All Saints Secondary Standard Grade Chemistry
General Level
1. Which element is present in all acids?
1 mark (KU)
2. There are many compounds which contain nitrogen.
(a) Identify nitric acid.
1 mark (KU)
(b) Identify the compound which gives a solution with a pH of greater than 7.
1 mark (KU)
3. The chart shows the pH of some common substances.
A ammonia solution
D salt solution
E lemon juice
C milk of magnesia
F water vinegar
(a) Identify the two substances which are acids.
1 mark (PS)
(b) Identify the two substances which will show a decrease in pH when they are diluted with water.
1 mark (PS)
Topic 8 Homework – General/Credit
All Saints Secondary Standard Grade Chemistry
4. The chart shows the pH of different substances.
A B C vinegar salt solution lime water
D E F orange juice water baking soda
(a) A wasp sting is alkaline.
Which two substances could be used to neutralise a wasp sting?
1 mark (PS)
(b) Identify the substance which is the most alkaline.
1 mark (PS)
5. The pH of a solution can be found using a pH meter. solution
The pH values of some solutions are shown in the table.
Solution vinegar cola fruit juice bleach detergent pH
(a) Name the two alkaline solutions in the table.
1 mark (KU)
(b) Draw a bar graph to show the information in the table.
2 marks (PS)
Topic 8 Homework – General/Credit
All Saints Secondary Standard Grade Chemistry
6. Mr Clarke carried out an experiment with different elements. The workcard shows what he did.
(a) (i) Complete the table showing the results Mr Clarke would have obtained.
Name of oxide
Carbon dioxide pH of solution
Sodium oxide
Aluminium oxide Could not be measured
1 mark (PS)
(ii) Suggest a reason why the pH of aluminium oxide could not be measured.
You may wish to use page 5 of the data booklet.
1 mark (PS)
(b) Write an equation, using synnbols and formulae, for the reaction between sodium and oxygen.
(There is no need to balance the equation.)
1 mark (KU)
Topic 8 Homework – General/Credit
All Saints Secondary Standard Grade Chemistry
7. Fish cannot survive in lochs if acid rain makes the pH of the water too low.
(a) Name the gas which causes acid rain.
1 mark (KU)
(b) Which ion causes the water in the loch to be acidic?
1 mark (KU)
(c) Name a substance which could be added to the loch to increase the pH of the water.
1 mark (KU)
8. A gardener tests the pH of the soil in his garden. The soil has a pH of 5 .
The table shows the pH range in which different vegetables will grow successfully .
Vegetable pH range
Broad beans
Potatoes 5.5-6.5
(a) Which vegetables will the gardener be able to grow successfully in his garden?
1 mark (PS)
(b) Name a substance that the gardener could add to the soil in order to grow all of the vegetables successfully.
1 mark (PS)
Topic 8 Homework – General/Credit
All Saints Secondary Standard Grade Chemistry
9. (a) Why is it important that factories do not release sulphur dioxide into
the atmosphere?
1 mark (KU)
(b) The pie chart shows the uses of sulphuric acid. fertilisers other uses
Present this information in the form of a table with suitable headings.
2 marks (PS)
10. (a) Malt vinegar contains ethanoic acid.
What pH would you expect malt vinegar to have?
1 mark (KU)
(b) Malt vinegar can be rubbed on a wasp sting to neutralise it. What
does this tell you about a wasp sting?
1 mark (PS)
Topic 8 Homework – General/Credit
All Saints Secondary Standard Grade Chemistry
Credit Level
Hydrochloric acid and sulphuric acid are two common laboratory acids.
A Equal numbers of positive and negative ions are present.
B A precipitate would be produced with barium hydroxide solution.
C The H + ion concentration would increase when water was added.
D Electrolysis would produce hydrogen gas at the negative electrode.
E 1 mole of sodium hydroxide would be neutralised by 0.5 moles of the acid.
(a) Identify the statement which can be applied to both dilute sulphuric acid and dilute hydrochloric acid.
1 mark (KU)
(b) Identify the statement(s) which can be applied to dilute sulphuric acid but not to dilute hydrochloric acid.
1 mark (KU)
2. The table contains information about some solid, liquid and gaseous compounds.
Melting point
Boiling point
(°C) pH of solution in water
A 319 1390 11
B 801 1413 7
F 63 189 3
(a) Identify the compound which is a gas at 25 °C and forms an acidic solution.
1 mark (PS)
(b) Identify the compound which could be sodium hydroxide.
1 mark (PS)
Topic 8 Homework – General/Credit
All Saints Secondary Standard Grade Chemistry
3. The graph shows the relationship between the solubility of carbon dioxide in water and the temperature of the water.
(a) Describe the relationship shown by the graph.
1 mark (PS)
(b) A solution of carbon dioxide is acidic.
Explain why the pH will increase when the solution is heated.
1 mark (PS)
Topic 8 Homework – General/Credit