/31/03 4.861 22.815 66.44 11/07/03 5.14 25.55 53.19 11/11/03 4.934 23.52 64.69 11/18/03 4.817 22.40 67.17 ` Appendix C Table C-10. Characteristics of waveform obtained from TDR probe located near the upper resistivity sensor at instrumentation cluster MG7 Date Apparent length La (m) Relative dielectric Gravimetric moisture constant (Ka) content 01/07/03 2.921 8.045 36.43 03/18/03 2.694 7.797 35.91 04/15/03 2.803 7.388 35.04 05/01/03 2.851 7.653 35.61 05/15/03 2.851 7.653 35.61 05/26/03 2.803 7.388 35.04 06/10/03 2.851 7.653 35.61 07/03/03 2.851 7.653 35.61 07/07/03 2.851 7.653 35.61 07/15/03 2.9 7.923 36.18 07/24/03 2.851 7.653 35.61 07/29/03 2.851 7.653 35.61 08/11/03 2.851 7.653 35.61 08/21/03 2.9 7.923 36.18 08/26/03 2.934 8.117 36.58 08/27/03 2.9 7.923 36.18 08/28/03 2.9 7.923 36.18 09/03/03 2.924 8.06 36.47 09/09/03 2.9 7.923 36.18 09/15/03 2.9 7.923 36.18 09/18/03 2.9 7.923 36.18 09/23/03 2.851 7.653 35.61 09/26/03 2.886 7.846 36.02 09/30/03 2.851 7.653 35.61 10/03/03 2.996 8.477 37.32 10/07/03 2.851 7.653 35.61 10/10/03 2.959 8.263 36.88 10/14/03 2.985 8.416 37.19 10/21/03 2.985 8.412 37.19 10/23/03 2.937 8.135 36.62 10/31/03 2.962 8.277 36.91 11/07/03 2.938 8.142 36.63 11/11/03 2.947 8.192 36.74 11/18/03 2.941 8.161 36.67 ` Appendix C Table C-11. Characteristics of waveform obtained from TDR probe located near the middle resistivity sensor at instrumentation cluster MG7 Date Apparent length La (m) Relative dielectric Gravimetric moisture constant (Ka) content 01/07/03 2.851 7.653 38.44 03/18/03 2.938 8.142 39.07 04/15/03 2.9 7.923 38.79 05/01/03 2.9 7.923 38.79 05/15/03 2.948 8.198 39.13 05/26/03 2.9 7.923 38.79 06/10/03 2.928 8.082 38.99 07/03/03 2.928 8.082 38.99 07/07/03 2.928 8.082 38.99 07/15/03 2.977 8.362 39.34 07/24/03 2.977 8.362 39.34 07/29/03 2.928 8.082 38.99 08/11/03 2.977 8.362 39.34 08/21/03 2.977 8.362 39.34 08/26/03 3.025 8.646 39.68 08/27/03 3.011 8.561 39.58 08/28/03 2.962 8.279 39.23 09/03/03 3.011 8.561 39.58 09/09/03 2.962 8.279 39.23 09/15/03 3.025 8.646 39.68 09/18/03 2.977 8.362 39.34 09/23/03 3.001 8.503 39.51 09/26/03 2.914 8.002 38.89 09/30/03 3.011 8.561 39.58 10/03/03 3.025 8.646 39.68 10/07/03 3.059 8.847 39.93 10/10/03 3.04 8.736 39.79 10/14/03 3.019 8.609 39.64 10/21/03 3.023 8.636 39.67 10/23/03 2.997 8.483 39.49 10/31/03 3.009 8.555 39.57 11/07/03 3.006 8.535 39.55 11/11/03 3.020 8.614 39.64 11/18/03 3.020 8.615 39.64 ` Appendix C APPENDIX D EXAMPLE CALCULATION OF CONVERSION TO MOISTURE CONTENT FROM OBSERVED RESISTANCE AND TEMPERATURE AND CALIBRATION CURVES The equations used for calculating the moisture content (wet weight basis) have been described Gawande et al. (2003). They are as follows: 30.068 (1) 1 0.568 * exp 0.167 R where MC is the moisture content of solid waste (% wet weight) R is the resistance value At 8.0 mS/cm: MC measured from the sensor (k). The 8mS/cm refer to the electrical conductivity of the solution used to wet the waste samples during calibration. To incorporate the effect of temperature, a temperature correction was suggested is shown as follows: 1 0.02t 2 25 (2) R1 R2 1 0.02t1 25 where R1is the resistance at temperature t1 and R2 is the resistance at temperature t2. Equations 2 and 3 are used for the conversion of the measured resistance value at a certain temperature to the corresponding gravimetric moisture content. For example, if an MTG sensor in the landfill outputs a resistance value of 1k at in situ temperature of 44oC, then the moisture content at a conductivity 8 mS/cm was calculated by the following steps. Given that R2 = 1 k and t2 = 44oC, Apply the temperature correction using equation 3 and the measured resistance value at a calibration temperature of 22oC. Appendix D 1 0.0244 25 R1 = 1 k 1 0.0222 25 R1 = 1.468 k Then convert to moisture content at a leachate electric conductivity 8 mS/cm by equation (2) 30.068 1 0.568 exp 0.167 *1.468 MC = 54.16 % by weight MC Laboratory experiments were conducted to obtain the relationship between the measured resistance and moisture content for conductivities of 4 mS/cm and 8 mS/cm. This relationship is shown by the calibration curves give below. Wet Moisture Content (%) 100 4.0 mS/cm (Data) 8.0 mS/cm (Data) 16.0 mS/cm(Data) 75 50 25 0 0 5 10 15 20 Resistance (k Ohms) Figure D-1 Calibration curves for MTG sensors for varying moisture conductivities ` Appendix D APPENDIX E CALCULATION FOR THE AVERAGE MOISTURE CONTENT IN THE LANDFILL AND TABLE ON TIMES OF TRAVEL OF MOISTURE TO REACH THE SENSOR The moisture content of the landfill prior to leachate recirculation as calculated from field sampling was observed to be 23% by wet weight. The final moisture content estimated for the landfilled waste was calculated from the amount of leachate pumped into the known mass of waste. The first step in this process was to find the initial weight of water stored in the waste. The final weight of water stored in the waste was found by adding the known weight of water recirculated to the initial weight of water. This calculation is shown in step 2. The final moisture content was found by dividing the final weight of water in the waste by the total weight of the waste (initial weight plus weight of added water; see step 3). It was assumed that the pumped leachate was stored in the waste and did not drain from the landfill. Step 1 Mass of waste = 0.61 million tons = 0.61 10 6 tons Initial moisture content (MC) of waste samples = 0.23 (w/w) Initial volume of water present in the landfill (V1) = 0.23 0.61 10 6 tons 1 metricton 10 6 g 1cm 3 1litre 1gallon 33.74 10 6 gals 3 1.1ton 1metric ton 1g 1000cm 3.78litres Step 2 Volume of water added until day 322 (V2) = 0.762 10 6 gals Total water in the landfill until day 322 = V1 + V2 = 34.5 10 6 gals Appendix E Mass of water in the landfill = 1.1tons l cm 3 g 1kg 1metric ton 34.5 10 gals 3.78 1000 1 3 143,451 tons gal l 1000 kg 1metric ton cm 1000 g Step 3 6 Final Moisture Content = Final mass of water Total mass of waste Total mass of waste = 0.61*106 0.143 *106 0.653 *106 tons Final Moisture Content = 143,451 = 0.235 0.653 10 6 So, the predicted moisture content is 24% The travel times of pumped moisture to reach the sensor is given in the table E-1. Travel times could be found by measuring the number of days taken for the pumped water through the injection well to reach the nearest moisture sensors surrounding this well. Table E-1: Time of travel in days for the incoming moisture to pass the sensor Sensor Lower Middle Upper G3E 16 10 25 G3W Low reading 10 No sensor MF4 Malfunction 14 37 MF3 14 No sensor MH3 56 M3E Low reading 2 10 M3W Low reading 8 10 ML4 Low reading 15 MO5 63 L6E 8 8 13 L6W 2 2 14 MK6 46 15 ME7 17 ML8 21 22 46 MJ8 59 47 MI9 51 MM9 29 MF8 6 21 22 ` Appendix E MF9 MI5 MH6 MI6 MG5 MC7 MD8 6 No sensor 12 13 23 15 38 ` 36 21 12 14 36 21 23 16 11 Appendix E APPENDIX F SCHEMATIC OF THE TDR WAVEFORM AND CALIBRATION GRAPHS AS PROVIDED BY ZIRCON INC TDR waveform provided by the manufacturer (Zircon inc) could be shown by the schematic given below. Figure F-1 Schematic sketch of the TDR wave form Appendix F The relationship between the volumetric moisture content and the measured dielectric constant obtained from the waveform from the TDR sensors is shown in the figure below. As mentioned in the text, 12 TDR probes (numbered from 1 to 12) were installed in the landfill. These probes were calibrated on site with the excavated waste by the vendor (Zircon Inc). The calibration equations were developed by increasing the moisture content (by adding water or leachate with conductivities 0.7 S/m or 1.4 S/m to the waste samples) and measure the relative dielectric constant from the observed waveform. The details of the conductivities of liquid used for calibrating twelve different TDR probes are given by the legend shown in the figure below. Dielectric constant versus actual water content for different MSW Volumetric water content 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Dielectric constant No.1-1.4S/m No. 2-water No.3-water No.4-water No.5-1.4S/m No.6-water No.7-water No.8-water No.9-0.7s/m No.10-0.7S/m No.11-0.7S/m No.12-1.4S/m Figure F-2 Calibration graphs for different probes (Zircon Inc) ` Appendix F LITERATURE Bengtsson, L., D. Bendz, W. Hogland, and H. Rosqvist (1994). “Water balance for landfills of different age.” Journal of Hydrology, 158, 203-217. Bonnell, R. B., R. S. Broughton, and P. Enright (1991). “The measurement of soilmoisture and bulk-salinity using time domain reflectometry.” Canadian Agricultural Engineering, 33(2), 225-229. Bowles, J.E., 1992. Engineering Properties of Soils and Their Measurement. McGrawHill, New York, N.Y. Cassel, D. K., R. G. Kachanoski, and G. C. Topp (1994). “Practical considerations for using a TDR cable tester.” Soil Tech, 7(2), 113-126. Chanasyk, D. S., and M. A. 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